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#104 : L'homme invisible

Titre en VO : I'm looking through you
Diffusion US : 10/10/93 Diffusion FR : 03/05/94

Un homme invisible agit comme Robin des Bois : il vole pour donner aux pauvres. Sa femme, inquiète de sa disparition, contacte Lois pour qu’elle écrive un article à propos de son mari et de ses recherches.

Le problème est que d’autres hommes invisibles apparaissent et ne font pas le bien comme le premier.

L’inventeur va donc voir Lois et lui raconte toute son histoire. Lois et lui revêtent les costumes qui rendent invisibles pour tenter d’arrêter les criminels volant une banque. Ils échouent et sont enfermés dans une chambre où ils suffoqueront après quelques minutes.

Superman vole à leur rescousse en brisant la chambre et il rend visible les voleurs grâce à du phosphore.

Note de l'épisode : 6/10


3.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
I'm looking through you

Titre VF
L'homme invisible

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Extrait 1

Extrait 1


Plus de détails

Metropolis organise une grande célébration en faveur de Superman. On lui remet les clefs de la ville,auparavant confiées à lex Luthor, qui est plutôt vexé de cette perte de popularité en faveur de Superman. Mais le héro vit aussi très mal la situation. Il n’était pas du tout préparé à devenir cette icône ni à voir une foule de personnes acheter des objets à son effigie. Son premier discours public lui a donné le vertige, tant il avait le trac, et il est dorénavant poursuivi par des fans hystériques comme n’importe quelle rock star.

Au Daily Planet, la situation est aussi difficile pour Clark, car Cat continue sans relâche de se jeter sur lui pour l’embrasser à pleine bouche, le prenant par surprise pendant qu’il travaille. Quant à Loïs, elle est de plus en plus obsédée par le superhéros, dont elle veut à tous prix attirer l’attention. Un homme, Murray Brown,entre en contact avec elle car il voudrait joindre Superman pour devenir son agent de représentation.

L’actualité est pleine de vols façon Robin des Bois commis par un homme invisible. Perry pense que c’est un canular, tout comme Loïs, mais Jimmy pense que c’est vrai. C’est alors qu’une femme vient voir Loïs et lui demande de retrouver son époux disparu. Elle prétend être la femme de l’homme invisible. Loïs n’est pas interessée, mais Clark la convainc. Elle les emmène tous deux visiter le laboratoire de son époux et leur explique qu’il est parti depuis plusieurs jours, qu’elle l’a entendu mais ne l'a pas vu. Loïs est persuadée qu’il s’agit d’une simpe affaire de femme abandonnée par son mari, mais Clark pense qu’il y a plus derrière tout ça.

C’est alors que Murray Brown fait de la publicité dans le ciel par le biais d’un avion pour tenter de faire savoir à Superman qu’il veut le représenter. Loïs trouve cela indécent de vouloir ainsi se faire de l’argent sur le dos du Superhéros.

De retour au Planet, Loïs et Clark s’aperçoivent que la femme de l’homme invisible, Allen, a déjà raconté son histoire à tous les journalistes de la télévision, pour demander à son époux, par la voix des médias, de rentrer à la maison. Dans un appartement non-identifié, un homme invisible regarde la télévision. Le soir venu, une bijouterie se fait cambrioler par un homme invisible. La police enquête, et Loïs et Clark sont envoyés sur les lieux pour le journal. Ils retournent ensuite chez la femme d’Allen, le laboratoire de son époux a été cambriolé par un homme invisible violent. Il y a donc un second homme invisible.

Loïs est toujours aussi incrédule. Tandis que Clark la raccompagne, elle lui explique qu’elle a un rendez-vous le soir même avec Superman, à la grande surprise de Clark.

Plus tard dans la soirée, Loïs et Cat se retrouvent toutes deux dans une soirée mondaine organisée pour une association de charité qui s’occupe des enfants démunis. Un rendez-vous avec Lex Luthor, troisième homme le plus riche du monde, est vendu aux enchères pour 10 000 $, qui seront reversés à cette associataion. Juste après ça, Superman apparaît, et un rendez-vous avec lui est également vendu aux enchères pour la même cause. Loïs et Cat enchérissent et surenchérisent, mais bientôt, les enchères dépassent leurs possibilités, et il est adjugé pour 50 000 $. Un autre coup pour l’égo de Lex Luthor.

Loïs, qui était déjà très attristée que Superman ne l’ait pas remarquée dans la foule quand elle couvrait la remise de la clé de Metropolis à son héro, vit très mal qu’il ne la regarde même pas lors de cette soirée. Il ne semble plus la reconnaître, comme si elle n’était qu’une inconnue, et elle désespère, seule, au bar. À la fin de la soirée, Superman dit bonne nuit à la femme qui a acheté la soirée en sa compagnie et s’apprête à s’envoler quand Murray Brown vient le relancer : la ville de Cleveland fait une offre à Superman pour qu’il aille s’installer là-bas. Superman n’est pas interessé et explique clairement à Murray qu’il voudrait qu’on le laisse tranquille.

Peu de temps après, Clark rejoint Loïs au bar pour lui tenir compagnie, et lui remonter le moral. Il lui explique que peut-être Superman l’ignore car il a peur de révéler ses véritables sentiments pour elle. Il la raccompagne ensuite chez elle. Pendant ce temps, les cambriolages violents commis par l’homme invisible continuent.

Le lendemain matin, au Daily Planet, Clark explique à Loïs que les tests faits à StarLab sur un échantillon de tissu qu'il avait trouvé dans le laboratoire d’Allen démontrent des propriétés réfléchissantes de la lumière qui pourraient rendre une personne qui porte un vêtement de cette matière, invisible.

La nuit venue, Clark fait des cauchemars à cause de sa nouvelle popularité en tant que Superman, à laquelle il a vraiment beacoup de mal à se faire. Il imagine toutes les personnes de sa connaissance se prendre pour Superman et se moquer de lui. La nuit de Loïs est tout aussi agitée. Elle est réveillée par un homme invisble qui se révèle être Allen.

Elle appelle Clark qui vient chez elle. Allen leur raconte qu’il est bien l’homme invisible qui faisait les blagues et les petits vols à la Robin des Bois, mais que ce n’est pas lui qui a commis les derniers cambriolages, plus violents. Quelqu’un lui a volé des combinaisons d’invisibilité dans son laboratoire et s’en sert pour comettre ces crimes. C’est là qu’il a besoin de Loïs et Clark, pour trouver qui est le vrai responsable, qu’on ne lui mette pas tout sur le dos. Clark emmène Allen chez lui, c’est là qu’il voit que le pyjama de Loïs est un pyjama Superman. Il trouve ça très perturbant.

Il va chez ses parents en espérant y trouver un environnement normal, où tout n’est pas à l’effigie de Superman, mais la ferme a bien changé, ses parents se seont mis à acheter tous les objets qu’ils ont trouvé à l’effigie de leur fils. Ils trouvent ça adorable, il trouve ça très perturbant. Mais il a l’idée d’utiliser tout cet argent que ça draine pour aider les bonnes causes.

Pendant ce temps, l’homme invisible attaque un pénitencier et fait évader plusieurs prisonniers dangereux. Il distribue à chacun une combinaison d’invisibilité. Ensemble, armés et invisibles, ils peuvent commettre tous les crimes qu’ils veulent.

Après une journée de recherches au Daily Planet, Clark et Loïs découvrent l’identité de l’homme invisible dangereux, et la cible de son prochain braquage. Le soir venu, ils se rendent tous les deux chez Clark où ils passent la nuit à veiller sur Allen.

Au matin, lorsque Loïs s’éveille, Clark s’est absenté, mais Superman est là. Il propose son aide pour arrêter l’homme invisible là où il va frapper. Il dit aussi à Loïs qu’il l’a parfaitement remarquée, qu’elle est et qu’elle sera toujours spéciale pour lui, et qu’elle n’a pas besoin de payer pour avoir droit à sa compagnie. Elle est très heureuse, mais Allen se réveille à son tour, et il est temps de se mettre au travail pour trouver un moyen d’arrêter les braqueurs invisibles. Superman a besoin de savoir comment voir les braqueurs pour pouvoir les arrêter.

Il trouve un moyen de les rendre visibles et s’en va. Loïs et Allen enfilent les combinaisons invisibles et se rendent dans la banque qui sera la cible des braqueurs invisbles. Le vol est en cours, et ils se font tous deux remarquer et piéger par les braqueurs qui les enferment dans le coffre vidé de la banque, où ils mourront étouffés, dans les plus brefs délais.

Alors qu’ils tentent de quitter la banque, invisibles, la police essaie de les arrêter et une fusillade éclate. Superman arrive et rend les braqueurs visibles en versant du phosphore sur eux. Ils sont arrêtés. Superman entend Loïs étouffer et défonce le mur du coffre de la banque pour la sortir de là juste à temps, avant qu’elle ne s’évanouisse par manque d’air.

Au moment où il s’apprête à s’envoler, Murray Brown vient le relancer pour les droits sur son image, autant en ce qui concerne les objets à son effigie que les éventuels films ou séries qui s’inspireraient de lui. Murray propose à Superman de faire de lui un homme riche. Superman accepte finalement que Murray devienne son agent et gère tous ces objets à son effigie à la condition que tous les bénéfices soient reversés à des associations caritatives. Murray est fou de joie.

Allen rentre finalement chez lui, et retrouve sa femme, très heureuse.

Au Daily Planet, Loïs et Clark écrivent leur article sur les braqueurs invisibles et sur Allen. Clark déprime que Loïs ne le voit pas, lui, et que seul Superman existe à ses yeux.

                                 _LOIS AND CLARK_
                        The New Adventures of Superman

                           "I'm Looking Through You"

                                 EPISODE THREE

                               Prod. #455347-003

Written by: Deborah Joy LeVine


















DEPUTY MAYOR                                    OLD MAN


MATRONLY WOMAN                                  FIRST CRIMINAL




_INTERIORS_:                              _EXTERIORS_:

The Pit
Conference Room                     MORRIS HOUSE

CLARK'S APARTMENT                   *

Living Room
Bedroom                             CLARK'S APARTMENT ROOFTOP
Hallway (outside)
                                    FORT METROPOLIS
Basement Laboratory                 PHOSPOROUS








      FADE IN:

1     EXT. METROPOLIS SQUARE - MORNING - (DAY ONE)                                    1

      A crowd has gathered in front of the Daily Planet to witness
      the MAYOR's presentation of the Key To The City to Metropolis'
      newest celebrity.  Dignitaries and past recipients of the Key
      (including LEX LUTHOR) are on a specially-made platform.  In
      the crowd, we recognize some of our Daily Planet Staff: PERRY,
      JIMMY, CAT and LOIS.

2     CONCESSION STANDS                                                               2

      line the street selling Superman T-shirts and toys, wind-up
      dolls with bobbing heads, etc.  Two tourists pose with a life-
      sized cut-out of Superman.  One thing is clear: "Supermania"
      has hit Metropolis.

3     IN THE SKY                                                                      3

      As the mob goes crazy, Superman turns to pay his respects to
      the men and women on the platform, shaking each of their hands.
      When he comes face to face with Luthor he hesitates, but it is
      Luthor who takes Superman's hand in a firm shake, publicly
      displaying none of the immense displeasure he feels in having
      to do so.

4     ON THE STREET                                                                   4

      Lois strains to get a look at her hero.  She pushes her way up
      to the front, shouts above the din.

                  Superman!  Superman, it's me!
                  Lois Lane!

      She's unable to get his attention, relegated to just another
      admirer in the crowd.

5     LEX LUTHOR                                                                      5

      takes the microphone.  Superman stands by his side, very
      uncomfortable in his proximity to the man he knows to be the
      personification of evil.  Luthor is all smiles and sincerity.


                            --page break--
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  5   CONTINUED:                                                                      5

                  Ladies and gentlemen, good
                  citizens of Metropolis, let us
                  all welcome Superman to our fair
                  He came to us a stranger, but his
                  good deeds have not gone
                  unnoticed.  As last year's
                  recipient of the Key To The City,
                  I am honored to pass it on to our
                  newfound friend.
                  Madam Mayor, if you please.

      Lex Luthor removes the Key To The City from around his neck and
      hands it to...

  6   THE MAYOR                                                                       6

      A Black Woman in her early sixties, who now takes the

                  We take pride in proclaiming this
                  day, Superman Day, and offering
                  you the Key To The City.

      The Mayor puts the Key around Superman's neck and the crowd
      erupts in APPLAUSE.  All encourage a speech from him and
      Superman shyly steps up to the microphone.


      Photographers, Jimmy included, rush the stage to get a picture.
      A blast of flash bulbs invades from every angle.

                              SUPERMAN (Cont'd)
                  ... you've made me feel very
                  welcome here and...

  7   SUPERMAN                                                                        7

      stops for a moment, looks around, taking in the Barkers at the
      concession stands, the Kids in Superman capes.  He suddenly
      feels very uncomfortable and very... _visible_.

                  Thank you.

      Superman quickly turns from the crowd back to the Mayor.

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93   Pink                 2.

5     CONTINUED:                                                                      5

                  Ladies and gentlemen, good
                  citizens of Metropolis, let us
                  all welcome Superman to our fair
                  He came to us a stranger, but his
                  good deeds have not gone
                  unnoticed.  As last year's
                  recipient of the Key To The City,
                  I an honored to pass it on to our
                  newfound friend.
                  Madam Deputy Mayor, if you                                        (X)

      Lex Luthor removes the Key To The City from around his neck and
      hands it to...

6     THE DEPUTY MAYOR                                                                6

      A Black Woman in her early sixties, who now takes the

                              DEPUTY MAYOR                                          (X)
                  We take pride in proclaiming this
                  day, Superman Day, and offering
                  you the Key To The City.

      The Deputy Mayor puts the Key around Superman's neck and the                  (X)
      crowd erupts in APPLAUSE.  All encourage a speech from him and
      Superman shyly steps up to the microphone.



      Photographers, Jimmy included, rush the stage to get a picture.
      A blast of flash bulbs invades from every angle.

                              SUPERMAN (Cont'd)

                  ... you've made me feel very
                  welcome here and...


      stops for a moment, looks around, taking in the Barkers at the
      concession stands, the Kids in Superman capes.  He suddenly
      feels very uncomfortable and very... _visible_.

                  Thank you.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine 8/3/93    Pink                 2A.

7     CONTINUED:                                                                      7

      Superman quickly turns from the crowd back to the Deputy Mayor.               (X)

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/29/93                       3.


      leaves the stage and walks toward his limo.  ASABI stands at
      the ready to open the door for him.  Luthor takes one more look
      toward the stage, no longer bothering to mask the hatred he
      feels for the Man of Steel.

                  His time will come soon enough.

                  To the penthouse, sir?

                  No. The airport, Asabi.  I'm in
                  the mood for a little sport.

                  Kenya?  The leopard ranch?

                  No. Something a bit more... cold

                  The Everglades.

                  Yes.  Just what the bootmaker                                     (X)

      As he slips into the limo and Asabi closes the door we're...

