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#219 : Cible : Jimmy Olsen

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Le docteur de Jimmy a été tué et Jimmy remarque que 3 dossiers de patients, dont le sien, ont disparu. De ce fait, il en parle à Loïs et vont directement chez la première patiente et ils la sauve juste à temps d'une agression. La jeune fille est amené au Daily Planet et Loïs décide de l'héberger quelques temps.

La deuxième personne est portée disparue selon Clark mais elle attaque le Daily Planet et meurt d'un coup. Tout le monde est abasourdi par ce qui se passe.

Il y a 20 ans, l'armée a implanté un virus inactif dans le corps de ces trois personnes, dont Jimmy. Le virus peut-être activé grâce à la substance nommée la Tansion. Il provoque alors une paralysie de la libre-pensée et ils deviennent des soldats et obéissent aux ordres.

C'est grâce à une veuve et sa fille docteur qu'ils ont pu apprendre cela et elles essayent de vendre ce concept et elles testent les cobays. Quand Jimmy entend le mot guerrier, il se dirige dans l'appartement de Loïs pour la tuer et la jeune fille essaye de tuer Clark. Superman sauve Loïs et Jimmy.

Note : 8.5/10


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
Target : Jimmy Olsen

Titre VF
Cible : Jimmy Olsen


2 ème partie Fr

2 ème partie Fr


Plus de détails


                 _The New Adventures of Superman_

                    "Target:  Jimmy Olsen!"

Written by Tony Blake & Paul Jackson
Directed by David Jackson
















_INTERIORS_:                               _EXTERIORS_:

Daily Planet                               Hospital
  Conference Room                          Street

Lois' Apartment                            Lois' Apartment
  Living Room
  Hallway                                  Medical Plaza High Rise

Katherine Perot's Office                   Metropolis Bank office
  Examining Room                           Alley

Dr. Frost's Office

Retired Officer's Club

Sarah's Apartment



     FADE IN:

 1   INT. DOCTOR FROST'S OFFICE - NIGHT #1                                       1  

     A darkened office.  The silhouetted figure of a woman
     wearing SURGICAL GLOVES, works quickly to pick the lock on a
     file cabinet, then starts rifling through file folders.
     Suddenly, a shaft of light floods the office as the door
     swings open revealing DOCTOR ALAN FROST, late 50's, a simple
     man in sport jacket and tie, who's stunned by what he sees.

                                           DR. FROST
                       Katherine! What are you doing?!

     The woman turns, revealing DOCTOR KATHERINE PEROT, 30-ish,
     smart and beautiful.

                       Doctor Frost!

                                           DR. FROST
                       I thought this was settled.  Those
                       files are to be destroyed.

                       Those files represent years of my
                       father's work.

                                           DR. FROST
                       Katherine, Project Valhalla was a
                       horrible mistake.

                                           CLAUDINE (O.S.)
                       Was it?

 2   ANOTHER ANGLE REVEALS                                                       2  

     CLAUDINE PEROT, Katherine's mother, late 40's-early 50's.  A
     sultry, attractive woman, revealingly dressed to the nines
     including white gloves, and a Tiparillo.  She gives the
     impression she'd destroy anyone who got in her way.  Think
     Joan Collins only not as classy.  She steps into the office,
     closing the door behind her.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                       2.  

 2   CONTINUED:                                                                  2  

                       Nice work mother.  I thought you
                       were going to keep him occupied.

                       Yes.  Well, apparently I'm not
                       Doctor Frost's type.

                       Really?  I can't imagine why not.

                                           DR. FROST
                       Claudine, this is insane.  Even
                       your husband admitted that
                       experiment never should have

                       But George is dead and as his widow
                       I'm entitled to all his belongings.
                       Including his files on the Valhalla

                                           DR. FROST
                       That's absurd.  Look, I've already
                       begun putting calls out to the
                       kids who were involved in the

                       Then we'll just have to work a lot

     She nods to Katherine who turns back to the file cabinet. 
     As Frost turns toward Katherine, Claudine pulls a letter
     opener from her purse.

                                           DR. FROST
                       No! You can't play God with
                       people's lives...

     Claudine comes up behind him, stabbing him in the back with
     the letter opener.  He stiffens a beat, then falls to the

                       Oh yes we can.

     Katherine turns, holding a folder boldly marked VALHALLA. 
     She eyes the fallen doctor, then looks at her mother who
     slips the letter opener back into her purse.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                     3.    

 2   CONTINUED:  2                                                               2  

                                           CLAUDINE (CONT'D)
                             (feigned innocence)
                       Looks like there's an opening for a
                       new head of Family Medicine.
                             (re: folder)
                       Are the targets in there?

     Katherine lays the folder down on a table and opens it.

 3   INSERT VALHALLA FOLDER CONTENTS                                             3  

     Fanned out are three pages that look like a doctor's initial
     interview page with the patient's name, address, date of
     birth, and a 3X5 black and white photo in the corner.  As
     we go close on the top page, the name and photo come into
     focus:  JAMES B. OLSEN.

                                           KATHERINE (O.S.)
                       They're here.

                                                               FADE OUT:

                                 _END OF TEASE_

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                     4.    

                                 _ACT ONE_

     FADE IN:

 4   INT. DAILY PLANET BULLPEN - DAY #2                                          4  

     CLOSE ON a CONE SHAPED WOOD CARVING resting on Lois' desk.
     We WIDEN to REVEAL a puzzled LOIS and JIMMY eyeing it.

                       Okay, I give.  What is it?

                       It's a... well, it's obviously
                       Dan Scardino sent it over and I
                       don't have a clue as to what it is.

     Jimmy SPINS THE CARVING on it's base, revealing he has a
     rash on his forearm thru...

                       Here's one clue.  It's ugly.

     Lois notices Jimmy scratching his arm.

                       That must be some itch.

     Jimmy raises his arm and we focus on the DISTINCTIVELY

                       Yeah.  I get it every year around
                       this time.  Ever since I was a kid.

                       Ooof.  Looks awful.  Don't they
                       have some cream or something you
                       can put on it?

                       I've tried everything.  But my doc
                       says not to worry.

                                           PERRY (O.S.)

     JIMMY turns and sees PERRY standing at the entrance to his
     office.  Perry looks uncomfortable, somber.

                                           PERRY (CONT'D)
                       Can I see you for a moment, son?


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                     5.    

 4   CONTINUED:                                                                  4  

                       Sure, Chief.

     As he exits, DAN SCARDINO appears at Lois' desk.

                             (re: gift)
                       Hi.  I see you got it.

                       Oh... uh yeah... thanks.  You
                       shouldn't have.

                       Well, anybody can send flowers, and
                       I thought this would be something
                       you could really appreciate.

                       And I do.
                             (awkward beat)

                       So if you remember, a while back
                       we talked about us maybe going out.

                       Dan, I'm flattered, I really am.
                       It's just... there's someone I've
                       kinda been seeing...

                             (off her nod)
                       Nice guy.  Real... polite.

                       Well, there's more to him than
                       that.  He's bright, he's...

     Scardino's eyes stop her cold.  The way he's looking at
     her... she could swim in them forever.

                                           LOIS (CONT'D)
                       He's... he's polite...

     She stops, realizes that sounds familiar.

                       They say good things come to those
                       that wait.  I got time.

     He flashes a dazzling smile, then heads for the elevators,
     leaving a conflicted Lois behind.

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                     6.    

 5   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                               5  

     CLARK enters from a side entrance, spots Scardino leaving. 
     A troubled look crosses his face as he approaches Lois.

                       What did he want?

                       Huh? oh, he just came by to say
                       hi. You know, in the neighborhood,
                       that sort of thing.

                             (re: carving)
                       He give you that?

                       Yeah.  Just something he saw and
                       thought I'd like.

     Clark nods, less than thrilled.  As he turns to head for his

                                           LOIS (CONT'D)
                       I wish I knew what it was.

                             (to himself)
                       It's trouble.

     Perry exits his office, his arm around a stunned Jimmy.

                       Lois.  Clark.

     He gestures for them to approach.  As they do...

                       Jimmy... what's the matter?

                       Dr. Frost has been murdered.

                       Alan Frost?  The doctor who writes
                       that weekly column for us?

                       The same.  He was also Jimmy's
                       family doctor.

                       He just called me yesterday.  Left
                       a message on my machine. I was
                       gonna call him back today...


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                     7.    

 5   CONTINUED:  1                                                               5  

     Perry hands Clark a slip of paper.

                       According to the police, Frost also
                       left messages with these two other
                       patients.  But they never talked
                       with him either.  I want you two on

     Lois and Clark nod, turn to leave when...

                       Chief?  I want to go with them.

                       Now Jimmy, I understand how you
                       feel, but...

                       Chief, please.  I knew Dr. Frost my
                       whole life.

                             (beat, then)
                       All right.

     As Jimmy flashes him a grateful smile...

                                                               CUT TO:

 6   INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - DAY                                                6  

     Lois, Clark and Jimmy approach a counter at a nurses station
     manned by NURSE BERKEY, no doubt a drill sergeant in a
     former life.  She's swamped under paper work and she's
     cranky.  Nearby is Doctor Frost's office door, with yellow
     police tape across it.

                       Excuse me, we're from the Daily
                       Planet.  We'd like to take a look
                       at Doctor Frost's office.

                                           NURSE BERKEY
                       Oh, you would?  Well we have strict
                       orders not to turn this place into
                       a media circus.

                             (eyeing her nametag)
                       ... nurse Berkey, I can assure you
                       that we...


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                     8.    

 6   CONTINUED:                                                                  6  

                                           NURSE BERKEY
                       Do you understand English?
                             (to Clark)
                       Perhaps you could interpret for
                             (to approaching worker)
                       Charlene, there's a case of
                       pentobarbitol missing from your
                       inventory report.  Find it.
                             (to Lois)
                       Do I need to call security?

     Clark leads Lois away.  Jimmy follows.

                       Do you believe that woman's

                       Talk about your bedside manner.

                       We're going to need a diversion to
                       get by her.

     He eyes a pregnant woman being pushed past in a

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       I've got an idea.

                                                               WIPE TO:

 7   INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - LATER                                              7  

     A very pregnant woman with an oxygen mask over her face lies
     on a gurney that's wheeled down the corridor by a doctor in
     surgical scrubs, including mask and cap.  A closer look
     reveals Clark as the doctor, the patient, Lois.  Suddenly,
     Lois lets out a loud MOAN and continues MOANING thru...

                       Nurse!  I have an emergency here!

 8   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                               8  

     Nurse Berkey rises from her seat and hurries to the gurney,
     as Jimmy appears from behind a corner and slips past the
     nurses station into Frost's office unseen.

                                           NURSE BERKEY
                       What do you need doctor?


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                     9.    

 8   CONTINUED:                                                                  8  

                       I'm going to need an operating room
                       for a C-section!

     Nurse Berkey-quickly heads back to her station and picks up
     the phone thru...

                                           NURSE BERKEY
                       Who should I get for an

     Clark's face suddenly goes blank.  Lois MOANS louder.


     As Nurse Berkey starts dialing...

                                           NURSE BERKEY
                       What's the diagnosis?

                       Uh... uh...

     Another LOUDER MOAN.

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       Pain!  A lot of pain!

     A skeptical look crosses Berkey's face.  Then...

                                           NURSE BERKEY
                       Take the staff elevators Doctor,
                       it's faster.

     Clark and Lois exchange a look, obviously neither of them
     know where the staff elevators are.  Another LOUD moan as
     Nurse Berkey eyes them, suspicious.

                                           NURSE BERKEY (CONT'D)
                       Doctor!  The staff elevators!

     She points down the corridor, opposite of the way they came.
     Clark runs to the other end of the gurney and quickly pushes
     in the direction the nurse pointed.

 9   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                               9  

     Claudine Perot, in a low cut suit rounds a corner with an
     ADMINISTRATOR and her daughter Katherine, in lab coat.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    10.    

 9   CONTINUED:                                                                  9  

                       As a member of the board of
                       directors I can tell you Jim, we're
                       very unhappy with the level of
                       security for this hospital.

     As Clark tries maneuvering the unwieldy gurney past the
     threesome he loses control and CRASHES into a food cart.
     The impact sends trays flying and Lois' 'baby,' a
     BASKETBALL, rolls out from under the sheet.  As Katherine
     Perot picks it up, an angry Nurse Berkey advances on them.
     Lois hops off the gurney.

                             (backing up)
                       Well.  Guess I won't be needing
                       that C-section after all.

     They turn and take off passing the Perots who eye them as
     they disappear into a stairwell.

                             (to Berkey)
                       What was that all about?

                                           NURSE BERKEY
                       A couple of Daily Planet reporters
                       trying to poke around Alan Frost's

                             (to Administrator)
                       You see Jim?  That's exactly what
                       I'm talking about.

     As Katherine looks after our heroes, concerned...

                                                               CUT TO:

10   EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY - MINUTES LATER                                        10  

     Lois and Clark, now in street clothes, hurry out through the
     front doors onto the sidewalk, laughing.

                       I gotta admit Clark, that was a
                       pretty out there scheme.

                       I've been taking lessons from Dan

     Jimmy rushes up to them.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    11.    

10   CONTINUED:                                                                 10  

                       What happened to you guys?

                       Our basketball arrived a little
                       early.  You find anything?

                       It's what I didn't find that's
                       interesting.  Yeah.

     He pulls out the slip of paper Perry had given Clark.

                                           JIMMY (CONT'D)
                       You know those two other people
                       Doctor Frost tried to call?  Their
                       files are missing, along with mine.
                             (and then)
                       You ever get that feeling in your
                       stomach like something really bad's
                       gonna happen?

                       I think we ought to try finding
                       these people.  See what you all
                       have in common.  Jimmy and I will
                       take Sarah Longley.
                             (to Clark)
                       You look for this G.E. Mallow.

                       Okay.  And Lois?  Stay close to

     Off Lois and Jimmy's concern...

                                                               CUT TO:

11   INT. APARTMENT HALLWAY - DAY - LATER                                       11  

     Lois and Jimmy come down a hallway checking numbers on
     doors.  Suddenly, they hear a woman's SCREAMS coming from
     one of the apartments.  They rush to the door.

                       It's hers!

     Together they use their shoulders and try breaking the door
     in.  On the second try, it works.

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    12.    

12   INT. SARAH LONGLEY'S APARTMENT - DAY - CONTINUOUS                          12  

     Lois and Jimmy burst in to discover SARAH LONGLEY, early
     20's, pretty, smart, with an acerbating wit and a tendency
     to overanalyze everything.  At the moment she's standing in
     her living room, struggling to extricate herself from the
     grasp of MARTIN WONG, late 20's, powerfully built.

                       Hey, leave her alone!

     At the sight of Jimmy and Lois, Wong releases Sarah, darts
     through an open window and heads down a fire escape.

                             (to Sarah)
                       Are you all right?

                       Yeah, I think.

                       I'm going after him!

     As he heads for the window...

                       Jimmy, no!

     But it's too late.  He's already out the window.

                                           LOIS (CONT'D)
                       What happened?

                       I don't know. The last thing I
                       remember is waking up on the couch
                       and seeing that guy standing over

                                                               CUT TO:

13   EXT. STREET - DAY - MOMENTS LATER                                          13  

     Wong drops six feet from the bottom of the fire escape
     ladder to the sidewalk and races across a sidewalk to a
     motorcycle.  Wong kick starts the cycle as Jimmy drops from
     the fire escape ladder in hot pursuit.

14   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              14  

     Clark rounds a corner and sees Jimmy racing after Wong,
     who's pulling away from the curb, just feet ahead of Jimmy.
     Clark ducks into a doorway and rips open his shirt REVEALING
     THE BIG RED 'S.'

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    13.    

15   ON WONG  1                                                                 15  

     speeding down the street as the cycle accelerates.

16   EXT. SKY - DAY                                                             16  

     Suddenly, SUPERMAN STREAKS down out of the clouds, heading
     straight at the oncoming, speeding motorcycle.

17   ON WONG - INCLUDING HIS POV                                                17  

     Superman's heading straight at him.  It's a game of chicken!

18   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              18  

     At the last moment, Wong tries to swerve around Superman.
     As the two speeding figures meet, Superman snatches him off
     the bike.

19   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              19  

     The riderless motorcycle crashes into a dumpster, Wong's
     helmet bouncing along behind it.

20   ON STREET                                                                  20  

     Superman floats to the ground holding the helmetless Wong by
     the collar as Lois, Jimmy and Sarah come running over.

                             (to Wong)
                       I've never lost a game of chicken

                       Thanks Superman.
                             (to Wong)
                       Who are you!?

     Wong remains impassive and silent.

                       I'll take him downtown.  Maybe the
                       police can get him to talk.

     Sarah grabs Wong by the shirt.

                       Listen, pal!  Unless you're a mute,
                       I want some answers.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    14.    

20   CONTINUED:                                                                 20  

     Jimmy shoots a look to Lois. He likes Sarah's style. He
     looks back at Sarah then suddenly...


     He rolls up his sleeve and extends his arm, placing it even
     with hers.

21   CLOSE ON THEIR FOREARMS                                                    21  

     revealing they both have the same odd looking rash.

22   RESUME SCENE                                                               22  

                       How long have you had that rash?

                       Ever since I was a kid.  I get it
                       every year at this time.  Why?

     Off Lois, Jimmy and Superman's concerned reaction....

23   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              23  

     Half a block away, a dark, late model Jaguar rests near the
     curb.  Inside, Claudine and Katherine Perot passively watch
     the scene.

                       That's that woman reporter who was
                       at the hospital.

                       I hope for her sake she doesn't
                       find out too much.

     And off Claudine and Katherine's cold stare...

                                                               FADE OUT:

                                _END OF ACT ONE_

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    15.    

                                  _ACT TWO_

     FADE IN:

24   INT. DAILY PLANET BULLPEN - NIGHT #2                                       24  

     Sarah is in Lois' chair, Lois perched on her desk.  Jimmy
     approaches and hands a coffee cup to Sarah.

                       Do you think that guy in my
                       apartment is connected to Doctor
                       Frost's murder?

                       I'm sure it's a possibility the
                       police will be investigating.

                       I wonder what else we have in
                       common besides Doctor Frost and
                       this rash?

                       Sarah how long have you been seeing
                       Dr. Frost?

                       All my life.  Ever since my Dad was
                       stationed at Fort Truman.

                       You were born at Fort Truman?  Me
                       too!  How old are you?

                       I just turned nineteen.

                       Me, too!  This is getting really

                             (studies him a beat,
                       Are you easily excitable?  Probably
                       prone to impulsive behavior? 
                       Capable, intelligent, even
                       sensitive... but still seeking
                       self confidence?

                       What are you talking about?


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    16.    

24   CONTINUED:                                                                 24  

                       I'm a psych major.  I was just
                       wondering if I was anywhere close
                       to describing your personality.

                       No... I don't think so.

                       Hm. It describes me perfectly.
                       Well we don't have that in common.

     Clark approaches.

                       Where have you been?

                       At the police station.  Detective
                       Wolfe told me what happened.
                             (to Sarah)
                       Hi.  I'm Clark Kent.


                       What were you doing at the police
                       station?  I thought you went to get
                       G.E. Mallow.

                       He's missing.  The police think
                       he's been kidnapped.

     As everyone digests this...

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       I don't think you two should go
                       home tonight.  Not until we know
                       what's going on.  Jimmy, you can
                       stay with me.

                             (to Sarah)
                       And you can stay with me.

                                                               DISSOLVE TO:

25   EXT. MEDICAL PLAZA HI-RISE - DAY #3 - ESTABLISHING                         25  

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    17.    

26   INT. KATHERINE PEROT'S OFFICE - DAY                                        26  

     A consultation office with a door leading to an examining
     room.  Katherine and a revealingly dressed Claudine huddle
     over the stolen files with MR. MUUNOUR (Moon-hour), a short,
     slight emissary from a Middle Eastern country.

                       Only three of Project Valhalla's
                       100 test subjects are still living
                       in Metropolis.  Katherine's
                       completed tests on one.  I think
                       you'll be impressed with her

                                           MR. MUUNOUR
                       I am impressed with nothing I have
                       seen so far.

                             (shamelessly flirting)

                       Mother please... have SOME respect
                       for yourself.

                       My daughter views this project as
                       some kind of validation of her late
                       father's work.  Me, I smell money. 
                       Lots of money.  So my goal is to
                       please you.

                             (to Muunour)
                       The synthetic virus injected into
                       these subjects is lying dormant and
                       can be activated only during
                       heightened metabolic periods.
                       These periods are indicated by a
                       red rash.

                                           MR. MUUNOUR
                       Go on.

     Lifting a model of the human brain.

                       The virus only affects the
                       pre-frontal cortex... that's the
                       area that controls free thought.

                                           MR. MUUNOUR
                       I know what it is.  I'm not a


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    18.    

26   CONTINUED:                                                                 26  

                       So I can assume you know where that
                       area is.

     Muunour confidently pinpoints an area on the model with his
     finger.  Katherine pushes his finger over an inch.  He
     withdraws, unamused.

                                           KATHERINE (CONT'D)
                       The ultimate effect is similar to
                       brain washing.  Once the subject is
                       injected with the pentobarbitol
                       serum the virus is activated.  Then
                       they're able to be controlled by
                       use of the trigger word, 'Warrior.'

                                           MR. MUUNOUR
                       But given the price you ask, you
                       still haven't convinced me of its

                       You know, Mr. Muunour, unlike my
                       father, you are a man of little


                             (ignoring her)
                       The virus can be mass produced. 
                       Under the guise of public health,
                       you can set up clinics and alter
                       everyone in your country.

                       Imagine, a whole nation that
                       blindly answers to your command.
                       I'd say that's valuable, wouldn't

                                           MR. MUUNOUR
                       I want proof.  And on a male
                       subject only.
                             (to Katherine)
                       Where I come from, we don't need
                       drugs to control our women.

     Claudine ignores him but Katherine struggles to hold her

                       Well, aren't we in luck.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    19.    

26   CONTINUED:  2                                                              26  

     She gestures to Katherine to open the door to the nearby
     examining room.  Katherine does so, REVEALING a young man,
     G.E. MALLOW, bound and gagged on an examining table.

                                           CLAUDINE (CONT'D)
                       Mr. Muunour, meet Mr. Mallow.

     off Mallow's wide eyed expression...

                                                               CUT TO:

27   INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - MORNING - DAY                                       27  

     Sarah's in the kitchen cooking scrambled eggs.  Lois comes
     into the kitchen dressed but still in rollers.  As Lois
     grabs a cup of coffee...

                       You know I can tell a lot about you
                       by the way you've organized your
                       kitchen.  I'm taking this course in
                       applied psychology and...

                       Sarah, there's something you need
                       to know.  I hate anyone trying to
                       analyze me.

     She heads back toward the bedroom.

                       That's amazing.  That's exactly how
                       I would have described you from the
                       way you organized your kitchen.

     Lois stops and shoots her a look, then decides not to get
     into it.  She exits to the bedroom as the DOORBELL RINGS.

                                           SARAH (CONT'D)
                       I got it.

     She goes to the door and opens it revealing Dan Scardino.
     He flashes his big smile.

                       Hi. Is Lois home?

     Sarah takes Dan in.  Obviously he's not her type.

                       Sure.  Can I tell her who's here?

                       I'm a friend.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    20.    

27   CONTINUED:                                                                 27  

                       A friend.  Boyfriend, friend-friend
                       or just... friend?

                       Gee, if I knew there was going to
                       be a test to get in I would have

     Lois appears in the background, hair now brushed and ready
     for work.

                       Dan.  What are you doing here?

     Sarah finally steps back, her analytical eyes never leaving
     him.  A little disconcerted, Dan quickly slips by.

                       I just came by to ask if you'd made
                       a decision.

                       Oh, that... Uh, well, to be
                       perfectly honest... things have
                       been a little hectic since

                       Would you two like to be alone?

                          LOIS                         DAN
               No.                                Yes.

                             (to Dan)
                       Since she's putting me up, I'll go
                       with her answer.

                       Who are you?

                       She's a friend.

                       Just... friend.

     Sarah moves into the kitchen thru...

                       Dan, look, it's not that I'm
                       putting you off.  It's just...


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    21.    

27   CONTINUED:  2                                                              27  

                                           LOIS (CONT'D)
                       I'm not the kind of person who
                       likes to jump into things.  I like
                       to... I don't know... let things

                       Ferment?  Lois, we're not making
                       wine here.  It's just a casual
                       evening out.

                       Dan, a casual evening out is what
                       you have with friends of the same
                       sex.  What we're talking about has
                       much bigger implications.

     Sarah returns to the living room eating her eggs off a

                       I'm afraid she's right, Dan.  You
                       know, the imprint of a male female
                       relationship is formed from the
                       moment both parties meet.  So

                       Sarah.  I don't think Dan's
                       interested in applied psychology
                       right now.

                                           CLARK (O.S.)

28   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              28  

     Clark stands in the open doorway.  Having both Clark and Dan
     here causes Lois a little discomfort.

                       Oh-oh.  Dad's here.  Fun's over.

     Clark shoots an icy glare at Dan.

                       Clark.  What are you doing here?

                       I got some information on Mallow.
                       What's he doing here?


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    22.    

28   CONTINUED:  2                                                              28  

                       They were discussing the pros and
                       cons of wine making.

     Lois shoots Sarah a look that reads 'butt out.'  Sarah
     flashes an innocent 'What'd I do?'

                       Look, I'll uh... catch you later.

     And he exits.  There's an awkward moment as Clark and Lois
     don't know whether to discuss Dan or ignore him.  Then...

                       You know what you two are doing
                       right now is classic.  You're both
                       thinking the exact same thoughts
                       but you're both hoping the other
                       person will talk first.

     They both turn to her, their eyes shooting daggers.

                                           SARAH (CONT'D)
                       I uh... I think I left something in
                       the bathroom.  'Scuse me.

     She quickly slips away toward the bathroom.

                       So what did you find out?

                       Mallow was born in the same Army
                       hospital as Jimmy and Sarah.  But
                       get this.  Doctor Frost was head of
                       pediatrics there before he resigned
                       and went into private practice.

                             (then not happy)
                       I hate military investigations.
                       You can never get anywhere.

                       Don't worry.  Perry's old Army
                       buddy, Admiral Haberstettzer is in

                       Stormin' Norman?

                       Perry set up a meeting for us.

                                                               CUT TO:

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    23.    

29   INT. RETIRED OFFICER'S CLUB - DAY                                          29  

     CLOSE ON the top plastic grid of the board game BATTLESHIP.
     Numerous white pegs indicate that the player has yet to hit
     any of his opponents ships.

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN (O.S.)
                       D three.

                                           LOIS (O.S.)

     As a male hand places another white peg in a hole, PULL BACK
     TO REVEAL we're...

30   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              30  

     ... at a card table. Lois reluctantly plays with STORMIN
     NORMAN', sixties, gruff, and a sore loser.  Clark sits next
     to Lois.

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                       You sure I didn't hit something?


                       Admiral... about the hospital at
                       Fort Truman

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                       Right, right Well, I heard about
                       something back in the 70's.
                       Something called the Valhalla

                       What was it?

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                       You play, I'll talk.

                       G nine.

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                       Hit.  That sinks my cruiser.  Damn.
                             (and then)
                       According to the rumors, some rogue
                       doctors were trying to tinker with
                       the brains of babies, fix it so
                       they could control their minds.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    24.    

30   CONTINUED:                                                                    30

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN (CONT'D)
                       The idea was to turn them into
                       assassins when they grew up.  F

     Lois just shakes her head.  As Norman reacts...

                       How far did they get in their

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                       Don't know.  The whole thing was
                       scuttled when the Pentagon found
                       out about it.  The General in
                       charge kept his commission, but his
                       career went nowhere after that.
                             (and then)
                       Your turn.

                       Um... B three.

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                       Hit.  If I didn't know better, I'd
                       say you had x-ray vision.

                       Admiral, do you know where we can
                       find that General?

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                       Perot?  He's dead.  Passed a few
                       months ago.

                             (beat, then)
                       Was he married?

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                       What's it to you?

                       Well, maybe he talked to his wife
                       about the project.  My dad's a
                       doctor and he always told my Mother
                       about his day over dinner.

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                       You got a good head on your
                       shoulders.  You would have made a
                       good Wave.  J eight.



                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    25.    

30   CONTINUED:  2                                                              30  

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                             (reacts, then)
                       Perot married some floozy. 
                       Claudine, I think her name was.  A
                       real gold digger.  They had one
                       kid, a smart girl, grew up to be a
                       doctor of some kind.

     As Lois and Clark exchange an intrigued look...

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN (CONT'D)
                       Your turn.

                       Huh?  Oh, uh... C three.

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                       Hit and game.  Guess it's a good
                       thing I was never in combat.

                       Thank you for your help, Admiral.

                                           STORMIN' NORMAN
                       Hey, hold on there.  I need a
                       chance to get even.  How are you at

                                                               CUT TO:

31   INT. DAILY PLANET BULLPEN - DAY - LATER                                    31  

     CLOSE ON a baffled looking Jimmy and Sarah.

                       Mind control?

     PULL BACK TO REVEAL that the young couple are standing at
     Lois' desk as Lois and Clark brief them.

                       It's just a rumor, we haven't
                       confirmed anything yet.

                       But if it is true, and we were
                       tested on... are you saying that
                       someone can control our minds?

                       It's a possibility.

     They react, then...


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    26.    

31   CONTINUED:                                                                 31  

                       Oh man... and I thought listening
                       to rock was gonna fry my brain...

     Perry steps out of his office.

                       Jimmy!  You were supposed to have a
                       photo sheet on my desk half an hour

                       I'm on it chief!

     As Perry steps back into his office...

                                           JIMMY (CONT'D)
                       Who needs drugs to control people
                       when you can use fear?

     He flashes a wan smile and heads OS.  As he does, he passes
     a staffer who lays a couple of message slips on Lois' desk.

                       You got three calls while you
                       were out, Lois.  They're all from
                       someone named Scardino.

     As the staffer exits...

                       Three calls?  Is he so insecure
                       he's afraid you won't call back if
                       he only leaves one message?

                       Maybe it's something important.

     Clark snatches the messages off her desk.

                       'What about dinner tonight?'
                       'Dinner tomorrow?' 'Lunch?'
                             (drops them back on
                              Lois' desk)
                       Yeah, real important.

     As he starts to walk away...

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       I'm going to see if that fax from
                       the Medical Association came in.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    27.    

31   CONTINUED:  2                                                              31  

     Clark exits, leaving Lois to stare after him.  All of this
     has been seen by Sarah.

                             (pulls up a chair)
                       So what's going on with you and

                       Nothing that's any of your

     She tries to ignore Sarah, but it doesn't work.

                                           LOIS (CONT'D)
                       We went out on a date, okay?  It
                       went great.  Then we kissed.  That
                       was better than great.  But now
                       it's like we're in some kind of
                       holding pattern... nothing's moving

                       And now this Scardino is looking
                       pretty good.

     Lois eyes her, unsure.

                                           SARAH (CONT'D)
                       Lois, it's classic.  Psych 101. 
                       Look, Clark's a terrific guy,
                       anyone could see that.  But he's
                       kind of like a rowboat.


                       Yeah.  You feel secure, you know
                       you'll get across the lake safely,
                       but it's not an exciting trip. 
                       Scardino, on the other hand, is a
                       speedboat.  Fast, sleek, a wild
                             (a cautionary finger)
                       But, there's also a better chance
                       of capsizing.

                       You're good.  You're really good.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    28.    

31   CONTINUED:  3                                                              31  

                       I figure by the time I graduate, I
                       can charge three hundred an hour,

     Clark approaches, waving a fax.

                       The medical association came
                       through on Katherine Perot.
                             (shows her a fax photo)
                       Look familiar?

                       I saw her when we were running out
                       of Metropolis General.

                       She's on staff.

                       That's where Dr. Frost worked.


     Before Clark can answer, Perry steps out of his office.

                       Lois!  Clark!  911!  There's some
                       nut shooting up a bank over on
                       Duffy Street.  I want copy and pix
                       for the late edition!

                             (to Lois)
                       You get Jimmy.  I'll meet you

     As Clark heads for a side exit, pulling at his tie...

                             (to Sarah)
                       You stay put.  We'll be back.

                                                               CUT TO:

32   EXT. METROPOLIS BANK - DAY                                                 32  

     SCREAMING pedestrians race in different directions to get
     away from a crazed G.E. Mallow who stands in front of the
     bank, brandishing an assault rifle.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    29.    

32   CONTINUED:                                                                 32  

     Across the street are four police cars, the officers
     crouched behind them, guns aimed at Mallow.

                                           POLICE (V.O.)
                             (on bullhorn)
                       Put down the rifle!

     Suddenly, he opens fire, spraying a short BURST OF BULLETS
     all over the street.  As people SCREAM... Suddenly a WHOOSH
     and Superman lands five feet in front of him.

                       Give me the rifle, Mister Mallow.

     Mallow slowly approaches.  His face now blank, he seems
     almost harmless.  He gets to point blank range and it
     appears he's about to hand Superman the rifle when instead

     Superman grabs the weapon from Mallow and BENDS IT IN HALF.
     Then, unexpectedly, Mallow passes out.

33   CAMERA PANS TO                                                             33  

     The Perots standing in the distance, watching with Mr.
     Muunour.  Claudine, as usual, dressed more elegantly than
     the hour requires, her ever-present tiparillo in hand.

                       What did you do to him?

                       Nothing!  Did it ever occur to you
                       that maybe something's wrong
                       with the formula?!

                                           MR. MUUNOUR
                       Ladies, please.  It appears this
                       experiment was a waste of my time.
                       I must be on a plane in twenty four

                       Don't worry.  We have another
                       target.  In fact, if I'm correct he
                       should be arriving shortly.

                       Mother.  Look.

     She indicates the scene in front of the bank.  Claudine and
     Muunour look over.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    30.    

33   CONTINUED:                                                                 33  

                       Oh, there he is now.

34   THEIR POV                                                                  34  

     Jimmy, on the scene, taking photos.

                                           CLAUDINE (O.S.)
                       James B. Olsen.

                                                               FADE OUT:

                                 _END OF ACT TWO_

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    31.    

                                 _ACT THREE_

     FADE IN:

35   INT. DAILY PLANET CONFERENCE ROOM - NIGHT #3 - LATER                       35  

     Perry's at the head of the conference table.  Jimmy and
     Sarah sit together next to him, looking over photos of
     Mallow.  A worried Jimmy holds a photo out to Lois who
     stands behind him.

                       Look.  On his arm.  He's got the
                       same rash we do.

                       According to neighbors his behavior
                       was totally out of character.  He's
                       basically a shy little messenger.

                       You think this guy was already
                       under mind control?

                       It's possible.  It's exactly the
                       kind of behavior the Admiral said
                       project Valhalla was capable of

                       Okay... I've got to express this,
                       otherwise I'm gonna start
                       manifesting symptoms of post-trauma


                       I might start freaking out.
                             (to Lois)
                       I'm scared.  I'm really scared..

                       Hey, nobody's going to turn us into
                       assassins.  We've got Superman on
                       our side.
                             (to Lois, worried)

     Lois' expression is less than reassuring.

                       What's Valhalla mean anyway?


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    32.    

35   CONTINUED:                                                                 35  

                       It's a Nordic myth.  Supposedly
                       there was a band of young women
                       called Valkyries.  They rode great
                       airborne war horses over
                       battlefields.  Their job was to
                       choose those fallen warriors who
                       were fit to enter Valhalla.

     Clark enters.

                       I just spoke with the police.  They
                       I.D.'d Sarah's abductor.  His
                       name's Martin Wong.  That's about
                       all they know.  And his one phone
                       call was to some bail bondsman
                       named Roxie Terrace.

     The STAFFER enters carrying two pieces of paper.

                       The medical report just came in on

     He hands it to Lois and exits.  She eyes it, then...

                       Doctors found a drug called
                       pentobarbitol in his blood.

                       Pentobarbitol.  Lois, that's the
                       medication that nurse at the
                       hospital said was missing.

                             (putting it together)
                       The same hospital where Katherine
                       Perot works.  And whose father was
                       head of Project Valhalla.

                             (rising; to Lois and
                       Since she probably doesn't make
                       house calls, why don't you two pay
                       her a visit?

                                                               CUT TO:

36   INT. KATHERINE PEROT'S EXAMINING ROOM - NIGHT                              36  

     Katherine and Claudine are at a counter.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                     33    

36   CONTINUED:                                                                 36  

                       Apparently too much pentobarbitol
                       leads to an overload of the brain
                       synapses.  That was the problem
                       with Mister Mallow.

     Katherine hands Claudine a hypodermic needle and a small
     vial thru...

                       Too bad your father didn't note
                       that in his research.

                       He probably didn't have the time to
                       find out before the Pentagon shut
                       them down.

     Claudine takes a vial and a hypodermic needle off the
     counter and places it in her purse.

                       More likely he didn't think to
                       check.  He always was sloppy in his
                       work.  If it wasn't for my help and
                       constant prodding he would have
                       died a lowly second lieutenant.

                       Without you he also might have
                       lived longer.


     A TONE, then the receptionist's voice comes through a wall

                                           FEMALE VOICE (V.0.)
                       Doctor Perot, there are two
                       reporters here to see you.

     The Perot's exchange a look.

                       Really.  Send them into my office.

     FEMALE VOICE (V.O.) Is it all right if I leave for the night?


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    34.    

36   CONTINUED:  2                                                              36  

                       Certainly, Doris.

                                                               CUT TO:

37   INT. KATHERINE PEROT'S OFFICE - NIGHT - MOMENTS LATER                      37  

     Clark and Lois stand near Katherine Perot's desk as she and
     her mother enter from the examining room.

                       Can I help you?

                       Yes I'm Lois Lane.  This is my
                       partner, Clark Kent.  We're from...


                       The Daily Planet.  I know.  I've
                       read your work.

                       So have I.
                             (to Clark, flirting)
                       You're very good.

                       Uh... this is my mother.

                       How do you do?

                       I'm terrific.  How about you?

     Clark's thrown by the come on.

                       Uh, doctor Perot, we'd like to talk
                       to you about a project your father
                             (to Claudine)
                       ... and your husband was involved
                       with in the army.

                       Oh, I'd love to stay and chat but I
                       have a pressing appointment.  I'm
                       sure Katherine can answer your
                             (to Clark)

                                                               WIPE TO:

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    35.    

38   INT. KATHERINE PEROT'S OFFICE - MINUTES LATER                              38  

                       ... so you see, while he did tell
                       me of the Valhalla project, as far
                       as I know all the research papers
                       were destroyed by the Pentagon.


                                           KATHERINE (CONT'D)
                       I'm sorry I can't be of more help.
                             (picks up phone)
                       Doctor Perot.

     As she listens, Clark uses his SUPERHEARING to eavesdrop on
     the phone call.  We recognize Mister Muunour's voice.

                                           MR. MUUNOUR (Filtered)
                       My plane leaves at three o'clock
                       tomorrow.  Will I be seeing another
                       demonstration or not?

     As Clark and Perot listen, Lois subtly cranes her neck to
     read a phone message on Perot's desk.

39   INSERT PHONE MESSAGE                                                       39  

                       'Roxie Terrace.  Please call back.'

                                           KATHERINE (O.S.)
                       Of course.  But I won't be able to
                       give you more specifics until later

40   RESUME SCENE                                                               40  

     He hangs up.  So does Katherine.

                       Uh... Doctor, I was wondering. Do
                       you know a man named Roxie Terrace?

     There's a brief hint of being caught off guard in Perot's
     expression. She looks down at the desk, sees the phone
     message then...

                       Do you make a habit of reading
                       people's phone messages, Miss Lane?

                       It's just... a bad habit I picked
                       up being a reporter.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    36.    

40   CONTINUED:                                                                 40  

                             (joking; or is she?)
                       Bad habits can be hazardous to your
                             (off Lois' reaction)
                       Mister Terrace is a patient.  Would
                       you like his diagnosis?

                       I don't think that will be
                       necessary.  Thanks for your time.

     As they turn and exit, Katherine eyes them coldly.

                                                               CUT TO:

41   INT. LOIS' JEEP - NIGHT - MOMENTS LATER                                    41  

     Parked in front of the Perot's office building.  Lois and
     Clark are inside.

                       If Roxie Terrace is a patient, I'm
                       Oprah Winfrey.  And was she
                       threatening me?

                       I'm not sure.  But I think we
                       should keep an eye on her, I've
                       got a hunch something might be
                       happening tonight.

     Lois smiles to herself.  Clark picks up on it.

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       What are you smiling about?

                       Well this is the first night we'll
                       be spending together since our
                       first date and it's another
                       stake-out.  You think that means
                       something?  Like on some cosmic

     He just looks at her.  Is she for real?

                                           LOIS (CONT'D)
                             (mildly defensive)
                       Well, I don't know.  Sometimes when
                       it's difficult to make something


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    37.    

41   CONTINUED:                                                                 41  

                                           LOIS (CONT'D)
                       It means it's not supposed to
                       happen, unless it's something you
                       really don't want to happen in the
                       first place, in which case...

                       Lois are you hungry?

                       Yeah, how'd you know?

                       Because you babble when you've got
                       low blood sugar.  I'll go get us
                       some dinner.  We can pick this
                       conversation up after we eat.

                       Okay.  Can you get Thai food?  I've
                       been craving Mee Krob all day.

                       Mee Krob it is.
                             (as he gets out)
                       Call the office and tell them where
                       we are.

     As Clark walks off down the street...

                                                               DISSOLVE TO:

42   EXT. MOUTH OF ALLEY - NIGHT                                                42  

     As Clark strides down the sidewalk, he hears SOUNDS coming
     from a nearby alley.  He enters to investigate.

43   EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS                                            43  

     Three TAGGERS deface an alley wall, unaware of Clark's
     presence.  Shaking his head, he unbuttons his shirt,
     revealing the Big S, and slips into the shadows.

44   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              44  

     As the taggers step back from the wall to admire their

                                           SUPERMAN (O.S.)
                       Nice work.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    38.    

44   CONTINUED:                                                                 44  

     They spin and discover Superman HOVERING behind them.

                                           SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                       Too bad that's a public wall and
                       not a canvas.

     The taggers exchange a look, then run like hell.  Superman
     BLOWS ICY BREATH on the ground in front of them.  The
     taggers hit the patch of ice and take major banana peel
     falls.  As they struggle to rise, Superman LOWERS himself
     down in front of them.

                                           SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                       Now that you've expressed your
                       feelings, I'm going to express

                                                               SMASH CUT TO:

45   EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT - LATER                                                 45  

     CLOSE ON A HAND scrubbing a brush across the alley wall.
     PULL BACK TO REVEAL all three taggers scrubbing and rinsing
     the almost clean wall.

                       You missed a spot.

     off the tagger's frustration...

                                                               CUT TO:

46   INT. LOIS' JEEP - NIGHT - LATER                                            46  

     Lois sits alone.  Bored, she checks her watch.  Suddenly,
     she's startled by a TAP TAP TAP on the passenger window.

                                           VOICE (O.S.)
                       Police! Open up!

     She turns to see Scardino smiling in at her.

                       Scardino!  What do you think you're

     He holds up a small cardboard picnic type box.

                       I got dinner.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    39.    

46   CONTINUED:                                                                 46  

     She unlocks the car and Scardino hops in.  He rests the box
     on the floor in front of him.

                                           DAN (CONT'D)
                       I heard you were on stake-out and I
                       thought you might be hungry.

     He pulls out two wine glasses and puts them in the cup
     holders on the console thru...

                       Actually Clark went for food... but
                       I don't know what's taking him so

     He unpacks two six-inch Correl dishes, hands her one and
     puts the other on the dash.

                       I got some great Mee Krob.

     She's at a loss for words as he opens a cardbord take out

                       How did you know I like Mee Krob?

                       Lois, I'm an undercover cop.

     He pulls out a wine bottle already open and re-corked and
     pours two glasses.

                       What else do you know about me?

     He smiles a wickedly knowing smile then hands her a glass of
     wine.  He takes the other.

                       Shall we toast?

                       To what?

                       How about... the future?


                       How about ours?

     She lets out a big sigh then puts the glass down.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    40.    

46   CONTINUED:  2                                                              46  

                       Boy, you never stop, do you?

     For a brief moment all pretensions drop away and we see the
     serious side of Dan.

                       Lois, when you live the kind of
                       life I do, you learn real fast that
                       time is a precious commodity.
                       Look, I'm attracted to you... and
                       every minute that goes by that
                       we're not together... seems like a
                       terrible waste.

     His words impact her deeply.  There's a moment between them.
     Then he lifts his glass, back to the upbeat Dan.

                                           DAN (CONT'D)
                       Carpe diem.

     She smiles and they clink glasses.  But the moment is broken
     by the car door opening.  It's Clark, carrying take out.  He
     eyes Scardino, then looks at Lois.  His face can't hide his
     negative feelings for Dan.

                             (forced upbeat)
                       Clark, where've you been?  Agent
                       Scardino was...

                       Just in the neighborhood.

                       You know, Scardino, you want to
                       chase Lois, that's your business.
                       But when you start doing it on my
                       time... that's my business.


                             (to Scardino)
                       Now I'd appreciate it if you let us
                       do our job... alone.

     Scardino smiles.  He's not interested in a confrontation.

                       Hey, not a problem.

     He gets out of the car and faces Clark, non-threatening.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    41.     

46   CONTINUED:  3                                                              46  

                                           DAN (CONT'D)
                       Enjoy the food.

     As he walks off, Clark eyes him, then gets back in the car.
     There's an uncomfortable beat, then Lois tentatively asks...

                       Would you like to continue the
                       conversation we were having?


                                                               CUT TO:

47   INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - NIGHT                                               47  

     Lights are low, popcorn's in the bowl.  Jimmy and Sarah sit
     on Lois' couch watching an old TV show.  Jimmy laughs at
     something on the screen.

                       You think this is funny?

                             (doesn't everybody)
                       It's F-Troop.
                             (off her dubious look)
                       Look, I know it's kinda hokey but
                       it's... it's funny.  I mean,
                       Corporal Agarn, Chief Wild Eagle...
                             (stops, sighs)
                       You think I'm retarded, don't you?

                             (turns to him)
                       I think you're just weird enough to
                       be sexy.

     Whoa.  She scooches a little closer.  Jimmy grabs the
     remote, flips off the tube.

                       Bag F Troop.

     She leans in closer, a beat, then they kiss.  When they
     break, Jimmy's so hot he's steaming.  He swallows, his
     throat dry.

                                           JIMMY (CONT'D)
                       Listen uh... my mouth's kinda


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    42.    

47   CONTINUED:  1                                                              47  

                                           JIMMY (CONT'D) (CONT'D)
                       You want something to drink?


     He's up and off towards the kitchen in a flash.  The PHONE
     near the couch RINGS.

                                           SARAH (CONT'D)

48   CLOSE ON A WOMAN'S MOUTH                                                   48  

     talking on a cellular phone.

                                           FEMALE VOICE (V.0.)

                                           SARAH (O.S.)

                                           FEMALE VOICE (V.0.)
                       It's time to choose the fallen

49   RETURN TO SARAH                                                            49  


                                           FEMALE VOICE (V.0.)

     A cloudy look crosses Sarah's eyes, then..

                                           FEMALE VOICE (V.0.)
                       Now listen carefully...

50   ANGLE ON JIMMY                                                             50  

     as he carries two cans of soda and two glasses of ice out of
     the kitchen.

                       All Lois has is diet.  I hope
                       that's okay...


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    43.    

50   CONTINUED:                                                                    50

     He trails off when he sees the receiver dangling near the
     floor.  His eyes find Sarah, her back to him, at the front

                                           JIMMY (CONT'D)

     Sarah unlocks the door, then turns, revealing she's holding
     a GUN leveled at him.  The door opens and Claudine enters.

                                           JIMMY (CONT'D)
                       Sarah... what are you doing?

                       Exactly what she's been told to do.
                       Lock the door, Sarah.

     Sarah mechanically complies.  As Claudine opens her purse
     she notices Jimmy staring stunned at Sarah.

                                           CLAUDINE (CONT'D)
                       You don't get it, do you?
                             (then, relishing it)
                       Wong wasn't kidnapping Sarah.  He
                       was putting her back.

     Realization suddenly crosses Jimmy's face, instantly
     replaced with fear as Claudine withdraws a HYPODERMIC

                                           FADE OUT:

                              _END OF ACT THREE_

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    44.    

                                   _ACT FOUR_

     FADE IN:

51   INT. DAILY PLANET BULLPEN - DAY #4                                         51  

     Jimmy enters through a side entrance, carrying some files. 
     He looks tired, distracted.  As he crosses the bullpen Perry
     pokes his head out of his office.


     It takes Jimmy a second for it to register, then...

                       Huh?  Oh... yeah Chief?

                       You getting enough sleep, son?  I
                       know if I don't get at least eight
                       good, my carcass drags the whole

                       It's weird.  I woke up on the
                       couch, but I don't remember going
                       to sleep last night.  I don't
                       remember much of anything after
                       Sarah and I kiss...

     He stops himself, but it's too late.  A grin crosses Perry's
     face, and he glances over at Sarah, who's at Lois' desk,
     studying a college textbook.

                             (cheshire cat)
                       Well, that explains a lot.  You're
                       not the first stallion to have a
                       hard time concentrating when
                       there's a fillie in the field.
                             (checks watch)
                       Speaking of young fancy... where's
                       Lois and Clark?  It's almost noon.

                       Sleeping in.  They were out late on
                       that stakeout.

                       Y'know, back when I was a young
                       reporter, the old pros could pull
                       an all nighter and still come in
                       bright and early the next day.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    45.    

51   CONTINUED:                                                                 51  

                                           PERRY (CONT'D)
                       Yup... they were real newspaper

     At the mention of "warriors", Jimmy subtly reacts.  He
     blinks his eyes and shakes his head imperceptibly.  But we
     can tell by his eyes that something's happening to him.

                                           PERRY (CONT'D)
                       Oh... there's Clark...

     Perry walks off, leaving a dazed Jimmy behind.

52   ANOTHER ANGLE - AT CLARK'S DESK                                            52  

     Clark's settling in as Perry approaches.

                       How'd it go last night?

                       Nothing happened.  Dr. Perot didn't
                       leave her office till three and
                       then went straight home.
                       Canfield's watching her now.

                             (handing him a message)
                       Well, Stormin' Norman called, said
                       he remembered the National Security
                       Agency has a file in their archives
                       on the Valhalla Project.

                             (eyeing message)
                       It's in their data base in
                       Washington.  Looks like I have some
                       hacking to do.

     His phone rings.

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       Kent.  What?!  How?
                             (and then)
                       All right.  We'll see you back
                             (hangs up; to Perry)
                       Canfield lost Dr. Perot.  She left
                       her house and he lost her in


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    46.    

52   CONTINUED:                                                                 52  

                       Damn! Well, see what you can get
                       from that data base.

     As a still dazed Jimmy drifts by...

                       Hey Jimmy.  You okay?

                       Aw, he's fine.
                             (to Jimmy)
                       You just need to get some sleep.

     As Perry exits...

                       Yes sir.

     As a pre-occupied Clark turns his attention to his computer,
     Jimmy drifts to his desk, sits down and immediately drops
     off to sleep.

                       Hey Jimmy.  You know what I could
                       use?  A big fat cup of...

     He looks up, spots Jimmy asleep in the chair..

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       I'll get it myself.

     As we HOLD ON Jimmy napping...

                                                               CUT TO:

53   INT. KATHERINE PEROT'S EXAMINING ROOM - DAY                                53  

     Katherine enters with Mister Muunour, surprised to find
     Claudine on a massage table, getting rubbed down by LARS, a
     large, blond Nordic male.

                       Mother, what are you doing?

                       What does it look like, dear?  You
                       should try it once in a while.

                       How are we supposed to have this
                       meeting with him here?


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    47.    

53   CONTINUED:                                                                 53  

                                           MR. MUUNOUR
                       I hope this was not a waste of my

                       Don't worry.  Lars doesn't
                       understand a word of English.
                             (to Lars)
                       Isn't that right, you gorgeous
                       blond moron.

     Lars flashes a big smile to Claudine as he keeps working.

                       Mister Muunour won't be satisfied
                       with Jimmy Olsen just robbing
                       Metropolis Mercantile.

                                           MR. MUUNOUR
                             (to Claudine)
                       If you're selling me the technology
                       to create assassins who kill
                       without remorse, Mrs. Perot, then
                       demonstrate what you're selling.

     Claudine eyes him a beat as an idea forms.

                             (to Katherine)
                       Well, I didn't think we'd have to
                       go that far... but this may work
                       out well for both of us, in more
                       ways than one.
                             (reaches for a cellular
                       Not only will we prove the Olsen
                       boy can kill... we'll get rid of
                       some nosy reporters as well.

                                                               CUT TO:

54   INT. DAILY PLANET BULLPEN - DAY - LATER                                    54  

     Jimmy still naps in his chair.

                                           VOICE (O.S.)
                       Jimmy!  Line one.

     Jimmy stirs, opens his eyes.



                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    48.    

54   CONTINUED:                                                                 54  

                                           VOICE (O.S.)
                       Line One. For you.

     Jimmy slowly picks up the phone.


     Jimmy suddenly reacts, blinking his eyes and shaking his
     head imperceptibly, just like he did when Perry
     inadvertently said "warrior." Then...

                                           JIMMY (CONT'D)
                       Yes... yes... I understand.

     He hangs up and starts across the bullpen, his eyes eerily
     focused on something only he can see.  He passes Perry,
     who's approaching his office, reading over some copy.  Jimmy
     brushes his arm as he passes.

                       Jimmy?  Where you going?

                       To see Lois.  She needs me.

     He never slows.  Perry watches him exit, then, to himself...

                       Eight hours.  That's the key.

     As he disappears into his office...

55   ANOTHER ANGLE - AT CLARK'S DESK                                            55  

     Clark's typing commands, but the screen keeps reading
     "Access Denied".  Sarah approaches and lays a large book on
     his desk.

                       This is the only book on Nordic
                       myths your library has.  What do
                       you need this for?

                             (opening book)
                       I'm trying to find the code word
                       that will let me access the
                       computer files on Project Valhalla.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    49.    

55   CONTINUED:                                                                 55  

                       And you think they used a word
                       associated with the myth?

                       Long shot, huh?

     She nods.  Clark takes a pencil off his desk.

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       Uh... could you sharpen this for
                       me, please?

     Sarah's not happy to do another menial task, but...


     As Sarah walks off, Clark SUPERSPEED turns the pages of the
     book with one hand while he SUPERSPEED types hundreds of
     possible code words with the other.  The computer screen's a
     BLUR.  Sarah returns just as Clark succeeds in breaking in.

                                           SARAH (CONT'D)
                       Here.  Good as.
                             (notices screen,
                       You got in?

                       Sometimes long shots pay off.  I
                       tried the word Odin.  He was the
                       Norse God who gave the Valkyries
                       their orders.  And... voila.

     Off Sarah's impressed look...

                                                               CUT TO:

56   EXT. LOIS' APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY                                        56  

     Jimmy approaches a Jag sitting in front of the building
     steps.  He stops at the passenger window, which rolls down,
     revealing the Perot's and Mr. Muunour inside.

                       Jimmy, are you friends with Lois



                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    50.    

56   CONTINUED:                                                                 56  

                       Would you please kill her.


                             (to Muunour)
                       Impressive, no?

                                           MR. MUUNOUR
                       We'll see.

                       Do it now, Jimmy.  Kill Lois Lane.

     As an impassive Jimmy turns and heads up the steps...

                       One down, one to go.

                                                               CUT TO:

57   INT. LOIS' HALLWAY - DAY - MOMENTS LATER                                   57  

     Jimmy walks methodically to Lois' door.  He's about to knock
     when Dan Scardino appears down the hall and approaches.

                       Hey, Jimmy.  What's up?

     Jimmy, expressionless, turns to face Scardino.

                                           DAN (CONT'D)
                       Lois in?

     Without warning, JIMMY DELIVERS A POWERFUL BLOW to Dan's
     mid-section.  As the surprised Dan doubles over, Jimmy
     delivers ANOTHER CRUSHING BLOW with both hands to the back
     of Dan's neck.  Dan crumbles unconscious to the floor.  As
     Jimmy drags Dan off down the hall...

                                                               CUT TO:

58   INT. DAILY PLANET BULLPEN - DAY - SAME TIME                                58  

     Clark and Sarah read Clark's computer screen.

                       Look, here's a whole section on

     As they focus on the screen, Clark's PHONE RINGS.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    51.    

58   CONTINUED:                                                                 58  

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       Clark Kent.  Yeah, she's right

     Focused on the screen, he absently hands the phone to Sarah.

                       Hello? What?
                             (and then, evenly)
                       Yes. Yes, I understand.

     She slowly hangs up the phone, her eyes cold, steely.

                                                               CUT TO:

59   INT. LOIS' HALLWAY - DAY - SAME TIME                                       59  

     Jimmy KNOCKS on Lois' door. A beat, then the door opens
     revealing Lois in jeans and sweatshirt.

                       Jimmy. What are you doing here?

                       I left my wallet here last night.

                       Really? I didn't see it. But come
                       on in and look.

60   INT. LOIS APARTMENT - DAY - CONTINUOUS                                     60  

     As Jimmy steps, Lois heads for the bedroom.

                       I was just getting dressed for
                       work.  There's some coffee on the
                       stove if you want.

     As she disappears, Jimmy methodically moves to a kitchen
     drawer and pulls out a HUGE, GLEAMING CHEF'S KNIFE.

                                                               CUT TO:

61   INT. DAILY PLANET BULLPEN - DAY - SAME TIME                                61  

     Sarah reaches Lois' desk, opens her purse.  Behind her,
     Clark's glued to the computer screen, unaware of what Sarah
     is up to.  As she reaches into her purse...

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    52.    

62   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              62  

     Clark reacts to something on the screen.

                       This says there's a drug that
                       permanently deactivates the
                       synthetic serum...

     He looks up at Sarah just as she turns and levels the gun
     she used against Jimmy.  Clark reacts, then takes a quick
     look at his phone.  Realizes.

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       It's okay, Sarah.  Just relax.

     Sarah cocks the gun.

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       Sarah?  It's me, Clark.  Put down
                       the gun.

     Fat chance.  As Sarah FIRES...

63   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              63  

     In one swift motion, Clark SUPERSPEEDS behind Sarah and
     knocks the gun free from her.  The wood carving on Lois'
     desk spins crazily from Clark's backdraft as staffers SCREAM
     and react to the SOUND of the shot.  Clark wrestles with the
     struggling Sarah as Perry and others rush up.

                       Somebody get security!
                             (to Clark)
                       What in blazes is going on?!

                       She's been brainwashed.

     As Sarah struggles violently, two SECURITY GUARDS rush up
     and take her free Clark's grip.

                       Take her into my office, get her to
                       lie down.  And somebody call the

     As Sarah is led off...

                                           PERRY (CONT'D)
                       Are you okay son?


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    53.    

63   CONTINUED:                                                                    63

                       Lucky she's a bad shot.

     He surreptitiously opens his hand at his side, REVEALING THE
     BULLET SHE SHOT.  As he drops it unseen in a wastebasket...

                       Where's Jimmy?

                       He left.  Said Lois called and
                       wanted him.

     Off Clark's realization...

                                                               CUT TO:

64   INT. LOIS APARTMENT - DAY                                                  64  

     Jimmy, knife in hand, approaches Lois's bedroom.  She's at
     the bed, her back to him, now in her blouse and skirt,
     brushing out her hair.

                       I'm surprised Perry let you go out

     Jimmy is now at the threshold of her bedroom. He starts
     raising the knife...

                                           LOIS (CONT'D)
                       Did Katherine Perot ever leave her

     Jimmy is within three steps of Lois. As he brings the knife
     over his head, ready to strike, Lois, hairbrush in hand,
     suddenly turns around.  In that one moment everything comes
     crystal clear to her.

65   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              65  

     As Jimmy brings the knife down toward her she SNAPS A SHARP
     KICK TO JIMMY'S MID-SECTION sending him stumbling backward,
     and the knife flying.

     She makes a dash for the front door. Jimmy tackles her.
     Again she kicks free.  She scrambles for the door, but Jimmy
     grabs her from behind and throws her back into the room.
     She lands near the knife.

     Jimmy also sees the knife. He dives for it as Lois reaches
     for it.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    54.    

65   CONTINUED:                                                                 65  

     She grabs it a split second before him and rolls away.  They
     both scramble to their feet, Jimmy in between Lois and the
     door.  Lois holds the knife out at Jimmy.

                       Jimmy... listen to me.  It's Lois.
                       You've been brainwashed.

     Jimmy, a chilling blank look on his face, advances on her.

                                           LOIS (CONT'D)
                       Jimmy don't.  Stay back.

     Lois backs away as Jimmy continues to advance on her.

                                           LOIS (CONT'D)
                       Jimmy, you've got to stop!

     Jimmy passes a floor lamp.  He picks it up and swings it at
     Lois' legs.  It connects, knocking her to the floor, face
     down.  Again the knife goes flying.  Jimmy jumps on top of

66   ANGLE TO INCLUDE LOIS' FRONT DOOR                                          66  

     The door to Lois' apartment swings open revealing the Perots
     and Mr. Muunour.

                       Help! Help me!

     As they watch passively, Jimmy sits on Lois' back as he pins
     her arms to the floor with his legs.  He grabs the cord from
     the lamp he swung and brings it under her neck.  As he pulls
     up on it A BEAM OF HEAT VISION hits the cord and it breaks
     in Jimmy's hands.  He looks up to see...

67   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              67  

     Superman coming through the window towards him.

                       Take it easy, Jimmy.

     Jimmy slowly rises, then suddenly DARTS TO A WINDOW AND
     JUMPS THROUGH IT with a CRASH.  As Superman starts after

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    55.    

68   INT. LOIS HALLWAY - SIMULTANEOUS                                           68  

     As the three villains turn to hurry away from Lois' door,
     they come face to with Dan Scardino and his gun.

                       Something tells me you folks aren't
                       Jehovah's Witnesses.

                                                               CUT TO:

69   EXT. LOIS APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY                                         69  

     Superman floats to the ground with Jimmy in his arms.  Jimmy
     starts coming out of his trance.  He looks around.

                       Superman.  What happened?

                       Well, for a minute there, Jimmy,
                       you thought you could fly.

                       Really?  I can't imagine what got
                       into me.

                       You'd be surprised.

     And off Superman's knowing smile...

                                                               CUT TO:

70   INT. DAILY PLANET BULLPEN - DAY - LATER                                    70  

     As Lois and Clark enter through a side entrance...

                       Hey you two.  What did the doctors

                       Jimmy and Sarah are going to be

                       The chief physician said they'll be
                       out of the hospital in a day or
                       two.  Just as soon as they can
                       create enough of the antidote.


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    56.    

70   CONTINUED:                                                                 70  

                       You know, I think I'll go by and
                       visit them.  They could probably
                       use some cheering up.

                       Uh, Perry?  They're in the same
                       hospital room.  They're pretty
                       cheery already.

     Perry laughs.  As he exits...

                       Oh, by the way Lois.  You got a

     He points to the coffee area, where Scardino chats with some
     female staffers.  Lois and Clark exchange a look, then Lois
     heads for Scardino.

71   AT COFFEE AREA                                                             71  

     The female staffers see Lois coming, drift away.  Scardino
     smiles when he sees her.

                       How are things at the hospital?

                       Fine.  They'll be out in a couple
                       of days.
                             (and then)
                       I didn't get a chance to thank you
                       for your help back at my

                       It's okay.  You know, I had this
                       terrible thought while I had my gun
                       pulled on them that they might be
                       part of your Tenant's Association
                       or something.
                             (off Lois' grin)
                       It would be hard for you to date a
                       guy who got you kicked out of your

                             (smile fading)


                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                    57.    

71   CONTINUED:                                                                 71  

                       I know.  Kent.  We've been down
                       this road before.
                             (and then)
                       Lois, I know this is difficult for
                       you.  And I wouldn't push it if I
                       didn't think we might have

                       I know, I know...

                       Look, if you and Kent are supposed
                       to be, we'll know it and we'll walk
                       away friends.  But if _we're_
                       supposed to be...

     Lois eyes him a beat, then takes a deep breath.

72   ANOTHER ANGLE - AT CLARK'S DESK                                            72  

     Clark sits at his desk, arms folded.  Lois approaches. 
     There's an uncomfortable beat, then...


                       You're going to go out with
                       Scardino, aren't you?

     There's an uncomfortable beat.

                                           CLARK (CONT'D)
                       Look, if that's what you want to
                       do, do it.

                             (beat, then)
                       Clark... you know me.  I could
                       never live with a 'what if' hanging
                       over my head.
                             (and then)
                       I think I owe it to myself and our
                       relationship to find out.

     Clark and she share a long look, then...


     She nods, heads back towards Scardino.

                            --page break--
     TARGET: JIMMY OLSEN!    Blake & Jackson      2/22/95                     58.   

73   ON CLARK - INCLUDING HIS POV                                               73  

     He watches her return to the coffee area, where Scardino
     greets her. As they talk...

74   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                              74  

     The staffer passes Clark's desk, sees him watching Dan and

                       Boy, that guy's sure got a way with

     And as he walks off...

                             (to himself)
                       Yeah.  And he just got away with

                                                               FADE OUT:

                                    _THE END_

Kikavu ?

Au total, 31 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

31.08.2021 vers 09h

30.06.2020 vers 10h

18.02.2020 vers 09h

29.07.2018 vers 16h

03.07.2018 vers 14h

26.04.2018 vers 08h

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !