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#222 : Question sans réponse

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Clark aimerait vraiment parler de sa véritable identité à Loïs mais au moment de le faire, il doit partir pour aller vers le frère d'un riche bijoutier associé avec Nigel. Il menaçe Clark en dévoilant sa véritable identité.

Le frère l'a découvert inscrit dans un cahier que Tempus avait écrit il y a des siècles. Mais Clark refuse de voler les diamants que le frère à demandé. Il veut révéler lui-même qu'il est vraiment Superman. Mais il s'en fout, il kidnappe les parents de Clark pour le faire chanter.

Finalement, Clark décide de voler les diamants, habillé de noir, mais Loïs voit cela. En revenant chez lui, il voit Loïs qui lui dit combien elle est déçue mais il lui explique pour ses parents. De ce fait, Loïs fait des recherches toute la nuit. Elle obtient l'information par un sergent concernant le frère.

Mais Clark doit faire autre chose maintenant, il doit tuer Loïs et ramener son corps dans une heure. Il ne veut pas le faire. Loïs qui est au courant demande à Clark d'appeler Superman car elle a une idée. Elle veut être congelée pour paraître morte. Superman le fait.

En arrivant sur les lieux, le bijoutier enferme Superman à l'aide de kryptonite mais il arrive à y sortie pour sauver Loïs et il arrête le bijoutier. Nigel est mort car il voulait trahir le bijoutier.

Note : 10/10


4.67 - 3 votes

Titre VO
And the Answer Is...

Titre VF
Question sans réponse


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Plus de détails


                 _The New Adventures of Superman_

                     "And The Answer Is..."

Written by Tony Blake & Paul Jackson
Directed by Alan J. Levi















_INTERIORS_:                               _EXTERIORS_:

Daily Planet                               Street
   Conference Room                         Centennial Park

Clark's Apartment                          Alley
   Living Room                             Barrington Jewelry     Mart

Lois' Apartment                            Jellico's House of    Jewels

Jace's Penthouse                           Mazik's Jeweler's

Jace's Bunker                              Marvin's Gardens

Mazik's Jeweler's

Lois' Jeep



       FADE IN:

   1   INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - DAY 1                                                   1  

       There's a KNOCK at Lois' door.  A beat, then she ENTERS
       FRAME, her hair in rollers.

                         Hang on, Clark.

       She glimpses herself in a mirror.  The rollers.  Can't let
       Clark see her like this.  What to do?.  She TIPTOES to the
       door, stealthily UNLOCKS it, then scurries away.

                                              LOIS (CONT'D)
                         It's open!

       She disappears into the bathroom as CLARK enters with
       something obviously on his mind.


                                              LOIS (O.S.)
                         I'll be out in a minute.  You're a
                         little early.

                         I know.  It's just... there's
                         something I want to talk to you

       The HAIR DRYER kicks in from O.S.

                                              LOIS (O.S.)
                         I can't hear you!  Hold on a
                         minute, I'll be right out.

       Clark eyes a photo on a shelf showing Lois and him holding a
       Kerth award.  Over this...

                                              LOIS (O.S.)
                         Where are we going for breakfast?

                         I thought we'd try Callard's.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                     2.   

   1   CONTINUED:                                                                     1  

                                              LOIS (O.S.)
                         What?l I can't hear you!

       Clark smiles, shakes his head, then focuses on the photo.  A
       beat, then he begins talking to the photo.

                         Lois... I have something to tell
                         you... I'm Superman.
                               (no good)
                         Lois, have you ever noticed how
                         much I look like Superman?  Well,
                         it's funny you should say that,

       He whips off the glasses, mimes waiting for her response. 
       No good.  Then...

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         Hey!  Guess what?  I'm Superman!
                         Lois... I've wanted to tell you
                         this for some time.  Before we go
                         any further in our relationship,
                         you have to know that I'm...

                                              LOIS (O.S.)
                         What are you doing?

       Startled, Clark turns to see Lois standing at the edge of
       the bathroom, the long cord on the dryer allowing her to
       catch him in the act.  As she flips off the dryer...

                         I uh... uh... I've got something to
                         tell you.

       She unplugs the dryer, absently carries it with her thru...

                         It's not good news, is it.

                         Well, I don't know.  Maybe.

                         No, it's not.  I can tell by your

                         Maybe you'd better sit down.

                               (as she sits)
                         Oh yeah.  This is good news.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                     3.   

   1   CONTINUED:  2                                                                  1  

       Clark sits next to her on the couch.  A beat, then...

                         You know how you always complain
                         that I run out on you Just when
                         we're starting to talk about
                         something important?

                         I recall mentioning it once or

                         Well, there's a reason for that. 
                         And it has nothing to do with my
                         having a fear of intimacy, or being
                         afraid of falling in love, or
                         anything like that.

       She waits.

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         Lois... I might as well say this
                         honestly and simply...
                               (deep breath)
                         I'm Super-

       Her PHONE RINGS.  Lois would like to ignore it; Clark's
       almost relieved.

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         Maybe you should just answer that.

       Lois snatches up the phone, unhappy with the interruption.

                         Hello?  Yes, he's right here.
                               (extends the phone)
                         It's for you.

                         Who knows I'm here?
                               (into phone)

                                              JACE (Filtered)
                         We know everything about you, Mr.
                         Kent.  Or should I say... Superman.

       As Clark tries to hide his reaction from Lois...


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                     4.   

   1   CONTINUED:  3                                                                  1  

                                              JACE (Filtered)
                         If you don't want the world to know
                         your secret, go to a dumpster
                         behind the Planet.  You'll find an
                         envelope with your name on it.

       The phone clicks off.  As Clark slowly hangs up...

                         Who was it?

                         Huh?  Oh, uh... my barber...

                         Your barber?

                         Yeah.  Confirming my appointment.
                         I've got to go.

                         Wait a minute!  You were about to
                         tell me something.

                         I was?

                         Yes.  You said Lois, I'm super...

                         Right, right.  I'm ... super
                         late... for my haircut!
                               (he rises)
                         And I'm sorry, but I can't go to
                         breakfast with you.

       He backpedals for the door.

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         But I'll see you at the office and
                         maybe we can have lunch?  Okay?


       He opens the door.

                         I gotta go.  Bye.

       And he's gone.  A frustrated Lois picks up the hair dryer
       and aims it like a gun at the door.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                     5.   

   1   CONTINUED:  4                                                                  1  


                                                                  FADE OUT:

                                    _END OF TEASER_

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                     6.   

                                     _ACT ONE_

       FADE IN:

   2   EXT. ALLEY - DAY                                                               2  

       Clark rushes into the alley, sees an automated sanitation
       truck idling in the alley, the bored DRIVER at the Wheel.
       The truck's hydraulic arm lifts the only dumpster in the
       alley and empties it into the back of the vehicle.

   3   RESUME CLARK                                                                   3  

       He grimaces, realizing he's too late.  He glances around to
       make sure no one can see, then SPINS, becoming Superman.  As
       the hydraulic arm lowers the dumpster, Superman LEAPS unseen
       into the rear of the truck.  Superman BURROWS through the
       rubbish at SUPERSPEED, trash flying out of the truck left
       and right.

   4   ON DRIVER                                                                      4  

       He absently glances in his side view mirror and reacts as he
       sees the debris spewing out of his truck.

   5   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                                  5  

       Superman finds the envelope.  Written on the outside are the
       words SUPERMAN.  As the driver steps out of his cab,
       Superman LEAPS out of the truck.

                         Don't worry.  I'll take care of it.

       The driver stares in awe as Superman tosses the rubbish
       back in at SUPERSPEED.

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         There you go.  Oh, and I separate
                         the recyclables.

       WHOOSH ----

6      EXT. ANOTHER ALLEY - DAY - CONTINUOUS                                          6  

       ---- Superman lands and rips open the envelope.  Inside, he
       discovers a hand-held WATCHMAN.  He flips it on.  A man's
       face appears in shadows.  (JACE MAZIK)

                                              JACE (T.V.)
                         Boy, that was fast.  Guess you were
                         movin' at _Super_ _Speed_ huh?


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  Pink Rev.                      4/7/95            6.   

                                 _ACT ONE_

       FADE IN:

   2   EXT. ALLEY - DAY                                                              2   

       We're CLOSE ON A DUMPSTER.  Rubbish spews wildly up from the                    (X)
       dumpster as someone burrows through it at high speed.  A                        (X)
       beat, then the rubbish stops flying and-Superman stands up                      (X)
       in the dumpster, holding an envelope.  Written on the                           (X)
       outside are the words SUPERMAN.  He rips it open and pulls                      (X)
       out a handheld WATCHMAN.  He flips it on.  A man's face                         (X)
       appears in shadows. (JACE MAZIK)                                                (X)

                                              JACE (T.V.)                              (X)
                         Boy, that was fast. Guess you were                            (X)
                         movin' at _Super Speed_ huh?                                  (X)

                                              SUPERMAN                                 (X)
                         Whoever you are, you've made a big                            (X)
                         mistake.                                                      (X)

                                                                         INTERCUT WITH:  

   3                                                                                  3  
THRU OMITTED                                                                       THRU  
   6                                                                                  6  

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                     7.   

   6   CONTINUED:                                                                     6  

                         Whoever you are, you've made a big


   7   INT. JACE'S PENTHOUSE - SAME TIME                                              7  

       Superman's face fills a large wall monitor.  The man in
       shadows sits directly in front of it.

                         I'm not Clark Kent.  He's a friend
                         of mine, that's all.

       Jace raises a small, leather bound DIARY.

                         I have a diary here that says
                         otherwise.  And I believe it.

                         Whatever that is, it's wrong.

                         Let me ask you a question.  Do you
                         believe in time travel?  You know,
                         Back to the Future, The Time
                         Machine, that sort of thing?

                         What are you talking about?

                         This diary was written by a man
                         named Tempus.  Ring a bell?



                                              JACE (V.O.)
                         He claims to have flown through
                         time with H.G. Wells.  In this
                         diary, he writes about how he
                         traveled back to when you were just
                         a baby.  He wanted to kill you, but
                         you and Lois Lane went back in time
                         and stopped him.  And for
                         punishment, Wells dumped Tempus in
                         an insane asylum in 1866
                         Smallville, where he wrote the
                         whole story down.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                     8.   

   7   CONTINUED:                                                                     7  


       Superman's expression says it might be coming back to him.

                         Gettin' a case of deja vu?

                         No.  And only a fool would believe
                         the ravings of a madman.

                         Yeah, at first I thought he was
                         crazy too.  But this diary
                         accurately predicted every major
                         historical event from 1866 'til
                         now.  He makes Nostradamus look
                         like a freakin' palm reader.

                         He's still wrong about me being
                         Clark Kent.

                         Then won't I have egg on my face
                         when I tell everyone.

       As Superman's expression darkens...

                                              JACE (CONT'D)
                         Now here's the deal.  There's
                         twenty million dollars in uncut
                         diamonds in a safe at Mazik's
                         Jewelers.  If you get it for me,
                         your secret's safe.
                               (and then)
                         I'll be in touch.

       The Watchman's screen goes dark.  HOLD ON Superman's
       tormented expression, then...

                                                                  SMASH CUT TO:

   8   INT. JACE'S APARTMENT - DAY                                                    8  

       The lights go up, revealing JACE MAZIK, late 20's.  Someone
       behind him starts to CLAP.  Jace turns around in his chair
       and faces NIGEL ST. JOHN.

                         Bravo performance.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                     9.   

   8   CONTINUED:                                                                     8  

       Jace slips the diary into his jacket pocket.  As he heads
       for a nearby bar...

                         So tell me Mister Mazik.  Exactly
                         how did you come by possession of
                         that diary?

                         I found it.  Buried in a box of
                         my old man's stuff.  He died four
                         years ago but no one ever got
                         around to going through his junk.

                         And now you're robbing one of his
                         jewelry stores?

                         Just getting what should have been
                         mine.  The old man left everything
                         to my suck up brother.

                         I see.  Whereas your father made
                         his fortune the old fashioned way,
                         you're just going to steal yours.

                         Let me tell you something.
                         Everyone thought he was just a
                         humble junk man who made it big
                         through hard work.  But all he
                         really did was follow this and
                         invest well.  Plastics in the
                         sixties, oil in the seventies,
                         computers in the eighties.

                         And why is it he never revealed
                         Superman's identity?

                         Mainly because he died before
                         Superman ever showed up.

                         How very fortunate for you.


                         I'd like to see it.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    10.   

   8   CONTINUED:  2                                                                  8  

                         No can do, bucker-roo.

                         Perhaps we need to clarify our
                         relationship.  _You_ called _me_.
                         You need Kryptonite, which I

                         Which you stole from Lex Luthor.

                               (ignoring him)
                         And which I've agreed to share it
                         with you... in return for certain

                         Right.  Half of what we get by
                         having Superman under our control.
                         That's our deal.  And the diary
                         ain't part of it.  Got it?

       As Nigel eyes him coldly...

                                                                  CUT TO:

   9   INT. CLARK'S BEDROOM - DAY                                                     9  

       MARTHA and JONATHAN are unpacking their suitcases.

                         This is so romantic.  Spending our
                         anniversary in Metropolis.

                         Yeah.  It was a good idea.
                               (and then)
                         Did Clark seem okay to you?  He was
                         acting kinda odd.

                         Jonathan.  Of course he's acting
                         odd.  Haven't you been listening to
                         him?  He's in love.
                               (and then)
                         And speaking of love...

       She reaches into her suitcase and withdraws a small object
       WRAPPED in tissue paper.  She hands it to Jonathan.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    11.   

   9   CONTINUED:                                                                     9  

                                              MARTHA (CONT'D)
                         Happy Anniversary.

                         Aw... thank you.

       Jonathan unwraps the paper, revealing a beautifully hand
       carved wooden box, 12 inches by 12 by 3.

                         It's a memory box.  I carved it
                         myself.  Look inside.

       Jonathan opens the lid, revealing it's filled with small,
       smooth stones.  A word is painted on each one.

                                              MARTHA (CONT'D)
                         Each pebble represents a year of
                         our marriage.  After I buffed them,
                         I painted a word on each that
                         corresponds to something that
                         happened to us in different years.
                               (lifts a few)
                         See?  This one says 'wedding.  'And
                         this one says 'Clark.' And this
                         one says 'Florida,' for that
                         vacation we took in '79.  Now all
                         our memories are in one place.

                         I love it.  And you.

       They kiss, then he reaches into his suitcase and withdraws
       an envelope.  Beaming, he extends it to Martha.

                                              JONATHAN (CONT'D)
                         Happy Anniversary.

                               (forced enthusiasm)
                         Gee... an envelope.
                               (opens it)
                         It's... a gift certificate.

                         Yeah.  To Costmart.  I know some
                         people say it's run by crooks, but
                         they have nice stuff there.

                         I... don't know what to say
                         Jonathan... except... thanks.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    12.   

   9   CONTINUED:  2                                                                  9  

                               (sees she's upset)
                         You know Martha, it's hard to shop
                         for you.  I don't know what you

                         it's fine, Jonathan.  Really.
                         You're right.  I don't need

       They hear a SOUND in the living room, bailing them out.

                                              MARTHA (CONT'D)
                         Clark?  Is that you?

       She tosses the envelope in her suitcase and heads for the
       living room.  Jonathan sighs, then follows.

  10   INT. CLARK'S LIVING ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS                                   10  

       Martha steps out of the bedroom, Jonathan right behind.
       Clark's obviously upset.

                         I know that look. What's wrong?

                         Someone found out I'm Superman.

                         Oh my God...

                         How could that be?

                         He said he's got some kind of diary
                         that tells everything about me.
                         And he's threatening to reveal who
                         I am unless I do what he wants.

                         And what's that?

                         Steal for him.
                               (off their reaction)
                         I don't know what to do.

       A beat, then...


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    13.   

  10   CONTINUED:                                                                    10  

                         Well, looks like there's only one
                         thing you can do.  Go on the
                         offensive.  Reveal who you are.
                         Then he'll have no power over you.

                         I don't know Dad.  Everything I've
                         worked for would change...

       Martha looks at Jonathan, concerned, then...

                         I know how hard it will be, but I
                         think your father's right.
                               (and then)
                         It's time you told Lois anyway.

                         I've been trying to tell her, Mom.
                               (and then)
                         But the whole world...

                         Clark.  Nothing lasts forever.
                         Maybe you need to take this as a
                         sign that the time has come to make
                         a change.  Life may be a lot easier
                         for you if everyone knew who you
                         really are.

       As Clark considers we...

                                                                  CUT TO:

  11   INT. DAILY PLANET BULLPEN - DAY                                               11  

       An agitated Lois pounds the keyboard of her computer fast
       and furious.  JIMMY passes with some papers, notices.

                         That must be some story.

       He reads the screen over her shoulder a beat, then blanches.

                         Seen enough?

                         Uh... you're not actually going to
                         say those things to C.K... are you?

       She stops typing, fixes Jimmy with a stare.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    14.   

  11   CONTINUED:                                                                    11  

                                              JIMMY (CONT'D)
                               None of my business?
                                              (off her nod)

       He moves on, leaving Lois to type.  He approaches PERRY,
       who's standing at his office door, watching.

                         That didn't look like your basic
                         friendly, co-worker exchange.

                         Something's going on between her
                         and C.K.

                         Something always is.

  12   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                                 12  

       As Jimmy crosses the bullpen, Clark enters.

                         Hi Jimmy.

                         Nice coat.
                               (then, sotto)
                         Although a flak jacket might have
                         been a better call.

       He nods towards Lois.


                         You only wish.

       He continues on.  Clark sighs, heads for Lois.

  13   AT LOIS' DESK                                                                 13  

       Lois finishes with a pounding flourish as Clark arrives.

                         I think we need to talk.

                               (no kidding)
                         You read my mind.  Or my screen.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    15.   

  13   CONTINUED:                                                                    13  

       She rises and heads for the conference room.  Confused,
       Clark takes a quick look at her screen, reacts, then turns
       it off before anyone else can see.

  14   INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS                                       14  

       Lois paces as Clark enters, closes the door behind him.

                         Look, I owe you an explanation...

                         Don't.  I can't listen to another
                         stupid story about your barber, or
                         your doctor, or you just remembered
                         you have a library book due!
                               (exhales, then)
                         What you owe me is respect.  I'm
                         tired of the lies, Clark.  What
                         kind of relationship can we have if
                         you're not honest with me?

                         I've always been honest with you
                         Lois, except for one thing.  And
                         when I tell you what it is... well,
                         I hope you'll understand.

       He's so sincere it deflates her anger.  She approaches him,
       searching his face.

                         What is it?

                               (beat, then)
                         Lois, I'm...

       The door opens and Jimmy pokes his head in.


                         Jimmy!  Can't you see we're

                         I'm sorry, but there's someone on
                         line one for Clark.

                         Take a message, Jimmy.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    16.   

  14   CONTINUED:                                                                    14  

                         Okay.  But he said you'd want to
                         talk with him.  Something about a

                               (reacts, then, to Lois)
                         I'm sorry.  I have to take this.

                         Wait a minute.  A dumpster?  You
                         have to take a call about a
                         dumpster over me?!

       Uh oh.  Jimmy hotfoots it out.

                         Lois, please...

                         You pick that up now...

                         Lois... I have to.

       He lifts the phone.  Their eyes meet, then Lois looks away
       and leaves the room.  Grimacing, lifts the receiver to his

                                              JACE (Filtered)
                         Did I call at a bad time?

                         There won't be any more bad times.
                         I hate to ruin your plans, but I've
                         decided to go ahead and tell
                         everyone I'm Superman.  Want to see
                         who can call a press conference the


  15   INT. BUNKER - DAY                                                             15  

       We're TIGHT ON JACE as he speaks into a cellular phone.

                         Interesting change of attitude.
                         Your folks didn't have anything to
                         do with it, did they?


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    17.   

  15   CONTINUED:                                                                    15  

                         My folks...

                         We're sharing some quality time
                         together now.  Well, I call it
                         that.  They call it kidnapping.

                         He turns and eyes...

  16   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                                 16  

       ... Martha and Jonathan, sitting on a cot in a sparsely
       furnished underground bunker.  They're under the watchful
       eye of Nigel.

                         They're good people.  And I know
                         you wouldn't want anything to
                         happen to them.

                         Clark!  We're in a lead lined room
                         somewhere north of...

       Nigel slaps him.  Hard.


       As she tends to him...

                               (he's heard it all)
                         Let them go.  They mean nothing to

                         Oh sure they do.  Because now you
                         have to do what I say no matter
                         what happens.

                         I can't steal for you.

                         You can do anything.  You're
                         Superman.  Remember?

       END INTERCUT as Jace clicks off. HOLD ON Clark's anguished
       look, then...

                                                                  FADE OUT:

                                   _END OF ACT ONE_

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    18.   

                                     _ACT TWO_

       FADE IN:

  17   INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - DAY                                                  17  

       Clark quickly enters and takes in the sign of struggle:
       several suitcases knocked over and kicked aside; a fallen
       lamp; one end of the couch shoved too close to the coffee
       table.  He lets out a sigh of anguish and frustration.

                               (to himself)
                         All right, whoever you are, let's
                         see what your fingerprints look

       He turns and focuses his SUPERVISION an the doorknob of his
       front door.

  18   SUPER CLOSEUP - DOORKNOB                                                      18  

       It's clean.  Not a print on it.

                                              CLARK (V.O.)
                         Hmph.  Wiped clean.  Okay, what
                         else did you touch?

  19   BACK TO SCENE                                                                 19  

       Clark quickly moves around the room and does a SUPER CLOSEUP
       SCAN of: the suitcase handles; the fallen lamp; the top of
       the coffee table.  They're all clean.

                         No fingerprints, so... what about
                         footprints?  Or a piece of your

       He SUPERSCANS the floor.  Then a throw rug.  There's
       something an the rug, but it's a blurred series of
       overlapping prints... nothing definite.  He spots a hair and
       instantly picks it up, then frowns.

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         Mom, when did you start dying your

       He tosses it away in frustration and begins to pace around
       the room.  He picks up the lamp; rights the suitcases.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    19.   

  19   CONTINUED:                                                                    19  

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         What else?!  What else?!

       Suddenly, the Watchman in Clark's pocket beeps.  He pulls it
       out and punches it on.  The shadowy figure of Jace appears.
       on the screen.

                                              JACE (T.V.)
                         Hey, Superman, how's it going?  We
                         didn't make too much of a mass, did

       Clark immediately  heads for the window,

                                              JACE (T.T.)
                         Don't bother looking for me.  I'm
                         nowhere nearby, but my eyes are

       Clark checks himself.

                         What do you want?

                                              JACE (T.V.)
                         Remember that little job I
                         mentioned?  Well, gosh, I forgot to
                         tell you where to take the stuff.
                         I want it delivered to me by
                         midnight tonight.  I'll be waiting
                         behind the fountain in Centennial
                         Park.  No diamonds, no parents. 
                         And if I smell anything funny,
                         you'll be an orphan, comprende?

       The screen goes black.  A thoughtful look crosses Clarks's

                         'Smell anything funny.' Hmmmm.

       He sniffs the air and we ZOOM IN an his nose.  A second
       later he SUPERSPEEDS and SNIFFS around the apartment and
       suddenly stops like a pointer on a scent.  He takes a final
       sniff and smiles.

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)

       He SPINS and changes into Superman.  Just as he stops, Lois
       runs up to the open front door and spots him.



                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    20.   

  19   CONTINUED:  2                                                                 19  

       Superman turns in surprise.


                         What're you doing here?

                         I... uh... was looking for Clark.

                         Is that why he left?   Are you and
                         he working on something?  Something
                         you don't want me to know about?

                         No!  Isn't he at the Planet?  I...
                         just came by to say 'hello' to his
                         folks, but... I guess they went out
                         to get groceries... or frozen
                         yogurt.  Or... coffee.

       Superman lamely trails off.  He's dying to get out of here.

                         But if you thought he was at the
                         Planet, why'd you think he might be

       Superman gulps.  She's got him.

                         Because... I stopped here first,
                         and if he wasn't here, I figured
                         he'd be at the Planet.

       Lois digests this.  It makes sense.  Her antennae retract a

                         Well, he's not there.

       Superman starts to LEVITATE in anticipation of leaving...
       and cutting short any more Lois questions.

                         I guess I'll catch him later then.
                         See ya.

       He FLIES out the window.  Lois watches him for a moment,
       then turns and looks back at the apartment.  Hmmm.

                                                                  CUT TO:

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    21.   

  20   EXT. STREET - DAY                                                             20  

       Superman WALKS down the sidewalk, sniffing, following the
       scent from his apartment.  Passersby pause and look at him
       in puzzlement Superman steps into the street, walks
       through oncoming traffic, oblivious to the commotion he's
       causing, and crosses to the other sidewalk, continuing along
       his way.

  21   CLOSEUP - SUPERMAN'S FACE                                                     21  

       as he frowns, straining to stay on the trail.  As we DOLLY
       IN on his face, we go to...

  22   SUPERMAN'S POV - THE SIDEWALK/STREET                                          22  

       In a Zarate SFX, we do an EXTREME RACK FOCUS, from the
       street to a flurry of floating SCENT MOLECULES.  The street
       is a blurry background.  The scent molecules appear from the
       distance and bob towards camera in ones and twos as Superman
       moves forward.  It's similar to moving through the star
       field in Star Wars, except there are only a few molecules
       and they float and drift erratically, being blown by the

       We HEAR Superman still sniffing and then we FADE IN
       something else that Superman's SUPERHEARING picks up: it
       seems like a dozen other noses sniffing.

  23   SUPERMAN                                                                      23  

       stops on the sidewalk and slowly turns around.  A whole
       CROWD of curious people are trailing behind him sniffing,
       trying to smell what he's smelling.  It's as if he were the
       Pied Piper of Hamlin.

                               (slightly embarrassed)
                         It's... okay. There's nothing to
                         be worried about.  Everything's
                         under control.  I'm just...
                         checking something out.  So...
                         don't mind me.

       He turns back around, does a SUPER SNIFF strong enough to
       roll trash along the sidewalk, whip a newspaper out of a
       man's hand and pull a woman's hat off.  He catches the hat
       and hands it back to her.

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)   Pink Rev.                     4/7/95            21.  

  20   EXT. STREET - DAY                                                             20  

       Superman WALKS down the sidewalk, sniffing, following the
       scent from his apartment.  Passersby pause and look at him
       in puzzlement.  Superman steps into the street, walks
       through oncoming traffic, oblivious to the commotion he's
       causing, and crosses to the other sidewalk, continuing along
       his way.

  21   CLOSEUP - SUPERMAN'S FACE                                                     21  

       as he frowns, straining to stay on the trail.  As we DOLLY
       IN on his face, we go to...

  22   SUPERMAN'S POV - THE SIDEWALK/STREET                                          22  

       In a Zarate SFX, we do an EXTREME RACK FOCUS, from the
       street to a flurry of floating SCENT MOLECULES.  The street
       is a blurry background.  The scent molecules appear from the
       distance and bob towards camera in ones and twos as Superman
       moves forward.  It's similar to moving through the star
       field in Star Wars, except there are only a few molecules
       and they float and drift erratically, being blown by the

       We HEAR Superman still sniffing and then we FADE IN
       something else that Superman's SUPERHEARING picks up: it
       seems like a dozen other noses sniffing.

  23   SUPERMAN                                                                      23  

       stops on the sidewalk and slowly turns around.  A whole
       CROWD of curious people are trailing behind him sniffing,
       trying to smell what he's smelling.  It's as if he were the
       Pied Piper of Hamlin.

                               (slightly embarrassed)
                         It's... okay.  There's nothing to
                         be worried about.  Everything's
                         under control.  I'm just...
                         checking something out.  So...
                         don't mind me.

       He turns back around, does a SUPER SNIFF strong enough to
       roll trash along the sidewalk, whip a newspaper out of a
       woman's hand and pulls a man's TOUPEE off.  He catches the                      (X)
       toupee and hands it back to the man.                                            (X)

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    22.   

  23   CONTINUED:                                                                    23  

       Then, with a much gentler sniff, be picks up the trail again
       and heads off.

                                                                  CUT TO:

  24   INT. BUNKER DAY                                                               24  

       Martha stands on a chair and scrutinizes an air vent set in
       the wall above bar head . . It's about ten inches wide. 
       Jonathan steadies the chair for her.

                               (still rankled)
                         It must've taken a lot of thought
                         to come up with the idea of a gift


                         Well, I _did_ consider a few other
                         things before I settled an it.

       Martha steps down from the chair.

                               (re: vent)
                         Even if we _could_ get the grill
                         off, neither one of us could get
                         through it.

       She heads for the door and, for the lack of any other
       option, tries the doorknob.  It gives her an electric shock,
       which causes her to jump back.

                                              MARTHA (CONT'D)

                         Martha, are you all right?!

                               (shaking her hand)
                         I'm fine.  Maybe I can use your
                         gift certificate to buy some
                         Bandaids when we get out of here.

                         if you don't like it, just come out
                         and say it.

       Martha drops to the floor and tries to look under the door.
       Jonathan stiffly kneels down next to her.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    23.   

  24   CONTINUED:                                                                    24  

                         I can't see anything.  Must be some
                         kind of seal.  Usually you don't
                         see that.

       She waves off Jonathan's help as she stands up.  She studies
       the doorknob again and looks up at the single, overhead light.

                         You want me to get you something
                         else?  Tell me.  I'll be happy to.

                         You know, if we had some wire,
                         maybe we could run it from the
                         light to the doorknob and short it
                         out, then we could really get to
                         work on it.

                         Martha, would you just look at me
                         for a second.

       Martha, who's been avoiding eye contact all this time,
       finally looks at him.

                         Jonathan, I guess I'm just hurt,
                         that's all.  I guess I was
                         expecting a little more.

                         Maybe there is.

       Martha looks at him for a moment, then suddenly digs in her
       pocket and pulls out the gift certificate.  She studies it
       for a second, sees Jonathan's encouraging look, and flips it
       over.  On the back there's a note in Jonathan's handwriting. 
       Her face falls.

                         I'm supposed to use this to get a
                         _book_ at the book counter?

                         They're holding it for you.

                         It better be a really great

       And on Jonathan's sickly smile, we...

                                                                  CUT TO:

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    24.   

  25   EXT. MARVIN'S GARDENS FLORIST SHOP - DAY                                      25  

       MARVIN, a large African-American who looks like he used to
       play football; delicately tends the flowers on display in
       front of his store, in particular a cascade of orchids. 
       Still sniffing, Superman rounds the corner and walks right
       up to Marvin.

                         Excuse me, sir what kind of
                         orchids are those?

                               (without looking up)
                         Oncidium Fifty-Two Blitz Go Right
                         Stunt.  Breed 'em myself.  And
                         unless you know something about
                         getting rid of aphids, beat it.

                         Un, I could give them a stern
                         talking to.

       For the first time Marvin looks up.  He's surprised to see
       it's Superman.

                         Superman.  Sorry, I... uh, didn't
                         know it was you.

                         That's okay.
                               (studies Marvin)
                         Didn't you used to play for the

                         Til my knee blew out.  Now I do
                         this.  It's much more relaxing, and
                         _definitely_ less painful.

       Superman picks up the stem of orchids.

                         I'm looking for a man who's wearing
                         one of these.

                         Don't actually sell many of them to
                         people off the street.  Haven't
                         sold one to a man in weeks.

                         This one was fresh.  It almost
                         smelled like cherry vanilla.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    25.   

  25   CONTINUED:                                                                    25  

                         That's the Fifty Two Blitz Go Right
                         Stunt alright.  Only orchid that
                         smells that way.  Your friend

                         He doesn't sound it.  Why do you

       Marvin's a bit puzzled by Superman's reply, but he answers anyway.

                         My biggest customer is Zurich Air.
                         They hand them out to all their
                         First Class transatlantic


                                                                  CUT TO:

  26   INT. DAILY PLANET BULLPEN - NIGHT #2                                          26  

       Clark is on the phone, trying to keep his temper.  He
       glances at his watch; it's getting late.

                               (into phone)
                         Yes?  Hello?  I've been on hold for
                         twenty minutes.  No, I can't call
                         back later, I just want to speak to
                         someone who can tell me who flew
                         with you the last couple of days.
                         No, I know you don't normally
                         release passenger lists, but this
                         is an emergency.  Is there a
                         supervisor, or someone in Zurich
                         I could talk to?
                               (increasing anxiety)
                         No no no!  Don't put me on hold.

       They put him on hold.  Clark grits his teeth and checks his
       watch.  It's almost 8:00 pm.  Damn!

  27   ANGLE ON JIMMY AND PERRY                                                      27  

       Perry is choosing a donut from the box that Jimmy holds.
       Suddenly, he frowns.  He's spotted Lois exiting the
       elevators.  She sees Clark and heads for him.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    26.   

  27   CONTINUED:                                                                    27  

                               (half to himself;
                                to Jimmy)
                         All hands on deck

       Jimmy follows Perry's look and then shifts to see the
       unsuspecting Clark.

                         What?  She doesn't look angry.

                         That's when she's most dangerous. 
                         You never know what's going to
                         happen.  Could be good... could
                         be _bad_.

  28   ANGLE ON CLARK                                                                28  

       He checks his watch again, makes a decision and slams down
       the phone.  He pulls open a drawer and yanks out his copy of
       the Metropolis Yellow Pages.  He flips to the jewelry store
       pages.  On one page there are a dozen ads of various shapes,
       all for store names beginning with "M".  One ad is for
       "Mazik's Jewelry.  The only thing finer than our diamonds,
       is our service."  Clark reads the address: "1651 N. Thornton

                                              LOIS (V.O.)
                         Oh, looking to buy me something?

       Clark jumps.  He didn't hear her approach.  He awkwardly
       stands; he wants to leave.

                         Um, I... forgot to get an
                         anniversary present for my folks.
                         I've gotta get one before the
                         stores close.

                         Good idea.  You better take care of

       The lack of Lois's resistance makes Clark pause.

                         You're not mad?

                         At what?


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    27.   

  28   CONTINUED:                                                                    28  

                         That once again I'm running off?

                         Why should I be?  Doctor Friskin
                         really helped set me straight an
                         this.  I've come to realize, and
                         accept, that we both have
                         separate lives.  No matter how
                         involved we are, or become, it's
                         perfectly all right for us to
                         sometimes do things apart.

       Clark bobs his head in relief and dashes off.  Lois turns

                                              LOIS (CONT'D)
                               (to herself; re:
                                separate actions)

       She looks at the page Clark was studying. She tears it out.

                                                                  CUT TO:

  29   EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT                                                            29  

       Clark, dressed in a Cat Burglar-esque black outfit,
       unhappily eyes the darkened FRONT DOOR to Mazik's Jewelry
       for a beat, then with SUPER SPEED he picks the lock.  He
       steps inside.

                                                                  CUT TO:

  30   EXT. BARRINGTON JEWELRY MART - NIGHT                                          30  

       Lois pulls up in the Jeep and studies the Barrington Jewelry
       Mart.  It's completely dark.

  31   INT. JEEP - CONTINUOUS                                                        31  

       Lois wrinkles her nose; another dead end.  WE SEE her bend
       down and cross off the ad for Barrington Jewelry Mart on the
       yellow page she tore from Clark's directory.  About three
       other stores have already been crossed off.  She puts the
       Jeep in gear and heads for the next one.

                                                                  CUT TO:

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    28.   

  32   INT. MAZIK'S JEWELRY - NIGHT                                                  32  

       Numerous glass display cases filled with jewelry dot the
       floor.  Clark quickly BLOWS COLD AIR ON A SECURITY PANEL,
       freezing and deactivating the alarm.  He makes way to an
       open doorway leading to a back area and stops.

  33   HIS POV                                                                       33  

       The back area.  Small and windowless.  Two jeweler's work
       counters in the center and a six foot high double door
       combination lock safe against a wall.

  34   RESUME SCENE                                                                  34  

       Clark activates his X-RAY VISION.

  35   X-RAY POV                                                                     35  

       SCANNING a grid of alarm activating sensor pads, embedded in
       the floor.

  36   INT. BACK AREA - NIGHT CONTINUOUS                                             36  

       Clark FLOATS across the floor to the safe and lands.

                                                                  CUT TO:

  37   EXT. JELLICO'S HOUSE OF JEWELS - NIGHT                                        37  

       Lois pulls up across the street from Jellico's and kills her
       lights.  The store is dark.

  38   INT. JEEP - CONTINUOUS                                                        38  

       Once again she looks for Clark, but there's no sign of
       anyone.  She waits a minute, bites her lip, then flicks on
       her lights.  She crosses off Jellico's ad on the yellow
       pages and puts the Jeep in gear.

                                                                  CUT TO:

  39   INT. BACK AREA - MAZIK'S JEWELRY - NIGHT                                      39  

       Reluctantly, Clark uses his X-RAY VISION TO LOOK AT THE
       TUMBLERS inside the combination lock.

  40   ON LOCK                                                                       40  

       As he spins it we see the tumblers fall into place.

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    29.   

  41   SCENE                                                                         41  

       He opens the door, reaches in and pulls oft a large black
       velvet box.  He opens it, revealing hundreds of small uncut
       diamonds.  He quickly closes the box, closes the safe and
       floats back out the doorway into the main room.

  42   INT. MAZIK'S JEWELRY - NIGHT CONTINUOUS                                       42  

       Suddenly he bears the FRONT DOOR UNLOCK.

                                              MAN #1 (V.O.)
                         It'll only take a second.  I left
                         it right under the counter.

       A look of alarm flashes across Clark's face.  There's no
       place to hide.  He shoots a bean of HEAT VISION to defrost
       the alarm.

  43   ANOTHER ANGLE                                                                 43  

       A MAN enters the store, punches in the disarm code on the
       alarm.  He crosses behind a counter, grabs his cellular
       phone, then crosses back out of the store, resetting the
       alarm as he does.  He locks the door and as we hear his
       departing voice...

                                              MAN #1 (V.O.)
                         See.  Just took a second.

       ... the CAMERA WIDENS TO REVEAL Clark, holding the velvet
       box, FLOATING prone on the ceiling over the front door.  Off
       his sigh of relief...

                                                                  CUT TO:

  44   EXT. MAZIK'S JEWELRY - NIGHT                                                  44  

       Nothing moves.  Then, the front door opens and Clark slips
       out carrying the velvet box.  He quickly slips off into the
       darkness.  CAMERA PULLS BACK and REVEALS Lois sitting
       slouched in her Jeep, her head just high enough to look over
       the window sill of the door.  Her face is a mixture of
       astonishment and hurt.  She can't believe what she's just

                                                                  FADE OUT.

                                _END OF ACT TWO_

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    30.   

                                   _ACT THREE_

       FADE IN:

  45   EXT. PARK - NIGHT                                                             45  

       Dark, still, a little spooky.  Clark appears next to a
       fountain.  He's carrying the proceeds from his heist.  The
       Watchman BEEPS.  He takes it from his pocket.  The
       unidentifiably shadowy Jace appears an the screen.

                                              JACE (V.O.)
                         Oh, you look fabulous in black,
                         Clark.  Where are the diamonds?

       Clark hates this.

                         Right here.

  46   INT. JACE'S PLACE - NIGHT                                                     46  

       Nigel sits, out of viewing range, as Jace talks to Clark.
       Nigel is filing his nails.

                         Show them to me.  No, don't bother,
                         I'm sure you wouldn't double cross
                         me.  Not as long as I have your


                         I've done what you asked. Where
                         are my mom and dad?

                         You know, I don't think they're
                         enjoying their visit.  They keep
                         trying to find a way out.

                         Where are they?

                         It warms my heart to watch them.
                         There's something so... bovine
                         about them.

                         I'm glad you find then heart-
                         warming.  Tell me where they are.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    31.   

  46   CONTINUED:                                                                    46  

                         Drop the diamonds in the fountain.

       Clark does so.
                                              JACE (CONT'D)
                         Thank you so much.  And, Clark,
                         don't wait for the courier.  Don't
                         follow the courier. If you do, Ma
                         and Pa will die... I'll be in

       Jace reaches out to turn off the communication.


       Jace's hand stops aid-air.

                         Yes, Clark?

                         I bring you these diamonds, you
                         release my parents, was that the
                         deal, was that what you said?

                         Yes, Clark.


                         I lied.

       The Watchman screen goes dark. Off Clark's reaction --

  47   INT. JACE'S PLACE - NIGHT                                                     47  

       Jace turns to Nigel.

                         Isn't this fun?

       Nigel looks up from shaping his nails.

                         Getting greedy?

                         I'm thinking maybe another little
                         job or two.  We might as well get
                         stinking rich before we kill him.

       He smiles.  Nigel remains stony-faced.

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    32.   

  48   EXT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - NIGHT                                                48  

       Lois is waiting, not calmly.  Clark appears.  Lois plunges
       right in:

                         You look good in black.  Perfect
                         for your skin tones.  Perfect for a
                         funeral, maybe yours.  Perfect for
                         robbing a jewelry store.

       He opens his mouth, and:

                                              CLARK AND LOIS
                         Lois, I can explain.

                         I thought I knew you.  I thought
                         you were decent and straight-up and
                         good.  I thought you were the last
                         honest man.  I thought you were...
                         you were...

       She searches for the perfect word.

                                              LOIS (CONT'D)
                         I thought you ware Clark Kent...
                         Who are you?

       They gaze at each other for a moment, then:

                         Mom and Dad have been kidnapped.

       This stops Lois in her tracks.


                         Mom and Dad have b --

                         So that's why you ran out this
                         morning.  That's why you robbed the
                         jewelry store...

                         He threatened to kill them.  I had
                         to rob that store...

                         Have you called the police?  The

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    33.   

  48   CONTINUED:                                                                    48  

                         I can't take that chance, Lois.

                         So, he's letting them go now?

                         I don't think so.  I think he wants

       Lois has moved closer to him during the preceding exchange.

                         Clark, I'm so sorry....

                         Thank you.

       A moment, then:

                         Why?... Why would anybody kidnap
                         your parents?

       A question Clark was no doubt hoping she wouldn't ask.  He
       can tell her the truth, or he can say:

                         I wish I knew, Lois.  I only know
                         that I have to keep doing what he
                         says while I try to find them.

                         What about Superman?

                         He hasn't been able to find then

       She puts a hand on his chest.

                         I'll do anything I can to help...

       He runs a gentle hand along her hair, gazing deeply into her

                         Thank you, Lois.

       He folds his arms around her, and they stand there in a
       tender embrace.

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    34.   

  49   INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY #2                                                    49  

       Lois and Clark are at Lois's desk, sitting so close to each
       other they're practically one person.  They don't look like
       they've gotten much sleep.  Lois in wearing what she wore
       yesterday.  She's an the phone.

                               (into phone)
                         Do _not_ put as an hold, it's taken
                         me eight hours just to find a human
                         being to talk to, you're an
                         international airline you should        
                         have your phones covered 24 hours a
                               (unintelligible squawking
                                from the phone)
                         Voice mail doesn't count.

       She gets to the purpose of her call:

                                              LOIS (CONT'D)
                         I need to talk to somebody who can
                         authorize the release of passenger

       Perry's across the room checking a layout, keeping an eye on
       Lois and Clark.  As Jimmy walks-by him:

  50   WITH PERRY AND JIMMY                                                          50  

       The layout is a banner headline about the jewelry heist.

                               (to the layout person)
                         That's fine, Maxwell.  Get it

       Maxwell moves off.  Jimmy has stopped, awaiting the boss'

                                              PERRY (CONT'D)
                         That dress Lois has on, didn't she
                         wear that yesterday?

       Jimmy looks.

                         I don't know, chief.

                         You want to be a newspaperman, you
                         gotta be observant.  Does Clark
                         look a little haggard to you?


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    35.   

  50   CONTINUED:                                                                    50  

       Jimmy looks.  Clark does look a little haggard.


       Lois is talking rather animatedly, if quietly, on the phone.

                         Like he hasn't had much sleep
                         lately?  Like he's got something
                         worrying him?  Like a dog trapped
                         in a cage?

                         Yeah, I guess.. .

                         You know what I think, Jimmy?

       Jimmy has no idea.

                                              PERRY (CONT'D)
                         I think they eloped.

       Jimmy looks back toward:

  51   LOIS AND CLARK                                                                51  

       Lois, still an the phone.

                               (into phone)
                         I don't usually do this, but how
                         about this:  I'll give you a free
                         one-year subscription to the Daily
                         Planet, delivered every morning to
                         your doorstep in Zurich... well,
                         all right, to your doorstep in
                               (the phone squawks, then)
                         May I speak to your supervisor?

       Some more SQUAWKING from the phone, then she's on hold.  She
       sees Perry and Jimmy staring at her and Clark.  They quickly
       turn away and go about their business.

                                              LOIS (CONT'D)
                               (to Clark)
                         I don't think this is going to
                         work.  We don't have any leverage.

       The doughnut-scarfing COP from "Chi of Steel" has entered
       the room, moves over to Lois and Clark.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    36.   

  51   CONTINUED:                                                                    51  

                         Could I talk to you, Kent?

                         Sure, Sergeant.

       The cop takes a photo out of his pocket, doesn't show it to
       Clark yet.

                         That jewelry store that got hit
                         last night?

       He gets a guarded reaction from Lois and Clark.

                                              COP (CONT'D)
                         They've got a hidden security

       He hands the photo to Clark.

  52   INSERT - PHOTO                                                                52  

       It's a grainy three-quarter profile, but it really does look
       like Clark.

  53   BACK TO SCENE                                                                 53  

       Clark's holding the picture, Lois -- still on hold -- is
       looking at it, too.

                         That could be anybody, Zymak.

       Zymak holds the photo up next to Clark's face.

                         Same nose, same chin, same glasses.

       He and Lois both look from the picture to Clark's glasses.
       Clark adjusts his glasses, hanging onto them lest somebody
       decide to take them off his face for comparison purposes.

                                              COP (CONT'D)
                               (to Clark)
                         Where were you last night from,
                         say, nine o'clock on?

       Into the silence that greets this question:

                         He was with me.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    37.   

  53   CONTINUED:                                                                    53  



                         All night?

                         All night.

       Zymak looks skeptical.

                         Sergeant, you _know_ us.  Do you
                         really think I'd commit a burglary?
                         Do you really think Lois would lie
                         about it?

       Zymak considers this.

                         No. No, I don't.  But you've got a
                         double out there somewhere, Kent.

       He's going to leave, but:

                         Ah, Sergeant?  If I ask Superman to
                         help you find this thief, could you
                         do me a favor?  We need some
                         information from Zurich Air, uh,
                         for something we're working on...

       Zymak raises his eyebrows.

  54   WITH PERRY                                                                    54  

       in yet another part of the room, watching Lois and Clark and
       the cop as he gets himself a cup of coffee.  Clark says
       something to the cop, who shrugs, then Lois hands the phone
       to the cop.

  55   AT LOIS' DESK                                                                 55  

       The cop takes the receiver.

                               (into phone)
                         This is Sergeant Zymak, Metropolis
                         Police Department, Badge number

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    38.   

  56   INT. BUNKER - DAY                                                             56  

       Jonathan and Martha have given up trying to escape.  They're
       sitting.  After a moment:

                         Clark will find us...

                         I know.
                         But if he doesn't --

                         He will.

                         But if he doesn't, I want you to
                         know I wouldn't trade one minute of
                         the life we've had together.

                         How about the time I told your
                         mother to stuff a sock in it?

                         _That's_ what made me fall in love
                         with you.

       He smiles back, then gets more serious:

                         How about when we found out we
                         couldn't have children?

                         You were a tower of strength and
                         understanding... You're the best
                         man I know, the best I've ever
                         known.  I loved you then, and I
                         love you now.

       Jonathan may cry.

                         I love you, too.

       She takes his hand.  After a moment:

                                              JONATHAN (CONT'D)
                         Martha?  About that gift

       She's moving into his arms.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    39.   

  56   CONTINUED:                                                                    56  

                         Shhh... shhh...

       He stops talking and just holds her gently.

  57   INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY                                                       57  

       The cop has gone.  Lois and Clark are working at her desk.
       They've got the applicable passenger manifests now.  Clark
       looks up.

                         Look at this, Lois.

       He shows her his manifest, pointing to a name.

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         Does this ring a bell?

       Lois looks.  She's galvanized by what she sees.

                         It sure does.  It's one of the
                         names Nigel St. John uses.  What is
                         going on, Clark?  What could Nigel
                         St. John possibly have to do with
                         your parents?

       He's pulled the phone toward him and has dialed.

                               (into phone)
                         This is Sergeant Zymak again,
                         M.P.D., you had a passenger
                         Nicholas S. Janacek, Flight 697,
                         two days ago.  Can you tell me how
                         the fare was paid?

       While he's waiting:

                         Is Nigel your kidnapper?

                         No.  My guy doesn't have an accent,
                         but it's too coincidental that
                         the --

       He's cut off by the other phone party.  He listens, then:

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                               (into phone)
                         Mazik?  Jason T. Mazik?


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)   Green Rev.                    4/11/95          39.   

  56   CONTINUED:                                                                    56  

                         Shhh... shhh...

       He stops talking and just holds her gently.

  57   INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY                                                       57  

       The cop has gone.  Lois and Clark are working at her desk.
       They've got the applicable passenger manifests now.  Clark
       looks up.

                         Look at this, Lois.

       He shows her his manifest, pointing to a name.

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         Nicholas S. Janacek.  Name ring a

       Lois looks.  She's galvanized by what she sees.

                         It sure does.  It's one of the
                         aliases used by Nigel St. John                                (X)
                         when he was working with Lex                                  (X)
                               (and then)
                         What's going on Clark?  What could                            (X)
                         Nigel possibly have to do with                                (X)
                         your parents?

       He's pulled the phone toward him and has dialed.

                               (into phone)
                         This is Sergeant Zymak again,
                         M.P.D., you had a passenger
                         Nicholas S. Janacek, Flight 697,
                         two days ago.  Can you tell me how
                         the fare was paid?

       While he's waiting:

                         Is Nigel your kidnapper?

                         No.  My guy doesn't have an accent,
                         but it's too coincidental that
                         the --

       He's cut off by the other phone party.  He listens, then:


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)   Green Rev.                    4/11/95          39A.  

  57   CONTINUED:                                                                    57  

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                               (into phone)
                         Mazik?  Jason T. Mazik?


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    40.   

  57   CONTINUED:                                                                    57  

                         As in Mazik Jewelers?

                         Thank you.
                               (hangs up)
                         Yes, as in Mazik Jewelers.

       He gets up, energized.

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         You wait here.

       She nails him with a look.

                         When pigs fly.

  58   INT. JACE'S PLACE - DAY                                                       58  

       Lois and Clark are sitting across from Jace.  No Nigel.
       Jace is being very charming.

                               (to Lois)
                         But you're not bothering me at all,
                         Miss Lane. I'm honored. I read
                         your articles all the time.
                         They're wonderful. And yours, too,
                         Mr. Kent.  Yours are just... super.

       Clark blanches as Lois plows ahead:

                         Thank you. Do you know a Nicholas
                         S. Janacek?

       Clark's looking at the wall behind Jace. He activates his
       X-RAY VISION and sees a bedroom -- empty.

                         Janacek?  No, I don't believe I do.
                         Why do you ask?

                         We're trying to trace him for a
                         story we're doing.  You paid his
                         plane fare from England a couple of
                         days ago.

       Clark's LOOKING THROUGH the wall to his left.  A roof
       garden.  Nobody there.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    41.   

  58   CONTINUED:                                                                    58  

                         No, I didn't.

                         Yes, you did.

                         I lost my wallet last week.  All my
                         credit cards were in it.

       Clark's looking through the wall to his right.  A kitchen.
       Nobody there.

                         You don't seem very concerned.

                         You report them lost, you get new
                         ones.  But I'm really impressed at
                         your resourcefulness.  I thought it
                         would take, oh, I don't know,
                         _Superman_ to pry that kind of
                         information out of an airline.

       Clark looks at Jace, who smiles at him.  Isn't this fun? 
       Jace stands up.

                                              JACE (CONT'D)
                         I'm so sorry I can't be of any help
                         to you.

       He opens the door for them.

                         Thank you for your time.

                         Oh, the pleasure was all mine,
                         believe me.

       He closes the door behind them.  As we hear their RECEDING
       FOOTSTEPS, we also hear the WHIR of an ELEVATOR.  Jace's
       private elevator, which opens into his living room.  After a
       moment, it stops and the doors open to reveal Nigel.

                         What did they want?

                         I think you were wrong, Nigel.  I
                         thought she was sweet.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)   Green Rev.                    4/11/95          41.   

  58   CONTINUED:                                                                    58  

                         No, I didn't.

                         Yes, you did.

                         I lost my wallet last week.  All my
                         credit cards were in it.

       Clark's looking through the wall to his right. A kitchen.
       Nobody there.

                         You don't seem very concerned.

                         You report them lost, you get new
                         ones.  But I'm really impressed at
                         your resourcefulness.  I thought it
                         would take, oh, I don't know,
                         _Superman_ to pry that kind of
                         information out of an airline.

       Clark looks at Jace, who smiles at him.  Isn't this fun?
       Jace stands up.

                                              JACE (CONT'D)
                         I'm so sorry I can't be of any help
                         to you.

       He opens the door for them.

                         Thank you for your time.

                         Oh, the pleasure was all mine,
                         believe me.

       He closes the door behind them. As we hear their RECEDING
       FOOTSTEPS, we also hear the WHIR of an ELEVATOR.  Jace's
       private elevator, which opens into his living room.  After a
       moment, it stops and the doors open to reveal Nigel.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    42.   

  58   CONTINUED:  2                                                                 58  

                         The woman is a menace.  We have to
                         do something about her.

                         We're following my agenda, not

                         I have the Kryptonite.  You want
                         it, you do something about that

       Jace doesn't care much one way or the other.

                         All right.  Anything to see your
                         sunny smile.

       He pats Nigel's cheek.  Nigel would like to strangle him.

  59   INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY                                                       59  

       Lois and Clark, standing by-the fax machine, waiting for
       something to come through.

                         I'm telling you, it's him.  It's
                         the same voice.

                         All right, Clark, I'm not arguing
                         with you.

       The fax is coming through. Jimmy calls over:

                         C.K., phone for you. You can take
                         it at Stanley's desk.

       As Clark reaches for the phone, Lois looks up from the fax:

                         He lied, Clark.  He didn't report
                         his cards missing.

                               (into phone)

                                              JACE (V.O.)
                         Hello, Clark.  It was so nice of
                         you to visit.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    43.   

  59   CONTINUED:                                                                    59  

                         Just tell me what you want.

                                              JACE (V.O.)
                         I've called with your new
                         assignment.  But first, let me ask
                         you this -- you and Lois?  Are you
                         guys close?


                                              JACE (V.O.)
                         Ooooh.  Bummer.  Well, here's the
                         assignment:  You have 30 minutes,
                         otherwise Ma and Pa will die.
                         Bring it to the old airbase outside
                         of town.

       Lois knows something's up, is watching Clark's face.

                         Bring what?

                                              JACE (V.O.)
                         Oh, didn't I say?  The body.  Bring
                         the body.  Your new assignment is
                         to kill Lois Lane.

       Off Clark's reaction --

                                                                  FADE OUT.

                            _END OF ACT THREE_

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    44.   

                                    _ACT FOUR_

       FADE IN:

  60   INT. DAILY PLANET - CONTINUOUS                                                60  

       Clark hangs up the phone, numb.  Lois is near.

                         That was him... Jace... wasn't it?

                         Lois, don't --

                         What'd he say to you?
                         What did he say, Clark?

                         He wants you dead... in thirty
                         minutes... or he's going to kill my

       A silence as their eyes meet.

                         It's Nigel... we got too close.

                         I want you to get out of town.  Get
                         on a plane, go far...

                               (as a thought strikes)
                         No... I have an idea...

                         Lois --

                               (in motion)
                         Find Superman and have him meet me
                         at my apartment.

                         Lois.  Stop.

                         Everything's going to be all right.

       She turns and kisses him hard on the lips, then moves off,
       passing Jimmy and Perry, who exchange a look.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    45.   

  60   CONTINUED:                                                                    60  

                         What do you think?

                         I think...

       They watch Clark loosen his tie and move off to the back

                                              PERRY (CONT'D)
                         ... I'm done thinking.  I don't
                         have clue one what's going on.

                                                                  CUT TO:

  61   INT. LOIS's APARTMENT - DAY                                                   61  

       Superman cocks his head as Lois paces past him.

                         Freeze you?

                         Like cryogenics... people who fall
                         in frozen lakes but get revived? 
                         You freeze me with your breath,
                         fast -- I've seen you do it a
                         hundred times -- then it looks
                         like I'm dead, you bring the body
                         and --

                         Lois, do you have any idea how
                         dangerous that is?  There could be
                         arterial ruptures, permanent brain
                         damage... you could die.

                         Yes.  I could die.  But Clark's
                         parents _will_ die unless we help.
                         Please, Superman.  You haven't seen
                         ... you don't know what he's going
                               (as he almost disagrees)
                         He needs me and I've never needed
                         you more than right now - you
                         can't turn me down...
                               (close; he holds her)
                         ... you can't.

       He looks at her, torn, then --


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    46.   

  61   CONTINUED:                                                                    61  

                         All right.

       She wipes her eyes.

                         If anything happens, tell Clark I
                         love him.

       He looks at her, tears quivering in his eyes, his voice
       breaking --

                         He knows, but I will.  Close your

       She does.  He pushes her hair back, just the way Clark did.
       Her face registers the shock of recognition at this
       intimate, familiar touch.

                         The way you -- you touched --

                         Close your eyes.

       One last curious look at him, then she does as she's told.
       He takes an enormous breath and BLOWS A HUGE, ICY BLAST at
       her that FILLS THE SCREEN.  And as we PUSH IN ON HER, face
       barely visible in the sudden storm --

                                                                  CUT TO:

  62   INT. JACE'S BUNKER - HALL - DAY                                               62  

       START TIGHT ON LOIS' FACE -- rigid, eyes closed, as it is
       gently lowered into frame then REVEAL --

       Superman setting her stiff body down on the floor.  His face
       full of pain and doubt, as --

       Jace and Nigel appear.

                         Well, well.. Dream all you want...
                               (moving close to Lois'
                         ... but nothing quite prepares you
                         for the sheer thrill of the moment.

                         Not a mark on her.  How'd you do
                         it, Superman?


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    47.   

  62   CONTINUED:                                                                    62  

                         Where are my parents?

                         'Where are my parents, _sir_?'

       Superman grabs Jace by the collar.

                         Now boys, boys, let's not fight,
                         particularly, since...
                               (pulls out a small lead
                                box, opens it)
                         ... it wouldn't exactly be fair.
                               (in the box: Kryptonite)
                         To Superman.

       He backs up and suddenly weakens, shielding his face with
       his hand.  Nigel gets right in his face with it.

                                              NIGEL (CONT'D)
                         It's relatively simple to use,
                         Jace.  Very few moving parts.
                         Short term exposure...

       Superman leans against the wall.

                                              NIGEL (CONT'D)
                         ... leads to lasting effect.  Give
                         it a whirl.

       He hands the box of Kryptonite over.  Jace takes it and
       taunts Superman with it.

                         Superman... do the words
                         'Nyah-nyah, nuh-nyah-nyah' have any
                         meaning to you?

  63   INT. BUNKER ROOM - DAY                                                        63  

       Jace uses the Kryptonite to "push" Superman into the room.
       Superman trips and falls in a heap.


       She rushes to him, cradling her boy.  Jonathan rushes him
       but Nigel's gun stops him.

                         I know you must be in a lot of pain
                         but here's the good news -- it'll
                         all be over soon.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    48.   

  63   CONTINUED:                                                                    63  

       Jace tosses the Kryptonite into the room as he and Nigel
       back out.

  64   INT. BUNKER HALL - DAY                                                        64  

       Jace closes the door and locks it.  Then he throws a switch
       on the wall and -

  65   INT. BUNKER ROOM - DAY                                                        65  

       The vent near the ceiling begin to HISS gas.  Superman sees
       this.  The Kents cough.  He tries to got up but can't.

                         Move me... over there...

  66   INT. BUNKER HALL - DAY                                                        66  

       Standing over Lois' stiff body, Jace uncaps a flask, using
       the cap as a shot glass.  He hands the full cap to Nigel.

                         My father always said, close a good
                         deal with a toast.

                         No doubt a man of excellent

       Nigel toasts and drinks.

                         He was a pig.  If it hadn't been
                         for that diary --

       Nigel raises his pistol.

                         Ah, yes, the diary.  Subject of our
                         next negotiation.

                         Aw, man. I guess I shoulda known.
                               (pulls diary out)
                         I read all about how you did the
                         same thing to Luthor.  Kind of
                         reminded me of what happened with
                         my old man.  I ever tell you how I
                         killed him?  Poison.

       Nigel's eyes widen, then he keels over dead, falling near


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)   Green Rev.                    4/11/95          48.   

  63   CONTINUED:                                                                    63  

       Jace tosses the Kryptonite into the room as he and Nigel
       back out.

  64   INT. BUNKER HALL - DAY                                                        64  

       Jace closes the door and locks it.  Then he throws a switch
       on the wall and

  65   INT. BUNKER ROOM - DAY                                                        65  

       The vent near the ceiling begin to HISS gas.  Superman sees
       this.  The Kents cough.  He tries to get up but can't.

                         Move me... over there...

  66   INT. BUNKER HALL - DAY                                                        66  

       Standing over Lois' stiff body, Jace uncaps a flask, using
       the cap as a shot glass.

                                              JACE                                     (X)
                         Well, you must be feeling pretty                              (X)
                         good, now that Lois Lane is dead.                             (X)

                                              NIGEL                                    (X)
                         It would warm my heart.  If I had                             (X)
                         one.                                                          (X)

       He hands the full cap to Nigel.                                                 (X)

                         My father always said, close a good
                         deal with a toast.

                         No doubt a man of excellent

       Nigel toasts and drinks.

                         He was a pig.  If it hadn't been
                         for that diary --

       Nigel raises his pistol.

                         Ah, yes, the diary.  Subject of our
                         next negotiation.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)   Green Rev.                    4/11/95          48A.  

  66   CONTINUED:                                                                    66  

                         Aw, man.  I guess I shoulda known.
                               (pulls diary out)
                         This says you double crossed Lex

                         It's what I'm best at.

                         Did I ever tell you how my old man


                         I poisioned him.

       Nigel's eyes widen, then he keels over dead.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    49.   

  66   CONTINUED:                                                                    66  

                                              JACE (CONT'D)
                         Guess it's true what they say.
                         Reading _is_ fundamental.

       He turns and strolls down the hall.

  67   INT. BUNKER ROOM - DAY                                                        67  

       The gas is filling the room.  The Kryptonite is on one side,
       Superman and the Kents on the other, right under the vent,
       as the Kents try to keep from passing out.

                         Mom, prop me up.
                               (she does)
                         Dad, go get the Kryptonite.

       He moves back across the room.  Summoning the very last of
       his strength, Superman BLOWS an ICY JET of air at the vent.
       It FREEZES white and --

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         Throw it!  At the vent!

       Jonathan winds up and throws the rock.  It SHATTERS the vent
       like balsa and goes RATTLING AWAY.

  68   INT. BUNKER HALL - DAY                                                        68  

       The door is KICKED out.  Superman and the coughing Kents
       emerge.  Superman moves straight to Lois and kneels to her.

                         Oh, no... Lois...

       The Kents stand back, holding each other and watching, as he
       blows a BREATH OF RIPPLING HEAT across her body.  Her body
       relaxes but there is still no life.  He grips her hand in


       He gives her mouth to mouth.

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         Lois, come back, you come back to

       Nothing.  He uses a SPRAY OF HEAT RAYS across her body,
       warming it more.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)   Green Rev.                    4/11/95          49.   

  66   CONTINUED:  2                                                                 66  

                                              JACE (CONT'D)
                         Guess it's true what they say.
                         Reading _is_ fundamental.

       He turns and strolls down the hall.

  67   INT. BUNKER ROOM - DAY                                                        67  

       The gas is filling the room.  The Kryptonite is on one side,
       Superman and the Kents on the other, right under the vent,
       as the Kents cough...                                                           (X)

                                              MARTHA                                   (X)
                         Clark!  I've got an idea!  Do you                             (X)
                         have enough strength to freeze that                           (X)
                         vent?!                                                        (X)

                                              SUPERMAN                                 (X)
                         I'll try.                                                     (X)

                                              MARTHA                                   (X)
                         Jonathan, get the Kryptonite!                                 (X)

       He moves back across the room as Superman summons the very                      (X)
       last of his strength, then BLOWS an ICY JET of air at the                       (X)
       vent.  It FREEZES white and --                                                  (X)

                                              MARTHA (CONT'D)
                         Throw it!  At the vent!

       Jonathan winds up and throws the rock.  It SHATTERS the vent
       like balsa and goes RATTLING AWAY.

  68   INT. BUNKER HALL - DAY                                                        68  

       The door is KICKED out.  Superman and the coughing Kents
       emerge.  Superman moves straight to Lois and kneels to her.

                         Oh, no... Lois...

       The Kents stand back, holding each other and watching, as he
       aims a diffused BEAM OF HEAT VISION across her body.  Her
       body relaxes but there is still no life.  He grips her hand
       in his.


       He gives her mouth to mouth.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)   Green Rev.                    4/11/95          49A.  

  68   CONTINUED:                                                                    68  

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         Lois, come back, you come back to

       Nothing.  He USES HEAT VISION AGAIN, warming her more.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    50.   

  68   CONTINUED                                                                     68  

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         You come back now!  Do you hear me,
                         Lois, don't go!  Don't go!  Fight!

       More mouth to mouth.  His face close to hers.  No breathing.

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         You are not dying an me, you are
                         not giving up, now breathe!  You
                         breathe, dammit!

       Nothing.  Stillness... then, a racking cough from her.  She
       grips him hard and takes a ragged breath.

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         That's right, that's it... Oh, my God...

       It's hard to tell if he's laughing or crying.  He holds her,
       rocking her as her eyes open and the first thing she sees is
       his face.

                         You were calling... I heard you

                         Shhhhhhh, shhhhhh...

       Jonathan kneels and puts a hand on his son's shoulder. 
       Martha brings a blanket from the bunker room and she and
       superman wrap it around Lois' shivering body.

                         You get her to a hospital, we'll be

       He nods and they're gone with an O.S. WHOOSH.

  69   INT. JACE'S APARTMENT - DAY                                                   69  

       Jace is on the phone, playing with the stack of diamonds on
       his desk.

                         How much is your biggest yacht?
                         Really, that all?

       He moves past the window and doesn't see that Superman has
       just landed there.

                                              JACE (CONT'D)
                         You sure you don't have anything


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)   Green Rev.                    4/11/95          50.   

  68   CONTINUED:  2                                                                 68  

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         You come back now!  Do you hear me,
                         Lois, don't go!  Don't go! Fight!

       More mouth to mouth.  His face close to hers.  No breathing.

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         You are not dying on me, you are
                         not giving up, now breathe!  You
                         breathe!                                                      (X)

       Nothing.  Stillness... then, a racking cough from her.  She
       grips him hard and takes a ragged breath.

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         That's right, that's it... Oh, my

       It's hard to tell if he's laughing or crying.  He holds her,
       rocking her as her eyes open and the first thing she sees is
       his face.

                         You were calling... I heard you

                         Shhhhhhh, shhhhhh...

       Jonathan kneels and puts a hand on his son's shoulder.
       Martha brings a blanket from the bunker room and she and
       Superman wrap it'around Lois' shivering body.

                         You get her to a hospital, we'll be

       He nods and they're gone with'an O.S. WHOOSH.

  69   INT. JACE'S APARTMENT - DAY                                                   69  

       Jace is on the phone, playing with the stack of diamonds on
       his desk.

                         How much is your biggest yacht?                               (X)

       He moves past the window and doesn't see that Superman has
       just landed outside.

                                              JACE (CONT'D)
                         You sure you don't have anything


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    51.   

  69   CONTINUED:                                                                    69  

       He freezes.  Turns.  Sees.

                                              JACE (CONT'D)
                         Call you back.
                               (hangs up)
                         Superman, I think you should
                         know... I had a horrible childhood.

                               (moving toward him)
                         It's going to seem idyllic...
                               (hoists him)
                         compared to your life in

       He reaches in with his free hand and extracts the diary.
       Flips through at SUPER-SPEED as --

                         Look, you better let me go or I'll
                         tell the world you're Superman.

                         Well, I've decided I like my secret
                         identity and since we live in
                         skeptical times...

       He IGNITES the diary with a BLAST of HEAT VISION.

                                              SUPERMAN (CONT'D)
                         ... where people demand proof...
                         I'd say I'm pretty safe. And so is
                         everyone close to me.

       Off Jace's reaction --

                                                                  CUT TO:

  70   INT. PLANET - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY                                           70  

       Clark gives his parents a last good-bye hug.

                         You guys are really okay?

                         Kidnapping, getting gassed... we're
                         farmers, Clark, it takes a lot more
                         than that to beat us down.

                         How's Lois?


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)   Green Rev.                    4/11/95          51.   

  69   CONTINUED:                                                                    69  

       He freezes.  Turns.  Sees.  As Superman steps in...

                                              JACE (CONT'D)
                         Call you back.
                               (hangs up)
                         Superman, I think you should
                         know... I had a horrible childhood.

                               (moving toward him)
                         It's goinq to seem idyllic...
                               (hoists him)
                         ... compared to where you're
                         going.                                                        (X)

       He reaches in with his free hand and extracts the diary.
       Flips through at SUPER-SPEED as --

                         I'm not going anywhere unless you                             (X)
                         want the world to know you're                                 (X)
                         Superman.                                                     (X)
                         I've decided that's not such a                                (X)
                         good idea after all.  You've                                  (X)
                         proven if the world knows too much                            (X)
                         about me, people I care about can                             (X)
                         get hurt.                                                     (X)

                         Not much you can do about that, is                            (X)
                         there?  I know the truth.                                     (X)

                         Unfortunately for you, we live in                             (X)
                         skeptical times, where people                                 (X)
                         demand proof                                                  (X)

       He IGNITES the diary with a BLAST of HEAT VISION.

                                              SUPERMAN (Cont'd)
                         And you don't have any.                                       (X)

       Off Jace's reaction --

                                                                  CUT TO:

  70   INT. PLANET - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY                                              70

       Clark gives his parents a last good-bye hug.

                         You guys are really okay?


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)   Green Rev.                    4/11/95          51A.  

  70   CONTINUED:                                                                    70  

                         Kidnapping, getting gassed... we're
                         farmers, Clark, it takes a lot more
                         than that to beat us down.

                         How's Lois?


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    52.   

  70   CONTINUED:                                                                    70  

                         She's home, resting.  Caught a
                         little cold.

                         We better get going, gonna miss our
                         flight.  Oh, that reminds me. 1,
                         uh, hope you don't mind, Martha,
                         but I used that gift certificate...

                         You used my gift certificate?

                         To get you the book they're holding.

       He hands her a wrapped gift.  As she opens it, father and
       son exchange sly smiles.  The gift is a book on Italian art.

                                              JONATHAN (CONT'D)
                         You like it?

                         Oh, anything from you, I love...

                         The kidnapping kind of screwed up
                         my plan but... the idea was, gift
                         certificate to book... book is in
                         Italian and hopefully we both know
                         some Italian by the time we get
                         back from...
                               (Martha finds two plane
                         ... Florence.

                         Oh, Jonathan.

       She hugs him.  Clark looks on at his parents, so in love.  A
       wistful smile.

  71   INT. PLANET - DAY                                                             71  

       Clark leads his parents across the bullpen to the elevators
       as Jimmy and Perry look on.

                         Heard from Lois?

                         Feeling better.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)    Green Rev.                   4/11/95          52.   

  70   CONTINUED:  2                                                                 70  

                         She's home, resting.  Caught a
                         little cold.

                         We better get going, gonna miss our
                         flight.  Oh, that reminds me.  I,
                         uh, hope you don't mind, Martha,
                         but I used that gift certificate...

                         You used my gift certificate?

                         To get the book I had them                                    (X)
                         holding for you.                                              (X)

       He hands her a wrapped gift.  As she opens it, father and
       son exchange sly smiles.  The gift is a book on Italian art.

                                              JONATHAN (CONT'D)
                         You like it?

                         Oh, anything from you, I love

                         The kidnapping kind of screwed up
                         my plan but... the idea was, gift
                         certificate to book... book is in
                         Italian and hopefully we both know
                         some Italian by the time we get
                         back from...
                               (Martha finds two plane
                         ... Rome.                                                     (X)

                         Oh, Jonathan.

       She hugs him. Clark looks on at his parents, so in love.  A
       wistful smile.

  71   INT. PLANET - DAY                                                             71  

       Clark leads his parents across the bullpen to the elevators
       as Jimmy and Perry look on.

                         Heard from Lois?

                         Feeling better.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft                 4/6/95    53.   

  71   CONTINUED:                                                                    71  

                         She or Clark tell you how they
                         bagged this?

       He lifts the paper.  Headline reads:  HEIR KILLS EX-SPY.
       Pictures of Jace and Nigel.

                         They're a couple clams.

                         You ever get the feeling we'll
                         never really know everything that's
                         going on with them?

                         Hey, Chief?


                         Instead of always standing around
                         watching Lois and Clark, wondering
                         what they're doing, what if we... I
                         don't know... got lives of our own
                         that were a little more

       This stops Perry in his tracks.  He looks at the lad.

                         Son, you're shootin' a bullseye.
                         It's like we're supporting
                         character in some TV show that's
                         _only_ about them...

                         ... and all we do is advance their

                         ... and I, for one, am sick of it.

                               (as they move off)
                         Man, me, too.

  72   EXT. PARK - NIGHT #2                                                          72  

       Lois and Clark walk.  A gentle breeze blows.  Clark puts his
       arm around her.


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft     4/6/95                54.   

  72   CONTINUED:                                                                    72  



       He starts to draw his arm away but she snuggles closer.

                         Lois, I've been thinking...

                         Me too.

                         What about?

                         You first.


       They stop at a fountain.  He looks at her.

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         I've been thinking about how when
                         something bad happens, it makes you
                         realize that most of what you spend
                         your days worrying about doesn't
                         matter at all...
                         Almost losing you the way I did,
                         I... I feel ashamed.

                         Ashamed, why?

                         I kept pushing you away, even when
                         I promised I'd stop.  And if you'd
                         died not knowing how much I love
                         you, I'd've never forgiven myself. 
                         Because you are the most beautiful,
                         unique soul I've ever come across.

       It starts to THUNDER and LIGHTNING.  Clark looks heavenward.

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         Oh, come on, give me a break


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  Pink Rev.                      4/7/95          54.    

  72   CONTINUED:                                                                    72  



       He starts to draw his arm away but she snuggles closer.

                         Lois, I've been thinking...

                         Me too.

                         What about?

                         You first.


       They stop at a fountain.  He looks at her.

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         Sometimes you think you're                                    (X)
                         immortal and you start to think                               (X)
                         the people around you are, too.                               (X)
                         It can just take a second to                                  (X)
                         realize how wrong you are about                               (X)
                         everything.                                                   (X)
                         What I'm trying to say is, I                                  (X)
                         almost lost you, Lois, and I'm                                (X)

                         Ashamed, why?

                         I kept pushing you away, even when
                         I promised to stop.  And if you                               (X)
                         died not knowing why, I'd never                               (X)
                         forgive myself.  Because I love                               (X)
                         you, Lois, and...                                             (X)

       It starts to THUNDER, LIGHTNING and DRIZZLE.  Clark looks                       (X)

                                              CLARK (CONT'D)
                         Oh, come on, give me a break...                               (X)


                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  BLUE Rev. Prod. Draft 4/6/95                    55.   

  72   CONTINUED:  2                                                                 72  

                         Do you want to go back?

                         If the Earth opened up at my feet,
                         I wouldn't move till I'd finished
                         saying this.
                               (sits bar on edge of
                               (he drops to one knee)
                         will you marry me?

       He offers her a ring.  The rain begins to beat down on them.
       She leans, so close her wet lips almost touch his.

                         Who's asking?  Clark... or

       Off his shock,  and the cryptic look on her race we...


                                 _THE END_

                            --page break--
       AND THE ANSWER IS... (#22)  Pink Rev.                      4/7/95            55.  

  72   CONTINUED:  2                                                                 72  

                         Do you want to go back?

                         If the Earth opened up at my
                         _feet_, I wouldn't move till I                                (X)
                         said this:
                               (sits her on edge of
                               (he drops to one knee)
                         ... will you marry me?

       He offers her a ring.  The rain begins to beat down on them.
       She leans, so close her wet lips almost touch his.

                         Who's asking? Clark... or

       Off his shock, and the cryptic look on her face we...


                               _THE END_

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