9     BACK TO THE CROWD                                                               9

      Lois is still trying to get Superman's attention, but to no

10    AS THE MOB CROWDS THE STAGE                                                    10

      Superman slips away, turns a corner.  A beat later he hears
      something... something disturbing ... something coming after
      him.  He ducks behind the nearest door, walks inside an
      abandoned storefront, but seconds later the door bursts open
      behind him.  He turns, his eyes wide with fear.  He looks up
      for an exit, but the ceiling is low and there are no windows.
      The "thing" is getting closer now.  What could it be?  What
      could scare Superman?  An alien from another planet?  A pre-
      historic monster from another era?  A terrorist with a rocket
      launcher?  Nope.  It's the...

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/29/93                       4.

11    SUPERMAN FAN CLUB                                                              11

      Fifty or more wild teenage girls surge toward him, kissing him,
      ripping his cape.  Superman, enveloped, tries to hold them at
      bay, but even he's unable to repel the dreaded assault as we...

                                                      FADE OUT:

                              _END OF TEASER_

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                           5.    

                               _ACT ONE_

      FADE IN:

12    INT. DAILY PLANET CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY - (DAY ONE)                            12

      The troops, including Perry, Lois, CLARK, and EDUARDO FRIEZ
      assemble for the early morning staff meeting.  Lois is in her
      own world, staring dreamily into space.  Cat, wearing a micro-
      mini skirt, passes by Clark, then swivels on her heel, sits on
      his lap, and kisses him full on the mouth.  When she

                  'Morning, hot cakes.

      Clark is left momentarily speechless as Cat sashays to sit at
      the other end of the table.  Jimmy rushes into the conference
      room to ask Clark a question.

                  Hey, C.K., about that book you
                  lent me on Robert Capa... C.K.?

                        (re: his silence)
                  What's the matter?  Cat got your

      Perry's voice calls the meeting to order.

                  Okay, boys and girls, let's get
                        (calling out)

                  Right here, sir.

                  Oh, sorry, Kent, didn't see you.
                  I take it you and Lois are on the
                  Superman-Gets-Key-To-City story.

                  Yeah.  On it.

                        (leaning in to her)
                  Bored with Superman already,


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                5.

                               _ACT ONE_

      FADE IN:

12    INT. DAILY PLANET CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY - (DAY ONE)                            12

      The troops, including Lois, CLARK, and EDUARDO FRIEZ assemble                 (X)
      for the early morning staff meeting. Lois is in her own world,
      staring dreamily into space.  Cat, wearing a micro-mini skirt,
      passes by Clark, then swivels on her heel, sits on his lap, and
      kisses him full on the mouth.  When she finishes...

                  'Morning, hot cakes.

      Clark is left momentarily speechless as Cat sashays to sit at
      the other end of the table. Jimmy rushes into the conference
      room to ask Clark a question.

                  Hey, C.K., about that book you
                  lent me on Robert Capa... C.K.?

                        (re: his silence)
                  What's the matter? Cat got your

      Perry enters, calls the meeting to order.                                     (X)

                  Okay, boys and girls, let's get
                        (calling out)

                  Right here, sir.

                  Oh, sorry, Kent, didn't see you.
                  I take it you and Lois are on the
                  Superman-Gets-Key-To-City story.

                  Yeah. On it.

                        (leaning in to her)
                  Bored with Superman already,


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                           6.    

12    CONTINUED:                                                                     12

                  I was right in front of him... he
                  didn't even _notice_ me.

                  Nothing to notice.

                  Hey, anybody get a load of
                  today's 'National Whisper?'

      Jimmy throws the tabloid on the table.

13    CU - FRONT PAGE                                                                13

      A picture of one hundred dollar bills _FLOATING IN MID-AIR_ with

                              JIMMY (CONT'D)
                  It's really smooth.  This
                  invisible guy breaks into the
                  safe of the city's most notorious
                  slumlord, takes the money, then
                  hands it out to the tenants in
                  one of his buildings.

      Lois picks up the paper and gives Jimmy a look.

                  Did you happen to notice the
                  headline next to it?
                  'Benjamin Franklin is alive and
                  living in my electric blender?'

                  Cat... anything on the arrest of
                  Councilman Stern last night?

                  Let's just say, the man was _not_
                  cruising Sunrise Boulevard
                  looking for a fourth for bridge.
                  I'm on my way to a house of ill
                  repute to interview the lady in

                  Aren't those also known as 'Cat

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93    Gold                6.

12    CONTINUED:                                                                     12

                  I was right in front of him... he
                  didn't even notice me.

                  Nothing to notice

                  Hey, anybody get a load of
                  today's 'National Whisper'?

      Jimmy throws the tabloid on the table.

                  Jimmy, don't bring that trash in
                  here.  Sorry excuse for a

13    CU - FRONT PAGE                                                                13

      A picture of one hundred dollar bills FLOATING IN MID-AIR with
      the headline:  INVISIBLE ROBIN HOOD STRIKES AGAIN!!!                 

                  But Chief, it's really smooth.
                  This invisible guy breaks into
                  the safe of the city's most
                  notorious slumlord, ttakes
                  the money, then hands it out to the
                  tenants in one of his buildings.

      Lois picks up the paper and gives Jimmy a look.

                  Did you happen to notice the
                  headline next to it?
                  Benjamin Franklin is alive and
                  living in my electric blender?

                  All right everybody, settle down.                                 (X)
                  Cat... anything on the arrest on
                  Councilman Addis last night?

                  Let's just say, the man was not
                  cruising Sunrise Boulevard
                  looking for a fourth for bridge


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93    Gold                6A.

13    CONTINUED:                                                                     13

                              CAT (CONT'D)
                  I'm on my way to a house of ill
                  repute to interview the lady in

                  Aren't those also known as 'Cat


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/29/93                       7.

13    CONTINUED:                                                                     13

                  What a coincidence.

                  Friez -- are you following up on
                  the escape of that armed robber
                  from the State Penitentiary,
                  what's his name?

                  Barnes.  Big manhunt started last
                  night.  They think he may be
                  headed for Metropolis.  Wanted
                  posters go up today.

14    CU - WANTED POSTER ON TABLE IN FRONT OF FRIEZ                                  14

      A photograph of Henry Barnes, thirties, wicked smile, shark-
      like stare.

                  What's everybody sitting around
                  for?  We've got a...

                  Newspaper to run.

      As they begin to disperse, Perry grabs Jimmy's arm.

                  Jimmy, let me give you a little
                  advice.  Don't ever run with
                  scissors, and don't ever...

                  ... finish your sentences.  Got
                  it Chief.


      Jimmy follows after the rest of the troops as we go to:

15    INT. DAILY PLANET - THE PIT - DAY                                              15

      Lois, Clark and Jimmy are at their respective desks, on their
      respective computers when a man (MURRAY BROWN), approaches
      Lois' desk.  Murray is an old-style Hollywood agent, oozing
      with sleaze.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/29/93                       8.

15    CONTINUED:                                                                     15

                  Lois Lane?  Murray Brown,
                  Galactic Talent Agency.  I'm
                  looking for the big guy, the
                  Superman.  I figure 'cause you
                  wrote those articles you might
                  know where I could find him.

                  Well, you figured wrong.

                  I'll leave my card just in case.

      Lois picks up the card, dryly turns to him.

                  You're a talent agent?

                  Artists' representative.

                  And you want to represent

                  Let me tell you something,
                  cookie.  Those buns of steel are
                  money in the bank.

      Lois shakes her head in disgust when...

                              JIMMY (O.S.)
                  Lois!  C.K.! Look at this!

      Lois and Clark join Jimmy in front of the television monitor in
      the pit.  Other staff members crowd around.

16    ON THE TUBE - INT. TV STATION                                                  16

      A TV reporter.

                              LINDA MONTOYA
                  If you're _not_ seeing what I'm
                  seeing, then you're witnessing a
                  miracle.  Captured on amateur
                  home video this morning, a
                  catering truck, loaded with fancy
                  treats for a political fund-
                  raiser, was high-jacked by the
                  'Invisible Man.'

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                           9.    

17    ON THE STATION MONITOR - A HOME VIDEO TAPE                                     17

      showing a catering truck stopped at a stop light when the
      driver's side door opens and the driver is ejected.  The
      catering truck then drives off sans anyone at the wheel,
      leaving the astonished driver to stare after it.

18    BACK TO TV NEWS STATION                                                        18

                              LINDA MONTOYA
                  That truck ended up at the fourth
                  street shelter here in downtown
                  Metropolis, where homeless
                  families feasted on goose liver
                  pate' and cold lobster salad.
                  Many thanks to the Invisible Man!

19    JIMMY, LOIS AND CLARK                                                          19

      A newsroom worker tries to hand Lois a note, but she's glued to
      the tube.  Jimmy takes it, opens and reads.


                  One sec, Jimmy.

20    ON THE TUBE                                                                    20

                              LINDA MONTOYA
                  No one, as yet, has any clue to
                  this unexplained phenomenon.  Is
                  it real?  Is it an illusion?  All
                  we can do is wait and 'see.'  For
                  LexLu Communications, this is
                  Linda Montoya.

21    JIMMY, LOIS AND CLARK                                                          21


                  What is it?

                  The Invisible Man's wife wants to
                  talk to you.

                  Very funny.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                9.

17    ON THE STATION MONITOR - A HOME VIDEO TAPE                                     17

      showing a catering truck stopped at a stop light when the
      driver's side door opens and the driver is ejected. The
      catering truck then drives off sans anyone at the wheel,
      leaving the astonished driver to stare after it.

18    BACK TO TV NEWS STATION                                                        18

                              LINDA MONTOYA
                  That truck-ended up at the fourth
                  street shelter here in downtown
                  Metropolis, where homeless
                  families feasted on goose liver
                  pate' and cold lobster salad.
                  Many thanks to the Invisible Man!

19    JIMMY, LOIS AND-CLARK                                                          19

      A woman (HELENE MORRIS) has entered the pit and stands beside
      the threesome.  She tries to get Lois' attention.

                  Excuse me, Ms. Lane?

                  One sec.

20    ON THE TUBE                                                                    20

                              LINDA MONTOYA
                  No one, as yet, has any clue to
                  this unexplained phenomenon. Is
                  it real? Is it an illusion? All
                  we can do is wait and 'see.' For
                  LexCom News, this is Linda

21    JIMMY, LOIS AND CLARK                                                          21

      Lois now turns toward the woman.

                  Yes, can I help you?


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          10.    

21    CONTINUED:                                                                     21

                  I'm serious.
                        (scanning the letter)
                  You spoke at her women's group
                  last October.  'The Weaker Sex,
                  Fact or Fiction' -- made quite an
                  impression on her.
                  She's here.


                  Waiting in the conference room.

                  Let's check it out.

                  Why are _you_ so interested?

                  Let's just say, I'm fascinated
                  with the paranormal.

                  Why doesn't that surprise me?

                  Go on, Lo.  Might turn into

                  Okay, I've got ten minutes to
                  kill.  Who knows?  Maybe she can
                  also introduce us to Casper the
                  Friendly Ghost.

      They move toward the conference room as we...

                                                      CUT TO:

22    INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY                                                     22

                              HELENE (O.S.)
                  But I'm telling you the truth.
                  My husband _is_ invisible.

      PULL BACK to reveal Lois and Clark facing HELENE MORRIS, a
      plain woman in her early fifties.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   Levine 8/3/93    Pink                 10.

21    CONTINUED:                                                                     21

                  You spoke at my women's group
                  last October.  'The Weaker Sex,
                  Fact or Fiction' -- it was a
                  terrific speech, and...

                  Thank you, but if you'll excuse

                  I'd like to talk to you for a
                  minute.  You see, my husband's
                  disappeared, and...

                  Try missing persons.  First

                  No, he's _really_ disappeared.  I'm
                  the Invisible Man's _wife_.

      Helen points to the TV screen.

                        (humoring her)
                  Would you mind waiting in the
                  conference room?  Jimmy?

      Jimmy escorts her away as Clark excitedly turns to Lois.

                  Come on.  Let's talk to her.

                  Why are _you_ so interested?

                  Uh... I'm fascinated with the

                  Why doesn't that surprise me?
                  Okay, I've got ten minutes to
                  kill.  Who knows?  Maybe she can
                  also introduce us to Casper the
                  Friendly Ghost.

      They move toward the conference room as we...

                                                      CUT TO:

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                10A.

22    INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY                                                     22

                              HELENE (O.S.)
                  But, I'm telling you the truth.
                  My husband _is_ invisible.

      Lois and Clark face Helene across the table.                                  (X)


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          11.    

22    CONTINUED:                                                                     22

      Lois picks up a photograph on the table of the Morrises on
      their wedding day, then hands the picture to Clark who studies
      the man's face.

23    CU - ALAN MORRIS                                                               23

      A small-statured, book-wormy type.

24    LOIS                                                                           24

                  Mrs. Morris...

                  Helene, please.

                  Helene, what makes you think your
                  husband's invisible?

                  I saw him.  Or rather, I _didn't_
                  see him leave.

                  When was the last time you _did_
                  see him?

                  In the flesh?

      Lois rolls her eyes, takes a sip of coffee.

                              HELENE (CONT'D)
                  Well, it was Monday a week ago...
                  I think.

                  You don't remember?

                  To be perfectly honest, we don't
                  see much of each other anyway.
                  For the past several years he's
                  practically lived downstairs --
                  in his laboratory.  He'd come
                  home late from work. I'd leave
                  his dinner on warm in the oven...
                  you know how it is.

      But they don't.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                11.

22    CONTINUED:                                                                     22

      Lois picks up a photograph of the Morrises on their wedding
      day, then hands the picture to Clark who studies the man's

23    CU - ALAN MORRIS                                                               23

      A small-statured, book-wormy type.

24    LOIS                                                                           24

                  Mrs. Morris...

                  Helene, please.

                  Helene, what makes you think your
                  husband's invisible?

                  I saw him. Or rather, I didn't
                  see him leave.

                  When was the last time you did
                  see him?

                  In the flesh?

      Lois rolls her eyes, takes a sip of coffee.

                              HELENE (CONT'D)
                  Well, it was Monday a week ago...
                  I think.

                  You don't remember?

                  To be perfectly honest, we don't
                  see much of each other anyway.
                  For the past several years he's
                  practically lived downstairs --
                  in his laboratory. He'd come
                  home late from work, I'd leave
                  his dinner on warm in the oven...
                  you know how it is.

      But they don't.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/29/93                       12.

24    CONTINUED:                                                                     24

                  He had a laboratory?

      Helene nods. Lois and Clark exchange a look as we...

                                                      WIPE TO:

25    EXT. ALAN AND HELENE MORRIS' HOUSE - DAY - TO ESTABLISH                        25

      A small suburban tract home.

26    INT. MR. MORRIS'S BASEMENT LABORATORY - MOMENTS LATER                          26

      A homemade, but nonetheless sophisticated laboratory.

                  So... you and your husband were
                  having marital difficulties?

                  No, not really.  I mean, we never
                  fought.  We just stopped talking
                  to one another, sort of slipped
                  into a pattern.  I guess... he
                  lost interest in me.
                  We've been married twenty-seven

      Helene has said this by way of explanation.

                  What happened the night he left?

                  Well, he hadn't touched his
                  dinner so I came down looking for
                  him.  He wasn't here, but I saw
                  that door over there suddenly
                  I heard him say, 'Goodbye Helene.
                  See you around.' And then he
                  walked out.  The door closed
                  behind him.

      Helene has started to cry, quickly wipes away the tears.  Even
      though Lois isn't buying her story, she still feels badly for
      her, puts an arm around her shoulder.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/29/93                       13.

26   CONTINUED:                                                                      26

                  What do you want us to do?

                  Write an article about him.  Say
                  that I want to know if he's ever
                  coming home.  That... I miss him.

      Clark exchanges yet another glance with Lois as we...

                                                      CUT TO:

27    EXT. MORRIS HOUSE - DAY - MINUTES LATER                                        27

      Lois and Clark exit her house, walk down the driveway.

                  Poor woman.  Her husband's
                  probably got something going on
                  the side, walks out on her, and
                  she thinks he's turned invisible.

                  How do you know he isn't?

                  Clark, are you serious?  We're
                  talking about a figment of
                  somebody's overactive

                  Does everything in life have to
                  have a perfectly reasonable


                  All grounded in clear, scientific

                  Of course.

                  No magic left in the universe?

                  No werewolves or vampires loose
                  in the city, either.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/29/93                       14.

27    CONTINUED:                                                                     27

                  What about Superman?


                  Superman.  There's a guy living
                  somewhere in Metropolis who
                  _flies_, Lois.

      Lois glances up in the sky, shakes her head in disgust.

                  Oh, no. Not him again.


      Clark looks up.

28    IN THE SKY - CLARK'S POV                                                       28

      An airplane has skywritten: SMAN - CALL M. BROWN 1-555-I-REP-

29    LOIS AND CLARK                                                                 29

                  Unbelievable! The nerve of that

                  He's persistent.

                  He's a smarmy, money-grubbing
                  opportunist! They all are!
                  Everybody wants a piece of
                  Superman! Keys to the city,
                  telethons, benefits... What's
                  next, a guest shot on A.M.
                  Metropolis? Where's it all going
                  to end?

                  Are you worried that all this
                  will go to Superman's head?


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          15.    

29    CONTINUED:                                                                     29

                  No.  I'm worried that he'll
                  forget about _me_.

                                                      CUT TO:

30    INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - DAY                                                  30

      Lois and Clark walk toward their desks, bump into Jimmy.

                  How'd it go?

                  Dead end.

                  I don't think so...

      Jimmy turns on the TV set.

31    CU - TV SET - ON THE TUBE                                                      31

      HELENE MORRIS is being interviewed outside her home.  On the
      lawn are dozens of news crews.  A newscaster has stuck a
      microphone in Helene's face and she awkwardly faces the camera.

                  He worked very hard to make
                  himself invisible.  And, I guess,
                  he finally found out how.  He was
                  in that laboratory day and night.

32    ANOTHER ANGLE                                                                  32

      Leaning against one of the news vans is a Man in a hat,
      sunglasses and trench coat, watching the interview with great

33    HELENE                                                                         33

                  All I want to say is, Alan, if
                  you're listening, please come

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                15.

29    CONTINUED:                                                                     29

                  No.  I'm worried that he'll
                  forget about me.

                                                      CUT TO:

30    INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - DAY                                                  30

      Lois and Clark walk toward their desks, bump into Jimmy.

                  How'd it go?

                  Dead end.

                  I don't think so...

      Jimmy turns on the TV set.

31    CU - TV SCREEN                                                                 31

      HELENE MORRIS is being interviewed outside her home. On the
      lawn are dozens of news crews. A newscaster has stuck a
      microphone in Helene's face and she awkwardly faces the camera.

                  He worked very hard to make
                  himself invisible. And, I guess,
                  he finally found out how. He was
                  in that laboratory day and night.

32    OMITTED                                                                        32

32A   INT. ROOM - SAME TIME                                                         32A

      A Man in a hat, sunglasses and trench coat, watches the                       (X)
      interview on TV with great interest.

33    HELENE                                                                         33

                  All I want to say is, Alan, if
                  you're listening, please come

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          16.     

34    BACK TO LOIS AND CLARK                                                         34

                  Her nosy next-door neighbor sold
                  the story to the wire services.

                  It doesn't matter.  There's no
                  story here, anyway.
                        (with emphasis)
                  There is no such thing as an
                  invisible man.

                                                      WIPE TO:

35    EXT. VAN WYCK JEWELERS - NIGHT                                                 35

      The fashionable, high-priced jewelry salon has several
      customers being waited on by the sales staff.  It's just about
      closing time; the clock on the wall reads 5:45.

      Suddenly, the _FRONT DOOR OPENS BY ITSELF_.  Then, a _GUN APPEARS.

                              INVISIBLE VOICE (BARNES)
                  Okay, everybody, down on the

      Salespeople and customers exchange astonished glances.  The
      voice is now harsher, screams its order...

                              INVISIBLE VOICE (BARNES) (CONT'D)
                  You!  Lady!  I said get _down_!

      A Young Woman, holding the hand of her Toddler Son, is roughly
      pushed to the floor by an invisible force.  She starts to shake
      and cry, clutching the Toddler to her tightly.  The other
      customers, just as terrified, quickly hit the ground as well.

36    ANGLE ON THE STORE MANAGER                                                     36

      He reaches for a security alarm, but the _INVISIBLE MAN HITS HIM
      IN THE HEAD WITH THE GUN_ and he falls in a heap on the floor.
      The horrified customers watch as the last of the jewelry is

                              INVISIBLE VOICE (BARNES)
                  Tell them the Invisible Man was

      On his exit and the fearful faces of his victims we

                                                      FADE OUT:

                           _END OF ACT ONE_
                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93 Pink                   16.

34    BACK TO LOIS AND CLARK                                                         34

                  Her nosy next-door neighbor sold
                  the story to the wire services.

                  It doesn't matter. There's no
                  story here, anyway.
                        (with emphasis)
                  There is no such thing as an
                  invisible man.

                                                      WIPE TO:

35    INT. VAN WYCK JEWELERS - NIGHT                                                 35

      The fashionable, high-priced jewelry salon has several
      customers being waited on by the sales staff. It's just about
      closing time; the clock on the wall reads 5:45. The rain is
      coming down hard outside and we can hear distant THUNDER.

      Suddenly, the _FRONT DOOR OPENS BY ITSELF_. Then, a _GUN APPEARS,

                              INVISIBLE VOICE (BARNES)
                  Okay, everybody, down on the

      Salespeople and customers exchange astonished glances. The
      voice is now harsher, screams its order...

                              INVISIBLE VOICE (BARNES) (CONT'D)
                  You! Lady! I said get down!

      A Young Woman, holding the hand of her Toddler Son, is roughly
      pushed to the floor by an invisible force.  She starts to shake
      and cry, clutching the Toddler to her tightly.  The other
      customers, just as terrified, quickly hit the ground as well.
      THEN DISAPPEARS ALTOGETHER_. A crack of lightning as we...                    (X)

36    ANGLE ON THE STORE MANAGER                                                     36

      He reaches for a security alarm, but the _INVISIBLE MAN HITS HIM
      IN THE HEAD WITH THE GUN_ and he falls in a heap on the floor.
      The horrified customers watch as the last of the jewelry is                   (X)
      taken.                                                                        (X)

                              INVISIBLE VOICE (BARNES)
                  Tell them the Invisible Man was

      On his exit, the fearful faces of his victims, and the echoing                (X)
      of his insane laughter, we...

                                                      FADE OUT:

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          17.    

                               _ACT TWO_
      FADE IN:
37    INT. VAN WYCK JEWELERS - DAY - DAY TWO                                         37

      The scene of the crime.  LIEUTENANT HENDERSON wanders with Lois
      and Clark, examining the smashed cabinets, shaking his head in

                  No prints, no leads, no _nothing_.


                  To what?  An invisible man?
                  You'll forgive me if I don't call
                  in our sketch artist.
                  We've got a warrant out on this
                  Morris guy, but how're we gonna
                  find him?

      Henderson walks away.  Lois turns to Clark.

                  Has everyone in the city lost
                  their minds?  There's no such
                  thing as an Invisible Man!

                  The security guard in the
                  hospital might disagree with you.
                  At what point are you going to
                  start believing in this?

                  When I don't see it with my own
                  two eyes.

      A Cop comes up to Lois with a note.  As she opens and reads it,

                                                      WIPE TO:

38    INT. MR. MORRIS' LAB - DAY                                                     38

      Lois and Clark wander around the now-destroyed basement
      laboratory.  Helene Morris sits on a chair, a bandage on her
      forehead.  Lois sits down next to her, takes her hand.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/4/93    Yellow              17.

                               _ACT TWO_

      FADE IN:

37    INT. VAN WYCK JEWELERS - DAY (DAY TWO)                                         37

      The scene of the crime.  DETECTIVE BURKE wanders with Lois and                (X)
      Clark, examining the smashed cabinets, shaking his head in

                              BURKE                                                 (X)
                  No prints, no leads, no nothing.


                              BURKE                                                 (X)
                  To what?  An invisible man?
                  You'll forgive me if I don't call in
                  our sketch artist.
                  We've got a warrant out on this
                  Morris guy, but how're we gonna
                  find him?

      Burke walks away.  Lois turns to Clark.                                       (X)

                  Has everyone in the city lost
                  their minds?  There's no such
                  thing as an Invisible Man!

                  The security guard in the
                  hospital might disagree with you.
                  At what point are you going to
                  start believing in this?

                  When I don't see it with my own
                  two eyes.

      A Cop comes up to Lois with a note.  As she opens and reads it,

                                                      WIPE TO:

38    INT. MR. MORRIS' LAB - DAY                                                     38

      Lois and Clark wander around the now-destroyed basement
      laboratory.  The storm rages on, with lightning and thunder.
      Helene Morris sits on a chair, a bandage on her forehead.  Lois
      sits down next to her, takes her hand.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          18.    

38    CONTINUED:                                                                     38

                  Helene, when did this happen?

      While Helene speaks, Clark wanders around the lab, sees
      something on a counter, picks it up.  It's a thin, shiny white
      shroud of cloth that reflects the overhead light strangely.
      Clark pockets it.

                  A few hours after the news vans
                  left.  I came downstairs and he
                  hit me on the head.  I haven't
                  called the police yet.

                  Has your husband ever been
                  violent with you before?

                  You think it was Alan?  Never.
                  He wouldn't hurt a fly.  Really.
                  If there was a fly in the
                  kitchen, he'd spend half an hour
                  catching it and setting it free.

                  So, what you're trying to say is
                  that some _other_ invisible man...

                        (finishing her
                  ... is impersonating _my_ invisible

                                                      WIPE TO:

39    EXT. ALAN AND HELENE MORRIS' HOUSE - DAY                                       39

      Lois and Clark exit, walk down the driveway toward the Daily
      Planet News Van.

                  She's _still_ defending him.  He
                  bashes her on the head...

                  She said it wasn't him, Lois.
                  Just because he's a little         

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93     Pink               18.

38    CONTINUED:                                                                     38

                  Helene, when did this happen?

      While Helene speaks, Clark wanders around the lab, sees
      something on a counter, picks it up.  It's a thin, shiny white
      shroud of cloth that reflects the overhead light strangely.
      Clark pockets it.

                  A few hours after the news vans
                  left.  I came downstairs and he
                  hit me on the head.  I haven't
                  called the police yet.

                  Has your husband ever been
                  violent with you before?

                  You think it was Alan?  Never.
                  He wouldn't hurt a fly.  Really.
                  If there was a fly in the
                  kitchen, held spend half an hour
                  catching it and setting it free.

                  So, what you're trying to say is
                  that some other invisible man...

                        (finishing her
                  ... is impersonating my invisible

                                                      WIPE TO:

39    INT. DAILY PLANET VAN - NIGHT                                                  39

      Lois and Clark drive through the pounding rain.                               (X)

                  She's still defending him.                                        (X)

                  She said it wasn't him, Lois.                                     (X)

                  He bashes her on the head...                                      (X)

                  Just because he's a little                                        (X)


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          19.    

39    CONTINUED:                                                                     39

                  Eccentric?  Try a taco short of
                  a combination plate.

                  Maybe, but he doesn't sound like
                  the man Who's been terrorizing
                  the city.  I want to emphasize
                  that in the story.

                  That's slanted.

                  Lois, there's no evidence to
                  suggest that Alan Morris is an
                  armed robber.  The. man was giving
                  money away.  Why is he now
                  stealing it?

                  Fine, we write the story.  But
                  admit it, there's a strong
                  possibility that Helene is wrong
                  about her husband.  After all,
                  nobody _really_ knows anybody.  We
                  like to think that we do, but we
                  all wear disguises.  Don't you?

                  Uh, well...

                  I mean, in order to let someone
                  _really_ know you, you have to let
                  them see you as you really are.
                  And then, as soon as you reveal
                  yourself to someone, they wind up
                  using it against you.

                  But marriage is about sharing
                  everything you have, even when
                  you don't feel like it.

                  So's divorce.  Ask my mother.

      Lois opens the door to the van.

                  Where to?


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                19.

39    CONTINUED:                                                                     39

                  Eccentric?  Try a taco short of
                  a combo plate.

                  But he doesn't sound like the man
                  who's been terrorizing the city.
                  I want to emphasize that in the

                  That's slanted.

                  But there's no evidence to
                  suggest that Alan Morris is an
                  armed robber.  The man was giving
                  money away.  Why is he now
                  stealing it?

                  Fine, we write the story.  But
                  admit it, Helene could be wrong.
                  After all, nobody really knows

                  That's not true.

                  We like to think that we do, but
                  we all wear disguises.  Don't

                  Uh, well...

                  I mean, in order to let someone
                  really know you, you have to let
                  them see you as you really are.


                  So, as soon as you reveal
                  yourself to someone, they wind up
                  using it against you.

                  But marriage is about sharing
                  everything you have, even when
                  you don't feel like it.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                19A.

39    CONTINUED:                                                                     39

                  So's divorce.  Ask my mother.

      They drive in silence a moment, then...                                       (X)

                  So, where to?                                                     (X)


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          20.    

39    CONTINUED:                                                                     39

                  Home.  I have to get dressed.

                  Hot date?

                  Uh huh.

                  With who?


      On Clark, very surprised to hear this, we...

                                                      CUT TO:
40    INT. FANCY RESTAURANT/BALLROOM - NIGHT                                         40

      The banner across the wall advertises "Auction Tonight -- Buy
      a Date With Your Favorite Celebrity!"  All the beautiful people
      are there, gathered around the auction block.  Lois anxiously
      waits, clutching her handbag.

41    ANGLE ON ENTRY                                                                 41

      Superman enters.  The room is immediately hushed, the orchestra
      plays a fanfare, and the HOSTESS rushes to Superman's side.

                  I can't tell you how much we
                  appreciate your coming tonight,

      Superman looks to the stage, watches in horror as an eligible
      bachelor is "sold."

                  I thought when you said celebrity
                  auction...  I didn't realize...

                  But it's for such a good cause.
                  All proceeds go to the Luthor
                  Center for the Blind.

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/4/93 Yellow                 20.      (X)

39    CONTINUED:                                                                     39

                  Home.  I have to get dressed.

                  Hot date?

                  Uh huh.

                  With who?


      on Clark, very surprised to hear this, we...

                                                      CUT TO:

40    INT. LEX LUTHOR'S PENTHOUSE NIGHT                                              40

      The banner across the wall advertises "Auction Tonight -- Buy
      a Date With Your Favorite Celebrity!" All the beautiful people
      are there, gathered around the auction block.  Lois anxiously
      waits, clutching her handbag.

41    ANGLE ON BALCONY                                                               41

      Superman lands on the balcony and enters.  The room is
      immediately hushed, a harpist plays a crescendo.  Cat rushes to
      Superman's side.

                  You certainly know how to make an
                  entrance, Superman.

      Superman looks to the stage, watches in horror as a spotlight
      shines on an eligible bachelor who is bid upon from the

                  I thought when they said
                  celebrity auction... I didn't

                  But it's for such a good cause.
                  All proceeds go to the Luthor
                  Center for the Blind.

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          21.    

42    ON STAGE                                                                       42

      Lex Luthor, about to be auctioned.  Luthor looks incredibly
      dashing in his tuxedo and newly made Crocodile Boots.  Women of
      all ages and types rush to the front of the stage to bid.

                              MASTER OF CEREMONIES
                  And here he is, ladies.  The
                  fourth richest man...

                        (correcting him)
                  ... third.

                              MASTER OF CEREMONIES
                  Third richest man in the world.
                  Dinner and dancing next Friday
                  night.  Shall we start the
                  bidding at... five hundred

43    ON THE FLOOR                                                                   43

      A MATRONLY WOMAN calls out...

                              MATRONLY WOMAN
                  Five hundred!

                              FIRST WOMAN
                  One thousand!

      As the bidding continues, Cat, barely legal in her Cher-like
      outfit, saunters up to Lois.  Lois gives her the once-over.

                  Couldn't you afford a _whole_

                  Less is more, darling.
                        (pointed stare at Lois)

      The Matronly Woman will not be outbid.

                              MATRONLY WOMAN
                  Ten thousand!

      The crowd applauds as the Master of Ceremonies hits the gavel
      on the podium.

                              MASTER OF CEREMONIES
                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/4/93   Yellow               21.

42    ON STAGE                                                                       42

      The MISTRESS OF CEREMONIES leads the host, Lax Luthor, onto the               (X)
      stage. Luthor looks incredibly dashing in his tuxedo and newly
      made Crocodile Boots. Women of all ages and types rush to the
      front of the stage to bid.

                              MISTRESS OF CEREMONIES
                  And here he is, ladies.                                           (X)
                  Metropolis' most eligible                                         (X)
                  bachelor, and the fourth richest

                        (correcting her)
                  ... _third_.

                              MISTRESS OF CEREMONIES
                  Third richest man in the world,
                  Mr. Lex Luthor. Dinner and                                        (X)
                  dancing next Friday night. Shall
                  we start the bidding at...  five
                  hundred dollars?

43    ON THE FLOOR                                                                   43

      A MATRONLY WOMAN calls out...

                              MATRONLY WOMAN
                  Five hundred!

                              FIRST WOMAN
                  One thousand!

      As the bidding continues, Cat, barely legal in her Cher-like
      outfit, saunters up to Lois. Lois gives her the once-over.

                  Couldn't you afford a whole

                  Less is more, darling.
                        (pointed stare at Lois)

      The Matronly Woman will not be outbid.

                              MATRONLY WOMAN
                  Ten thousand!

      The crowd applauds as the Mistress of Ceremonies hits the gavel
      on the podium.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  21A.

43    CONTINUED                                                                      43

                              MISTRESS OF CEREMONIES
                  Sold!  For ten thousand dollars!

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          22.    

44    SUPERMAN AND THE HOSTESS                                                       44

      She leads Superman on stage just as Luthor walks off to
      exchange information with his future "date."

                              MASTER OF CEREMONIES
                  And now, something really
                  special.  A Super Date.  A Sunday
                  picnic in the clouds.  So,
                  Ladies, what will you give me for
                  the Man Of Steel?

45    ON THE FLOOR                                                                   45

      A veritable feeding frenzy as every woman in the room rushes to
      the front.  Again, Lois fights to get near the stage.

                              FIRST WOMAN
                  One thousand!

                  Fifteen hundred!

                  Two thousand!

      Lois can't believe this.  She's actually bidding for Superman
      against Cat.  She steps in front of her.

                  Twenty-five hundred!

                              FIRST WOMAN
                  Five thousand.


      Lois leans into Cat.

                  All right, you've made your
                  point.  Now... butt out.

                  What's the matter, Lois?  Too
                  rich for your blood?

                              FIRST WOMAN
                  Eight thousand!


      Lois sags.  She can't match this price.  Then...

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/30/93  Blue                 22.

44    SUPERMAN                                                                       44

      is lead on stage just as Luthor walks off to exchange                         (X)
      information with his future "date."

                              MISTRESS OF CEREMONIES                                (X)
                  And now, something really
                  special.  A Super Date.  A Sunday
                  picnic in the clouds.  So,
                  Ladies, what will you give me for
                  the Man Of Steel?

45    ON THE FLOOR                                                                   45

      A veritable feeding frenzy as every woman in the room rushes to
      the front.  Again, Lois fights to get near the stage.

                              FIRST WOMAN
                  One thousand!

                  Fifteen hundred!

                  Two thousand!

      Lois can't believe this.  She's actually bidding for Superman
      against Cat.  She steps in front of her.

                  Twenty-five hundred!

                              FIRST WOMAN
                  Five thousand.


      Lois leans into Cat.

                  All right, you've made your
                  point.  Now... butt out.

                  What's the matter, Lois?  Too
                  rich for your blood?

                              FIRST WOMAN
                  Eight thousand!


      Lois sags.  She can't match this price.  Then...


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          23.    

45    CONTINUED:                                                                     45

                              DEBUTANTE (O.S.)
                  Fifty thousand dollars.

      All eyes turn to a very beautiful, very rich DEBUTANTE.  The
      diamonds around her neck are worth ten _times_ her bid.

46    SUPERMAN                                                                       46
      seems surprised at the bid, but strangely, very... flattered.

                              MASTER OF CEREMONIES
                  Fifty thousand!  Going once,
                  going twice... sold!

      The expressions on our people are mixed, but generally,
      miserable.  Cat stands, hands on hips, miffed.  Lois, looking
      at Superman looking at his future date, is inconsolable.
      Luthor, insanely jealous, covers with his most charming persona
      as he strolls up to Lois, takes and kisses her hand.

                  A pleasure to see you again,

                  And you, Lex.  I'm sorry I had to
                  cancel our lunch.  It's just that
                  Superman is such a big draw

                  Yes, and apparently not only for

      Lois looks toward Superman.

47    SUPERMAN - LOIS P.O.V.                                                         47

      Superman stands quite close to his future date, exchanges
      information with her   He then turns and exits without so much
      as a glance back to acknowledge Lois' presence.

48    LUTHOR AND LOIS                                                                48

                  Can we reschedule?

                  Yes.  I'd like that very much.

                                                      CUT TO:
                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/4/93    Yellow              23.

45    CONTINUED:                                                                     45

                              DEBUTANTE (O.S.)
                  Fifty thousand dollars.

      All eyes turn to a very beautiful, very rich DEBUTANTE. The
      diamonds around her neck are worth ten times her bid.

46    SUPERMAN                                                                       46

      seems surprised at the bid, but strangely, very... flattered.

                              MISTRESS OF CEREMONIES
                  Fifty thousand! Going once,
                  going twice... sold!

      The expressions on our people are mixed, but generally,
      miserable. Cat stands, hands on hips, miffed.  Lois, looking
      at Superman looking at his future date, is inconsolable.
      Luthor, insanely jealous, covers wi. his most charming persona
      as he strolls up to Lois, takes and kisses her hand.

                  A pleasure to see you again,

                  And you, Lex.  I'm sorry I had to
                  cancel our lunch.  It's just that
                  Superman is such a big draw

                  Yes, and apparently not only for

      Lois looks toward Superman.

47    SUPERMAN - LOIS P.O.V.                                                         47

      Superman stands quite close to his future date, exchanges
      information with her. The debutante kisses him on the cheek,                  (X)
      turns and leaves. Then, Superman starts toward the balcony
      without so much as a glance back to acknowledge Lois' presence.

48    LUTHOR AND LOIS                                                                48

      Can we reschedule?


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                23A.

48    CONTINUED:                                                                     48

                  Yes.  I'd like that very much.

                                                      CUT TO:

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          24.    

49    EXT. OUTSIDE RESTAURANT - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT                                49

      Superman _STARTS TO TAKE OFF_, and is, in fact, _HANGING IN MID-
      AIR_ when he hears someone calling to him.

                              MURRAY (O.S.)
                  Superman!  Wait!  It's Murray!
                  Murray Brown!

      Superman _LEVITATES BACK DOWN_ to face him once and for all.

                  Look, Mr. Brown...

                  Supe -- call me Murray.  _Arnold_
                  does.  Listen... do you really
                  want to trample through this
                  jungle without someone to carry
                  your loincloth?  You may be able
                  to leap tall buildings with a
                  single bound, but in La La land,
                  well... you're just another guppy
                  in a Great White tank.

                  I'm sorry, but...

                  Jeez.  You're squeezing me, pal.
                  Okay, I wasn't going to tell you
                  this until after you've signed,
                        (leaning in to him)
                  We've had an offer.


                  On the table.

                  From who?


                  The Browns?

                  No... the _city_  They want you.
                  _Bad_.  Metropolis doesn't have an
                  exclusive, you know.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  6/4/93    Yellow              24.

49    INT. LEX LUTHOR'S PENTHOUSE - BALCONY - MOMENTS LATER                          49

      Superman _STARTS TO TAKE OFF_, and is, in fact, _HANGING IN MID-              (X)
      AIR_ when he hears someone calling to him.

                              MURRAY (O.S.)
                  Superman! wait!  It's Murray!
                  Murray Brown!

      Superman _LEVITATES BACK DOWN_ to face him once and for all.

                  Look, Mr. Brown...

                  Supe -- call me Murray.  _Arnold_
                  does.  Listen... do you really
                  want to trample through this
                  jungle without someone to carry
                  your loincloth?  You may be able
                  to leap tall buildings with a
                  single bound, but in La La land,
                  well... you're just another guppy
                  in a Great White tank.

                  I'm sorry, but...

                  Jeez.  You're squeezing me, pal.
                  Okay, I wasn't going to tell you
                  this until after you've signed,
                        (leaning in to him)
                  We've had an offer.


                  On the table.

                  From who?


                  The Browns?

                  No... the _city_.  They want you.
                  _Bad_.  Metropolis doesn't have an
                  exclusive, you know.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          25.    

49    CONTINUED:                                                                     49

                  Murray, I'm not interested.  I'm
                  not for sale.  Please leave me

      Superman _LEAPS UP INTO THE AIR_.  Murray yells after him.

                  Forget Cleveland.  I'll give you
                  three little words -- _Rio_ _De_
                  _Janeiro_.  Hey!  Hey!  I'm talking

                                                      CUT TO:

50    INT. FANCY RESTAURANT/BALLROOM - LATER                                         50

51    ANGLE ON ENTRY                                                                 51

      Clark enters.  Not a single head turns to look at him.  Clark
      glances around the room for Lois, finds her.  She sits alone at
      a table, pours herself another glass of champagne.  Clark sits
      next to her.

                  A date with Superman, huh?

                  What are you doing here?  Barn
                  dance let out early?

                  I filed the Morris story.  You're
                  very welcome.

      Lois' mind is elsewhere.

                  I was saving for Tahiti.  But a
                  date with Superman... that would
                  have been a real adventure.
                  Oh, Clark.  He doesn't even know
                  I'm alive.  Maybe it was stupid
                  of me to think that he really

      Clark stares into her eyes...


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/4/93    Yellow              25.

49    CONTINUED:                                                                     49

                  Murray, I'm not interested.  I'm
                  not for sale.  Please leave me

      Superman _LEAPS UP INTO THE AIR_.  Murray yells after him.

                  Forget Cleveland.  I'll give you
                  three little words -- _Rio_ _De_
                  _Janeiro_.  Hey!  Hey!  I'm talking

                                                      CUT TO:

50    INT. LEX LUTHOR'S PENTHOUSE - LATER                                            50

51    ANGLE ON ENTRY                                                                 51

      Clark enters. Not a single head turns to look at him. Clark
      glances around the room for Lois, finds her. She sits alone at
      a table, pours herself another glass of champagne. Clark sits
      next to her.

                  A date with Superman, huh?

                  What are you doing here?  Barn
                  dance let out early?

                  I filed the Morris story.  You're
                  very welcome.

      Lois' mind is elsewhere.

                  I was saving for Tahiti.  But a
                  date with Superman... that would
                  have been a _real_ adventure.
                  Oh, Clark.  He doesn't even know
                  I'm alive.  Maybe it was stupid
                  of me to think that he really

      Clark stares into her eyes...


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          26.    

51    CONTINUED:                                                                     51

                  Not so stupid, Lois.  Did you
                  ever think that maybe Superman
                  was afraid to reveal himself...
                  his true feelings?

      Lois seems deep in thought, stares into Clark's eyes.  He
      quickly looks away.

                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                  Come on.  I'll put you in a cab.

                                                      WIPE TO:

52    INT. METROPOLIS HOUSE OF RARE COINS - NIGHT - SAME TIME                        52

53    AT A WORK TABLE                                                                53

      An OLD MAN, wearing thick glasses, examines a gold coin.
      Around him are piled hundreds more.

                              OLD MAN

      Just then, he hears the sound of _BREAKING GLASS_, looks around,
      suddenly scared.

                              OLD MAN (CONT'D)

      The Old Man sits in terror as he HEARS, but cannot SEE,
      something approaching.  Then, a miracle, as the Old Man watches
      one of his coins _FLIPPED IN THE AIR_.

                              INVISIBLE VOICE (BARNES)
                  Call it, gramps.  Heads I win.
                  Tails you lose.

                              OLD MAN
                        (now terrified)
                  Please.  Who's there?

      A sinister laugh as the coin lands back on the desk.  It's
      Heads.  Suddenly, the Old Man is choking... invisible hands
      around his neck.  He lapses into unconsciousness and falls into
      a heap on the floor.  The gold coins are now put into a bag as
      the sinister laugh continues and we

                                                      WIPE TO:

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                26.

51    CONTINUED:                                                                     51

                  Not so stupid, Lois.  Did you
                  ever think that maybe Superman
                  was afraid to reveal himself...
                  his true feelings?

      Lois seems deep in thought, stares into Clark's eyes. He
      quickly looks away.

                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                  Come on. I'll put you in a cab.

                                                      WIPE TO:

52    INT. METROPOLIS HOUSE OF RARE COINS - NIGHT - SAME TIME                        52

      The storm has brought lightning and thunder.                                  (X)

53    AT A WORK TABLE                                                                53

      An OLD MAN, wearing thick glasses, examines a gold coin.
      Around him are piled hundreds more.

                              OLD MAN

      Just then, he hears the sound of _BREAKING GLASS_, looks around,
      suddenly scared.

                              OLD MAN (CONT'D)

      The Old Man sits in terror as he HEARS, but cannot SEE,
      something approaching. Then, a miracle, as the Old Man watches
      one of his coins _FLIPPED IN THE AIR_.

                              INVISIBLE VOICE (BARNES)
                  Call it, gramps. Heads I win.
                  Tails you lose.

                              OLD MAN
                        (now terrified)
                  Please. Who's there?

      A sinister laugh as the coin lands back on the desk. It's
      Heads. Suddenly, the Old Man is choking... invisible hands
      around his neck. He lapses into unconsciousness and falls into
      a heap on the floor. The gold coins are now put into a bag as
      the sinister laugh continues and we

                                                      WIPE TO:

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          27.    

54    INT. DAILY PLANET PIT - DAY - (DAY THREE)                                      54

      Lois gets off the elevator, passes Jimmy on his way out.

                  Another robbery last night.

                  The Invisible Man?

                  You got it.  House of Rare Coins.
                  The owner's in the hospital.
                  Crushed windpipe.

                  Where're you going?

                  Clark needs some stuff from the
                  hall of records.  Check you

      Lois heads toward her desk.  Clark leaves his, approaches her.

                  What'd you get?

                  Not much.  Morris' supervisor
                  knew what desk he worked at, but
                  that's about it.

                  But he worked there for almost
                  twenty years.

                  You should have seen the place.
                  A hundred lab techs in little
                  cubicles -- it was so impersonal.
                  When he didn't show up for work,
                  they didn't even bother to call
                  him.  Just replaced him.
                  What did you find out at STAR

                  The material's a type of fiber
                  optic.  It's designed to reflect
                  visible light as ultra-violet

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  27.

54    INT. DAILY PLANET PIT - DAY - (DAY THREE)                                      54

      Lois gets off the elevator, passes Jimmy on his way out.

                  Another robbery last night.

                  The invisible man?

                  You got it.   House of Rare Coins.
                  The owner's in the hospital
                  Crushed windpipe.

                  Where're you going?

                  Clark needs some stuff from the
                  hall of records.  Check you

      Lois heads toward her desk.  Clark leaves his, approaches her.

                  What'd you get?

                  Not much.  Morris' supervisor
                  knew what desk he worked at but
                  that's about it.

                  But he worked there for almost
                  twenty years.

                  You should have seen the place.
                  A hundred lab techs in little
                  cubicles -- it was so impersonal.
                  When he didn't know up for work
                  they didn't even bother to call
                  him.  Just replaced him.
                  What did you find out at STAR

                        (very excited)
                  Lois, it was incredible.  They
                  said that the material's a type
                  of fiber optic.  It's designed to
                  reflect visible light as ultra-
                  violet light.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          28.    

54    CONTINUED:                                                                     54

                  Come again?

                  UV light is an invisable part of
                  the spectrum.

                  Are you saying that someone could
                  really be invisible?

                  Think of it as the next stage in
                  stealth technology.  If you wore
                  a suit made of this kind of
                  material, you could appear

                  That makes sense.
                        (still defending her
                  The _appearance_ of invisibility is
                  different from _real_ invisibility.

                  You know, Lois, it must be tough,
                  being right all the time.

                        (after a beat)
                  Yeah, it is.

      Clark shakes his head.  Lois smiles at him and they share a
      laugh as we

                                                      WIPE TO:

55    INT. DAILY PLANET PIT - LATE DAY                                               55

      The work day is winding down.  Only a few remaining newshounds,
      including Lois and Clark, are still busy at their desks.  Perry
      White exits his office and walks toward the elevators, passes
      by Jimmy, carrying a dozen files, en route to Lois' desk.

                  'Night Chief.

      Jimmy dumps the files in front of Lois.

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  28.

54    CONTINUED                                                                      54

                  Come again?

                  UV light is an invisible part of
                  the spectrum.

                  Are you saying that someone could
                  really be invisible?

                  Think of it as the next stage in
                  stealth technology.  If you wore
                  a suit made of this kind of
                  material, you could appear

                  That makes sense
                        (still defending her
                  The _appearance_ of invisibility is
                  different from _real_ invisibility.

                  You know, Lois, it must be tough
                  being right all the time.

                        (after a beat)
                  Yeah, it is.

      Clark shakes his head.  Lois smiles at him and they share a
      laugh as we

                                                      WIPE TO:

55    INT. DAILY PLANET PIT - LATE DAY                                               55

      The work day is winding down.  Sound of distant THUNDER can be
      heard from outside.  Only a few remaining newshouds, including
      Lois and Clark, are still busy at their desks.  Perry White
      exits his office and walks toward the elevators, passes by
      Jimmy, carrying a dozen files, en route to Lois' desk.

                              PERRY                                                 (X)
                  Working late again, kid?  That's                                  (X)
                  the spirit.

                              JIMMY                                                 (X)
                  Yeah.  'Night Chief


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  28A.

55    CONTINUED:                                                                     55

      Jimmy dumps the files in front of Lois


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          29.    

55    CONTINUED:                                                                     55

                              JIMMY (CONT'D)
                  All the armed robberies that
                  occurred in Metropolis in the
                  past ten years.
                  And Lois, that article you and
                  Clark wrote asking the Invisible
                  Man to turn himself in to you
                  really paid off.

      Lois looks up from her desk to see an "INVISIBLE MAN" standing
      in front of her.  His face and entire body are wrapped in
      bandages.  He wears sunglasses, a hat, and a trench coat.  Lois
      doesn't flinch.

                  Another one?

                              INVISIBLE MAN
                        (fake scary voice)
                  I am the Invisible Man.

      Lois, without a beat, stands up and rips a bandage off his
      face.  He yelps as a nose appears.

                  Sorry, buddy.  Try central

      The fake invisible man sadly walks away.  Lois glances toward
      the elevators.

56    THE ELEVATOR STANDS - WAITING AREA - LOIS' P.O.V.                              56

      Five other "Invisible Men" sit on the bench, similarly dressed.

                  That's it.  I'm going home.

      Lois gathers her things, heads toward the exit.

57    ANGLE ON CLARK                                                                 57

                        (calling after her)
                  Goodnight Lois!  See you

      Lois doesn't hear, continues on toward the elevators as we...

                                                      CUT TO:
                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                29.

55    CONTINUED:                                                                     55

                              JIMMY (CONT'D)
                  All the armed robberies that
                  occurred in Metropolis in the
                  past ten years.
                  And Lois, that article you and
                  Clark wrote asking the invisible
                  Man to turn himself in to you
                  really paid off.

      Lois looks up from her desk to see an "INVISIBLE MAN" standing
      in front of her.  His face and entire body are wrapped in
      bandages.  He wears sunglasses, a hat, and a trench coat.
      Lois doesn't flinch.


                  Another one?

                              INVISIBLE MAN
                        (fake scary voice)
                  I am the Invisible Man.

      Lois, without a beat, stands up and rips a bandage off his
      face.  He yelps as a nose appears.

                  Sorry, buddy.  Try central

      The fake invisible man sadly walks away. Lois glances toward
      the elevators.

56    THE ELEVATOR STANDS - WAITING AREA - LOIS' P.O.V.                              56

      Three other "Invisible Men" sit on the bench, similarly                       (X)

                  That's it. I'm going home.

      Lois gathers her things, heads toward the exit.

57    ANGLE ON CLARK                                                                 57

                        (calling after her)
                  Goodnight Lois! See you

      Lois doesn't hear, continues an toward the elevators as we...

                                                      CUT TO:

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          30.    

58    INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - DAY                                                  58

      Clark Kent gets off the elevator and moves toward his desk.
      Business as usual at The Planet.  He passes by Lois, busy at
      the computer, Jimmy at his, Perry inside his office.  Clark
      sits down, but something causes him to look up at the Daily
      Planet Clock.

59    DAILY PLANET CLOCK - CLARK'S P.O.V.                                            59

      The clock is red, yellow, and blue, and the time is seconds to
      noon.  The hands on the clock are Superman replicas.  As the
      seconds tick...

60    CLARK                                                                          60

      is confused, looks around the newsroom until he hears the
      TWELVE GONGS.  At the sound of the twelfth gong, all the
      newsroom staff stand up and quickly begin ripping off their
      clothes in wild abandon.  Clark stares at Lois, Jimmy, and now
      Perry, who has come out of his office.

61    LOIS, JIMMY, AND PERRY - CLARK'S P.O.V.                                        61

      They have all finished disrobing and each wears a very
      primitive replica of the Superman outfit (e.g.  leotards and
      tights with S's painted on them.)

62    CLARK                                                                          62

      rushes toward Lois, very confused and upset.

                  Lois, what's going on?

                        (animated voice)
                  It's... Supertime!!!

      At that moment, Lois, Jimmy and Perry start _LEVITATING INTO

                  Lois!  Wait!  Where are you

                  For my flying lesson, of course!


                                                      SMASH CUT TO:
                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  30.

58    INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - DAY                                                  58

      We can see and hear the lightning and THUNDER through the
      window as Clark Kent gets off the elevator and moves toward his
      desk.  The newsroom is nearly deserted, only our regulars still
      hanging around.  Clark notices Lois busy at the computer,
      Jimmy at his, Cat reading a magazine, and Perry inside his
      office. Clark sits down, but something causes him to look up
      at the Daily Planet Clock.

59.   DAILY PLANET CLOCK - CLARK'S P.O.V.                                            59

      The clock is red, yellow, and blue, and the time is seconds to
      noon.  The hands on the clock are Superman replicas.  As the
      seconds tick...

60    CLARK

      is confused, looks around the newsroom until he hears the
      TWELVE GONGS.  At the sound of the twelfth gong, Perry exits
      his office to join Lois, Jimmy and Cat, who all stand and
      quickly begin ripping off their clothes in wild abandon.

61    LOIS, JIMMY, CAT AND PERRY - CLARK'S P.O.V.                                    61

      They have all finished disrobing and each wears a very
      primitive replica of the Superman outfit (e.g., leotards and
      tights with S's painted on them.)

62    CLARK                                                                          62

      rushes toward Lois, very confused and upset.

                  Lois, what's going on?

                        (animated voice)
                  It's... Supertime!!!

      At that moment, Lois, Jimmy, Cat and Perry start _LEVITATING_

                  Lois!  Wait!  Where are you

                  For my flying lesson, of course!


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                30A.

62    CONTINUED:                                                                     62


                                                      SMASH CUT TO:

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          31.    

63    INT. CLARK KENT'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT                                  63

      Clark wakes with a start, _TEN INCHES OFF HIS FUTON BED_.  He
      _DROPS DOWN_ like a stone.  He sits up, breathing hard, unable to
      shake the nightmare, finally begins to calm as we...

                                                      WIPE TO:

64    INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT                                         64

      In the dim light of a full moon, Lois is sleeping soundly, her
      arms wrapped around a pillow.  A beat later she wakes with a
      start when she hears someone KNOCKING on her front door.  She
      sits up, looks at the time, shakes her head.  The KNOCKING
      continues.  Lois throws the covers off, grabs a robe, puts it
      over her pajamas and exits the bedroom.

65    INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM  - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS                       65
      Lois walks into the living room.

                  All right, already!  I'm coming.
                        (ear to the door)
                  Who is it?

      No answer.  Lois, immediately suspicious, stands quietly by the
      door.  The knocking has ceased.  She waits a moment before
      putting the chain on and opening the door a crack.

66    INT. LOIS' HALLWAY OUTSIDE HER APARTMENT - HER P.O.V.                          66

      Nobody there.

67    INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - SAME TIME                                 67

      Lois now removes the chain, opens the door wide, steps into the
      hallway.  Not a sign, a package, a note, nothing.  She shrugs,
      walks back inside, shuts the door.  Lois goes into the kitchen,
      opens the refrigerator door, takes out a bottle of milk.

                              INVISIBLE VOICE (MORRIS)
                  Lois Lane?

      Lois whirls toward the sound of the man's voice, grabs for a
      knife from her utensil jar.

                  Who's there?  I've got a...
                        (now seeing it's not a
                         knife but a spatula)
                  ... weapon.

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93  Pink                  31.

63    INT. CLARK KENT'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT                                  63

      Clark wakes with a start, _TEN INCHES OFF HIS FUTON BED_. He
      _DROPS DOWN_ like a stone. He sits up, breathing hard, unable to
      shake the nightmare, finally begins to calm as we...

                                                      WIPE TO:

64    INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT                                         64

      in the light of a THUNDER CRACK we see Lois sleeping soundly,
      her arms wrapped around a pillow.  A beat later she wakes with
      a start when she hears someone KNOCKING on her front door.  She
      sits up, looks at the time, shakes her head.  The KNOCKING
      continues.  Lois throws the covers off, grabs a robe, puts it
      over her pajamas and exits the bedroom.

65    INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS                        65

      Lois walks into the living room.

                  All right, already! I'm coming.
                        (ear to the door)
                  Who is it?

      No answer. Lois, immediately suspicious, stands quietly by the
      door.  The knocking has ceased.  She waits a moment before
      putting the chain on and opening the door a crack.

66    INT. LOIS' HALLWAY OUTSIDE HER APARTMENT - HER P.O.V.                          66

      Nobody there.

67    INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - SAME TIME                                 67

      Lois now removes the chain, opens the door wide, steps into the
      hallway.  Not a sign, a package, a note, nothing.  She shrugs,
      walks back inside, shuts the door.  Lois goes into the kitchen,
      opens the refrigerator door, takes out a bottle of milk.

                              INVISIBLE VOICE (MORRIS)
                  Lois Lane?

      Lois whirls toward the sound of the man's voice, grabs for a
      knife from her utensil jar.

                  Who's there?  I've got a...
                        (now seeing it's not a
                         knife but a spatula)
                  ... weapon.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/29/93                       32.

67    CONTINUED:                                                                     67

      Lois turns on the light, sees no one, quickly comes up with a
      logical explanation.

                              LOIS (CONT'D)
                  Jimmy... where are you?  If this
                  is your idea of a joke...

                              INVISIBLE VOICE (MORRIS)
                  It's no joke. It's just me...

      Suddenly, slight movement, and _THE NOW VISIBLE HEAD OF ALAN_
      _MORRIS_ stands in front of Lois.

                              INVISIBLE MAN (MORRIS) (CONT'D)
                  The Invisible Man.

      And as our heroine SCREAMS and falls down in a dead faint we

                                                      FADE OUT:

                           _END OF ACT TWO_

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          33.    

                              _ACT THREE_

      FADE IN:
68    INT. LOIS LANE'S APARTMENT - LATE NIGHT                                        68

      Clark and Lois, still in her robe and pj's, sit facing ALAN
      MORRIS, who quietly tries to explain.

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  I _was_ the invisible Robin Hood,
                  but I'm _not_ the one doing all
                  these bad things.  There's
                  another invisible man out there!

      Lois and Clark exchange looks.  Lois leans in to him.

                  Alan, let's start at the
                  beginning.  Why?

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  It's very simple, Ms. Lane.  I
                  became invisible to become
                  _visible_ again.

                  I'm not following.

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Well, at some point, I don't know
                  when exactly, years ago, I
                  just...  disappeared.  I went to
                  work every morning, did the same
                  thing.  I drifted apart from my
                  friends.  Helene and I stopped
                  talking.  I guess, she lost
                  interest in me.  I became so
                  invisible in my own life, that I
                  decided to do it for real.  I
                  started experimenting.

                  Where did you get the idea for
                  the suit?

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  From a flourescent light bulb.
                  A flourescent light bulb turns
                  invisible light into visible
                  light.  I reversed the process.
                  It took me fifteen years to build
                  a working suit.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                33.

                              _ACT THREE_

      FADE IN:

68    INT. LOIS LANE'S APARTMENT --LATE NIGHT                                        68

      The storm, for the moment, has eased. Lois, still in her robe                 (X)
      and pj's, and Clark Fit facing ALAN MORRIS, who quietly tries
      to explain.

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  I _was_ the invisible Robin Hood,
                  but I'm _not_ the one doing all
                  these bad things. There's
                  another invisible man out there!

      Lois and Clark exchange looks.  Lois leans in to him.

                  Alan, let's start at the
                  beginning. Why?

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  It's very simple, Ms. Lane. I
                  became invisible to become
                  _visible_ again.

                  I'm not following.

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Well, at some point, I don't know
                  when exactly, years ago, I
                  just... disappeared. I went to
                  work every morning, did the same
                  thing. I drifted apart from my
                  friends.  Helene and I stopped
                  talking. I guess, she lost
                  interest in me.  I became so
                  invisible in my own life, that I
                  decided to do it for real. I
                  started experimenting.

                  Where did you get the idea for
                  the suit?

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  From a florescent light bulb.
                  A florescent light bulb turns
                  invisible light into visible
                  light. I reversed the process.
                  It took me fifteen years to build
                  a working suit.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          34.    

68    CONTINUED:                                                                     68
      Alan lifts the thin, shiny, metallic suit beside him.  He hands
      it to Lois, who studies it carefully, holds it up.

                  How come I can see it?
                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Because it hasn't been activated.
                  There are switches in the
                  interior lining.
                  Go ahead.  Try it on.

      Lois, still skeptical, puts on the hood but leaves the
      faceplate open.  Morris presses the activation switch.  A
      second later, her head disappears.  _ALL WE SEE ARE TWO EYES

                  I knew it wouldn't work.

      Clark smiles, turns back to Alan as Lois removes the hood.

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Somebody must have stolen my
                  other suits.

                  Someone _did_ break into your

                              ALAN MORRIS
                        (suddenly concerned)

                  Don't worry.  She's fine.

      Alan emits a noticeable sigh of relief, then...

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Will you help me stop whoever's
                  doing this?

                  It's not going to be easy.
                  Invisibility is an incredible

      Alan nods.  Lois walks over to the window, shakes her head.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  08/4/93    Yellow             34.

68    CONTINUED:                                                                     68

      Alan lifts the thin, shiny, metallic suit beside him.  He hands
      it to Lois, who studies it carefully, holds it up.

                  How come I can see it?

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Because it hasn't been activated.
                  There are switches in the
                  interior lining.
                  Go ahead.  Try it on.

      Lois, still skeptical, puts on the hood but leaves the
      faceplate open.  Morris presses the activation switch.  A
      second later her head disappears.  _ALL WE SEE ARE TWO EYES_

                  I knew it wouldn't work.

      Clark smiles, turns back to Alan as Lois removes the hood.

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Somebody must have stolen my
                  other suits.  I made several back-                                (X)

                  Someone _did_ break into your

                              ALAN MORRIS
                        (suddenly concerned)

                  Don't worry.  She's fine.

      Alan emits a noticeable sigh of relief, then...

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Will you help me stop whoever's
                  doing this?

                  It's not going to be easy.
                  Invisibility is an incredible

      Alan nods.  Lois walks over to the window, shakes her head.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/29/93  35.

68    CONTINUED:                                                                     68

                  The man who could _really_ help is
                  Superman, but he's probably
                  signing a deal to star in his own
                  TV series by now.

                  Superman? on I don't think
                  Alan, I think you'd better come
                  stay at my place.  Until this
                  thing is resolved.

      Lois walks then to the door.

                  I'll be over in the morning.

      Clark and Alan step into the hallway.  Clark turns back to say
      goodbye, notices that Lois' robe has come undone, and now,
      clearly visible for the first time, are her pajamas.  They're
      red, yellow and blue, with, you guessed it, the familiar "S" on
      the front.  Clark shakes his head.

                  Lois.  Not you, too.

      Lois looks down at her pajamas, quickly re-fastens her robe,
      shoves Clark out the door.

                                                      CUT TO:

69    INT. CLARK KENT'S LOFT - NIGHT                                                 69

      Clark's loft is sparsely furnished, but the book shelves are
      filled and the artifacts on the walls give the place an
      international flavor.  Clark puts a blanket and pillow down on
      his futon-sofa.  Alan sits on it.

                  I hope you'll be comfortable

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Thanks.  This'll be fine.

      Clark walks into the sleeping area of his loft, divided only by
      an ancient Japanese screen, then returns carrying a fresh
      shirt.  He removes the one he's wearing, starts to put on the
      new one.  Alan shyly notices the super-build of his host.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          36.    

69    CONTINUED:                                                                     69

                              ALAN MORRIS (CONT'D)
                  I know what you must think of
                  me...  some crackpot...

                  Not at all.

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  You don't have any idea what it's
                  like.  People pass you by, and
                  they look right through you.
                  They never see the part of you
                  you want them to see.

      Clark takes a moment before responding.

                  You'd be surprised, Alan.  I'll
                  bet lots of people know what
                  that's like.
                  I have to go out for awhile --
                  will you be okay here?

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Don't worry about me.  If
                  anything happens, I'll just...
                  fade into the background.

      As Clark starts out the door we...

                                                      WIPE TO:

70    INT. KENT FARM - LIVING ROOM - DAY FOUR                                        70

      We are CLOSE on a bobbing-head doll of Superman.  PULL BACK to
      reveal MARTHA and JONATHAN KENT sitting around a blazing fire
      in the hearth, various Superman toys and paraphernalia on the
      cocktail table in front of them.  A "Jack In The Box" plays a
      carnival-like tune through their conversation.

                  Can you believe this stuff?  It's
                  all over Metropolis.

                  Not just Metropolis.  Harley has
                  a whole section in his feed

                  Although, I _do_ think the doll is


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93    Gold 36             36.

 69   CONTINUED:                                                                  69  

                              ALAN MORRIS (CONT'D)
                  I know what you must think of me... 
                  some crackpot...

                  Not at all.

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  You don't have any idea what it's
                  like.  People pass you by, and they
                  look right through you.  They never
                  see the part of you you want them to

      Clark takes a moment before responding.

                  You'd be surprised, Alan.  I'll bet
                  lots of people know what that's like.
                  I have to go out for awhile -- will
                  you be okay here?

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Don't worry about me.  If anything
                  happens, I'll just... fade into the

      As Clark starts out the door we...

                                                      WIPE TO:

69A   EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - NIGHT - SAME TIME                                 69A  

      A Man, the same man that we saw watching Mrs. Morris on TV,
      and still wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a trench coat, stands in
      the shadow of a lamp post, under the pouring rain.  As he steps
      into the light, he stands right beside a Wanted poster on the
      lamp post, with his likeness on it.  The man is HENRY BARNES. 
      A bolt of lightning illuminates another sign on the fence                     (X)
      behind him.  It reads "Metropolis Penetentiary." Barnes takes                 (X)
      out a pair of wire cutters as we...

                                                      CUT TO:

 70   INT. KENT FARM - LIVING ROOM - MORNING - (DAY FOUR)                         70  

      We are CLOSE on a bobbing-head doll of Superman.  PULL BACK to
      reveal MARTHA and JONATHAN KENT sitting around a blazing fire
      in the hearth, various Superman toys and paraphernalia on the
      cocktail table in front of them.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93  Pink                  36A.

 70   CONTINUED:                                                                     70

      A "Jack In The Box" plays a carnival-like tune through their

                  Can you believe this stuff?  It's
                  all over Metropolis.

                  Not just Metropolis.  Harley has
                  a whole section in his feed store.

                  Although, I do think the doll is


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          37.    

70    CONTINUED:                                                                     70

                  Ma!  They're buying and selling
                  Superman on street corners!  Lois
                  has a pair of Superman pajamas...

                  You saw Lois in her pajamas?

                  No!  Well, yes, but it was an
                  accident.  When her robe came

      Both are staring at him.

                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                  The point is, they're selling
                  Superman off like a piece of

                  Fifty thousand dollars to help
                  blind children.  There's nothing
                  wrong with that.

                  Mom, I know it's for a good
                  cause...  and I want to help.
                  It's just that Superman has
                  become a Super_Star_ and I don't
                  know if he can keep it up.

                  What do you mean, 'he?'  Clark,
                  you speak as if Superman were
                  someone else.
                  _You're_ Superman, Clark.

      It's a simple statement, but it has a strong effect.  Clark
      sits down next to his mother.

                  I guess I just feel like I'm
                  losing myself to the man in the
                  red, yellow, and blue suit.

      Jonathan exchanges a look with his wife, puts his arm around
      his son.

                  It's the man beneath the suit
                  that we care about.

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  37.

 70   CONTINUED:                                                                     70

                  Ma!  They're buying and selling
                  Superman on street corners.  Lois
                  has a pair of Superman pajamas...

                  You saw Lois in her pajamas?

                  No!  Well, yes, but it was an
                  accident.  When her robe came

      Both are staring at him.

                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                  The point is, they're selling
                  Superman off like a piece of

                  Fifty thousand dollars to help
                  blind children.  There's nothing
                  wrong with that.

                  Mom, I know it's for a good
                  cause... and I want to help.
                  It's just that Superman has
                  become a Super_Star_ and I don't
                  know if he can keep up.

                  What do you mean, 'he?'  You                                      (X)
                  speak as if Superman were someone
                  _You're_ Superman, Clark.

      It's a simple statement, but it has a strong effect.  Clark
      sits down next to his mother.

                  I guess I just feel like I'm
                  losing myself to the man in the
                  red, yellow, and blue suit.

      Jonathan exchanges a look with his wife, puts his arm around
      his son.

                  It's the man beneath the suit
                  that we care about


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          38.    

70    CONTINUED:                                                                     70

      Clark sighs, gives this some thought.  Just then, the "Jack In
      The Box" music stops playing, and up into the air pops... a
      flying Superman.  As the Kents duck for cover we...

                                                      CUT TO:

71    EXT. DOWNTOWN METROPOLIS STREET - DAY - SAME TIME                              71

      A Man, the same man that we saw outside the Morris house, and
      still wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a trench coat, stands in
      the shadow of a lamp post.  As he steps into the sun to check
      the time on his watch, he stands right beside a Wanted poster
      on the lamp post, with his likeness on it.  When he removes his
      sunglasses, we see the man is HENRY BARNES.  Just,. then, from
      down the street, he sees what he's been waiting for.

72    EXT. DOWNTOWN METROPOLIS STREET - BARNES' P.O.V.                               72

      A bus from Met Max Prison, carrying inmates, turns the corner.

73    BARNES                                                                         73

      removes a gun from a paper bag, then something else -- an
      invisibility suit -- and starts to put it on.  As he does so,
      _HIS BODY BEGINS TO DISAPPEAR_ right in front of us.

74    THE BUS                                                                        74

      slows to a stop at a Stop Sign.  Suddenly, the doors to the bus
      are opened by an Invisible Force.  From inside, we HEAR a SHOT
      RING OUT, then shouts of fear... turning into shouts of freedom
      as one by one the Prisoners emerge.

                                                      CUT TO:

75    INT. DAILY PLANET PIT - DAY                                                    75

      The staff, including Perry, Jimmy, Lois, Cat, and Clark gather
      around the television monitor.

                              LINDA MONTOYA (ON TV)
                  The city is gripped with fear
                  today.  The Invisible Man has
                  struck again, freeing fifteen of
                  the nation's most vicious
                  criminals who were en route to
                  Metropolis Maximum Security


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  38.

  70  CONTINUED:                                                                     70

      Clark sighs, gives this some thought.  Just then, the "Jack in
      The Box" music stops playing and up in the air pops... a
      flying Superman.  As the Kents duck for cover, we

                                                      CUT TO

  71                                                                                 71
thru  OMITTED                                                                      thru
  74                                                                                 74

  75  INT. DAILY PLANET PIT - MORNING                                                75

      The staff, including Perry, Jimmy, Lois, Cat, and Clark, gather.
      around the television monitor.

                              LINDA MONTOYA (ON TV)
                  The city is gripped with fear
                  this morning after last night's
                  break-out at the Metropolis                                       (X)
                  Penetentiary.  The Invisible Man
                  freed an entire cell block
                  holding some of the nation's most
                  vicious criminals


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          39.    

75    CONTINUED:                                                                     75

                              LINDA MONTOYA (CONT'D)
                  The driver of the bus sustained
                  a bullet wound but is said to be
                  in satisfactory condition.  The
                  Police Commissioner urges the
                  people of Metropolis to remain
                  calm, but has ordered a ten p.m.
                  curfew for tonight.  He asks all
                  citizens to make sure that all
                  windows and doors to their homes
                  are securely locked.  For LexLu
                  Communication Hews, this is Linda
76    JIMMY                                                                          76

      shuts off the TV.  The group is momentarily silenced with some
      dreaded thoughts.

                  An army of invisible criminals.

                  Something even Superman can't

      As Clark takes in the ramifications of this assessment we...

                                                      WIPE TO:

77    INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - DAY                                                 77

      Henry Barnes, now fully visible, meets with his "army" of six
      of the inmates he freed the other night.

                  With these suits, there's nothing
                  we can't do, no place we can't
                  get into.

                              FIRST CRIMINAL
                  I think I'll pay my ex-wife a
                  little visit.

                  You're thinking small.
                  All my life I've dreamt of
                  gold...  beautiful, shiny gold.
                  Now it's ours for the taking.

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  39.

75    CONTINUED:                                                                     75

                              LINDA MONTOYA (CONT'D)
                  The Police Commissioner urges the
                  people of Metropolis to remain
                  calm, but has ordered a ten p.m.
                  curfew for tonight.  He asks all
                  citizens to make sure that all
                  windows and doors to their homes
                  are securely locked.  For LexCom
                  News, this is Linda Montoya

76    JIMMY                                                                          76

      shuts off the TV.  The group is momentarily silenced with some
      dreaded thoughts.

                  Great shades of Elvis.  An army                                   (X)
                  of invisible criminals.

                  Something even Superman can't

      As Clark takes in the ramifications of this assessment, we...

                                                      WIPE TO:

77    INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - DAY                                                 77

      Henry Barnes, now fully visible, meets with his "army" of the
      four inmates he freed the other night.

                  With these suits, there's nothing
                  we can't do, no place we can't
                  get into.
                  All my life I've dreamt of
                  gold...  beautiful, shiny gold.
                  Now it's ours for the taking.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          40.    

77    CONTINUED:                                                                     77

                              BARNES (CONT'D)
                  We're going back to the source,
                  and this time we're going to pull
                  it off.
                  A billion dollars worth.  And,
                  afterward, we just... disappear.

      A small laugh, then the group are all laughing until we

                                                      WIPE TO:
78    INT. DAILY PLANET - PIT - EVENING                                              78

      Lois and Clark have dozens of files and pieces of paper strewn
      around the conference room; they've been at it all day and into
      the evening.

                  This is impossible.  Even after
                  eliminating all the armed robbers
                  still in jail or accounted for
                  somewhere else, we've still got
                  hundreds of suspects.

                  Let's go over it again.  First,
                  he robs a jewelry store, then a
                  rare coin shop.

                  Jewels?  Collectors items?
                  Precious metals?

                        (the dawning of an
                  But not _all_ precious metals.

      Lois looks at him, then grabs a sheet of typed notes off the

                  A gold ring with emerald stone,
                  gold chains, gold brooch, gold

                  Gold.  He steals gold.

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                40.

77    CONTINUED:                                                                     77

                              BARNES (CONT'D)
                  We're going back to the source,
                  and this time we're going to pull
                  it off.
                  A billion dollars worth.  And,
                  afterward, we just... disappear.

      A small laugh, then the group are all laughing until we...

                                                      WIPE TO:

78    INT. DAILY PLANET - CONFERENCE ROOM - EVENING                                  78

      Lois and Clark have dozens of files and pieces of paper strewn                (X)
      around the conference room; they've been at it all day and into
      the evening.

                  This is impossible.  Even after
                  eliminating all the armed robbers
                  still in jail or accounted for
                  somewhere else, we've still got
                  hundreds of suspects.

                  Let's go over it again.  First,
                  he robs a jewelry store, then a
                  rare coin shop.

                  Jewels?  Collectors items?
                  Precious metals?

                        (the dawning of an
                  But not _all_ precious metals.

      Lois looks at him, then grabs a sheet of typed notes off the

                  A gold ring with emerald stone,
                  gold chains, gold brooch, gold

                  Gold.  He steals gold.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/29/93  41.

78    CONTINUED:                                                                     78

                        (yells out)

                                                      CUT TO:

79    INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - LATER                                                   79

      Jimmy is there, referring to an old newspaper article.

                  'Golden Boy' Barnes and his gang
                  all went down for the last job
                  they pulled.  Several of them
                  were on the bus that he
                  hijacked the other day.

      Lois and Clark jump for joy.

                  We've got him!

                        (calming down)
                  But how can we find him?

                  He's bound to strike again.

                  But where?

                  I know exactly where.

      Jimmy and Clark stare at Lois, who is holding the paper that
      Jimmy referred to earlier.  She turns the front page toward

80    CU - NEWSPAPER HEADLINE                                                        80

      It reads: "Robbery at the Metropolis Gold Repository Foiled".
      Beneath that:  "Golden Boy Barnes and His Gang to Serve Time."

                                                      WIPE TO:

81    INT. CLARK KENT'S LOFT - NIGHT                                                 81

      Clark opens the door and enters, Lois right behind him, turns
      on a light. Alan is fast asleep on the sofa.  Clark moves
      toward him...


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          42.    

81    CONTINUED:                                                                     81

                  Poor guy.  Hasn't slept in a

                  Well, let him be, then.  We'll
                  wait awhile.  I don't know if he
                  can help anyway.

                  I'll make some tea.
                                                      TIME CUT TO:

82    INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT TERRACE/ROOFTOP - LATER                                 82

      Lois and Clark sit outside on the rooftop, sipping tea.

                        (re: the tea)

                  Lapsang Suchang.  My mother used
                  to make me tea and raisin scones
                  when I was feeling bad.  Years
                  later, I had them for high tea at
                  the London Savoy, but it never
                  tasted as good.

      Lois walks over to the roof edge, stares out at the sky.

                  When we were little, Lucy and I'd
                  play a game -- we'd ask each
                  other, 'What would you rather be
                  able to do -- fly, or be

                  And you chose...

                  Invisible.  I wished I could walk
                  through all those closed doors.
                  I guess I still do.

                  And what do you think you'll find
                  there, behind those closed doors?


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                42.

81    CONTINUED:                                                                     81

                  Poor guy.  Hasn't slept in a

                  Well, let him be, then. We'll
                  wait awhile. I don't know if he
                  can help anyway.

                  I'll make some tea.

                                                      TIME CUT TO:

82    INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT TERRACE/ROOFTOP - LATER                                 82

      Lois and Clark sit outside on the rooftop, sipping tea. It's                  (X)
      a windy night, the storm brewing once again.

                        (re: the tea)

                  Lapsang Suchang. My mother used
                  to make me tea and raisin scones
                  when I was feeling bad. Years
                  later, I had them for tea at the                                  (X)
                  London Savoy, but it never tasted
                  as good.

      Lois walks over to the roof edge, stares out at the sky.

                  When we were little, Lucy and I'd
                  play a game -- we'd ask each
                  other, 'What would you rather be
                  able to do -- fly, or be

                  And you chose...

                  Invisible. I wished I could walk
                  through all those closed doors.
                  I guess I still do.

                  And what do you think you'll find
                  there, behind those closed doors?


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          43.    

82    CONTINUED:                                                                     82

                  I don't know.  Something
                  different, wonderful... something
                  I don't have, or can't have.
                  So, what about you?


                  Invisible?  Or fly?

      Clark stands, walks over to the roof eave to join her.




                  I never thought I'd say this,
                  Clark.  But we have something in

                        (close to her)
                  What's that?

                  Superman.  You want to fly like
                  him.  I want to fly... right into
                  his arms.

      If only she knew how close she really was.  On them, we...

                                                      FADE OUT:

                          _END OF ACT THREE_

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                43.

82    CONTINUED:                                                                     82

                  I don't know.  Something
                  different, wonderful... something
                  I don't have, or can't have.
                  So, what about you?


                  Invisible? or fly?

      Clark stands, walks over to the roof eave to join her.




                  I never thought I'd say this,
                  Clark.  But we have something in

                        (close to her)
                  What's that?

                  Superman.  You want to fly _like_                                 (X)
                  him.  I want to fly _with_ him.

      If only she knew how close she really was. on them, we...

                                                      FADE OUT:

                          _END OF ACT THREE_

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          44.    

                              _ACT FOUR_

      FADE IN:

83    INT. CLARK KENT'S LOFT - MORNING                                               83

      We PAN to find Alan snoring on the sofa, and Lois, still fully
      dressed minus her shoes, also fast asleep on the futon in the
      sleeping area.  Clark's nowhere to be seen.

84    ON LOIS                                                                        84

      A shadow falls over her face and the change in light causes her
      to shift position and slowly open her eyes.  As she does so,
      the thing she sees causes them to open wider and wider...

85    LOIS' P.O.V. - SUPERMAN                                                        85

      stands in front of her, his cape waving in the soft morning

86    LOIS                                                                           86
      sits up, in awe and wonder...


                  I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to wake
                  you.  I ran into Clark at the
                  Courthouse and he told me...

                  Clark -- where is he?

                  Hall of Records, something about
                  researching the past activity of
                  Barnes' gang.  Anyway, Clark said
                  you could use my help.

      Lois stands to face her hero, letting an ounce of insecurity

                  Superman... I'm so happy to see
                  you.  I've been trying to get you
                  to notice me, but you've been so
                  busy.  I was afraid that I'd
                  become just another face in the


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  44.

                                 _ACT FOUR_

      FADE IN:

83    INT. CLARK KENT'S LOFT - MORNING                                               83

      We PAN to find Alan snoring on the sofa, and Lois still fully
      dressed minus her shoes, also fast asleep on the futon in the
      sleeping area.  Clark's nowhere to be seen.

84    ON LOIS                                                                        84

      A shadow falls over hr face and the change in the light causes her
      to shift position and slowly opens her eyes.  As she does so,
      the thing she sees causes them to open wider and wider...

85    LOIS' P.O.V. - SUPERMAN                                                        85

      stands in front of her, his cape waving in the soft morning

86    LOIS                                                                           86

      sits up, in awe and wonder...


                  I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to wake
                  you.  I ran into Clark at the
                  Courthouse and he told me...

                  Did Clark leave?  What's he doing
                  at the courthouse?

                  Hall of Records, something about
                  researching the past activity of
                  Barnes' gang.  Anyway, Clark said
                  you could use my help.

                  We can.

                  You know, Lois, you don't have to
                  bid for my attention.

      Lois stands to face her hero.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          45.    

86    CONTINUED:                                                                     86

      Superman softly touches her cheek with his hand.

                  You'll always be special to me,

                  I will?

                  Of course.  you're the first
                  woman that...
                        (beat, covering)
                  ... interviewed me.

                              ALAN MORRIS (0.S.)
                  I don't believe my eyes.  Is that
                  really Superman?

      Lois and Superman turn to see Alan standing behind them.

                  Good morning, Alan.  I'm here to
                  help.  First, I need some
                  information from you.

                              ALAN MORRIS

      The men walk back toward the sofa.  Lois is right behind them,
      smoothing down her wrinkled outfit.  Superman sits down on the
      sofa next to Alan.

                  Clark filled me in about Barnes
                  and the Gold Repository.  My
                  problem is, even if they show up
                  there, I still can't see them.

                  Even with your x-ray vision?

                  No.  Alan, is there anything else
                  you can tell us that might help?

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  I don't think so.

                  You got the idea from a
                  flourescent light bulb...

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  45.

86    CONTINUED:                                                                     86

                  You saw me there?  I didn't think                                 (X)
                  you noticed me.                                                   (X)
                        (beat, softly)
                  I was afraid that I'd become just                                 (X)
                  another face in the crowd.

      Superman softly touches her cheek with his hand.

                  You'll always be special to me,

                  I will?

                  Of course.   You're the first
                  woman that...
                        (beat, covering)
                  ... interviewed me.

                              ALAN MORRIS (O.S.)
                  I don't believe my eyes.  Is that
                  really Superman?

      Lois and Superman turn to see Alan standing behind them.

                  Good morning, Alan.  I need some
                  information from you.

                              ALAN MORRIS

      Just then, the phone rings and Superman is quickly across the
      room to answer it.

                        (into phone)
                  Hello?  Oh, yes... Clark.
                        (to Lois)
                  It's Clark Kent.
                        (back to phone)
                  Yes, they're both fine.  All
                  right, I'll tell her.  Thank you.

      He hangs up.

                  What'd he want?

                  He said he'll... be awhile.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  45A.

 86   CONTINUED:                                                                     86

                  Good.  Uh, I mean, let him take
                  his time.

                                                      CUT TO:

86A   INT. KENT FARM - LIVING ROOM - SAME TIME                                      86A

      Martha is still holding the receiver, very confused, hangs up                 (X)
      when she hears the dial tone.  Then, she picks up the phone
      again, stars to re-dial, thinks the better of it, hangs up.

                                                      BACK TO

86B   INT. CLARK KENT'S LOFT - SAME TIME                                            86B

      Superman sits down on the sofa next to Alan                                   (X)

                  Clark filled me in about Barnes
                  and the Gold Repository.  My
                  problem is, even if they show up
                  there, I can't see them.

                  Even with your x-ray vision?

                  No, because I still need visible
                  light.  Alan, is there anything
                  else you can tell us that might

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  I don't think so.

                  You got the idea from a
                  florescent light bulb...


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          46.    

86    CONTINUED:                                                                     86

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Yes, but I guess I never really
                  thought about trying to make an
                  invisible suit visible.

                  There must be a way.

                  Yeah, there is.
                  I'll just turn on the light.

      Before they can react, the phone rings and Superman is quickly
      across the room to answer it.

                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                        (into phone)
                  Hello?  Oh, yes... Clark.
                        (to Lois)
                  It's Clark Kent.
                        (back to phone)
                  Yes, they're both fine.  All
                  right, I'll tell her.  Thank you.

      He hangs up.

                  What'd he want?

                  He said he'll... be awhile.

                  Good.  Uh, I mean, let him take
                  his time.

                                                      CUT TO:
87    INT. KENT FARM - LIVING ROOM - SAME TIME                                       87

      Martha is still holding the receiver, very confused, hangs up
      when she hears the dial tone.  Then, she picks up the phone
      again, starts to re-dial, thinks the better of it, hangs up.

                                                      BACK TO:
88    INT. CLARK KENT'S LOFT - SAME TIME                                             88

      The phone rings again.  Superman quickly picks it up once more.

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  46.

86B   CONTINUED:                                                                    86B

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Yes, but I guess I never really
                  thought about trying to make an
                  invisible suit visible.

                  There must be a away.

                        (a revelation)                                              (X)
                  Yes, there is.

      Superman is headed out the back door to the roof.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          47.    

88    CONTINUED:                                                                     88

                        (into phone)
                  Hello?  Uh, no, who's this
                  calling?  Just a minute.  Lois,
                  it's Jimmy.

      Lois takes the phone.

                  What's up?  When?!  I'll call you
                        (hanging up and turning
                               to Superman)
                  They're there.  The silent alarm
                  at Fort Metropolis has just

      Superman is already headed out the back door to the roof.  Lois
      watches him leave.  A beat, then she grabs Alan and they're out
      the front door.  On their exit we...

                                                      WIPE TO:
89    EXT. FORT METROPOLIS - DAY                                                     89

      The Metropolis police and their equivalent-to-SWAT-team have
      surrounded the massive old building's perimeter.  Lois and Alan
      arrive in a taxi.  Lois sees Henderson, crosses the police line
      to run up to him.

                  Henderson -- what's going on?

                  Lois, get back.  You're going to
                  get yourself killed.

      She's not moving.  Henderson knows her well enough not to

                  Guards inside?

                  They've taken two of them as
                  hostages.  One of them is
                  wounded, pretty bad off.
                        (beat, pointing)
                  We sent some of our men in the
                  front, but they were hit with a
                  blast of gunfire out of nowhere.
                  Ambulance just left.

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93  Gold                  47.

86B   CONTINUED:                                                                    86B

                  Where're you going?

                  To turn on the lights.

      Lois and Alan exchange a glance, watch Superman leave.  Lois
      looks at the invisibility suit, grabs it, starts walking out.

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Oh, no.  Not without me you

                        (re: suit)
                  Got a spare?

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Of course.
                  One size fits all.

      A beat, then Lois grabs Alan and they're out the front door.
      On their exit we...

                                                      WIPE TO:

86C   EXT. FORT METROPOLIS - TO ESTABLISH ONLY                                      86C

      A massive old structure on the outskirts of the city.                         (X)

 87                                                                                  87
thru  OMITTED                                                                      thru
 89                                                                                  89


      We move with an Invisible Lois and Alan down the corridor.

                              INVISIBLE ALAN MORRIS
                  Psst!  Lois!

                              INVISIBLE LOIS
                        (in a whisper)

                              INVISIBLE ALAN MORRIS
                  Where are you?

                              INVISIBLE LOIS
                  I'm right here.  Take my hand.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                47A.

89A   CONTINUED:                                                                    89A

                              INVISIBLE ALAN MORRIS
                  I don't know about this, Ms.
                  Lane.  This could be very

                              INVISIBLE LOIS
                  Danger is my business, Alan.

                                                      WIPE TO:

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          48.    

89    CONTINUED:                                                                     89

                  So... what can we do?

                  If only we knew what was going on
                  in there.  How many, how much
                  fire power?  But... we're
                  helpless out here, Lois.  There's
                  nothing we _can_ do.

      Lois looks at Henderson, glances back to Alan, shyly standing
      back and holding the... suit.  On Lois, the wheels turning,

                                                      WIPE TO:

90    EXT. PHOSPHORUS MINE - FROM THE AIR - SUPERMAN'S POV                           90

      Superman _FLIES_ over a group of low-lying mountains.  He _PAUSES
      IN MID-AIR_ to focus on the ground below.  The image pixilates

91    CU - SIGN BY MINE ENTRANCE                                                     91
      "Jackson Phosphorus."

92    ON SUPERMAN                                                                    92
      As he descends toward the mine, we...

                                                                           WIPE TO:

93    EXT. FORT METROPOLIS - DAY - SAME TIME                                         93

      Lois steps behind some bushes to quietly slip into the
      invisible suit.

                  I have to get in there so I can
                  tell Henderson what's going on.

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  I don't know about this, Ms.
                  Lane.  This could be very

                  Danger is my business, Alan.
                  Don't worry about me.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93    Pink                48. -49.

90    EXT. PHOSPHORUS MINE - FROM THE AIR - SUPERMAN'S POV                           90

      Superman FLIES over a group of low-lying mountains. He PAUSES
      IN MID-AIR to focus on the ground below.  The image pixilates

91    CU - SIGN BY MINE ENTRANCE                                                     91

      "Jackson Phosphorus."

92    ON SUPERMAN                                                                    92

      As he descends toward the mine, we...

                                                      WIPE TO:

93    OMITTED                                                                        93

94    INT. FORT METROPOLIS - CORRIDOR - SAME-TIME                                    94

      The Invisible Lois and Alan approach the vault room, hear                     (X)
      voices inside.  The door is ajar and they gently push it open
      even further.


      Henry Barnes' gang loads the gold bullion into invisible sacks.
      Some of the gang, including Henry Barnes, are visible ONLY FROM
      THE WAIST UP.  A Male and Female Guard are slumped on the
      floor, one with a head wound, guarded by a member of the gang.

96    INT. FORT METROPOLIS - CORRIDOR - MOMENTS LATER                                96

      We move back down the hallway with the invisible Lois and Alan.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          49.    

93    CONTINUED:                                                                     93

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Let _me_ go.  I'm the one who
                  started this whole thing.

                  Stay here.
      She's finished putting on the suit, but before she activates
      it, we...
                                                      WIPE TO:
      The front door to the fort opens slightly as an invisible Lois

94    INT. FORT METROPOLIS - CORRIDOR LEADING TO VAULT - DAY                         94
      We move with the Invisible Lois down the corridor.  We hear
      VOICES coming from a room up ahead.

95    INT. FORT METROPOLIS - VAULT ROOM - LOIS' P.O.V. - DAY                         95

      Henry Barnes' gang loads the gold bullion into invisible sacks.
      Some of the gang, including Henry Barnes, are visible _ONLY FROM
      THE WAIST UP_.  A Male and Female Guard are slumped on the
      floor, one with a head wound, guarded by a member of the gang.

96    INT. FORT METROPOLIS - CORRIDOR - MOMENTS LATER                                96
      We move back down the hallway with the invisible Lois, when...

                              INVISIBLE ALAN MORRIS
                  Psst!  Lois!

                              INVISIBLE LOIS
                  Who's that?

                              INVISIBLE ALAN MORRIS
                  It's me, Alan!

                              INVISIBLE LOIS
                  I told you to stay...

                              INVISIBLE ALAN MORRIS
                  I came to help.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          50.    

96    CONTINUED:                                                                     96

                              INVISIBLE LOIS
                  Let's get out of here.
                  And will you _please_ take your
                  hand off my thigh!

                              INVISIBLE ALAN MORRIS
                  Thigh?  I'm not touching your

      A beat of noticeable silence and then...
                              INVISIBLE LOIS
                Uh oh.

97    INT. FORT METROPOLIS VAULT - MOMENTS LATER                                     97

      A visible Lois and Alan now stand before a visible Barnes and
      his group.  The two Guards are kept at bay with guns trained on

                              HENRY BARNES
                  This should work out perfectly.
                  I can see tomorrow's headline:
                  "Invisible Man Found Dead Along
                  With Hostages and the Daily
                  Planet's Star Reporter."

      Barnes nods and his gang begins to exit the vault room.  When
      they've gone, Barnes begins to close the door, turns to smile
      at Lois.

                              HENRY BARNES (CONT'D)
                  By the way, did you know this
                  room is air-tight?  Something
                  about the oxygen affecting the
                  gold.  With the door shut, I'd
                  guess there's only about two
                  minutes left of air in here, so,
                  if I were you, I'd say my

                        (still defiant)
                  I'll say one for you, but it
                  won't help.

      Barnes laughs, starts to shut the door.

                              HENRY BARNES
                        (with a wink)
                  I'll be seeing you.

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93    Gold                50.

96    CONTINUED:                                                                     96

                              INVISIBLE LOIS
                  Let's get out of here.  We've got to
                  call the police.
                  And will you please take your hand
                  off my thigh!

                              INVISIBLE ALAN MORRIS
                  Thigh?  I'm not touching your thigh.

      A beat of noticeable silence and then...

                              INVISIBLE LOIS
                  Uh oh.

97    INT. FORT METROPOLIS VAULT - MOMENTS LATER                                     97

      A visible Lois and Alan now stand before a visible Barnes and
      his group.  Two Guards are kept at bya with guns trained on them.

                              HENRY BARNES
                  This should work out perfectly.
                  I can see tomorrow's headline: 
                  "Invisible Man Found Dead Along With
                  Hostages and the Daily Planet's Star

      Barnes nods and his gang begins to exit the vault room.  When
      they've gone, Barnes begins to close the door, turns to smile at

                              HENRY BARNES (CONT'D)
                  By the way, did you know this room is
                  air-tight?  With the door                                         (X)
                  shut, I'd guess there's only about
                  two minutes left of air in here, so
                  if I were you, I'd say my prayers.

                        (still defiant)
                  I'll say one for you, but it won't

      Barnes laughs, starts to shut the door.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/3/93 Pink                   50A.

97    CONTINUED:                                                                     97

                              HENRY BARNES
                        (with a wink)
                  I'll be seeing you.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          51.    

 97   CONTINUED:                                                                     97

      Barnes slams the door to the vault and locks it from the

      Lois bangs on the door, screams, looks around for another exit --
      there is none.  Alan, Lois, and the two guards sit close
      together.  Lois tries to muster a valiant smile to keep all of
      their spirits up, but the air is already getting thin.
      Disconsolate, Lois utters her earlier words with complete

                  'Danger is my business.'

                                                      CUT TO:
 98   EXT. FORT METROPOLIS - SAME TIME                                               98

      The SWAT teams are at the ready, but are unable to see the _ARMY
      OF INVISIBLE MEN_ who come out shooting.  The SWAT team duck
      down behind their cars.

                  Hold your fire.  They may have

      Then, from above, a rain of a finely-ground, powdery substance
      begins to fall over the whole area.

 99   ONE GUNMAN                                                                     99

      As the powder coats him, he becomes visible: the suit glows
      red.  He looks up.

100   ON THE ROOF OF FORT METROPOLIS                                                100

      Superman stands there, emptying the last of a pile of sacks
      stamped "Jackson Phosphorus" and carefully _BLOWING_ the powder
      to cover the street area below.

101   HENDERSON                                                                     101

      From where he stands, all five gang members are now glowing
      red: easily visible.  The SWAT team train their weapons on the

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93    Green               51.

  97  CONTINUED:                                                                     97

      Barnes slams the door to the vault and locks it from the

      Lois bangs on the door, screams, looks around for another exit --
      there is none. Alan, Lois, and the two guards sit close
      together.  Lois tries to muster a valiant smile to keep all of
      their spirits up, but the air is already getting thin.
      Disconsolate, Lois utters her earlier words with complete

                  'Danger is my business.'

                                                      CUT TO:

  98  EXT. FORT METROPOLIS - SAME TIME                                               98

      Detective Burke, the Metropolis Police and their equivalent-to-
      SWAT-team have surrounded the massive old building perimeter.
      The fort door opens.  The police are at the ready, but do not
      see the ARMY OF INVISIBLE MEN who come out.  An over-anxious
      SWAT team member FIRES.

                  Hold your fire! They may have

      But, it's too late. The invisible gang starts firing back.
      Burke and his squad are at a terrible loss, being shot at, but
      unable to return the fire.  Then, from above, a rain of a
      finely-ground, powdery substance begins to fall over the whole

  99  BARNES                                                                         99

      As the powder coats him, he becomes visible: the suit glows
      red. He looks up.

 100  ON THE ROOF OF FORT METROPOLIS                                                100

      Superman stands there, emptying the last of a pile of sacks
      stamped "Jackson Phosphorus" and carefully _BLOWING_ the powder
      to cover the street area below.

100A  BARNES                                                                       100A

      Starts to run, but suddenly, Superman appears in front of him.
      Barnes _FIRES_ directly into Superman's chest, but the _BULLETS_
      _BOUNCE OFF_.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93    Green               51A.

100A  CONTINUED:                                                                   100A

                  Nice to see you, Barnes.                                          (X)
      Superman takes his weapon and _BENDS IT_, then leads Barnes away.

101   BURKE                                                                         101

      From where he stands, all-five gang members are now glowing
      blue-red:  easily visible.  The SWAT team train their weapons on
      the gang.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          52.    

101   CONTINUED:                                                                    101

                  Drop your weapons!
                        (to the man at his
                  Talk about being caught red-

      _SUPERMAN SWOOPS DOWN_, landing in front of Henderson.

                  Where's Lois Lane?

                  I don't know.  She was here a
                  minute ago.

      Suddenly worried, Superman looks around, then _HEARS_ Lois inside
      the Fort, calling for him.  He's through the front door in a

                                                      CUT TO:

102   INT. FORT METROPOLIS - THE VAULT ROOM - SAME TIME                             102

      Lois, Alan and the Guards are gasping for air.  They can't make
      it much longer.

                  Superman... where are you?

      The door to the vault comes _crashing open_.  Suddenly Lois is in
      Superman's arms.  The police are right behind, taking out the
      injured guards and Alan.

103   EXT. FORT METROPOLIS - MOMENTS LATER                                          103

      Superman, carrying Lois, exits the building just as Henry
      Barnes and his gang are being handcuffed and loaded into police

                  How did you know how to make them

                  Flourescent light.
                  In a flourescent lightbulb,
                  invisible light becomes visible
                  by passing it through a coating
                  of phosphorus.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  8/5/93    Green               52.

101   CONTINUED:                                                                    101

                  Drop your weapons!
                        (to the man at his
                  Talk about being caught red-

      Superman hands Barnes over to Burke.                                          (X)

                  Where's Lois Lane?

                  Lois? Is she here?

      Superman looks around, then HEARS Lois inside the Fort, calling
      for him. He's through the front door in a flash.

                                                      CUT TO:

102   INT. FORT METROPOLIS - THE VAULT ROOM - SAME TIME                             102

      Lois, Alan and the Guards are gasping for air.  They can't make
      it much longer.

                  Superman... where are you?

      Just then, Superman crashes through the concrete wall to the
      vault room.  Suddenly Lois is in superman's arms.  The police
      are right behind, taking out the injured guards and Alan.

103   EXT. FORT METROPOLIS - MOMENTS LATER                                          103

      Superman, carrying Lois, exits the building just as Henry
      Barnes and his gang are being handcuffed and loaded into police

                  How did you know how to make them

                  Florescent light.
                  In a florescent lightbulb,
                  invisible light becomes visible
                  by passing it through a coating
                  of phosphorus.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine   7/29/93                          53.    

103   CONTINUED:                                                                    103

      Lois is happily taking in the fresh air.  Superman sets her
      down on the ground.

                  That's the second time you've
                  saved my life.

                  Glad to be of service.

      Superman is about to fly, but...

                              MURRAY (O.S.)
                  Supe!  You were terriffic!

      They turn to see Murray Brown standing there, holding a

                              MURRAY (CONT'D)
                  You want it in writing, right?
                  Here's the emmis.  _World_ _wide_
                  _merchandising_ _rights_.  I'm
                  talkin' movies, I'm talkin'
                  miniseries, I'm talkin' music
                  videos, I'm talkin' comic books,
                  I'm talkin' action figures.  But,
                  you call the shots.  Quality
                  control is Murray Brown's middle
                  name.  You don't like it, we
                  don't do it.  How can you turn
                  down a deal like that?

                  I can't.

                  You can't?

                  But, all proceeds go to charity.

                  Great touch.

      Superman starts to fly.  Murray calls after him, suddenly

                              MURRAY (CONT'D)
                  That wouldn't include my
                  commission, would it?

                                                      WIPE TO:

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/30/93    Blue               53.

103   CONTINUED:                                                                    103

      Lois is happily taking in the fresh air.  Superman sets her
      down on the ground.

                  That's the second time you've
                  saved my life.

                  Glad to be of service.

      Superman is about to fly, but...

                              MURRAY (O.S.)
                  Supe!  You were terrific!                                         (X)

      They turn to see Murray Brown standing there, holding a document.

                              MURRAY (CONT'D)
                  You want it in writing, right?
                  Here's the emmis.  World wide
                  merchandising rights.  I'm
                  talkin' movies, I'm talkin'
                  miniseries, I'm talkin' music
                  videos, I'm talkin' comic books,
                  I'm talkin, action figures.  But,
                  you call the shots.  Quality
                  control is Murray Brown's middle
                  name.  You don't like it, we
                  don't do it.  How can you turn
                  down a deal like that?

                  I can't.

                  You can't?

                  But, all proceeds go to charity.

                  Great touch.

      Superman starts to fly.  Murray calls after him, suddenly

                              MURRAY (CONT'D)
                  That wouldn't include my
                  commission, would it?

                                                      WIPE TO:

                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)   LeVine  7/29/93                       54.

104   EXT. ALAN MORRIS HOUSE - TO ESTABLISH ONLY                                    104

105   INT. ALAN MORRIS HOUSE - BASEMENT - DAY                                       105

      Alan, wife Helene, and Lois and Clark are gathered.

                              ALAN MORRIS                                             
                  I destroyed the suits, all my
                  Are you going back to your job?

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  I got a new one. Something very
                  Vice President, Research and
                  Development for Luthor

      Clark reacts to hearing Luthor's name.


      Lois turns to Helene.

                  I'm so glad the two of you are
                  back together.

      Helene looks around, whispers something into Lois' ear. Lois,
      eyes widen.

                              LOIS (CONT'D)
                  He did?

                  Yes.  Alan's his old self again.
                  Thank you for bringing him home.                                  108

      Helene moves to her husband and they kiss.

                              ALAN MORRIS
                  Guess I don't need to be
                  invisible to be visible any more.

                  You never did, Alan.
                        (recalling his father's
                  It was the man under the suit
                  that Helene cared about.


                            --page break--
      I'M LOOKING THROUGH YOU (#3)  LeVine  7/29/93   55.

105   CONTINUED:                                                                    105

      Alan shakes Clark's hand.  On their exit upstairs we

                                                      WIPE TO:

106   EXT. DAILY PLANET - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH ONLY                                 106

107   INT. DAILY PLANET - THE PIT - NIGHT                                           107

      Lois and Clark are busy writing the story at their respective
      desks.  Lois stops typing, prints a page out, walks over to
      Clark's desk, sits on the edge, hands him the sheet.

                  I think we should lead with this.

                        (scanning the page)
                  Nice work.

      Lois nods, then can't help herself...

                  You know, Clark, not that I'm one
                  of those people who revel in
                  saying, 'I told you so'...

                  Uh huh.

                  ... but I hope you've learned
                  your lesson.  There is no such
                  thing as an invisible man.

      Lois stares at Clark, looking for confirmation.  She gets none.
      She shrugs, walks back toward her desk.

108   ON CLARK                                                                      108

      He leans back in his chair, looks at Lois across the way, nose
      to the grindstone.

                  Yes there is, Lois.  Yes there

      And on Clark, perhaps the most invisible man of all,


Kikavu ?

Au total, 35 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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12.04.2021 vers 21h

30.06.2020 vers 10h

11.02.2020 vers 20h

19.07.2019 vers 22h

29.07.2018 vers 16h

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schumi  (19.07.2019 à 22:51)

Ce voleur à la Robin des bois est très touchante. Mais bien sûr ça se retourne contre lui... heureusement que superman veille.


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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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