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#309 : Superman contre les nazis

Trois nazis se réveillent pour découvrir l'Amérique et voir Superman en action. Dix ans plus tard, ils veulent dominer le monde et ils veulent que l'Amérique devienne nazie.

Loïs et Clark voient un accident, à l'intérieur de la voiture, un homme agonise mais leur révèle qu'une bombe explosera dans un grand bâtiment à Métropolis. Superman se rend dans cette ville mais ne trouve rien, quant à l'homme, il demeure introuvable...

Les nazis décident de tuer Loïs et Clark qui les empêchent de faire leur travail. Superman se retrouve dans une mine où une bombe nucléaire doit exploser. Ils croient qu'il n'a pas survécu mais son corps est maintenant radioactif...

Pour enlever les radioactifs, Superman doit se rendre près du soleil mais pendant ce temps, Loïs se fait prendre alors qu'elle se rendait à la cachette des nazis. Heureusement, Superman arrive à temps pour tout sauver...

Note : 9.5/10


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Superman contre les nazis

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Plus de détails


The New Adventures of Superman



Written by Chris Ruppenthal
Directed by James Bagdonas





















_INTERIORS_:                         _EXTERIORS_:

Daily Planet                         Daily Planet
   Perry's Office                    Metropolis Street
                                        Near Car
Lois's Apartment
                                     Lois's Apartment Street
S.T.A.R Labs
                                     Mine Shaft
Mine Chamber
                                     Speedy Ambulance Garage*
Trade Tower Basement



     FADE IN:

 INT. BUNKER - DAY - FLASHBACK                                       


     We're deep under Metropolis in a long abandoned coal mine.
     Heavy, forgotten machinery hums. The room is sturdily
     constructed.  Three rectangular iron boxes, seven feet long,
     three feet wide, connected by pipes to the machinery, gather
     dust.  Slowly a series of analog clocks register May 7,
     1993 on the side of the machinery. There's a shift in
     pitch; fluids are pumped, electric voltage is increased, and
     LIGHTS flick on inside the three boxes.  The lids
     automatically CREAK open; clouds of liquid nitrogen boil
     upwards in evaporation and three naked bodies are revealed.
     A man.  A woman.  Another man.  All blond, in their
     mid-20's, and athletically built.  And all alive.  As the
     CAMERA DOLLIES over and past them, it comes to rest on the
     inside the cover of the last creche: the Nazi eagle
     clutching a swastika.


     The three Nazis emerge blinking into the sunlight, the first
     they've seen in almost fifty years.  Their names are
     "STEVE", "LISA", and "HANK".  Lisa inhales deeply, savoring
     the air as they all look in guarded wonder.

                         (slight German accent)
                    We made it.

     They all grin.  THEN WE SEE A SHOT FROM THE EPISODE "NEVER        (X)
     ENDING BATTLE" IN SEASON 1: Across the street, a crane lifts
     a large billboard advertsing the Daily Planet into position
     on the front of a building.

     (BACK TO ORIGINAL FOOTAGE:) Hank quickly crosses to a Daily       (X)
     Planet newspaper dispenser and rapidly, but carefully, reads
     the instructions, digs in his pocket and produces a quarter.
     He puts it in, but the thing still doesn't work.  He jiggles
     the handle, frustrated.

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    Ha.  Some things never change.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95                2.    

  2  CONTINUED:                                                       2  

     With a sharp twist, Steve wrenches the door open in a move
     slightly more powerful than an average person's.


     Hank frowns as he reaches in for a paper.  Lisa coughs a
     warning and Hank and Steve notice a MAN staring at them.

                                     STEVE (CONT'D)
                    What're you staring at, bub?

     The Man quickly turns away.  Hank divides up the paper and
     they each eagerly scan a section. Hank studies the paper's
     headlines.  "Democrats and Republicans Deadlocked over
     Budget."  "Congress votes new pay raise."

                    We lost.

                         (to himself)
                    And America won.

                    But we will correct that. Nothing
                    can stop _us_.

     Suddenly, there's a commotion that causes them to turn.
     supporting the billboard starts to fray.  A LITTLE GIRL
     loses her teddy bear underneath it.  Her GRANDMOTHER tries
     to pull her away, but the little girl runs back for it.
     Superman, flying overhead, spots the danger and swoops down.
     Just as the rope breaks, he lands, catches the billboard,
     and saves the Little Girl.  Bystanders clap and cheer.

     BACK TO THIS EPISODE'S FOOTAGE:  Hank, Steve and Lisa stare
     in amazement.

                         (in German)
                    Gott im Himmel.  Ein Super Mann.                   (X)

                    Speak English.

     Hank, Steve and Lisa crane their necks as OFFSCREEN Superman
     streaks upwards.

                    A super man.                                       (X)


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95              3.    

  2  CONTINUED:                                                       2  

     They look around in alarm at all the people who smile and
     then calmly go about their business.

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    What if there are more like him in

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                         (grimly determined)
                    Then that is just one more obstacle
                    we must overcome.

                    Why are his undergarments on the

     A long sleek limo suddenly purrs to a stop in front of them.
     They warily tense as the rear door opens.  Inside, SENATOR
     TRUMAN BLACK, a tanned and vibrant 64, smiles.  He's the
     embodiment of wealth, power and privilege.                        (X)

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    Hail the New Reich.  I'm Senator
                    Truman Black. We've been waiting a
                    long time. Won't you get in?

     Hank, Linda and Steve share a glance for a moment, then           (X)
     they make up their mind and get in.  The door closes and the
     limo glides away.

                                                       FADE OUT:

                          _END OF TEASE_

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95              4.    

                             _ACT ONE_

     FADE IN:

  3  EXT. DIFFERENT METROPOLIS STREET - DAY #1                        3  


     LOIS and CLARK stroll towards work. From a record store's
     speakers ahead of them we hear a song: "Big as the USA".

                                     HANK (O.S.)                       (X)
                    "My love for you is as big as the
                    And I love you both in the same ol'
                         fashioned wayyy.
                    I'll fight for my country and I'll
                         fight for you,..."

     They amble in front of Chelsea Record's huge display window       (X)
     which features large posters promoting cowboy-hatted
     country-western star Hank West and his latest smash               (X)
     album: "How the West was Sung". WE recognize that Hank            (X)
     West is Hank the Nazi. As they cross the street...                (X)

                    LOIS                          HANK                 (X)
          You know I've                     (singing)                  (X)
          always liked his              "Won't change my
          songs.                        mind, I'll always
                                        be true,
                    CLARK               'Cause my love
          Umhmm.                        for you is as big              (X)
                                        as the U.S.A."

     Clark holds a copy of that morning's Daily Planet.  He
     proudly reads the headline aloud as they continue walking.

                    'Four Indicted in National
                    Intelligence Agency Scandal.  By
                    Lois Lane and Clark Kent.'

     Lois suddenly spots a display of wedding dresses in a store

                    Oh, look.  Look.  Isn't that
                    adorable? Oh, and that one, I
                    really like that one.

                    That's nice.  Yep, I bet they're
                    not too happy with us over at the
                    NIA right now.  Probably kinda...


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95              5.    

  3  CONTINUED:                                                       3  

                    You know, Clark, we should be
                    booking a church _now_.  I mean, if
                    you want to get married in a
                    church.  Or, we could go
                    non-traditional; do it someplace
                    else, but not too weird because I
                    always kinda felt that really
                    wasn't me.
                    Unless it was you.

     Clark snaps out of a thought he'd been contemplating.

                    No.  No.  Either way.  I was just
                    thinking about invitations.


                    The band.

                    Oh, my God, we are so far behind.

                    Lois, we haven't even set the date,

                    We're late on that, too!

     Clark laughs, but it's cut short by the CRUNCH of metal on
     metal.  They turn to see a slow moving car scrape against a
     parked car and then crash to a stop against another car.
     The driver slumps onto the wheel.  The HORN BLARES.  Lois
     and Clark look at each other and run over.

  4  EXT. CAR - DAY                                                   4  

     WILLIAM STOCKDALE, 70, dressed in an expensive suit, leans
     against the steering wheel.  Clark gently pulls him back.

                    Sir?  Sir, are you all right?

     Clark pulls his left hand away from Stockdale's chest;
     there's blood on it.  Stockdale is flickering in and out of
     consciousness.  Lois digs in her purse for her cel phone.

                    I'll call an ambulance.

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95              6.    

  4  CONTINUED:                                                       4  

     Suddenly, we hear the SIREN of an approaching ambulance.

                    Police.  Call... police.

                    Don't worry, sir. Help is on it's

     The ambulance arrives with a SHRIEK.  On its side it reads

                         (urgent; through his
                    No!  A bomb... in the basement...

                    The basement?  Of what?

     KAREN and NED, two mid-twenties ambulance attendants, leap
     out of the ambulance and drag out a collapsible gurney.

                    Metropolis... Trade Tower.

     They reach Stockdale and open the door to take him away.
     Stockdale sees them and terror fills his eyes, but Lois and
     Clark misinterpret it.  They think he's disoriented.

                                     STOCKDALE (CONT'D)
                    No!  Help!

     Karen slaps a bandage on Stockdale's chest as Ned takes his
     blood pressure.  (ALL THIS ACTION IS EXTREMELY FAST)

                    It's going to be okay, sir.
                         (to Ned)
                    We've got a GSW, through the chest.

                    BP dropping.  Ninety sixty.  Pulse
                         (stethoscope to lungs)
                    No rales.

                    No, don't let them take me.
                    They're --

     He's cut off by Karen slamming down a heavy oxygen mask over
     Stockdale's mouth.  Stockdale struggles some and then his
     eyes roll up into his head.  They load him onto the gurney.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95              7.    

  4  CONTINUED:  2                                                    4  

     He mumbles something, but it's incoherent.

                         (to Stockdale)
                    They'll take good care of you.
                    They're taking you to the hospital.

                    And we'll have you there in no

                    That's right!
                         (to Stockdale)
                    Don't try to speak right now.  Save
                    your strength.

     Stockdale passes out.  Karen and Ned load him in the back.
     Clark looks at Lois, he's got to go check out the bomb.



     He does, loosening his tie as he runs.  Lois smiles and a
     second later the ambulance shoots off, SIREN blaring.  Lois
     watches for a beat, then hails a cab.

                                     LOIS (CONT'D)

     One SCREECHES to a halt.

                                     LOIS (CONT'D)
                    Metropolis Trade Tower!

  5  INT. BASEMENT - METROPOLIS TRADE TOWER - DAY                     5  

     Lois picks her way through the massive steel intestines of
     the tower's heating and cooling systems.


                                     SUPERMAN (O.S.)
                    Over here.

     Lois crosses to him.  He's squatting by an open space,
     studying a few tiny particles of something on the floor.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95              8.    

  5  CONTINUED:                                                       5  

                    Find anything?

                    Nothing.  I x-rayed the whole
                    place.  Nothing... except this.

     Lois gets down beside him.

                    What is it?

                    Coal dust.

                    But this is one of the most modern
                    buildings in Metropolis, they
                    wouldn't use coal for anything.


     They look at each other.

  6  INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY                                          6  


     A SPORTSCASTER interviews a quarterback in a crowded,
     excited locker room after a game.  Players HOOT and HOLLER,
     waving their fingers in the We're Number One sign.  WE are
     very TIGHT on the quarterback... and we SEE that it's
     Steve.  Supered on the screen is:  Steve Law, Quarterback,        (X)
     Metropolis Tigers.  There's a LSPN logo in the lower right

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    All I can say is, look out 49'ers!
                    We're going to clean your socks!

     Boisterous CHEERS from his teammates as they move away and
     the Sportscaster turns to CAMERA, grinning.

                    Well, whether Steve Law means                      (X)
                    'socks' or 'clocks', the 49'ers had
                    better look out because the long
                    arm of the Law is going to the

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95              9.    

  7  ANGLE ON JIMMY - INT. PLANET                                     7  

     He watches the monitor with a handful of other staffers,
     among them is SKIP WALLACE, 25, a friend of Jimmy's. skip,
     basically, is a dork. He's frustrated because he has
     ambitions to be a reporter and all he lacks is the talent...
     which is something everyone is aware of except Skip.

                         (smiles; facetious)
                    Steve, nice speech.                                (X)

                    Hey, don't make fun of him, he's my
                    man.  Steve can do no wrong.                       (X)

                    He's going all the way.

                    In an alternate universe.

     He leaves.  Jimmy and Skip slide over to the coffee table.

                         (re: Reporter)
                    What a dip.

                    So, Skip-meister, how's

                    Ads are up six percent.

                    Whoa, be still my beating heart.

                    Did you get a chance to talk to

                    Yeah.  He says there aren't any
                    openings now, but as soon as there
                    is, you're the man.

                    But he hired two new reporters last

                    I know, but they had lots of
                    experience.  Both of them.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95                9.    

  7  ANGLE ON JIMMY - INT. PLANET                                     7  

     He watches the monitor with a handful of other staffers,
     among them is SKIP WALLACE, 25, a friend of Jimmy's.  Skip,
     basically, is a dork.  He's frustrated because he has
     ambitions to be a reporter and all he lacks is the talent...
     which is something everyone is aware of except Skip.

                         (smiles; facetious)
                    Steve, nice speech.

                    Hey, don't make fun of him, he's my
                    man.  Steve can do no wrong.

                    He's going all the way.

                    In an alternate universe.

     He leaves.  Jimmy and Skip slide over to the coffee table.

                         (Re: Reporter)
                    What a dip.                                        (X)

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             10.    

  7  CONTINUED:                                                       7  

                    One of them used to work for
                    'Welding News'.

     Jimmy squirms.  Across the room, PERRY pokes his head out of
     his office and spots them.

                    Wallace!  You lookin' for a pay
                    cut?!  Get back down to your
                    cubbyhole!  And Jimmy, where're
                    those shots of Lisa Rockford for
                    the Supermodel article?!  And the                  (X)
                    ones for the gourmet pet food

                    On my way!

     Perry shuts the door.  Jimmy lingers a beat.

                    One of these days, he's going to be
                    very sorry.

                    I hear ya.

                    You know that Hank West song:                      (X)
                    "Just 'cause you got a bigger
                    salary, don't make you a bigger
                    man?" _Think about it._  And why
                    are we 'doing stories on pet food                  (X)
                    when people are starving in Texas?
                    It's un-American.  And he knows

     Jimmy's completely lost by Skip's confusing outburst.

                    Uh... yeah.  Well... I gotta put my
                    smaller salary butt in gear.  See

     Jimmy leaves.  Skips stares at Perry's door, then goes.

  8  ANGLE ON PERRY'S OFFICE                                          8  

     As Perry re-emerges with Senator Black and they head for the
     elevators.  They're both laughing over something.  They're
     very old friends.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               10.    

  7  CONTINUED:                                                       7  

     Across the room, PERRY pokes his head out of his office and       (X)
     spots them.

                    Wallace!  You lookin' for a pay
                    cut?!  Get back down to your
                    cubbyhole in Classifieds!  And                     (X)
                    Jimmy, where're those shots of Lisa
                    Rockford for the supermodel
                    article?!  And the ones for the
                    gourmet pet food piece?

                    On my way!

     Perry shuts the door.  Jimmy lingers a beat.

                    One of these days, he's going to be
                    very sorry.  If he'd just give me                  (X)
                    the chance, I could be a reporter.                 (X)
                    I can _spell_.                                     (X)

                         (skeptical)                                   (X)
                    I hear ya.

                    You know that Hank West song: "Just
                    'cause you got a bigger salary,
                    don't make you a bigger man?"
                    _Think about it_.  And why are we
                    doing stories on pet food when
                    people are starving in Texas?  It's
                    un-American.  And _he_ knows it!

     Jimmy's completely lost by Skip's confusing outburst.

                    Uh... yeah.  Well... I gotta put my
                    smaller salary butt in gear.  See

     Jimmy leaves.  Skips stares at Perry's door, then goes.

  8  ANGLE ON PERRY'S OFFICE                                          8  

     As Perry re-emerges with Senator Black and they head for the
     elevators.  They're both laughing over something.  They're
     very old friends.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             11.    

  8  CONTINUED:                                                       8  

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    Now Perry, you sure I can't
                    persuade you to skip school and
                    play a little golf this afternoon?

                    No can do, Truman.  I've got this
                    rabble to keep in line.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    I think you're afraid to lose to an
                    old man.

                    Would I lie to a U.S. senator?

     Sen. Black smiles back as he steps into the elevator.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    You can't hide forever.  See ya.

     The doors close and the doors on the other elevator open.
     Lois and Clark exit and head for the ramp.  Perry keeps pace
     with them as they walk.

                    Listen up, everybody.  Look who's
                    decided to join us this morning.


                    How 'bout a big round of applause
                    for Lois and Clark!  Let's give it
                    up, people!

     Everyone in the newsroom applauds and whistles.

                    Chief, we were on a story.

                    I'll bet you were.  You know, son,
                    I was engaged once, too.  We used
                    to call it something different.

     Lois and Clark blush.  Various staffers give WOLF WHISTLES.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Gold Rev.         10/13/95                11.    

  8  CONTINUED:                                                       8  

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    Now Perry, you sure I can't
                    persuade you to skip school and
                    play a little golf this afternoon?

                    No can do, Truman.  I've got this
                    rabble to keep in line.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    I think you're afraid to lose to an
                    old man.

                    Would I lie to a U.S. senator?

     Sen. Black smiles back as he steps into the elevator.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    You can't hide forever.  See ya.

     The doors close and the doors on the other elevator open.
     Lois and Clark exit and head for the ramp.  Perry keeps pace
     with them as they walk.

                    Listen up, everybody.  Look who's
                    decided to join us this morning.
                    Let's give it up for Lois and

     Everyone in the newsroom applauds and whistles.

                    Chief, we were on a story.

                    I bet you were.                                    (X)

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             12.    

  8  CONTINUED:  2                                                    8  

                         (to the whole office)
                    Someone said there was a bomb in
                    the basement of the Metropolis
                    Trade Tower, okay?  Ask the police.
                    Ask Superman.  We're late
                    because we checked it out.

                    So... was there?

                    Um... no.

                         (still teasing)
                    Well, that oughta be an easy story
                    to write up.  Short and sweet.
                    Why, heck, I'll write it myself.
                    You both probably have more
                    important stuff to do, like... plan
                    a wedding, huh?  Have you decided
                    on what kind of music you're gonna
                    have, yet?

                    Not... exactly.

                    Whoever you get, they gotta be able
                    to play the King.  The King puts
                    people on the dance floor.

     Jimmy arrives with several large glamour shots of Lisa; some
     in swimsuits, some headshots.

                    One supermodel, coming up.

     Lois glances at the photos and sags.

                    Where do they make these people?                   (X)

                    Lois, you are far better looking
                    than Lisa Rockford.

                    See how well trained he is already?

                         (smiles; to Perry)
                    Chief, does Alice ever say things
                    like that to you?  I mean...

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               12.    

  8  CONTINUED:  2                                                    8  
                         (to the whole office)
                    Someone said there was a bomb in
                    the basement of the Metropolis
                    Trade Tower, okay?  Ask the police.
                    Ask _Superman_.  We're _late_
                    because we checked it out.

                    So... was there?

                    Um... no.

                         (still teasing)
                    Well, that oughta be an easy story
                    to write up.  Short and sweet.                     (X)
                    Why, heck, I'll write it myself.                   (X)
                    Leave you the rest of the day for
                    more important stuff... like                       (X)
                    planning a wedding, huh.  Have you                 (X)
                    decided on what kind of music
                    you're gonna have, yet?

                    Not... exactly.

                    Whoever you get, they gotta be able
                    to play the King.  The King puts
                    people on the dance floor.

     Jimmy arrives with several large glamour shots of Lisa.

                    One supermodel, coming up.

     Lois glances at the photos and sags.

                    Where do they make these people?

                    Lois, you are far better looking
                         than Lisa Rockford.

                    See how well trained he is already?

                         (smiles; to Perry)
                    Chief, does Alice ever say things
                    like that to you?  I mean...

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             13.    

  8  CONTINUED:  3                                                    8  

     Too late he remembers that Perry and Alice have split.  But
     Perry gives a warm smile and drops his teasing tone.

                    That's okay, Clark.  Things between
                    Alice and me may not be so great
                    right now...
                         (heating up)
                    ... particularly since I got my
                    first call from her _divorce_
                    _lawyer_ last night!

     Lois clears her throat to stop Perry from veering off.

                                     PERRY (CONT'D)
                    But when we were engaged...
                    (smiles at the memory)
                    I couldn't remember a single story
                    I wrote for six months.  My feet
                    never touched the ground.  And I've
                    never regretted getting married...
                    ... I just regret that I haven't
                    been a better husband.
                         (shifts gears)
                    But you two'll do fine.

     Perry smiles, turns, and charges towards his office.  Jimmy
     shoots after him.

                         (to Clark)
                    He is so sweet.


     Perry stops at his door, whirls and yells back.

                    Hey!  Who told you about that

                    A man in a car.

                    He'd been shot.

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               13.    

  8  CONTINUED:  3                                                    8  

     Too late he remembers that Perry and Alice have split.

                    That's okay, Clark.  Things between
                    me and Alice may not be so great
                    right now...
                         (heating up)
                    ... particularly since I got my
                    first call from her _divorce_
                    _lawyer_ last night!

     Lois clears her throat to stop Perry from veering off.

                                     PERRY (CONT'D)
                    But when we were engaged...
                         (smiles at the memory)
                    I couldn't remember a single story
                    I wrote for six months.  My feet
                    never touched the ground.                          (X)
                         (shifts gears)
                    But you two'll do fine.

     Perry smiles, turns, and charges towards his office.  Jimmy
     shoots after him.

                         (to Clark)
                    He is so sweet.


     Perry stops at his door, whirls and sharply yells back.

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             14.    

  8  CONTINUED:  4                                                    8  

                    What is this, a wax museum?!  Get
                    me the rest of that story, or
                    you're fired!

     He slams the door behind him.  Clark looks at Lois.

                    I think he's handling this Alice
                    thing pretty well.

     Lois gives a wry smile.

  9  INT. BUNKER - DAY                                                9  

     Hank, in a khaki Nazi uniform, pensively STRUMS a guitar in       (X)
     front of a wall of four TV monitors.  On them we see              (X)
     newsreel footage of various Superman shots/feats (STOCK
     FOOTAGE).  Lisa, in her zealous, but tightly controlled way,
     is dressing down Steve.                                           (X)

                         (mimicking Steve)                             (X)
                    Clean their _socks_?  Clean their
                         (points at TV)
                    _He_ is a super man.  _You_ are a
                    super idiot!

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    They barely noticed.

                                     HANK                              (X)
                         (without looking up)
                    He's right.  It was just the
                    sportscaster and fifty million
                    other Americans.

                         (to Steve)                                    (X)
                    We can't afford the tiniest slip                   (X)

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    Maybe you should watch some Sesame                 (X)
                    Street; get the basics down again.

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                         (hot headed)                                  (X)
                    I know English as well as you do!
                    Besides, in two days we can drop
                    all this stupid pretense, so what
                    does it matter?

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Gold Rev.         10/13/95                14.    

  8  CONTINUED:  4                                                    8  

                    Hey, who told you about that                       (X)
                    bomb?!                                             (X)

     Lois and Clark exchange startled looks.  Before they can          (X)
     answer...                                                         (X)

                                     PERRY (CONT'D)
                    What is this, a wax museum?!  Get                  (X)
                    me the rest of that story, or
                    you're fired!

     He slams the door behind him.  Clark looks at Lois.

                    I think he's handling this Alice
                    thing pretty well.

     Lois gives a wry smile.

  9  INT. BUNKER - DAY                                                9  

     Hank, in a khaki Nazi uniform, pensively STRUMS a guitar in
     front of a wall of four TV monitors.  On them we see
     surveillance footage, footage of various Superman
     shots/feats (STOCK FOOTAGE), and Steve's locker room
     interview.  Lisa, in her zealous, but tightly controlled
     way, is dressing down Steve.

                         (mimicking Steve)
                    Clean their _socks_?  Clean their
                         (points at TV)
                    _He_ is a super man.  _You_ are a
                    super idiot!

                    They barely noticed.

                         (without looking up)
                    He's right.  It was just the
                    sportscaster and fifty million
                    other Americans.

                         (hot headed)
                    What does it matter?!  In two days
                    we can drop all this stupid


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             15.    

  9  CONTINUED:                                                       9  

                         (angry; to Steve)                             (X)
                    How can you be so dense?!  For two
                    years we've been recruiting new                    (X)
                    members from all across the

                                     HANK                              (X)
                         (sarcastic)                                   (X)
                    Some are even college graduates.                   (X)

                         (ignoring Hank)                               (X)
                    _Fifty years ago_ one thousand of
                    the chosen youth were sent here
                    undercover from the Fatherland.
                    Today they're captains of                          (X)
                    industry!  Politicians!  TV                        (X)
                    anchormen!  Men and women of power
                    and influence.  They have waited                   (X)
                    five _decades_ for us to appear and
                    lead them to the New Reich!  They                  (X)
                    have spent _years_ preparing and
                    planting backgrounds for us;
                    pulling strings and smoothing the
                    way so we can become an overnight
                    success.  They have made us what                   (X)
                    we are today.

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    Celebrity freaks.  Next stop,                      (X)
                    Barbara Walters.  Or Oprah.

                         (in German)
                    _Sei still!_ (Be quiet!                            (X)
                    pronounced "zi steel")
                         (to Steve)                                    (X)
                    And now you want to throw all this                 (X)
                    away because you can't be bothered
                    to speak correctly?  You're a

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    Stockdale was one of the chosen
                    youth, and look how he wound up!
                    An old man who loved this country
                    more than he loved the Fatherland!
                    He was going to tell the world
                    everything until I found out and
                    had him stopped!

     Lisa simmers as a Nazi recruit named VOSS silently enters
     and drops off some papers.  Voss is about 35.  Hank rallies       (X)
     from his sarcasm and re-exerts some control.                      (X)


                            --page break-- 
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Blue Blue Rev.        10/18/95            15.    

  9  CONTINUED:                                                       9  

                         (angry; to Steve)
                    How can you be so dense?!  For two
                    years we've been recruiting new
                    members from all across the

                    Some are even college graduates.

                         (ignoring Hank)
                    _Fifty years ago_ one thousand of
                    the chosen youth were sent here
                    undercover from the Fatherland.
                    Today they're captains of industry!
                    Men and women of power and
                    influence.  They have spent _years_
                    preparing and planting backgrounds
                    for us... setting up fake parents                  (X)
                    that say how adorable we were for                  (X)
                    interviews...                                      (X)
                         (to Hank)                                     (X)
                    with magazines or DJ's...                          (X)
                    manufacturing photos of childhood                  (X)
                    birthday parties...                                (X)
                         (about herself)                               (X)
                    threatening fashion editors                        (X)
                    that weren't already part of the                   (X)
                    Reich to try a new girl...                         (X)
                         (to Steve)                                    (X)
                    ... or bribing a coach to let a                    (X)
                    walk-on try out for the team; a                    (X)
                    _complete unknown_ who was                         (X)
                    schooled at home and never went to                 (X)
                    college...                                         (X)

                         (a dig)                                       (X)
                    Which would explain his bad
                    English.                                           (X)

     Lisa glances at Hank, but continues speaking to Steve.            (X)

                    ... they have smoothed the way so                  (X)
                    we can become an overnight success
                    and lead this country to the New

                    Stockdale was one of the chosen
                    youth, and look how he wound up!


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Blue Blue Rev.        10/18/95           15A.    

  9  CONTINUED:  2                                                    9  

                                     STEVE (CONT'D)
                    An old man who loved this country
                    more than he loved the Fatherland!
                    He was going to tell the world
                    everything until _I_ found out and
                    had him stopped!

     Lisa simmers as a Nazi recruit named VOSS silently enters
     and drops off some papers.  Voss is about 35.  Hank rallies
     from his sarcasm and re-exerts some control.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             16.    

  9  CONTINUED:  2                                                    9  

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    Enough.  I'll take Voss and talk to
                    Lane and Kent and see if Stockdale
                    told them anything else.
                         (country-western accent)
                    Sometime folks are a lil' more open
                    'round celebrities.
                         (to Steve; normal                             (X)
                    No more slip-ups.  Now smile for                   (X)
                    the cameras.

     Steve starts to give a heated reply, then stops himself.          (X)
     He clicks his heels.  Hank nods and presses a button.  The        (X)
     TV screens change to show four (or six, if budget allows)         (X)
     different people, all in their mid-to-late sixties: a
     four-star GENERAL, a distinguished TV ANCHORMAN, a
     prosperous WOMAN BANKER and SEN. BLACK.                           (X)

                                     HANK                              (X)
                         (in German)
                    Guten tag, meine freunde.                          (X)

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    Guten tag, Western Reich Fuhrer Von

     The others also smile and wait expectantly.                       (X)

                                     SEN. BLACK (CONT'D)
                    Where are we on the Superman                       (X)

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    Since all reported attempts to                     (X)
                    kill him in the past have failed, I
                    have decided to go with our
                    alternate plan:  instead of trying
                    to assassinate him, we will
                    simply _banish_ him.  Forever.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    Good.  Once he's gone, the                         (X)
                    government and the banks will fall
                    in line; and where the banks go,
                    everyone else follows.  Right,

     The WOMAN (CYNTHIA) smiles and nods in agreement.                 (X)

                                     SEN. BLACK (CONT'D)
                    Then Canada and Latin America will                 (X)
                    be next.  They're both weak.


                            --page break-- 
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95               16.    

  9  CONTINUED:  3                                                    9  

                    Enough.  I'll take Voss and talk to
                    Lane and Kent and see if Stockdale
                    told them anything before the                      (X)
                    ambulance came.
                         (country-western accent)
                    Sometime folks are a lil' more open
                    'round celebrities.
                         (to Steve; normal voice)
                    No more slip-ups.  Now smile for
                    the cameras.

     Steve starts to give a heated reply, then stops himself.  He
     clicks his heels.  Hank nods and presses a button.  The TV
     screens change to show four (or six, if budget allows)
     different people, all in their mid-to-late sixties: a
     four-star GENERAL, a distinguished TV ANCHORMAN, a
     prosperous WOMAN BANKER and SEN. BLACK.

                         (in German)
                    Guten tag, meine freunde.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    Guten tag, Western Reich Fuhrer Von

     The others also smile and wait expectantly.

                                     SEN. BLACK (CONT'D)
                    Where are we on the Superman

                    Since all reported attempts to kill
                    him in the past have failed, I have
                    decided to go with our alternate
                    plan:  instead of trying to
                    assassinate him, we will simply
                    _banish_ him.  Forever.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    Good.  Once he's gone, the
                    government and the banks will fall
                    in line; and where the banks go,
                    everyone else follows.  Right,

     The WOMAN (CYNTHIA) smiles and nods in agreement.

                                     SEN. BLACK (CONT'D)
                    Then Canada and Latin America will
                    be next.  They're both weak.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             17.    

  9  CONTINUED:  3                                                    9  

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    Then... _Europe_.                                  (X)

                                     TV ANCHORMAN
                    What about Russia?                                 (X)

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    A joke.  We'll crush them like we                  (X)
                    started to in Forty-Two.  Then, we
                    will assume our rightful place as                  (X)
                    world leader.

     Sen. Black and the others on the monitors smile, as do Steve
     and Lisa.  Hank's face is unreadable..                            (X)

                                                       FADE OUT

                         _END OF ACT ONE_

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             18.    

                              _ACT TWO_

     FADE IN:

 10  INT. PLANET - DAY                                               10  

     Clark hangs up his phone and crosses to Lois.

                    Lois, the police have no record of
                    the accident.

                    They probably haven't filed yet.
                    They get busy, too, you know.  Just
                    like Superman.

     She crinkles her nose at Clark.  He crinkles back.

                                     VOSS (O.S.)
                    Ms. Lane?  Mr. Kent?

     They both turn around to see Voss in a detective-salary
     suit.  Next to him is a bashfully smiling Hank West in a          (X)
     casual country-western star outfit.

                    I'm Detective Carter.  And this

                    Hank West.  I'm a big fan.                         (X)

     Everyone shakes hands.

                                     HANK                              (X)
                         (country-western accent)
                    Thank you, m'am.  Mr. Kent.  Hope
                    you don't mind me taggin' along.
                    Some Hollywood folk have an idea of
                    puttin' me in a dee-tective movie
                    and I'm kinda checkin' things out.

                    No, not at all.

                    I wonder if I might have a word
                    with both of you about the accident
                    you witnessed this morning?

                    Sure thing.  Who was that guy,

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             19.    

 10  CONTINUED:                                                      10  

                         (checks notepad)
                    His name's William Stockdale.  Age
                    70.  I hate to bother you about
                    this, but it's routine, you know?
                    Anytime somebody reports a bomb,
                    we've gotta check out all the
                    angles.  Even if there _is_ no

                    Well, ask away.

                    Did Mr. Stockdale mention anything
                    to you besides the location of the
                    alleged bomb?

                    No, he really didn't say much.

                    What a surprise.
                    Did he mention a name?  Or an
                    address?  Or something that might
                    indicate that someone other than
                    himself was involved?

                    He just seemed extremely worried.
                    Almost terrified.

                    You know, if I was playing that
                    role in a movie, I might've played
                    it terrified, too.  Babbling my
                    head off.  Maybe even using a cuss
                    word or two.  Then I would've let
                    slip that one, important, vital
                    clue, like they always do.

                    I _hate it_ when they do that.  But
                    he really didn't say anything else.

                    But why would he say there was a
                    bomb in the first place?


                            --page break-- 
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95               19.    

 10  CONTINUED:                                                      10  

                         (checks notepad)
                    His name's William Stockdale.  Age
                    70.  I hate to bother you about
                    this, but it's routine, you
                    know?  Did Mr Stockdale mention                    (X)
                    anything to you besides the
                    location of the alleged bomb?
                    Anything that might indicate that
                    someone other than himself was

                    No, he really didn't say much.                     (X)

                    He just seemed extremely worried.
                    Almost terrified.

                    You know, if I was playing that
                    role in a movie, I might've played
                    it terrified, too.  Babbling my
                    head off.  Maybe even using a cuss
                    word or two.  Then I would've let
                    slip that one, important, vital
                    clue, like they always do.

                    I _hate it_ when they do that.  But
                    he really didn't say anything else.

                    But why would he say there was a
                    bomb in the first place?


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             20.    

 10  CONTINUED:  2                                                   10  

                    Lemme tell ya, you get shot, your
                    mind's in a world of confusion.  He
                    could've been talking about
                    anything; a movie, a TV show, maybe
                    a book he was reading last night.

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    There're one or two bombs in this
                    movie they want me to do.  Seems
                    like just about every other movie
                    these days has got some.

     He smiles and Lois and Clark smile back.  Voss closes his
     notepad and grins.

                    Thanks again for your time; sorry,
                    but we gotta make the motions, huh?

                    No problem.

                    And if you do remember anything,
                    please call.

     He hands Clark his card, smiles and he and Hank leave.            (X)

                    Detective Carter.

     Voss and Hank stop and turn.                                      (X)

                                     CLARK (CONT'D)
                    How did Mr. Stockdale get shot?

                    Carjacking attempt.  Happened about
                    a mile away while he was stopped at
                    a traffic light.  He was probably
                    on his way to the hospital when he

                                     HANK                              (X)
                         (tips his hat)
                    M'am.  Mr. Kent.

                    Oh, Mr. West.                                      (X)

     West and Voss pause.                                              (X)


                            --page break-- 
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               20.    

 10  CONTINUED:  2                                                   10  

                    Lemme tell ya, you get shot, your
                    mind's in a world of confusion.                    (X)
                    Thanks again for your time; sorry,
                    but we gotta make the motions, huh?

                    No problem.

                    And if you _do_ remember anything,
                    please call.

     He hands Clark his card.  They smile and start to leave, but
     then Clark's voice stops them.

                    Detective Carter.  How did Mr.
                    Stockdale get shot?

                    Carjacking attempt.

                         (leaving; tips his hat)
                    M'am.  Mr. Kent.

                    Oh, Mr. West.  I know you probably
                    hear this all the time, but I just
                    had to tell you: I have a cousin
                    who was, well,  she was sort of
                    depressed.  But when she heard your
                    song:  'The First Person You Can
                    Count On... Is Yourself,' well...
                    it really turned her life around.
                    So... thanks.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             21.    

 10  CONTINUED:  3                                                   10  

                    I know you probably hear this all                  (X)
                    the time, but I just had to tell
                    you: I have a cousin who was, well,
                    she was sort of depressed.  But
                    when she heard your song: 'The
                    First Person You Can Count On... Is
                    Yourself,' well... it really turned
                    her life around.  So... thanks.                    (X)

     Lois gives an embarrassed smile.  Hank is geniunely               (X)
     touched.  Voss gives a subtly cynical smile.

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    You're welcome.                                    (X)

     He smiles again and he and Voss get in the elevator and           (X)
     leave.  Clark turns to Lois.  Lois watches Hank.                  (X)

                    He's... kinda handsome.  And                       (X)
                    taller than I thought.                             (X)

                         (frowning)                                    (X)
                    Stockdale was shot in the back.                    (X)
                    That's not likely if you're sitting
                    in your car.

                    Maybe he was twisting to get away.
                         (off Clark's look)
                    Fine.  Let's just ask him.

     She picks up her phone and dials.

                                     LOIS (CONT'D)
                    Hello, yes, I'd like to speak to a
                    Mr. William Stockdale.  He was
                    admitted this morning around 9 A.M.
                         (beat; waits)
                    Yes, I'm certain.  I saw him put in
                    the ambulance.  Okay.  Thank you.
                         (to Clark)
                    There's no record of him being

                    I kind of doubt the ambulance guys
                    were too busy to file _him_ this

                    Unless they took him elsewhere.
                    Or...  he didn't make it.


                            --page break-- 
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               21.    

 10  CONTINUED:  3                                                   10  

     Lois gives an embarrassed smile. Hank is geniunely touched.
     Voss gives a subtly cynical smile.

                    You're welcome.

     He smiles again and he and Voss get in the elevator and
     leave.  Clark turns to Lois.  Lois watches Hank.

                    He's... kinda handsome.  And taller
                    than I thought.

                    Stockdale was shot in the back.
                    That's not likely if you're sitting
                    in your car.

                    Maybe he was twisting to get away.
                         (off Clark's look)
                    Fine.  Let's just ask him.

     She picks up her phone and dials.

                    Hello, yes, I'd like to speak to a
                    Mr. William Stockdale.  He was
                    admitted this morning around 9 A.M.
                         (beat; waits)
                    Yes, I'm certain.  I saw him put in
                    the ambulance.  Okay.  Thank you.
                         (to Clark)
                    There's no record of him being
                    admitted.                                    (X)


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             22.    

 10  CONTINUED:  4                                                   10  

                    You start with the hospitals, I'll
                    take the funeral homes.

     Clark notices Lois glancing at the elevators; then Lois           (X)
     notices Clark.

                                     CLARK (CONT'D)
                    He wears lifts in his boots.

     Clark taps his glasses to indicate he used his x-ray              (X)
     vision.  Lois gives a wry smile.  As she sits at her desk,
     Skip suddenly runs up.

                    Hey, is Hank West here, I heard he                 (X)
                    was up here!

                    He just left.

                    Man, I wish I'd been here.  He is
                    the greatest.

                    He certainly has a huge following.

                         (with growing passion)
                    That's because he tells the truth.
                    He sticks up for the little guy.
                    And he's not afraid to tell it                     (X)
                    like it is!  America used to be                    (X)
                    great, and he wants to get it back
                    on track.

     Skip looks at them fiercely for a moment, then leaves.            (X)
     Lois and Clark exchange glances.

                    Yikes.                                             (X)

                    Yeah.                                              (X)

 11  INT. BUNKER - AFTERNOON                                         11  

     Steve leans back in a chair, feet up on the counter,              (X)
     watching the TV monitors.  Each one portrays a different
     sport, or talk show, or sitcom re-run.  He laughs
     contemptuously at a Perfect Strangers joke.  An irritable         (X)
     Hank strides in, brushes Steve's feet off the counter.            (X)
     Steve puts them back.                                             (X)


                            --page break-- 
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               22.    

 10  CONTINUED:  4                                                   10  

                         (sensing a story)                             (X)
                    You start with the hospitals, I'll
                    take the funeral homes.

     Clark notices Lois glancing at the elevators; then Lois
     notices Clark.

                                     CLARK (CONT'D)
                    He wears lifts in his boots.

     Clark taps his glasses to indicate he used his x-ray vision.
     Lois gives a wry smile.  As she sits at her desk, Skip
     suddenly runs up, looking around.

                    Hey, is Hank West still here?!

                    He just left.    

                    Oh, man...  He's the greatest.

                    He certainly has a huge following.

                         (with growing passion)
                    That's because he tells the truth.
                    He sticks up for the little guy.
                    And he's not afraid to tell it like
                    it is!  America used to be great,
                    and he wants to get it back on

     Skip looks at them fiercely for a moment, then leaves.  Lois
     and Clark exchange glances.



 11  INT. BUNKER - AFTERNOON                                         11  

     Steve leans back in a chair, feet up on the counter,
     watching the TV monitors.  They all show the same Perfect
     Strangers re-run.  He laughs contemptuously at a joke.  An
     irritable Hank strides in and brushes Steve's feet off the
     counter.  Steve puts them back.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             23.    

 11  CONTINUED:                                                      11  

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    We don't have time for this.

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    I'm studying my English.
                         (mimicking Larry on                           (X)
                          "Perfect Strangers")
                    'Balki, what's wrong with your                     (X)
                         (mimicking Balki)                             (X)
                    'I dried it in the microwave,
                    cozzin.'                                           (X)

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    Do I have to order you?

     Steve shoots up.  Lisa enters during his speech.                  (X)

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    You _can't_ order me.  _We_...                     (X)
                    were chosen for this.  We ...  were
                    bred for this.  _We_...  were _born_
                    for this.  _We_ are the masters of
                    the Master Race, the true supermen.
                    _And not just you_.

                    Stop it!  What happened with Lane
                    and Kent?

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    They know nothing.  But they're                    (X)
                    inquisitive.  As are all good

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    We should kill them.  Why take the

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    And draw more attention to us?
                    Why don't we just take out an ad?                  (X)

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                         (heating up)
                    To put an end to their
                    investigation.                                     (X)

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    others will investigate.

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               23.    

 11  CONTINUED:                                                      11  

                    We don't have time for this.

                    I'm studying my English.
                         (mimicking Larry on
                          "Perfect Strangers")
                    'Balki, what's wrong with your
                         (mimicking Balki)
                    'I dried it in the microwave,

                    Do I have to order you?

     Steve shoots up.  Lisa enters during his speech.

                    You _can't_ order me.  _We_... were
                    chosen for this.  _We_... were bred
                    for this.  _We_... were _born_ for
                    this.  We are the masters of the
                    Master Race, the true supermen.
                    _And not just you_.

                    Stop it!  What happened with Lane
                    and Kent?           

                    They know nothing.  But they're
                    inquisitive.  As are all good

                    We should kill them.  Why take the

                    And draw more attention to us? Why
                    don't we just take out an ad?


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             24.    

 11  CONTINUED:  2                                                   11  

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    By then it will be too late!
                         (off Hank's look)                             (X)
                    What would you have us do?!  Forget
                    about our plan to eliminate
                    Superman?!  Dismantle the
                    organization?!  Settle down like
                    good Americans and get a mortgage
                    and cable TV?
                    You actually believe those stupid
                    songs you sing!

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    Not everything here is worth

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    There's nothing here worth saving!

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    If we destroy everything, what're                  (X)
                    we going to rule, genius?!

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    America is morally and culturally                  (X)
                    bankrupt!  They care more about                    (X)
                    their favorite soap opera than they
                    do about the homeless!  No wonder
                    you have millions of fans, they're
                    all idiots!

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    You don't know what you're talking

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    Oh, I don't?!  Ha!  You've gone
                    over, just like Stockdale!

                    Shut up.  Both of you.  We're                      (X)
                    here to fight the Americans, not
                    each other.

     Hank stays quiet; maybe he's exposed a side of him that was       (X)
     too dangerous to reveal.  Finally, wearily...

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    If we're going to kill them, we                    (X)
                    should blame the deaths of Lane and
                    Kent on someone else.  Say, one of
                    those middle-eastern terrorist

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               24.    

 11  CONTINUED:  2                                                   11  

                    What would you have us do?!                        (X)
                    Forget about our plan to eliminate
                    Superman?!  Dismantle the
                    organization?!  Settle down like
                    good Americans and get a mortgage
                    and cable TV?
                    You actually believe those stupid
                    songs you sing!

                    Not everything here is worth

                    America is morally and culturally
                    bankrupt! They care more about
                    their favorite soap opera than they
                    do about the homeless!

                    You don't know what you're talking

                    Oh, I don't?!  Ha!  You've gone
                    over, just like Stockdale!

                    Shut up.  Both of you.  We're here
                    to fight the Americans, not each

     Hank stays quiet; maybe he's exposed a side of him that was
     too dangerous to reveal.  Finally, wearily...

                    If we're going to kill them, we
                    should blame the deaths of Lane and
                    Kent on someone else.  Say, one of
                    those overseas terrorist cells.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             25.    

 11  CONTINUED:  3                                                   11  

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    Why waste an opportunity?!  Why not
                    the National Intelligence Agency?
                    They must hate Lane and Kent for
                    their last series of articles.
                    We'll kill three birds with one                    (X)
                         (to Hank)
                    Oh.  Did I say that right?                         (X)

                    Steve.                                             (X)
                         (to Hank)
                    He's right, though. They need to                   (X)
                    be eliminated; and since you two
                    seem to enjoy bickering so much,
                    I'll take care of it myself.                       (X)

                         (mixed emotions)                              (X)
                    Death to everything then.
                    To the Reich.

                                     STEVE AND LISA                    (X)
                    To the Reich!

     Hank gives a thin smile.  Is he envisioning the deaths of         (X)
     Lois and Clark?  America?  Or himself?

 12  INT. LOIS'S APARTMENT - NIGHT #1                                12  

     Lois and Clark enter, frustrated and tired from a long,
     fruitless day of work.

                    But a seventy year old man with a
                    gunshot wound can't just disappear
                    into thin air!

                    Maybe he was taken to a private
                    doctor, or admitted under another

     Lois throws down her purse and valise with a crash.

                    God, this makes me _so_ mad.

                    Look, tomorrow we'll call the
                    hospitals again, and ask for --


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             26.    

 12  CONTINUED:                                                      12  

                    No, not that.  Our wedding; it's a

                    Don't worry, Lois, it'll all work

                    But how? Are you going to help?

                    Of course.

     Lois's hand darts into her purse and pulls out a reporter's
     notebook.  She opens it and tears out a page.

                    Good, because here's a list of all
                    the things that have to be done.
                    Here, you take this page and I'll
                    take the other.

                    All this?  Lois, it's a wedding,
                    not a coronation.

                    Now you're backpedaling!

                    No, I'm not!  It's just, you know,
                    I can't always be around to _do_


     There's a knock on the door.

                                     JIMMY (O.S.)
                    Lois, it's me, Jimmy.

                         (to Clark)
                    We'll continue this later.                      (X)

 13  EXT. STREET - NIGHT                                             13  

     A dark, non-descript van pulls to a stop across the street
     from Lois's apartment.  WE see that Lisa is driving.  The
     Hank West song "This Ol' Country" plays on the radio.             (X)


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             27.    

 13  CONTINUED:                                                      13  

                                     HANK (ON RADIO)                   (X)
                    "Now this ol' country's great,
                    But before it gets too late, We
                         gotta put our differences aside
                         and stand together.
                    Sure we've got our faults,
                         our do's and should's and ought's,
                    But we can work it out
                         and last forever.
                    Yeah, we can work it out and last

     Lisa pointedly turns down the radio.

                         (to herself)
                    Steve's right.  You've gone over.                  (X)

     She looks up through the windshield at Lois's apartment.

 14  LISA'S POV - LOIS AND CLARK AND JIMMY                           14  

     can be seen moving inside Lois's apartment.

 15  BACK TO LISA                                                    15  

     who makes a thin grin of satisfaction, then moves between
     the front seats and disappears into the body of the van.

 16  INT. LOIS'S APARTMENT - NIGHT                                   16  

     Jimmy is handing Lois out stacks of paper to Lois and Clark.

                    These are all the bomb threats the
                    cops got in the last couple of
                         (a bigger stack)
                    And these are all the other strange
                    things or robberies that have been

                    Looks like fun reading.

                    Anything weird?


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95               27.    

 13  CONTINUED:                                                      13  

                                     HANK (ON RADIO)
                    "Now this 'ol country's great,
                    But before it gets too late, We
                         gotta put our differences aside
                         and stand together.
                    Sure we've got our faults,
                    Our do's and should's and ought's,
                    But we can work it out
                         and last forever.
                    Yeah, we can work it out and last

     Lisa pointedly puts down the radio.

                         (to herself)
                    Steve's right.  You've gone over.

     She looks up through the windshield at Lois's apartment.

14   LISA'S POV - LOIS AND CLARK AND JIMMY                           14  

     can be seen moving inside Lois's apartment.

15   BACK TO LISA                                                    15  

     who makes a thin grin of satisfaction, then moves between
     the front seats and disappears into the body of the van.

16   INT. LOIS'S APARTMENT - NIGHT                                   16  

     Jimmy is handing out stacks of paper to Lois and Clark.           (X)

                    These are all the bomb threats the
                    cops got in the last couple of
                         (a bigger stack)
                    And these are all the other strange
                    things or robberies that have been

                    Looks like fun reading.

                    Anything weird?


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             28.    

 16  CONTINUED:                                                      16  

                    It's all weird; we live in

                    Good night, Jimmy.

                    See ya.

     He leaves.

 17  EXT. STREET - NIGHT                                             17  

     The van's side door slides open.  Lisa hefts a rocket
     propelled grenade launcher; she sights it on Lois's window.

 18  INT. LOIS'S APARTMENT - NIGHT                                   18  

     Lois holds up the two stacks.

                    Bomb threats or other stuff?

                    I'll take 'other stuff' for fifty.

     Lois smiles and hands him the stack.

 19  EXT. STREET - NIGHT                                             19  

     Lisa pulls the trigger.  The RPG streaks towards the window
     and the two shadows behind it.

 20  INT. LOIS'S APARTMENT                                           20  

     SLOW MOTION:  Clark turns in alarm; he hears the RPG coming.

 21  ANGLE ON WINDOW                                                 21  

     SLOW MOTION:  As the RPG punches through the glass.

     CLARK, continuing his turn, reaches up and grabs the RPG as
     it rockets across the living room; he snatches it like a
     defensive back snagging an interception one-handed.

     BACK TO NORMAL SPEED as Clark holds onto the RPG and Lois
     reacts to the sound of breaking glass.  She looks in stunned
     surprise at the RPG in Clark's hand.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             29.    

 21  CONTINUED:                                                      21  

                    What the --


     He spins into Superman BLURS out the window.

 22  EXT. STREET - NIGHT                                             22  

     Lisa shoots away in the van, but suddenly the van slams to a
     stop as it runs into Superman's outstretched hand.  Superman
     lifts up the RPG in his other hand and waggles it.

                    Lose something?

     Superman smiles confidently, then notices who's driving.
     Hank West's song still plays softly on the radio.                 (X)

                                     SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                    Miss Rockford?

     Lisa glances at Superman, then clinches her jaw.  Superman
     walks around to her door and pulls it open.  A second later
     Lois runs up.  Lisa's head lolls back against the seat and
     her eyes close.

                                     SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                    Would you mind stepping out of the
                    van, please, Miss Rockford?

     Lisa doesn't move.  Superman is puzzled.  He leans in close,
     then suddenly feels for a pulse Lisa's neck.  There is none.
     He straightens up.

                         (to Lois)
                    She's dead.

                    But how?

     Superman leans in and sniffs.


     Lois stares at Lisa in amazement as Hank West's song swells       (X)
     to a finish.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             30.    

 22  CONTINUED:                                                      22  

                                     HANK (ON RADIO)                   (X)
                    "Sure we've got our faults,
                    Our do's and should's and ought's,
                    But we can work it out
                         and last for-everrrrr!"
                                                       FADE OUT.

                         _END OF ACT TWO_

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             31.    

                            _ACT THREE_

     FADE IN:

 23  EXT. STREET - NIGHT                                             23  

     Superman and Lois are talking.  Behind them, a detective and
     TWO COPS inspect the van.

                    I mean, it's just so bizarre.                      (X)
                    She's a _supermodel_.  What would
                    she be doing trying to kill us?

                    I haven't a clue.  I can't even                    (X)
                    imagine how she got a grenade

                    Maybe she got it in Milan.                         (X)
                         (off Superman's puzzled
                    That's a joke.  Stress relief?
                    Something us non-invulnerable
                    people do a lot in terrifying

                    She must've been pretty terrified                  (X)
                    too to take that cyanide.

                    Or dedicated.

                         (calls to detective)                          (X)
                    If there's nothing else, I'd like
                    to escort Ms. Lane back to her

     The detective turns around...it's Voss.                           (X)

                    Be my guest.                                       (X)

 24  INT. LOIS'S APARTMENT - NIGHT                                   24  

     Lois enters ahead of Superman.  She's scared by her brush
     with death, but also slightly charged by it.  She paces
     around, antsy.



                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             32.    

 24  CONTINUED:                                                      24  

                    I know, Lois, but it's okay.

                    No, it's not that.  I mean, it is,
                    but it isn't.  It's just, all these
                    brushes with death; who knows
                    what's going to happen next?  We
                    always think life's going to go on
                    and on and on, but maybe it won't.
                    You know what I'm saying?

     Superman is getting some very strong vibes here.


     They slam together in a passionate kiss, hands everywhere.
     A second later they drop out of sight behind the sofa in a
     rush of urgent murmurings.  All we hear are moans and
     clothes shifting against clothes and then there's a knock on
     the door and...

                                     JIMMY (O.S.)
                    Lois, are you okay?!  I just heard
                    what happened!

     A breathless Lois pops up from behind the couch like a
     teenager caught by her parents. Maybe a button is undone,
     her clothes slightly askew.

                    Um... just a minute.

     There's a GUST OF AIR behind the couch that blows her hair
     and then Clark pops up in his Clark clothes, looking
     slightly flushed.  He fumbles his glasses back on as Lois
     quickly returns her clothes to normal.

                                     JIMMY (O.S.)
                    I came back to tell you something I
                    just remembered, and then I ran
                    into all those cops and... and...
                    I'm not interrupting anything, am

                    No!  Not at all!

     Lois stumbles to her feet and waves for Clark to hurry up
     and get up.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             33.    

 24  CONTINUED:  2                                                   24  

                    Is he, Clark?

                    Um, no, not at all.

     Lois gives a final adjustment to herself and opens the door.

                    No, we were just discussing...
                    those papers you brought over.

                    That's what I wanted to talk to you

     Lois notices a hint of Clark's Superman costume showing           (X)
     between buttons.  She gives him the eye and he fixes it.          (X)

                    There was one thing I noticed:
                    about two years ago, there was a
                    brief string of burglaries, and
                    attempted burglaries, where the
                    guys spoke German. They never
                    caught 'em, though.  Weird, huh?

                    I'd say that qualifies. Thanks,

 25  INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY #2                                      25  

     Perry steams up to Lois's desk where Lois and Clark are lost
     in thought.

                    Clark, Lois.  Where's that bomb
                    threat story?

                    We're working on it, Chief.

                    Lisa Rockford tried to kill Lois
                    and me last night, we think they're


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             34.    

 25  CONTINUED:                                                      25  

                    No.   Really?  What'd she try to do,
                    beat you to death with her
                    You're serious?

                    Rocket propelled grenade through
                    the window.  Fortunately, Superman
                    was there, we were talking to him
                    about the bomb threat.

                    Lisa Rockford?!  That's incredible;
                    I mean, it's unbelievable.  This is
                    huge!  What else have you got?!

                    We traced the serial numbers from
                    the launcher to the National
                    Intelligence Agency, but --

                    Lisa Rockford's a spy for the NIA?
                    Who's next, Madonna?  No, no, the
                    whole thing stinks.  The NIA would
                    never leave serial numbers on
                    anything.  Sounds like somebody's
                    trying to frame 'em to me.  Now if
                    I had half a brain, I'd check
                    overseas; terrorist groups, that
                    kind of thing, see if there's any
                    connection to her.

                    Thanks, Perry.

     Perry nods and starts away.  Stops, turns.

                    Say, I know I've been kind of
                    short-tempered and irritable
                    lately.  I've been quick to judge
                    and quick to condemn.  Sometimes
                    I've even been downright mean, and
                    I just want to say...  you can
                    expect a lot more of it.

     Perry almost makes it to his office door, but then he's
     intercepted by Skip.


                            --page break-- 
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               34.    

 25  CONTINUED:                                                      25  

                    No.  Really? What'd she try to do,
                    beat you to death with her
                    You're serious?  Lisa Rockford?
                    This is huge!                                      (X)

                    Rocket propelled grenade through
                    the window.

                    We traced the serial numbers from
                    the launcher to the National
                    Intelligence Agency, but --

                    That's unbelievable!  Lisa
                    Rockford's a spy for the NIA?
                    Who's next, Madonna?  No, no, the
                    whole thing stinks.  The NIA would
                    never leave serial numbers on
                    anything.  Sounds like somebody's
                    trying to frame 'em to me.                         (X)

                    Thanks, Perry.

     Perry nods and starts away.  Stops, turns.

                    Say, I know I've been kind of
                    short-tempered and irritable
                    lately.  I've been quick to judge
                    and quick to condemn.  Sometimes
                    I've even been downright mean, and
                    I just want to say... you can
                    expect a lot more of it.

     Perry almost makes it to his office door, but then he's
     intercepted by Skip.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             35.    

 25  CONTINUED:  2                                                   25  

                    Um, Mr. White, I wonder if I might
                    talk to you about --

                    Not now, Skip, I'm on a rampage.

     Lois, who's been watching Perry, turns back to Clark.

                    Supermodel or terrorist?
                    Supermodel or terrorist?  How do
                    you wake up in the morning and
                    decide to be that?

                    Good question.  Let's start with
                    her background, see if anything
                    turns up.

     He glances around and does a little SUPERSPEED hacking.
     Suddenly he stops.

                    Interesting.  There's a birth
                    certificate on record at Mercy
                    hospital in Metropolis, but _no_
                    record of her parents checking in
                    or out.

                    You thinking what I'm thinking?

                    Maybe her birth certificate is a

                    Let's see what we can do with her

 26  INT. BUNKER - DAY                                               26  

     Hank sits pensively behind his desk, his face a canvas of         (X)
     mixed emotions, watching an old Superman clip on the
     monitors.  Superman is at some event, saying the Pledge of
     Allegiance.  Steve paces nearby.                                  (X)

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    She knew what she was doing!

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    We have to postpone.

                            --page break-- 
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95               35.    

 25  CONTINUED:  2                                                   25  

                    Um, Mr. White, I wonder if I might
                    talk to you about --

                    Not now, Skip, I'm on a rampage.

     Lois, who's been watching Perry, turns back to Clark.

                    Supermodel or terrorist?
                    Supermodel or terrorist?  How do
                    you wake up in the morning and
                    decide to be that?

                    Good question.  Let's start with
                    her background, see if anything
                    turns up.

     He glances around and does a little SUPERSPEED hacking.
     Suddenly he stops.

                    Interesting.  There's a birth
                    certificate on record at Mercy
                    hospital in Metropolis, but _no_
                    record of her parents checking in
                    or out.                                            (X)

                    Maybe her birth certificate is a                   (X)

                    Let's see what we can do with her                  (X)

 26  INT. BUNKER - DAY                                               26  

     Hank sits pensively behind his desk, his face a canvas of
     mixed emotions, thoughtfully toying with his guitar.              (X)
     Steve paces nearby.

                    She knew what she was doing!

                    We have to postpone.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             36.    

 26  CONTINUED:                                                      26  

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    We are an army waiting to strike!
                    An army doesn't stop because one                   (X)
                    soldier dies!

                    She wasn't just a soldier, she was                 (X)
                    one of _us_!  We have been
                    weakened; we must be strong again
                    before we can strike.

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    The truth is, you don't want to
                    strike!  That'd be an end to all
                    your adoring, cow-like fans.

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    Stop it.

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    I mean, how can you like people
                    stupid enough to follow a

                                     HANK                              (X)
                    They're not stupid!

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    See?!  You've turned your back on
                    the Fatherland!
                    All you want to do is stay on tour
                    and rake in your millions!  It's
                    the American way!

                                     HANK                              (X)
                         (leaping up)
                    The Fatherland is gone!  The War is
                    gone!  Don't you see?!  All we are
                    are the last echoing _death throes_
                    of an idea buried fifty years ago!

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    No!  We can still win!  The idea

     Steve pulls his gun and shoots...                                 (X)

                                     HANK                              (X)

     HANK...                                                           (X)

     who's face goes wide in surprise.  Then he collapses.


                            --page break-- 
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               36.    

 26  CONTINUED:                                                      26  

                    We are an army waiting to strike!
                    An army doesn't stop because one
                    soldier dies!

                    She wasn't just a soldier, she was
                    one of _us_!  We have been
                    weakened; we must be strong again
                    before we can strike.

                    The truth is, you don't want to
                    strike!  That'd be an end to all
                    your adoring, cow-like fans.

                    Stop it.

                    See?!  You've turned your back on
                    the Fatherland!
                    All you want to do is stay on tour
                    and rake in your millions!  It's
                    the American way!

                         (leaping up)
                    The Fatherland is gone!  The War is
                    gone!  Don't you see?!  All we are
                    are the last echoing _death throes_
                    of an idea buried fifty years ago!

                    No!  We can still win!  The idea

     Steve pulls his gun and shoots...



     who's face goes wide in surprise.  Then he collapses.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             37.    

 26  CONTINUED:  2                                                   26  

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    And I say 'yes'.

     Ned, Voss and Karen run in, alarmed.

                                     STEVE (CONT'D)                    (X)
                    Remove this traitor.

     Stunned, they nevertheless bend to obey.  Steve turns to          (X)
     the console in front of the monitors and punches several
     buttons.  The six screens light up again, with the same six
     people as in Act One.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    Where is Western Reich Fuhrer Von

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    He has been executed for treason.

                                     TV ANCHORMAN

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    On whose authority?

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    Mine.  He wanted to dismantle the
                    organization.  Any further

     Sen. Black absorbs this.  The TV Anchorman is too shocked to
     ask further questions.  After a beat, Sen. Black speaks.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    No.  If necessary, all dissenters                  (X)
                    should be dealt with that way.

                                     STEVE (CONT'D)                    (X)
                    Good.  The time has come then.                     (X)
                         (to TV Anchorman)
                    Do your story in exactly thirty                    (X)
                    To the New Reich.

                                     BLACK & TV ANCHORMAN
                    To the New Reich!

                            --page break-- 
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95               37.    

 26  CONTINUED:  2                                                   26  

                    And I say 'yes'.

     Voss and TWO NAZIS run in, alarmed.                               (X)

                                     STEVE (CONT'D)
                    Remove this traitor.

     Stunned, they nevertheless bend to obey.  Steve turns to the
     console in front of the monitors and punches several
     buttons.  The four screens light up again, with the same          (X)
     people as in Act One.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    Where is Western Reich Fuhrer Von

                    He has been executed for treason.

                                     TV ANCHORMAN

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    On whose authority?

                    Mine.  He wanted to dismantle the
                    organization.  Any further

     Sen. Black absorbs this.  The TV Anchorman is too shocked to
     ask further questions.  After a beat, Sen. Black speaks.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    No.  If necessary, all dissenters
                    should be dealt with that way.

                                     STEVE (CONT'D)
                    Good.  The time has come then.
                         (to TV Anchorman)
                    Do your story in exactly thirty
                    To the New Reich.

                                     BLACK & TV ANCHORMAN
                    To the New Reich!

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             38.    

 27  INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY                                         27  

     Lois's face lights up as the computer BEEPS as it makes a
     match with Lisa's fingerprint, which fills the left side of
     the screen.

                    Got her!

     The data starts to fill the screen... except it's all in

                                     LOIS (CONT'D)
                    But it's all in Russian.

                    Here, let me see.

                    Are there any languages you don't

                    Well, sometimes I have trouble
                    understanding you.   

     Lois makes a face back.  Clark turns to the screen.

                                     CLARK (CONT'D)
                    This is some kind of declassified
                    Russian military document.  Let's
                    see, her name is Liesl
                    Scholtzklink.  Born in Hamburg,
                    Germany, October seventeenth,

                    What? She looks great for being
                    seventy-four years old.

                    I know it seems impossible, but
                    that's what it says.
                         (increasing puzzlement)
                    Member of the Nazi party. And was
                    part of Operation Gotterdammerung.

     He scrolls down some more.

                                     CLARK (CONT'D)
                    Which was a... secret Nazi
                    experiment... in suspended


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             39.    

 27  CONTINUED:                                                      27  

                    I'd say it worked.

     Perry torpedoes out of his office, with Jimmy in his wake.
     He points towards the TV monitors.

                    Turn that thing up!

     Someone cranks up the volume on the monitor that shows a
     "Special Bulletin" billboard.

                                     PERRY (CONT'D)
                    Lois, Clark, get ready to roll.

     The "Special Bulletin" is replaced by the face of the TV

                                     TV ANCHORMAN
                    This word just in, five mining
                    engineers are believed to be
                    trapped at the bottom of an
                    abandoned coal mine at the
                    Metropolitan United Coal fields.
                    Located in Westminster County five
                    miles from downtown Metropolis, the
                    engineers entered mine shaft number
                    Seventy-Three about eight-thirty
                    this morning to conduct a
                    feasibility study on reopening the
                    mine.  Once known for its high
                    quality --

 28  ANGLE ON PERRY, LOIS, CLARK AND JIMMY                           28  

     Clark starts to edge away so he can change.

                    I just remembered I left, uh...

                    ...  the name of that friend of
                    yours, the mining engineer...

                    ... uh, right, in Lois's car.  I'll
                    be right back.

     Clark dashes away.  Perry turns to Lois.

                    Now that's what I like to see
                    around here, some _pep_!


                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95               39.    

 27  CONTINUED:                                                      27  
                    I'd say it worked.  How many
                    people'd they do this to?                          (X)

     Perry torpedoes out of his office, with Jimmy in his wake.
     He points towards the TV monitors.

                    Turn that thing up!

     Someone cranks up the volume on the monitor that shows a
     "Special Bulletin" billboard.

                                     PERRY (CONT'D)
                    Lois, Clark, get ready to roll.

     The "Special Report" is replaced by the face of the TV            (X)

                                     TV ANCHORMAN
                    This word just in, five mining
                    engineers are believed to be
                    trapped at the bottom of an
                    abandoned coal mine at the
                    Metropolitan United Coal fields.
                    Located in Westminster County five
                    miles from downtown Metropolis, the
                    engineers entered mine shaft number
                    Seventy-Three about eight-thirty
                    this morning to conduct a
                    feasibility study on reopening the
                    mine.  Once known for its high
                    quality --

 28  ANGLE ON PERRY, LOIS, CLARK AND JIMMY                           28  

     Clark starts to edge away so he can change.

                    I just remembered I left, uh...

                    ... the name of that friend of
                    yours, the mining engineer...

                    ... uh, right, in Lois's car.  I'll
                    be right back.

     Clark dashes away.  Perry turns to Lois.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95              39A.    

 28  CONTINUED:                                                      28  

                    Now that's what I like to see
                    around here, some _pep_!


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             40.    

 28  CONTINUED:                                                      28  

     He glares at Jimmy.

                    Pep's my middle name.

     Jimmy manages a weak smile.

 29  EXT. SKY - DAY - (STOCK SHOT)                                   29  

     Superman flies through the air.

 30  EXT. MINE SHAFT 73 - DAY (STOCK SHOT)                           30(X)

     Superman blurs into frame and into the mine shaft.  The           (X)
     area is deserted except for a van marked "Metropolitan
     United Coal".

 31  INT. MINE CHAMBER - DAY                                         31  


     Superman blurs to a stop in front of a slope of fallen rock.

                    Hello?!!!  Can anybody hear me?

     He waits a second and then starts to SUPERSPEED away the
     pile of rocks.  Suddenly he stops.  He's uncovered something
     metallic...  it's an atomic bomb.

                                     SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                    What the --

     BOOOOM!  The bomb goes off and completely whites out the

 32  INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY                                         32  

     Lois, Perry and Jimmy all react, as does everyone else, to
     the slight vibration that passes through the building.

                    Did I feel what I just think I

                    It felt like an earthquake.

                    There hasn't been an earthquake in
                    Metropolis in forty years.  Lois --


                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95               40.    

 28  CONTINUED:  2                                                   28  

     He glares at Jimmy.

                    Pep's my middle name.

     Jimmy manages a weak smile.


     Superman flies through blue sky.                                  (X)

 30  EXT. MINE SHAFT 73 - DAY  (STOCK SHOT)                          30  

     Superman blurs into frame and into the mine shaft.  The area
     is deserted except for a van marked "Metropolitan United

 31  INT. MINE CHAMBER - DAY                                         31  


     Superman blurs to a stop in front of a slope of fallen rock.

                    Hello?!!!  Can anybody hear me?

     He waits a second and then starts to SUPERSPEED away the
     pile of rocks.  Suddenly he stops.  He's uncovered something
     metallic... it's an atomic bomb.

                                     SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         What the --

     BOOOOM!  The bomb goes off and completely whites out the

 32  INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY                                         32  

     Lois, Perry and Jimmy all react, as does everyone else, to
     the slight vibration that passes through the building.

                    Did I feel what I just think I

                    It felt like an earthquake.

                    There hasn't been an earthquake in
                    Metropolis in forty years.  Lois --


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             41.    

 32  CONTINUED:                                                      32  

                    Hey, look.

     He points towards the monitors.  There's a moment of static
     on every channel and then suddenly all the screens display
     the same image: a large American flag completely filling the

                    That's amazing.  It's on every                     (X)

                    Jimmy, get me any one of those
                    stations, pronto!

     Jimmy darts away.  Suddenly, a figure rises from the bottom
     of the frame, bobbing higher and higher, much like George C.
     Scott did in front of the American Flag in Patton.  It's
     Steve in casual denim shirt and khakis.  His smile is             (X)
     friendly, warm, personable.  He's flanked by six or eight
     adorable kids between six and twelve.

                    That's Steve Law.                                  (X)

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                         (on TV)
                    Hi, howya doin'?  For those of you
                    who don't know me, I'm Steve Law,
                    quarterback for the Metropolis
                    Now, this is _not_ a plug for
                    football; I'm here to talk about
                    something much more important: the
                    future of our country.

                    Chief, they don't know where it's
                    coming from, but they can't stop

                    Okay!  Shhh!  Shhh!  Shhh!

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                         (on TV)
                    You know, I love this country.  But
                    like you, in the past couple of
                    years I've become increasingly
                    worried.  Everything seems to be
                    gettin' worse.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             42.    

 32  CONTINUED:  2                                                   32  

                                     STEVE (CONT'D)                    (X)
                    The crime rate is growing, and so
                    are taxes... but for every dollar
                    we pay, we seem to get less and
                    less from our government.  The
                    homeless, our school systems...

     He lovingly tousles the hair of a couple of kids.

                                     STEVE (CONT'D)                    (X)
                         (on TV)
                    ... why just about anything you
                    name, has suffered growing neglect.
                    But like my good friend Hank West
                    says in one of his songs, "We can
                    work it out and last forever."  It
                    won't be easy, it'll take a lot of
                    hard work and sacrifice, but
                    together we can make it happen.
                    That's why I invite you to join me,
                    and the National Society for a
                    Better America.

     Behind Steve, a huge Nazi flag dissolves through and              (X)
     replaces the image of the American flag.  It's a Nazi eagle,
     clasping a swastika, with the letters NSBA just along the
     curve of the circle around the swastika.

                    Is this some kind of sick joke?

                         (on TV)                                       (X)
                    Sure, I know you're saying, is this
                    some kind of joke?  I assure you
                    it's not.  I'm only one of millions
                    across this country who have
                    already dedicated their lives to
                    the NSBA.  Now you know I mentioned
                    sacrifice, and right now is when
                    the hard work begins: we're asking
                    the government to turn over its
                    authority to the NSBA.  If it
                    doesn't, well, it's like when
                    you're in school, sometimes you
                    have to be taught a lesson.
                    Nuclear warheads have been hidden
                    in Metropolis, Washington, D.C.,
                    and Los Angeles and will be
                    detonated in twelve hours, which is
                    9 p.m., Eastern Standard Time,
                    should the President and Congress
                    fail to comply.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             43.    

 32  CONTINUED:  3                                                   32  

                                     STEVE (CONT'D)                    (X)
                    All major corporations will also be
                    expected to turn over their
                    authority to authorized NSBA
                    representatives.  The choice is
                         (smiles broadly)
                    Remember, together we can work it
                    out and last forever.

     He hugs and kisses some kids.

                    He's a Nazi!

                    Man, Superman is going to kick some
                    Nazi butt from here to Pluto!
                         (on TV)
                    And for those of you wondering
                    about Superman, I'm afraid he's
                    been eliminated.


                                     STEVE                             (X)
                         (Nazi salute)
                    Here's to the National Society.

     The screen instantly changes to a full shot of the swastika.
     Wagnerian-style martial music fills the air.  Everyone looks
     at each other, dumbstruck.

                    Oh, my God.
                                                       FADE OUT.

                        _END OF ACT THREE_

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             44.    

                            _ACT FOUR_

     FADE IN:

 33  INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY - LATER                                 33  

     Lois is near tears as she urgently speaks into her phone.

                    Clark, it's _me_.  Call me as soon
                    as you get this message.

     She hangs up.  Jimmy flies by a few desks away.

                                     LOIS (CONT'D)
                    Jimmy, has Clark called yet?!

                    I've beeped him a million times,
                    but he hasn't called back.

     Lois is now almost completely freaked.  She grabs her purse
     and starts to bolt, but is stopped by a shout from Perry.

                    Lois!  Where're you going?!

                    I've gotta go check on Superman!

                    Lois, don't go out there!  I just
                    spoke to my buddy Jim Mooney in the
                    White House.  The President's
                    meeting with his advisers right
                    now.  He's planning to make an
                    announcement five minutes before
                    the 9 PM deadline.  It doesn't look
                    good.  People are already fleeing

                    I have to go!

                    Lois, S.T.A.R.  Labs on line three.
                    Said it's urgent.

     Lois stops, runs back and grabs the phone.

                    Lois Lane here.
                    Uh-huh, uh-huh I'll be right over.

     She rushes out.  Perry and Jimmy charge after her.


                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               44.    

                            _ACT FOUR_

     FADE IN:

 33  INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY - LATER                                 33  

     Lois is near tears as she urgently speaks into her phone.

                    Clark, it's _me_.  Call me as soon
                    as you get this message.

     She hangs up.  Lois is now almost completely freaked.  She        (X)
     grabs her purse and starts to bolt, but is stopped by a
     shout from Perry.

                    Lois!  Where're you going?!

                    I've gotta go check on Superman!

                    Lois, don't go out there!  I just
                    spoke to my buddy Jim Mooney in the
                    White House.  The President's
                    meeting with his advisers right
                    now.  He's planning to make an
                    announcement five minutes before
                    the 9 PM deadline.  It doesn't look
                    good.  People are already fleeing

                    I have to go!

                    Lois, S.T.A.R. Labs on line three.
                    Said it's urgent.

     Lois stops, runs back and grabs the phone.

                    Lois Lane here.
                    Uh-huh, uh-huh I'll be right over.

     She rushes out.  Perry and Jimmy charge after her.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             45.    

 33  CONTINUED:                                                      33  


                    Tell the President to stall!


                    Tell him to say whatever he has to,
                    just don't give up!

     The elevator doors close.  Perry whirls on Jimmy.

                    Where the hell is Clark?!

 34  INT. STAR LABS - DAY                                            34  

     Lois rushes into the lab past Dr. Klein and up to the solid
     lead radiation isolation chamber, which looks like a dull,
     grey cube.  A window of foot-thick leaded glass allows you
     to see inside... and inside is a pacing Superman.


                         (turns to window)

     Superman's voice comes through a small speaker set in the
     wall of the chamber.

                    What happened?  Why are you in

                    That coal mine disaster was a
                    trick; there was a nuclear bomb
                    down there.  They set it off as
                    soon as I arrived.

                    But... but you're okay, aren't you?

                    I'm fine, it's just...  I'm

                    Lois turns to Dr.  Klein in confusion.


                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               45.    

 33  CONTINUED:                                                      33  


                    Tell the President to stall!


                    Tell him to say whatever he has to,
                    just don't give up!

     The elevator doors close.                                         (X)

 34  INT. STAR LABS - DAY                                            34   

     Lois rushes into the lab past Dr. Klein and up to the solid
     lead radiation isolation chamber, which looks like a dull,
     grey cube.  A window of foot-thick leaded glass allows you
     to see inside... and inside is a pacing Superman.


                         (turns to window)

     Superman's voice comes through a small speaker set in the
     wall of the chamber.

                    What happened?  Why are you in

                    That coal mine disaster was a
                    trick; there was a nuclear bomb
                    down there.  They set it off as
                    soon as I arrived.

                    But... but you're okay, aren't you?

                    I'm fine, it's just... I'm

     Lois turns to Dr. Klein in confusion.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             46.    

 34  CONTINUED:                                                      34  

                                     DR. KLEIN
                    Superman has been exposed to a
                    particularly 'dirty' bomb.  Tiny
                    radioactive particles are lodged in
                    the microscopic crevices of his
                    skin and inside him.  And...
                    there's no way to get them out.

                    Without this shielding, anyone who
                    got near me would be killed

                    How long will you stay that way?

     Superman looks at Dr.  Klein; neither wants to say.

                    Dr. Klein, will you go get me those
                    estimates you're running?

                                     DR. KLEIN
                         (understanding nod)
                    Yes, of course.

     He departs, leaving Lois and Superman alone.  He walks past
     a TV; on the TV is the Nazi swastika.

                    _How_ _long_?

                    Thirty thousand years.


     Tears spring to Lois's eyes; she presses close to the glass.

                                     LOIS (CONT'D)
                    This can't be happening to us!

                    Don't worry, Lois, we'll get
                    through this, just like every other
                    problem we've gotten through.

     Superman tries to lighten the mood.


                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95               46.    

 34  CONTINUED:                                                      34  

                                     DR. KLEIN
                    Superman has been exposed to a
                    particularly 'dirty' bomb.  Tiny
                    radioactive particles are lodged in
                    the microscopic crevices of his
                    skin and inside him.  And...
                    there's no way to get them out.

                    Without this shielding, anyone who
                    got near me would be killed

                    How long will you stay that way?

     Superman looks at Dr. Klein; neither wants to say.

                    Dr. Klein, will you go get me those
                    estimates you're running?

                                     DR. KLEIN
                         (understanding nod)
                    Yes, of course.

     He departs, leaving Lois and Superman alone.

                    _How_ _long_?

                    Thirty thousand years.


     Tears spring to Lois's eyes; she presses close to the glass.

                                     LOIS (CONT'D)
                    This can't be happening to us!

                    Don't worry, Lois, we'll get
                    through this, just like every other
                    problem we've gotten through.

     Superman tries to lighten the mood.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             47.    

 34  CONTINUED:  2                                                   34  

                                     SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                    Just think of it as another one of
                    those annoying wedding details we
                    have to figure out.

                    It's not funny!

                         (dead serious)
                    Lois, nothing will stop me from
                    marrying you.  I will move heaven
                    and earth if I have to.  I love

                    And I love you.

     They press themselves as close to the glass as they can.  A
     moment later, Dr.  Klein returns and Lois springs back from
     the glass and surreptitiously wipes her tears away.

                                     DR.  KLEIN
                    Yes.  Well.  It seems, um

                    That's okay, Superman's already
                    told me.

                                     DR.  KLEIN
                         (relieved; but sorry)
                    We're doing everything possible.

                    I know.

                    Lois, the NSBA.  We've got to find
                    out where their base is before this
                    becomes the Fourth Reich.

                    This is a _nightmare_.

                    And remember, I'm going to get out
                    of this.

     Lois gives a brave smile and leaves.

 35  INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY                                         35  

     Lois impatiently urges her computer on.

                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Yellow Rev.        10/12/95               47.    

 34  CONTINUED:  2                                                   34  

                                     SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                    Just think of it as another one of
                    those annoying wedding details we
                    have to figure out.

                         It's not funny!

                         (dead serious)
                    Lois, nothing will stop me from
                    marrying you.  I will move heaven
                    and earth if have to.  I _love_

                    And I love you.

     They press themselves as close to the glass as they can.
     After a beat, Superman speaks.                                    (X)

                    Lois, the NSBA.  We've got to find
                    out where their base is before this
                    becomes the Fourth Reich.

                    This is a _nightmare_.

                    And remember, I'm going to get out
                    of this.

     Lois gives a brave smile.                                         (X)

 35  INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY                                         35  

     Lois impatiently urges her computer on.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             48.    

 35  CONTINUED:                                                      35  

                    Come on, come on.

     Jimmy approaches and looks at the screen.

                    What're you doing?

                    Cross referencing the location of
                    all known coal mines in the greater
                    Metropolis area with anything we
                    know or suspect about the NSBA.

                    Why coal mines?  That was just a
                    one shot deal to get rid of
                    Superman, wasn't it?

                    Superman also found some coal dust
                    in the basement of the Metropolitan
                    Trade Tower.  Two instances of coal
                    are too much to be a coincidence.

     The computer beeps, there's a match.  Lois looks at the
     screen:  a glowing square marks where a coal mine and an
     address overlap.  The address reads out in the upper right
     corner:  1430 Shepperton Street.

                                     LOIS (CONT'D)
                    Fourteen thirty Shepperton Street.

     The computer identifies the address.  Jimmy reads it.

                    Speedy Ambulance Service.

                         (reading screen)
                    It's right over the entrance to
                    mine number twenty-six, Greater
                    Amalgamated Mines, closed in
                    nineteen twenty three.

     Lois bolts for the elevators.

                                     LOIS (CONT'D)
                    Tell Perry I'm --

     Perry comes out of a back room, intercepting Lois on her

                    What?!  Where're you going now?


                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95               48.    

 35  CONTINUED:                                                      35  

                    Come on, come on.

     Jimmy approaches and looks at the screen.

                    What're you doing?

                    Cross referencing the location of
                    all known coal mines in the greater
                    Metropolis area with anything we
                    know or suspect about the NSBA.

                    Why coal mines?  That was just a
                    one shot deal to get rid of
                    Superman, wasn't it?

                    Superman also found some coal dust
                    in the basement of the Metropolitan
                    Trade Tower.  Two instances of coal
                    are too much to be a coincidence.

     The computer beeps, there's a match.  Lois looks at the
     screen:  a column of data about the NSBA is on the left; a        (X)
     column of coal mine locations and addresses on the right.
     A glowing bar highlights two addresses that match: ON THE         (X)
     LEFT: 1430 Shepperton Street; Speedy Ambulance Service.  ON       (X)
     THE RIGHT: 1430 Shepperton Street; former site of mine
     Number 26, Greater Amalgamated Mines.  Closed 1923.               (X)

                                     LOIS (CONT'D)
                    Fourteen thirty Shepperton Street.                 (X)

                    Speedy Ambulance Service.

                         (reading screen)
                    They picked up Stockdale!                          (X)
                    They're right over the entrance to                 (X)
                    mine number twenty-six, Greater
                    Amalgamated Mines, closed in
                    nineteen twenty three.

     Lois bolts for the elevators.

                                     LOIS (CONT'D)
                    Tell Perry I'm --

     Perry comes out of a back room, intercepting Lois.                (X)


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95              48A.    

 35  CONTINUED:  2                                                   35  

                    What?!  Where're you going now?

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             49.    

 35  CONTINUED:  2                                                   35  

                    I think I've found where the Nazis

     An elevator door opens and out come six Nazis in full
     uniform, led by Skip dressed as a Nazi lieutenant.

                    Going somewhere, Lois?


                    Oberleutnant Wallace, if you
                         (to Perry)
                    I'm here to inform you that from
                    now on, _you_ will be reporting
                    to _me_.

     In a split second Perry goes from stunned amazement to
     rage.  He suddenly swings that big right fist of his and
     decks Skip.  Instantly two Nazis grab Perry as the other
     four pull and point their guns.

                         (getting up)

                    Go ahead and shoot, you little

                    I don't think you appreciate the
                    gravity of the situation, Perry.
                    _We_ are in control, now, and
                    despite your great personal
                         (rubs his sore jaw)
                    ... we will struggle on without
                    you, if we have to.

     Lois suddenly gets an inspiration from something Skip said.

                    That's it!

     She gets in the elevator, but stands with her back to             (X)

                    Lois, get out of the elevator.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             50.    

 35  CONTINUED:  3                                                   35  

                    I don't think so.  You'll have to
                    shoot me in the back, Skip.

                    Get her.

     As the doors start to slide shut, two Nazis start for her,
     but Jimmy charges into them, knocking them aside just long
     enough for the doors to shut.

                    Lois, run!

     Jimmy stops struggling only when a gun is jammed into him.

                    You and you, go get her.

     Two Nazis head for the stairs.

                                     SKIP (CONT'D)
                         (to Perry)
                    Oh, by the way, from now on the
                    paper will be called the Daily
                    Reich.  Catchy, huh?

     Perry's and Jimmy's faces are furious.

 36  EXT. DAILY PLANET - DAY                                         36  

     Lois runs out of the Planet.  Two NAZIS stand on ladders          (X)
     leaning against the globe statue of the Daily Planet.  They
     unfurl a huge NAZI banner that nearly hits Lois as she runs
     past underneath.  She looks up in amazement, but keeps on
     going.  Loud speakers broadcast invitations to join the NSBA
     from cars decorated with Nazi flags.  All around her, Nazis       (X)
     hang banners and flags from light posts or store fronts.
     People stand in stunned and terrified clumps on the               (X)
     sidewalks.  A COP looks around in dismay; he's outnumbered        (X)
     by Nazis with guns.  We have a sense that Metropolis is           (X)
     being held hostage.  Several cars with Nazi emblems draped
     on their sides or with staff flags rush by importantly.

36A  ANGLE ON STOREKEEPER                                           36A  

     Who comes out and tears down a Nazi poster on his window.(x)
     Immediately TWO NAZIS grab him.  One roughly shoves the           (X)
     Storekeeper back inside as the other sticks the poster back

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             51.    

36B  LOIS                                                           36B  

     crosses the street to her car and yanks a Nazi flyer off          (X)
     the windshield.  As she jumps in her Jeep in this world           (X)
     gone mad, we
                                                       CUT TO:

 37  CLOSEUP - TV SCREEN                                             37  

     Steve, in a black Nazi uniform, is speaking again.                (X)

                                     STEVE (ON TV)                     (X)
                    ... and join me, and millions of
                    your friends and neighbors, in.the
                    National Society for a Better
                    America.  There's a new tomorrow
                    with the new Reich.

     A breathless Lois WIPES FRAME as she enters.

 38  INT. STAR LABS - DAY                                            38  

     Dr. Klein and Superman turn from watching the TV.

                    Lois, did you find them?

                    Maybe.  But there're a bunch of
                    goons at the Planet right now and a
                    couple tried to tail me.  I think I
                    lost them, but I better be quick.
                    I've got an idea on how to
                    deradiate you.

                                     DR. KLEIN
                    Technically, the term is --

                    Excuse me, okay?  I'm in kind of a

                                     DR. KLEIN

                    Anyway, I was thinking, those
                    little pieces of radioactivity that
                    are in you, it's like you've been
                    shot with shotgun pellets.  Now if
                    you had a big enough magnet, you
                    could suck them all out of you.


                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Blue Blue Rev.        10/18/95           51A.    

36B  LOIS                                                           36B  

     crosses the street to her car and yanks a Nazi flyer off the
     windshield.  As she jumps in her Jeep in this world gone
     mad, we...
                                                       CUT TO:

 37  CLOSEUP - BOOM BOX                                              37  

     Steve's voice issues from the radio on a lab bench.

                                     STEVE (V.O.)
                    ... and join me; and millions of
                    your friends and neighbors, in the
                    National Society for a Better
                    America.  There's a _new_ tomorrow
                    with the _new_ Reich.

     A breathless Lois WIPES FRAME as she enters.

 38  INT. STAR LABS - DAY                                            38  

     Dr. Klein and Superman turn from watching the TV.

                    Lois, did you find them?

                         (in a rush)                                   (X)
                    Maybe.  But there're a bunch of
                    goons at the Planet right now and a
                    couple tried to tail me.  I think I
                    lost them, but I better be quick.
                    I've got an idea on how to
                    deradiate you, thanks to Skip, but                 (X)
                    that's another story.                              (X)

                                     DR. KLEIN
                    Technically, the term is --

                    Excuse me, okay?  I'm in kind of a

                                     DR. KLEIN

                    Anyway, I was thinking, those
                    little pieces of radioactivity that
                    are in you, it's like you've been
                    shot with shotgun pellets.  Now if
                    you had a big enough magnet, you
                    could suck them all out of you.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             52.    

 38  CONTINUED:                                                      38  

                                     DR. KLEIN
                    Shotgun pellets are lead. They're

                    Go with me here!  Okay, _steel_
                    shotgun pellets.  And gravity's
                    kind of like magnetism, right?


                    So what we need is a bigger gravity
                    magnet than the Earth to suck the
                    radioactivity out of you.  So we
                    use the Sun.

                                     DR. KLEIN

                         Lois, it'll take me hours to get
                    there and back.

                         DR. KLEIN
                    And once you're within the Sun's
                    gravitational pull, do you think
                    you'll be able to escape?

                         There's only one way to find out.
                    In the meantime, Lois, don't do
                    anything 'til I get back.

     Superman presses a large button inside his chamber.

 39  ANGLE ON LOIS AND DR. KLEIN                                     39  

     A deep rumbling vibrates through them as they look up.  A
     bright square of light cuts and expands across their faces
     as OFF SCREEN, HUGE CEILING DOORS slide apart.  The chamber       (X)
     starts to lift.  Then there's a RUSH OF AIR and a whoosh.         (X)

 40  WIDESHOT                                                        40  

     The chamber blurs out (budget permitting).  Superman has          (X)
     flown off inside it.

                                     DR. KLEIN

     Lois heads for the door.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             53.    

 40  CONTINUED:                                                      40  

                    Tell him I've gone to check out
                    Speedy Ambulance.  I think the New
                    Reich is underneath it.

                                     DR. KLEIN
                    But he told you to wait for him.

                         I know he did.

     And then she's gone.

                                     DR. KLEIN
                         (to himself)
                    Hmph.  It's almost like they were

 41  EXT. SPACE                                                      41  

     Superman flies up from Earth towards the Sun, free of the
     isolation chamber.  We see the isolation chamber tumbling
     below him back towards Earth like the jettisoned first stage
     of a Saturn V rocket.

 42  EXT. STREET - SPEEDY AMBULANCE GARAGE                           42  

     Lois skulks towards the garage.

 43. INT. BUNKER - DAY                                               43  

     Steve, still in uniform, watches various monitors.  One           (X)
     shows Lois lurking around the Speedy Ambulance garage.

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    Lois Lane, in her last
                    investigative exercise.

     He pushes an intercom button.

                                     STEVE (CONT'D)                    (X)
                    Lois Lane is outside the garage.
                    Bring her to me.

 44  ON THE MONITOR                                                  44  

     We see Lois peeking through the glass front door of the
     garage.  Behind her, a car screeches to a halt.  Ned, Voss
     and Karen jump out, grab her, and hustle her inside the

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             54.    

 45  EXT. SUN                                                        45  

     Superman FLIES close to the huge surface of the sun and its
     towering arms of flame.  For a moment he's sucked towards it
     by the gigantic tides of gravity, then he fights back and
     pulls himself away.

     Finally, when he reaches a point of equilibrium, he leans
     back and opens his arms, his feet hanging straight beneath
     him, like Christ on the Cross.

     For a moment, his face shows the increasing strain of
     holding his position.  Then slowly, a few sparkles leave his
     body.  Then a few more.  And more.  Until finally, a ghostly
     cloud that looks like a shimmering shadow of Superman
     emerges from his body and is rapidly sucked into the Sun.

     Cleansed, Superman permits himself a smile.  Then, a look of
     determination comes to his face and he turns and shoots
     towards Earth.

 46  INT. DAILY PLANET - NIGHT #2                                    46  

     Skip and his Nazis still guard Perry and Jimmy.  They all
     watch the clock in the newsroom.  It goes from 3 minutes to
     2 minutes to 9.  Skip gulps.

                    Looks like your tenure may be a
                    little short.

                    Shut up!

                    You know, I only hired you because
                    your mother went to college with

                    Shut up _shut up_ _SHUT UP_!

                    And you know what else, I spoke to
                    Monica.  She thinks you're a dork.

                    That's a lie!
                         (recovers; angry)
                    I'll make you pay for that.

     Skip's face tightens in an ominous frown.

                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95               54.    

 45  EXT. SUN                                                        45  

     Superman FLIES close to the huge surface of the sun and its
     towering arms of flame.  For a moment he's sucked towards it
     by the gigantic tides of gravity, then he fights back and
     pulls himself away.

     Finally, when he reaches a point of equilibrium, he leans
     back and opens his arms, his feet hanging straight beneath
     him, like Christ on the Cross.

     For a moment, his face shows the increasing strain of
     holding his position.  Then slowly, a few sparkles leave his
     body.  Then a few more.  And more.  Until finally, a ghostly
     cloud that looks like a shimmering shadow of Superman
     emerges from his body and is rapidly sucked into the Sun.

     Cleansed, Superman permits himself a smile.  Then, a look of
     determination comes to his face and he turns and shoots
     towards Earth.

 46  INT. DAILY PLANET - NIGHT #2                                    46  

     Skip and his Nazis still guard Perry and Jimmy.  They all
     watch the clock in the newsroom.  It goes from 3 minutes to
     2 minutes to 9.  Skip gulps.

                    Looks like your tenure may be a
                    little short.

                    Shut up!

                    You know, I only hired you because
                    your mother went to college with

                    Shut up _shut up_ _SHUT UP_!

                    And you know what else, you belong                 (X)
                    in Classifieds.

                    I do not!                                          (X)
                         (recovers; angry)
                    I'll make you pay for that.

     Skip's face tightens in an ominous frown.

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             55.    

 47  INT. BUNKER - NIGHT 4                                            7  

     Lois sits in a chair, watched by Steve.  No one moves.            (X)
     They just watch the clock on the wall.  It goes from 2
     minutes to 9, to 1 minute to 9.  Steve slams his fist on          (X)
     the desk.

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    What is your President waiting
                         (to Voss)
                    Arm the bombs.

     Voss flips some switches.  He steps aside as Steve                (X)
     approaches the firing button.

                    What about your people above

                                     STEVE                             (X)
                    They will become martyrs to the

     The second hand sweeps towards 9 o'clock.  Steve prepares         (X)
     to push the button.  Lois gulps.  Then, just before he
     pushes the button, Superman CRASHES in a BLUR through the         (X)
     wall.  Steve instinctively jumps back from the console.           (X)

     Superman HEAT VISIONS the console; sparks fly as it blows         (X)
     up.  Steve tries to bolt, but Lois jumps up and kung fu's         (X)
     him and he goes down.  Superman glares at Voss and he
     immediately raises his arms in surrender.


     Superman BLURS and Voss and Steve are tied together with a        (X)
     floor lamp that's been bent around them.

                    Welcome back.

                    Good to be back.  Come on.

     He scoops Lois up in his arms and whooosh!  They're gone.

 48  EXT. DAILY PLANET - NIGHT                                       48  

     Skip and his Nazis run out of the Planet, panicked.

                    Faster!  We've gotta get out of
                    here before --

                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   Pink Rev.          10/10/95               55.    

 47  INT. BUNKER - NIGHT                                             47  

     Lois sits in a chair, watched by Steve.  No one moves.  They
     just watch the clock on the wall.  It goes from 2 minutes to
     9, to 1 minute to 9.  Steve slams his fist on the desk.

                    What is your President waiting
                                     (to Voss)
                         Arm the bombs.

     Voss flips some switches.  He steps aside as Steve
     approaches the firing button.

                    What about your people above

                         They will become martyrs to the

     The second hand sweeps towards 9 o'clock.  Steve prepares to
     push the button.  Lois gulps.  Then, just before he pushes
     the button, Superman CRASHES in a BLUR through the wall.
     Steve instinctively jumps back from the console.

     Superman HEAT VISIONS the console; sparks fly as it blows
     up.  Steve tries to bolt, but Lois jumps up and kung fu's
     him and he goes down.  Superman glares at Voss and he
     immediately raises his arms in surrender.


     Superman BLURS and Voss and Steve are tied together with a
     flag from a nearby standing flag pole.                            (X)

                    Welcome back.

                    Good to be back.  Come on.

     He scoops Lois up in his arms and whoosh!  They're gone.

 48  EXT. DAILY PLANET - NIGHT                                       48  

     Skip and his Nazis run out of the Planet, panicked.

                    Faster!  We've gotta get out of
                    here before --


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             56.    

 48  CONTINUED:                                                      48  

     He's jerked to a stop by a blue arm of steel.

                    Superman arrives.
                    Too late.
                    Say goodbye, _Skip_.

     Superman lifts him off the ground by his throat.  Lois
     watches as it looks like Superman is going to vaporize him.


     Twin HEAT BEAMS leap out... and flash past Skip's head and
     incinerate the bottom of the huge Nazi flag hanging from the
     globe statue of the Planet.  As the FLAMES consume the
     swastika, Lois and Superman smile.

 49  INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY #3                                      49  

     Everything is back to normal.  A happy Lois and Clark walk
     with Jimmy towards Perry's office.

                    Then, as soon as they heard
                    Superman was back, they bolted.
                    Man, you should've seen Skip.  He
                    was out of here so fast he left
                    half his uniform behind.

     Everyone laughs.

                    I imagine most of his Nazi buddies
                    will be in custody soon, thanks to
                    Superman and those computer files
                    he got from the Reich's

                    Superman had a little help.

     Lois smiles and they enter Perry's office in high spirits.

 50  INT. PERRY'S OFFICE - DAY                                       50  

     Perry stands with his back to them, staring out a window.
     He's in a somber mood.  All three enter, but Perry doesn't
     turn to face them.  After an uncomfortable pause...


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             57.    

 50  CONTINUED:                                                      50  

                    Perry?  Are you all right?

                         (Without turning)
                    'Eternal vigilance is the price of
                    liberty.'  Thomas Jefferson said
                         (turns around)
                    You all are too young to remember
                    World War II.  I mean, for you,                    (X)
                    it's all books and movies, but for                 (X)
                    me, it's a different story.  The                   (X)
                    _entire_ _world_ was at war.  And                  (X)
                    it was a war about many things.
                    But mainly...                                      (X)
                    ...  it was a war about Evil.                      (X)

     Lois starts to speak, but Perry holds up a hand.

                                     PERRY (CONT'D)
                    They say Lucifer was the brightest                 (X)
                    angel in Heaven.  That's why
                    Evil's so seductive.  At first it                  (X)
                    seems beautiful, or logical, or
                    reasonable; but it's not.  And make
                    no mistake, Evil _does_ exist.  The
                    Nazis were evil.  Their _ideas_
                    were evil.  And you know, ideas                    (X)
                    never go away.  They can sort of                   (X)
                    'disappear' for awhile, but they
                    can come back in an instant.
                    Anytime.  Anywhere.  That's why ol'
                    Jefferson was right.  The price of
                    liberty _is_ eternal vigilance.

     Perry finishes and there is a respectful silence.  It's
     broken by a polite KNOCKING on the frame of the open door.
     Perry looks over as the others turn to see...

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    Am I interrupting?

                    No no no.  I was just climbing off
                    my soapbox.

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    I came by to see if I could entice
                    you into a little lunch.


                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   White Rev.         10/17/95               57.    

 50  CONTINUED:                                                      50  

                    Perry?  Are you all right?

                         (turns from window;                           (X)
                          musing)                                      (X)
                    I was just thinking.  You know,                    (X)
                    they say Lucifer was the brightest                 (X)
                    angel in Heaven, that's why Evil's                 (X)
                    so seductive.                                      (X)

                    You mean the NSBA?                                 (X)

                    Yeah.  On the outside, they looked                 (X)
                    good, but on the inside, they were                 (X)

                         (grinning)                                    (X)
                    But, now they're gone.  We kicked                  (X)
                    butt.                                              (X)
                         (off everyone's look)                         (X)
                    I mean... Superman did.                            (X)

                    For now.  But you know, ideas                      (X)
                    don't die.  We thought we got rid                  (X)
                    of the Nazis once, but here we are                 (X)
                    again.  That's why I always say,                   (X)
                    'Eternal vigilance is the price of                 (X)
                    liberty.'                                          (X)

                         (beat)                                        (X)
                    That's a great line.                               (X)

                    Thomas Jefferson said it first.  I                 (X)
                    just repeat it.                                    (X)

     Perry gives a slight smile.  There's a polite knocking on         (X)
     the open door.  Perry looks over as the others turn to            (X)

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    Am I interrupting?

                    No no no.  I was just climbing off
                    my soapbox.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   White Rev.         10/17/95              57A.    

 50  CONTINUED:  2                                                   50  

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    I came to see if I could entice
                    you into a little lunch.


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Rev.        10/5/95             58.    

 50  CONTINUED:  2                                                   50  

                    Absolutely!  Then I intend to
                    humiliate you on the golf course!

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    You can dream.

     Perry exits with Senator Black.  Lois, Clark and Jimmy watch
     them go.

                    Thank God for Perry.

                    And men like Senator Black.


     And as the elevator doors close on Sen. Black's smiling           (X)
     face, we...

                                                       FADE OUT.

                                _THE END_

                            --page break--   
     "SUPERMANN" (#9)   FULL Blue Revision      10/17/95          58.    

 50  CONTINUED:  2                                                   50  

                    Absolutely!  Then I intend to
                    humiliate you on the golf course!

                                     SEN. BLACK
                    You can dream.

     Perry exits with Senator Black.  Lois, Clark and Jimmy watch
     them go.

                    Thank God for Perry.

                    And men like Senator Black.


     And as the elevator doors close on Sen. Black's smiling           (X)
     face, we...

                                                       FADE OUT.

                              _THE END_

                            --page break--

TO:                 EVERYONE CONCERNED


DATE:               October 13, 1995

Per ABC's request, _two_ endings will be shot for the very
final moment of Scene 50.  The alternate ending is attached.

Thank you.

                            --page break--

TO:                 EVERYONE CONCERNED


DATE:               October 17, 1995

The following is a revision to the ALTERNATE ENDING
previously distributed.  Please note that _both_ endings will
be shot.

Thank you.

                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9) White Rev.  ALTERNATE ENDING    10/17/95   57A.    

 50  CONTINUED:                                                      50  

                    Perry? Are you all right?

                         (turns from window;                           (X)
                          musing)                                      (X)
                    I was just thinking.  You know,                    (X)
                    they say Lucifer was the brightest                 (X)
                    angel in Heaven, that's why Evil's                 (X)
                    so seductive.                                      (X)

                    You mean the NSBA?                                 (X)

                    Yeah.  On the outside, they looked                 (X)
                    good, but on the inside, they were                 (X)

                         (grinning)                                    (X)
                    But, now they're gone.  We kicked                  (X)
                    butt.                                              (X)
                         (off everyone's look)                         (X)
                    I mean... Superman did.                            (X)

                    For now.  But you know, ideas                      (X)
                    don't die.  We thought we got rid                  (X)
                    of the Nazis once, but here we are                 (X)
                    again.  That's why I always say,                   (X)
                    'Eternal vigilance is the price of                 (X)
                    liberty.'                                          (X)

                         (beat)                                        (X)
                    That's a great line.                               (X)

                    Thomas Jefferson said it first.  I                 (X)
                    just repeat it.                                    (X)

     Perry smiles briefly, then his face goes serious again.           (X)

                                     PERRY (CONT'D)
                    They picked up Truman Black a few
                    minutes ago.

                    Senator Black?!  He's a Nazi?!


                            --page break--
     "SUPERMANN" (#9) Green Rev.  ALTERNATE ENDING    10/17/95    59.    

 50  CONTINUED:  2                                                   50  

                    Apparently one of their high                       (X)
                    mucky-mucks.  I've known him since                 (X)
                    I was Jimmy's age.  Now if you'll                  (X)
                    excuse me, I think I'll take the                   (X)
                    rest of the day off.                               (X)

     They watch him exit, struggling to keep his dignity and           (X)
     hide the deep, deep pain of a friend's betrayal.                  (X)

                    How many more are out there?

                    I don't know.                                      
     On Lois, Clark and Jimmy's thoughtful expressions...             

     FADE OUT.




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Loïs et Clark reviennent sur 6ter à partir du 5 août prochain

Loïs et Clark reviennent sur 6ter à partir du 5 août prochain
A compter du 5 août, 6ter va rediffuser la série Loïs et Clark : Les nouvelles aventures de...

Alternative Awards 2020 : pensez à voter !

Alternative Awards 2020 : pensez à voter !
Les Alternative Awards 2020 ont débuté depuis le début de la semaine. Les catégories se succèdent,...

Lois Lane dans la course sur The X-Files !

Lois Lane dans la course sur The X-Files !
Lois Lane est de retour ! L'intrépide et talentueuse journaliste est en lice pour intégrer le...

[HypnoCup] Élimination de Clark

[HypnoCup] Élimination de Clark
Les nouvelles aventures de Clark se sont arrêtées : il a été éliminé de l'HypnoCup par Melinda...

[HypnoCup] Clark en compétition dans le 3ème tour !

[HypnoCup] Clark en compétition dans le 3ème tour !
Après avoir éliminé son adversaire Firestorm avec une confortable avance sur lui (100 à 63), Clark...


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !