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#312 : La mère de la mariée

Clark a une vision dont il a très peur mais il n'ose pas se confier à Loïs. Loïs et Clark enquêtent sur deux décès suspects qui sont mortes avec un signe du serpent sur la poitrine.

Pendant son sommeil, Clark a de nouveau la même vision et Loïs aperçoit le même serpent dessiné sur son torse. Après en avoir discuté, ils découvrent que c'est un magicien qui torture Clark à l'aide du poupée vaudou.

Pour s'en sortir, Clark a un porte-bonheur que le raccroche à la réalité, c'est la bague de fiançaille de Loïs. Mais là, il voit la vision en entier. Superman sauve Loïs mais le magicien se transforme en serpent et disparaît.

Après tout ceci, la mère de Loïs prépare le mariage de ces derniers.

Note : 7.5/10


3.67 - 3 votes

Titre VO
Never On Sunday

Titre VF
La mère de la mariée

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Guest star 3*12

Cress Williams Baron Sunday/John Hendrix
Carole Lawerence Beverly Lipman
Gary Dourdan Ziggy
Ben Reed Matt Young
Les Lannom Rod Clemons
Olivia Brown Star
Joe Palese Detective
John Mueller Le Policier
Randal Keith Passenger

                            _LOIS & CLARK_

                   _The New Adventures of Superman_

                          "Never On Sunday"



















_INTERIORS_:                                      _EXTERIORS_:

Daily Planet                                      Daily Planet
  Elevator                                        Metropolis Street

Clark's Apartment                                 NIA Headquarters *
                                                  Outdoor Cafe
Lois's Apartment
  Living Room                                     Shuttle Stop

Sunday's Airplane                                 Airport




      FADE IN:

  1   EXT. SKY OVER CITY - FLYING PLANE - NIGHT #1  (STOCK)                        1(X)

      A privately owned 727 streaks over the city.

  2   INT. PLANE - ON DOLL - NIGHT                                                 2(X)

      Two hands reach into FRAME, take a crudely made doll whose                    (X)
      back is to us from a counter top.  The hands take us to                       (X)
      BARON SUNDAY, a very hip, good looking African-American man                   (X)
      in his late 30s.  He is inside a Boeing 727 that has been                     (X)
      completely gutted and tastefully redone into a living area.                   (X)
      Sunday is standing in front of a table which is draped with
      a tapestry that has a crude snake decoration in the middle.

      A second man, (ZIGGY) stands in the background.  He is                        (X)
      dressed in Jamaican casual clothing and wears his hair in                     (X)
      dreadlocks.  He shakes a large rattle made out of a dried                     (X)

  3   INT. CLARK'S BEDROOM - NIGHT                                                 3  

      CLARK is sleeping peacefully.  Suddenly he opens his eyes
      and has a very disturbed look on his face.

  4   PUSH IN ON CLARK'S FACE                                                      4  

      as he begins having trouble breathing.  DISSOLVE into...

  5   INTERCUT - CLARK'S VISION                                                    5  

      What appears to be the lid of a coffin slowly closing,
      shutting Clark into a tight, darkened space.  He pushes his
      hands against the lid, but it doesn't budge.

  6   BACK TO CLARK                                                                6  

      His hands are in the air above him, frantically clawing on
      the imaginary coffin lid.  As he struggles for breath, a
      snake shaped welt, unnoticed by Clark, begins to form on                      (X)
      his chest.  After a moment, the vision passes.  As it does,
      the welt fades away.  Clark suddenly sits up and looks
      around his empty bedroom, completely unnerved.

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                         2.    

  7   INT. PLANE - BARON SUNDAY                                                    7  

      Sunday opens his eyes, which now have the yellow lenses of                    (X)
      a reptile.  TILT DOWN to find him withdrawing a long silver                   (X)
      needle from a doll that looks very much like Clark Kent.                      (X)

                                                                  FADE OUT.

                            _END OF TEASE_

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                         3.    

                              _ACT ONE_

      FADE IN:

  8   INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY #2                                                   8  

      Clark crosses to his desk, troubled, preoccupied, passing                     (X)

                        If you were a woman and your                                (X)
                        doorbell rang and you opened your
                        door and it was me, what would you                          (X)
                        think?                                                      (X)

                        Well...  _What_?                                            (X)

                        I've been fixed up on a blind                               (X)
                        date.  They do that to you the
                        minute you're single again.  So you
                        open your door and it's me and

                        Happy?                                                      (X)

                              (going off)
                        I gotta give this thought.  You're                          (X)
                        not very convincing.

                        I'm not a woman!                                            (X)

      LOIS has come up.

                        No... You're not.  Hi.

      Clark looks through mail, notes contents of a large red                       (X)
      envelope, tosses it in the trash, as:

                        Hi.                                                         (X)

                        I tried calling you last night, but
                        your machine was on.  It was                                (X)
                        really late, but there was this
                        great old movie on, and...                                  (X)


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                         4.    

  8   CONTINUED                                                                    8  

                        I was out walking.                                          (X)

                        In the middle of the night?                                 (X)

                        I... had a really hard time                                 (X)
                        sleeping.  I just didn't wanna                              (X)
                        stay in my place.

                              (a bit concerned)
                        What do you mean.... You didn't                             (X)
                        want to stay in your place?

                              (too lightly)
                        Nothing.  It's no big deal.  I
                        just had a little trouble sleeping,                         (X)
                        is all.

      JIMMY comes over carrying a red envelope identical to the
      one Clark just opened.                                                        (X)

                        C.K., this just came for you.                               (X)

      Clark reacts to the familiar look of the envelope.                            (X)

                        I think I already got one.                                  (X)
                              (peers inside)
                        Yeah, I just got through tossing it                         (X)
                        in the trash.                                               (X)

                        What is it?                                                 (X)

                        C.K., there's nothing in your
                        wastebasket.                                                (X)

                              (stares at empty trash)
                        What're you....                                             (X)

                        What is it?                                                 (X)


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                         5.    

  8   CONTINUED:  2                                                                8  

                              (feeling inside
                        Tickets to see this guy Baron                               (X)
                        Sunday.                                                     (X)

                        Oh wow, and you weren't gonna                               (X)
                        _use_ 'em?!

                        He's, what, that magician?                                  (X)

                        'That magician?'  _The_ magician.
                        The greatest illusionist in the                             (X)
                        world!                                                      (X)

      He pulls out an 8 x 10 glossy from the envelope.

  9   INSERT - PHOTOGRAPH                                                          9(X)

      We now see Baron Sunday in a theatrical pose.  He's the man                   (X)
      with the voodoo doll in the tease.

 10   CLARK, JIMMY, LOIS                                                          10  

      At the sight of the photo, Clark shakes his head as if to                     (X)
      clear it.  Lois listens to Jimmy, not noticing Clark's                        (X)

                        The guy is so cool.  He lives on                            (X)
                        his own airplane.                                          (X)

                              (calling from office
                               doorway)                                             (X)
                        Jimmy!                                                      (X)

                              (rushes off)
                        Coming!                                                     (X)

                              (amused, to Clark)
                        And to think, you were just gonna                           (X)
                        throw those tickets....  Clark,                             (X)
                        what is it?

      Clark suddenly sits down hard in his chair.                                   (X)

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                    6.    

 11   INTERCUT CLARK'S VISION                                                     11  

      A quick image of being trapped in the enclosed space as a
      coffin-like lid clamps shut.  Ghostly VOICES, a THROBBING

 12   BACK TO SCENE                                                               12  

      Clark is suffering a shortness of breath.

                        Clark!  What's wrong?

      Clark rubs his face and his breathing slowly gets back to
      normal as he looks up to see Lois.  They stare at each other
      and the look of alarm in his eyes scares her.

                                                                  CUT TO:


      People are filing into the van.                                               (X)

 14   INT. BUS - DAY                                                              14  

      CLOSE ON the bus driver, ROD CLEMENS, a jittery 40-year-old
      combat vet.  He wears a "Metro Airport Shuttle" uniform                       (X)
      jacket and has a green scarf wrapped around his neck.  He
      speaks with a Southern accent.

                        I'd say I've been workin' for MTD
                        for about three months.

                                            SUNDAY (V.O.)
                        It's work you enjoy, Mr. Rod

      PULL BACK to see that the man sitting behind Clemens is
      Baron Sunday, dressed in dark, nearly opaque round glasses,
      a tall collar pulled up over his lower jaw.

                        How'd you know my name?
                              (laughs, points up)
                        Oh, my operator's license.

                        Not at all.  I'm psychic.


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   6A.    

 14   CONTINUED                                                                   14  

                        Yeah, right.


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                    7.    

 14   CONTINUED:  2                                                               14  

                        What's that accent?  Georgia?

                        South Carolina.  Born and raised
                        just over the state line in
                        Parksville.  You ain't _much_ of a
                        psychic, are you?!

      The final person boards the van, shutting the door behind                     (X)
      them;  Clemens Cranks the ignition and fires up the van.                      (X)

                        Shall I tell you your birthday?

                        Ten bucks says you can't!

      Sunday concentrates for a moment.

                        November 18, 1949.

                        Not even close.  August 24, 1951.

 15   CLOSE ON CLEMENS                                                            15  

                        Easiest ten spot I've ever made.
                        Wanna try some thing else?  My
                        mama's maiden name?

      There is a beat and no response.  Clemens turns and is
      shocked to discover that the seat behind him is empty.

                                            CLEMENS (CONT'D)
                        What the..?                                                 (X)

      He looks down.

 16   CLEMENS' PALM                                                               16  

      He opens his hand to find a ten dollar bill inside it.

 17   BACK TO CLEMENS                                                             17  

      He's stunned and a bit scared.  Something else feels odd,
      and he reaches to his neck, discovers his green scarf is

                                                                  CUT TO:

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                         8.    

 18   EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - LOIS AND CLARK - TRACKING - DAY                    18(X)

                        Clark, you really scared me.  Are                           (X)
                        you sure you're okay?  You may not                          (X)
                        be _up_ to lunch with my mother.

                        I'm _fine_.  I told you, I'm just
                        tired.  By the way, at what point                           (X)
                        did we put your mother in charge of
                        our wedding?                                                (X)

                        She's not in _charge_, she has some
                        _ideas_.  I said we'd hear her                              (X)
                        _ideas_.  My family just started
                        talking to each other again, I'm                            (X)
                        trying to preserve a little peace.                          (X)

                        Okay, but we're clear on what _we_
                        want, right?  Small, simple...                              (X)
                        Small...  Right?  Simple?                                   (X)

      ON Lois' reassuring smile.                                                    (X)

                                                                  CUT TO:

 19   EXT. STREET CAFE - DAY                                                      19  

      Lois and Clark are sitting at a table with ELLEN LANE,
      Lois's mother.

                        And I know _I'm_ thrilled to at                             (X)
                        last be able to give my princess                            (X)
                        the big wedding she always dreamed
                        of.                                                         (X)

                        You dreamed of a big wedding?                               (X)

                        Well, you know, once I did, maybe.                          (X)
                              (defensively; off Clark's
                        Okay, yes, I did.  I mean, not


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                    9.    

 19   CONTINUED:                                                                  19  

                        After her second cousin Martita
                        married that jockey, it's all she
                        talked about.
                        She'd walk around all day, holding
                        a bunch of flowers, with my slip on
                        her head.

                              (off Clark's look)
                        I was six!

                        _Any_way, don't be shy about
                        picking Beverly's brains for


                        Beverly Lipman.  Acclaimed bridal

                        Mom, isn't that expensive?  Who's
                        paying for it?

                        Your father, and it's cheap,
                        considering he has years of
                        indifference to atone for.
                              (spots someone, waves)

      BEVERLY LIPMAN arrives.  She's in her 50's, no-nonsense,
      she's done this a thousand times.

                        I'm late.  Sorry.  Don't stand.
                        Miss?  Bourbon, rocks.  Have we                             (X)
                        picked a color palette, yet?  I've
                        been doing a lot of tangerine.

                        Uh, Ms. Lipman, we're steering away
                        from anything too complicated.


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        10.    

 19   CONTINUED:  2                                                               19  

                        Oh?  Mrs. Lane told me if she                               (X)
                        could hold a beautiful wedding for
                        her favorite daughter, she could
                        die happy.

      Lois and Clark stare as Ellen emotionally nods.                               (X)

                                            BEVERLY (CONT'D)                        (X)
                        And what do you mean by
                        'complicated?'  You do want the
                        affair to _say_ something.

                        I just want it to say that I love                           (X)
                        Lois.                                                       (X)

                        That would be doves.  Three
                        hundred.  White.                                            (X)

                                                                  CUT TO:

 20   EXT. SUNDAY'S PLANE - FLYING - DAY(STOCK)                                   20  

 21   INT. SUNDAY'S PLANE (IN FLIGHT) - DAY                                       21  

      The shades are drawn, the lighting somber as Ziggy steps                      (X)
      into FRAME, peering around the empty cabin.                                   (X)

                              (Jamaican accent)
                        Baron?  Baron, I have the chart                             (X)
                        for this Rod Clemens.                                       (X)

      The lights dim.  Two candles on the table suddenly light.                     (X)
      ziggy's a bit apprehensive.

                                            ZIGGY (CONT'D)
                        I tell you, brother...  This
                        Clemens born under bad sign.

      A light mist rushes in from under a closed door, swirls                       (X)
      around Ziggy's feet.  He glances down nervously.                              (X)

                                            ZIGGY (CONT'D)
                        Baron?  This Rod Clemens..... The                           (X)
                        man is living evil.

      A hand clamps down on Ziggy's shoulder, Ziggy freezes.

                                            SUNDAY (O.S.)
                        Not for much longer.

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   11.    

 22   NEW ANGLE                                                                   22  

      as Ziggy nervously turns to face an unsmiling Baron Sunday.
      He holds a voodoo doll wrapped in Clemens' green scarf

                        Give me the chart.

      CAMERA CIRCLES AROUND Sunday as Ziggy hands over the
      parchment, which Sunday wraps around the doll.  Sunday's
      eyes are closed as we come around to see the paper burst
      into flames, leaving the doll unscathed.  Sunday's eyes fly
      open, and they once again resemble those of a reptile.  He
      plucks a long silver needle of f the table in front of him
      and plunges it into the doll's head.

                                                                  CUT TO:

 23   EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - DAY                                                23  

      Clemens' van is out of control, careening down the street.                    (X)
      Pedestrians are SCREAMING as they leap out of the way.

 24   INT. VAN - DAY                                                              24(X)

      The passengers are SCREAMING as well.

 25   ANGLE ON CLEMENS                                                            25  

      who is hunched down behind the wheel, a look of total fear
      on his face.

 26   INTERCUT - CLEMENS' VISION                                                  26  

      of Viet Cong SNIPERS in the jungle FIRING at the van.                         (X)
      Clemens cries out in fear and dives down behind the wheel,
      causing the van to lunge to the left.                                         (X)

 27   EXT. SIDEWALK CAFE - DAY                                                    27  

      Beverly, Ellen, Lois, Clark continue the meeting.

                        Now, there's nothing wrong with a
                        church organ and a combo after, if
                        you _want_ to go the blah route.
                        The last wedding I did had a dozen
                        Swiss Bell Ringers and a fifty
                        piece orchestra.


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   12.    

 27   CONTINUED:                                                                  27  

                        Swiss Bell Ringers.  What do you
                        think, Lois?

                        Yes, what _do_ you think, Lois?

                              (uncomfortably in the
                        Well, I've always admired the
                        Swiss.  That chocolate is too die
                        for... And those cuckoo clocks...

      Clark suddenly tilts his head, hearing the Bus In Trouble.
      Lois knows the look.

                        I've... gotta go.
                              (to Ellen and Beverly)
                        Excuse me.

      He vaults the railing and dashes off.  Beverly and Ellen
      stare, then:

                        He's going to be difficult, isn't

                                                                  CUT TO:

 28   EXT. STREET - THE VAN                                                       28(X)

      The van ROARS down the street.                                                (X)

 29   EXT. CITY SKY - SUPERMAN IN FLIGHT - DAY (STOCK)                            29  

 30   INT. VAN - ON CLEMENS                                                       30(X)

      His eyes are wild with fright.

 31   ANGLE THROUGH WINDSHIELD                                                    31  

      The van is headed straight for a grid locked intersection                     (X)
      jammed with cars and pedestrians.  They look up to see the
      van headed straight for them                                                  (X)

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   13.    

 32   REAR OF BUS                                                                 32  

      Superman FLIES down, grabs a rear bumper.

 33   THE STREET - VAN - VARIOUS ANGLES                                           33(X)

      The passengers scream, the van nears the intersection,                        (X)
      Clemens rolls back in his seat.  In the rear, Superman has
      planted his feet, the van bumper in his hands.  The van                       (X)
      slows, tires SCREECH and smoke, and the van stops, moments                    (X)
      before impact with the traffic jam.

 34   CLEMENS' VISION                                                             34  

      A VC SOLDIER IN THE JUNGLE appears in front of the bus,                       (X)
      raises his rifle.

 35   ON CLEMENS                                                                  35  

      whose face is twisted in shock and terror.

                        Captain Ellis!  It's an ambush!

 36   CLEMENS' VISION                                                             36  

      as the soldier fires. (NOTE:  Not directly into Camera.)                      (X)

 37   ON SUPERMAN                                                                 37  

      He opens the door of the van to find Clemens laying on the                    (X)
      seat.  He checks for a pulse, rips open Clemens' shirt to                     (X)
      feel his chest.  On Clemens' chest is the snake shaped                        (X)
      welt, the same as Clark's.

                        Superman, thank God.
                              (beat)                                                (X)
                        Is he dead?                                                 (X)

                        I'm afraid so.  Did he say                                  (X)

                        He just started freaking Out.  He                           (X)
                        yelled something about a Captain


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                  13A.    

 37   CONTINUED:                                                                  37  

      Superman turns back to Clemens to see the welt fading away.

                                                                  FADE OUT

                           _END OF ACT ONE_

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   14.    

                              _ACT TWO_

      FADE IN:

 38   INT. THEATRE - NIGHT #2                                                        38

      Driving, eerie AFRICAN MUSIC.  Baron Sunday is on stage,
      standing next to a large box which encases Ziggy's body,                      (X)
      leaving just his head sticking out.  Sunday encloses                          (X)
      Ziggy's head in a smaller box, then after some fanfare, the                   (X)
      smaller box levitates off of the larger one and slowly                        (X)
      floats through the air. APPLAUSE.  After a moment, the flap                   (X)
      on the small box opens to show Ziggy's smiling face. More                     (X)

 39   INTERCUT LOIS AND CLARK                                                        39

      They're in the audience.  Clark has a silk handkerchief
      tucked into his coat pocket.

                              (looks around)
                        Where's Perry?  He's on his first
                        blind date since he split up with
                        Alice and he wanted to double with

                        Maybe he got cold feet.
                        I'm waiting to hear from the Army
                        about this 'Captain Ellis' the Bus
                        Driver mentioned before he died.

                        What was this snake-shaped welt the
                        Bus Driver had on his chest?

                        It was freaky.  It appeared, then
                        just faded away.

      Finally, the small box comes to rest atop another large box                   (X)
      across the stage.  Sunday opens the flaps to both boxes and                   (X)
      an intact Ziggy steps out.  The audience goes wild.                           (X)

 40   CLOSE ON CLARK                                                              40  

      He has tipped his glasses.  As he replaces them:


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        15.    

 40   CONTINUED:                                                                  40  

                        I'm not sure how he's doing this.                           (X)
                        I can't spot any wires... trap                              (X)

 41   INTERCUT - CLOSE ON SUNDAY                                                  41(X)

      He abruptly looks straight at Clark, flashing a brilliant                     (X)

                              (unnerved)                                            (X)
                        Is he smiling at me?                                        (X)

      He turns to find Lois staring off down the row of seats.                      (X)

                              (distracted)                                          (X)
                              (then; re O.S.)
                        This would answer the cold feet                             (X)
                        question.                                                   (X)

      WIDEN to find Perry and Jimmy coming toward the empty seats                   (X)
      next to Lois and Clark.                                                       (X)

                                            LOIS (CONT'D)
                        Chief.  You chickened out.                                  (X)

                        Not at all.  The lad here had his                           (X)
                        heart set on seeing this show, and                          (X)
                        I couldn't break his heart.                                 (X)

                              (to Lois)
                        Chickened out.                                              (X)

      Sssh!  Sssh!  From all around.  On the stage:

                        And now, to finish up the evening,
                        I'd like to create a special
                        illusion for a member of the
                        audience.  Any volunteers?  You,
                        son?                                                        (X)

 42   INTERCUT AUDIENCE                                                           42  

      Perry has sat, but Jimmy is still standing, pulling off his
      parka  Jimmy stares back, startled                                            (X)


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        16.    

 42   CONTINUED:                                                                  42  

                        Go, Jimmy!                                                  (X)

      They're all egging him on, he accepts the challenge,                          (X)
      squares his shoulders, starts toward the aisle.                               (X)

                        Sure.  Okay.                                                (X)

 43   THE STAGE                                                                   43  

      APPLAUSE as Jimmy trots up the steps to join Sunday,                          (X)
      shaking hands.

                        I need your name, birth date and
                        city where you were born.

                        James Bartholomew Olsen.  Born
                        right here in Metropolis on
                        February 15, 1974.

      Suddenly a piece of paper and pencil appear in Sunday's
      hands.  He quickly jots down Jimmy's statistics and then
      holds the paper over Jimmy's head.

                        I want you to relax.  When the
                        ashes float down around you, you
                        will fall into a deep trance.


      The paper suddenly bursts into flames, and the ashes fall
      down around Jimmy, who closes his eyes.

 44   INTERCUT REACTIONS FROM LOIS, CLARK AND PERRY                               44  

                        Now, when I snap my fingers, you
                        will imagine you are back at your
                        first day of second grade.

      Sunday snaps his fingers.  Jimmy opens his eyes.  He looks
      toward the audience and waves.

                              (in a childlike voice)
                        Hey Bobby!  How was your summer?


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   17.    

 44   CONTINUED:                                                                  44  

                        I forgot to mention... you've come
                        to school completely naked.

 45   JIMMY'S POV (OF HIS VISION)                                                 45  

      He looks down to see a pair of eight-year-old, naked legs.

 46   BACK TO SCENE                                                               46  

      as a flustered Jimmy blushes and tries to cover up his body.

                        I don't know what... I mean... I
                        was dressed when I left this

      The audience is laughing as Jimmy panics, looking for a
      place to hide.

46A   INTERCUT JIMMY'S POV OF A SMALL DESK                                       46A  

      Jimmy dives underneath the imaginary desk, but as he does,                    (X)
      he seems to bump his head and begins to CRY.

      The audience reacts with a collective "aww..."

                        When I snap my fingers, you will be
                        back here, fully clothed and you
                        will remember everything.

      Sunday snaps his fingers.  Jimmy blinks his eyes, then looks
      out at the crowd and sheepishly stands up, rubbing his head.
      Sunday takes his hand, and the two of them bow to an


 47   THE STAGE - A SHORT TIME LATER                                              47  

      The audience is filing out.  Jimmy is standing on the stage
      with Lois, Clark and Perry.  Lois is examining the bump on
      Jimmy's head.

                        What happened to your head?


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                  17A.    

 47   CONTINUED:                                                                  47  

                        I was trying to hide under my desk
                        and I guess I bumped it.

      Sunday and Ziggy join them from backstage.


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Yellow Rev       11/10/95                    17A.    

 47   CONTINUED:  2                                                               47  

                        But the desk was only in your
                        imagination, son.

                              (smooth and charming)
                        Jimmy was so convinced of what he
                        was experiencing, his body reacted
                        as if his vision were real.

      Lois and Clark share a look.

                        Interesting trick.

                        No trick.  I only made use of what                          (X)
                        was already in his mind.
                              (he regards Clark)
                        You're a... Pisces, right?

                        Good guess.  February 29th.

                        Nineteen sixty... five?

                        Close.  Sixty six.

                        Another Metropolitan?

                        You planning on sending _him_ back
                        to second grade?

      Sunday shoots Lois a very chilly glance, then recovers and

                        No, I'd have something much more
                        interesting in mind for a man as
                        worldly as Mr. Kent.

      Clark reacts to Sunday's use of his name.  How does he know
      who he is?  The two share a look for a moment, until...

                        Well.  We should be going.

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        19.    

 48   NEW ANGLE                                                                   48(X)

      as they ad-lib good-byes, turn and go.  Clark moves toward                    (X)
      CAMERA and we see his pocket handkerchief is gone.  Now we                    (X)
      PUSH IN on Sunday, who, smiling coolly, opens his palm to                     (X)
      reveal the handkerchief as we                                                 (X)

                                                                  CUT TO:

 49   INT. DAILY PLANET - NEXT MORNING - DAY #3                                   49  

      Lois crosses to Clark who is sitting at his desk, working on
      his computer.

                        Catch up on your sleep last night?

                        Back to my old self.

                        So even though you've been looking                          (X)
                        kind of troubled and preoccupied,                           (X)
                        there's no reason for me to be                              (X)

                              (covering)                                            (X)
                        About me?  None whatsoever.                                 (X)

                        Because if some hypothetical                                (X)
                        thing were bothering you, you'd                             (X)
                        tell me.
                        Look, are you worried about                                 (X)
                        getting married?

                        What?!                                                      (X)

                        Well, you know, we start making                             (X)
                        plans and suddenly you can't sleep                          (X)
                        and you have incredible anxiety
                        and...                                                      (X)

                        I'm not worried about marrying                              (X)
                        you.  I'm looking forward to
                        marrying you.  I'm chomping at the                          (X)


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        20.    

 49   CONTINUED:                                                                  49  

                              (still not convinced)                                 (X)
                        Chomping at the bit.  Got it.                               (X)
                        Did you hear from the Army?                                 (X)

                        The Bus Driver, Clemens, served in                          (X)
                        Vietnam under a Captain Ted Ellis.                          (X)
                        He was a munitions expert...                                (X)

                              (looks at computer
                        This is interesting.  After he left
                        the Army, Clemens spent a year in
                        the National Intelligence Agency.
                              (looks up)
                        Don't you know someone at the NIA?                          (X)

                        Matt Young.  I haven't spoken to
                        him in years.

                        Maybe it's time to renew the

                                                                  CUT TO:

 50   INT. ELEVATOR - DAY                                                         50  

      Doors are open.  As Lois and Clark approach:                                  (X)

                        I just want you to know I know how                          (X)
                        difficult this Mother-of-the-Bride                          (X)
                        thing is for you.

                        No problem.  Just as long, as you                           (X)
                        know, we don't lose sight of what
                        _we_ want...

                        No, no...

      They enter.


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        21.    

 50   CONTINUED:                                                                  50  

                        'Cause yesterday you looked kinda
                        interested in this Beverly's

                        Okay, maybe a part of me _would_
                        like a big deal kind of thing.  A
                        _tiny_ part of me.  Very small.                             (X)
                        Does that bother you?

                        Well... no...                                               (X)

                        Good, because we, uh, have another                          (X)
                        appointment today with my mother.                           (X)
                              (barely audible)
                        And Beverly.                                                (X)

      During this, the doors are sliding shut, Clark looks
      jittery and as the doors snap shut, we PUSH IN ON CLARK                       (X)

 51   INTERCUT - FLASH CUT!                                                       51  

      Clark's vision.  The "coffin" lid, the VOICES.  Clark
      suddenly panics as Lois finishes her sentence and seizes the
      elevator door, forces them open, breathing heavily, staggers
      back into the office.

                        Of course... I could cancel.                                (X)
                                                                  CUT TO:

 52   INT. SUNDAY'S PLANE (IN FLIGHT) - DAY                                       52  

      CLOSE ON two dolls laying side by side on the table.  One is
      fashioned out of Clark's handkerchief and the other is in a
      tiny blue suit.  Sunday's hands come into frame and pick up
      the doll in the suit.

 53   CLOSE ON THE DOLL'S TINY FACE...                                            53  

                                                                  DISSOLVE TO:

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Yellow Rev       11/10/95                     22.    

 51   EXT. NIA HEADQUARTERS - TIGHT ON MATT YOUNG - DAY                           54(X)

      MATT YOUNG is a handsome, dynamic man in his late 30's.
      PULL BACK to reveal grim fortress of an office building.                      (X)
      Young stands holding open a door for Lois and Clark, who                      (X)
      come outside.  As they walk:                                                  (X)

                        I was on my way out.  Hope you                              (X)
                        don't mind doin' this on the run.                           (X)

                        No, thanks for seeing us.                                   (X)

                              (to Clark)
                        You've come a long way from that
                        green reporter I met in Jamaica.

                              (to Lois)
                        I heard there was gun smuggling
                        goin' on down there, and thought
                        maybe I could get my career in gear
                        with an exclusive.

                        That's where I entered.  I was on a
                        routine assignment when I suddenly
                        found myself in the middle of a gun
                        smuggling raid.  Bullets flying

                        He cut me a break and gave me the

                        Which brings us full circle,
                        because we're here for another
                        exclusive.  Wasn't Rod Clemens with
                        the NIA for a while?

                        Clemens?  I don't recognize the

                        That's funny.  We understood he
                        worked in your division.  Munitions


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Yellow Rev       11/10/95                    22A.    

 54   CONTINUED:                                                                  54  

                              (snaps his finger)
                        Oh... Rocket Rod Clemens.  He was
                        only in my area for a few months.
                        Had some heavy personal problems.
                        Seems he could never get 'Nam out
                        of his head.

                        Post war trauma?


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Yellow Rev       11/10/95                     23.    

 54   CONTINUED:  2                                                               54  

                        In the extreme.  Just before he
                        shipped stateside, he was caught in
                        the chest by a sniper.  Almost
                        killed him.

      Lois and Clark exchange a look.

                                            YOUNG (CONT'D)

                        Just an angle we're pursuing.

                              (too curious)
                        What kind of angle?

 55   BARON SUNDAY - TIGHT ON HIS EYES                                            55  

      They open to reveal the Reptile lenses.

 56   BACK TO STREET                                                              56(X)

      Young suddenly stiffens and his eyes pop open in shock.

                        Matt!  What is it?

                        Oh, my God.  Not again.

                              (in terror)
                        The dogs!

                        There aren't any dogs here.

      Young starts backing up, a look of total fear in his eyes.
      He knocks over a display table outside a shop.  People are                    (X)
      stopping to stare.                                                            (X)

 57   PUSH IN ON YOUNG'S FACE                                                     57  

      as we HEAR "his vision," a ferocious pack of SNARLING,

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Yellow Rev       11/10/95                     24.    

 58   BACK TO SCENE                                                               58  

      He reaches around behind him and pulls his service revolver                   (X)
      out of his rear holster.

                        Stay back!

      Before anyone can react, Young starts shooting at the
      imaginary dogs.  People on the street cry out "What's going                   (X)
      on?" "Oh, my God" "Somebody stop him!" as they dive into
      doorways for protection.                                                      (X)

 59   INTERCUT YOUNG'S POV                                                        59  

      SNARLING DOBERMAN (STOCK).  Young hears the DOGS getting
      louder.  He turns and takes aim directly at a startled Lois.
      Just as he pulls the trigger, Clark dives in front of Lois.
      The bullets ricochet off his hands.

      A moment later, Young drops his gun and puts his hands up in
      front of his face to block an attack by the "dogs".


      Young SCREAMS and then clutches his chest.  Lois is on him
      in an instant, ripping open Young's shirt to see that his
      chest has fresh scratch marks.  Clark is by his side in a
      moment.  In the middle of the scratches, the snake welt
      starts to rise up.

                        Clark, look!

                        Move back.

      Clark spots the metal plate marked "high voltage" at the                      (X)
      base of a street lamp.  Still unobserved, since people have                   (X)
      run for cover, Clark bends the plate back, grabs a thick                      (X)
      cable and pulls it from a connection, revealing bare wire.
      He grabs the wire, which sparks, then places his other hand
      on Young's chest, giving him a jolt of electricity.  Young's
      body flops with the charge and Clark feels Young's neck.  A
      SIREN.  The scratches and welt have vanished.

                                            CLARK (CONT'D)
                        He's got a pulse.

      People are starting to appear from doorways.  A cop car                       (X)
      roars toward them from up the street.                                         (X)


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   25.    

 59   CONTINUED:                                                                  59  

                        First Clemens, and now Matt Young.
                        What's going on?

      Clark shakes his head in wonder.

                                                                  CUT TO:

 60   INT. LOIS'S LIVING ROOM - ON BEVERLY - AFTERNOON                            60(X)

      Beverly sits on the couch near Ellen, rattling on as we                       (X)
      PULL BACK.                                                                    (X)

                        So we'll definitely be going                                (X)
                        with rose petals strewn by a small                          (X)
                        child as you come down the aisle,                           (X)
                        and if you don't know any small                             (X)
                        children, we'll provide one.                                (X)
                        Invitations.  My printer can do                             (X)
                        something very stylish on Japanese                          (X)
                        linen...                                                    (X)

      CAMERA HAS MOVED to a distracted Lois and Clark, lost in                      (X)
      thought across from Beverly and Ellen.  Lois absently                         (X)
      doodles the snake design from the victim's chests on a                        (X)
      piece of paper.  Beverly notes their preoccupation:                           (X)

                                            BEVERLY (CONT'D)
                        Hello?  Invitations?  You get a                             (X)
                        price break when you order in lots                          (X)
                        of five hundred.                                            (X)

                        Oh.  Sorry.  We'll... take one                              (X)
                        fifth of a lot.                                             (X)

                        He's kidding, am I right? Are we
                        having a serious discussion?

                        Clark, it does seem you get a price
                        break if you go a little bigger....

                        Even as a child, you always made
                        economic sense.

                        I budgeted fifteen hundred for L
                        F & G, but I think I may be light.


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                  25A.    

 60   CONTINUED:                                                                  60  

                        L F & G?

                        Loose flowers and greens.


                              (to Lois)
                        Do we absolutely need L F & G?



                        Well, you don't absolutely _need_
                        shoes.  But sooner or later your
                        feet are bloody stumps.

                                                                  CUT TO:

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   26.    

 61   INT. PLANE (ON GROUND) - CLOSE ON SUNDAY - SAME TIME                        61  

      Sunday brings Clark's voodoo doll up into FRAME and inserts                   (X)
      the silver pin into the head of the doll.  The pin goes in                    (X)
      a fraction, then stops.  He pushes harder and the pin                         (X)
      bends.                                                                        (X)

                                            ZIGGY (O.S.)

      WIDEN to reveal Ziggy in a doorway, terrified.  Sunday
      regards him with irritation.

                                            ZIGGY (CONT'D)
                        This Clark Kent's magic is too
                        strong.  You have _tried_ to kill

                        He's been able to resist, for
                        reasons I don't understand.  But he
                        can be broken.

      Ziggy shrinks back into the doorway, still whimpering.

                        We will be the ones to pay.

      CAMERA PUSHES IN on Sunday as he discards the bent pin and                    (X)
      selects a thicker pin from the table.                                         (X)

                        Let his fears flow.

                                                                  CUT TO:

 62   INT. LOIS'S LIVING ROOM - SAME TIME                                         62  

                        Does anyone here have a serious
                        objection to white Polonaise sauce
                        with shitaki mushrooms?  I need                             (X)
                        to know.


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        27.    

 62   CONTINUED:                                                                  62  

                        I guess we've pretty much given up                          (X)
                        the idea of mini-hot dogs.                                  (X)

                              (indicates Clark with her

                        It's just that a lot of our                                 (X)
                        friends have, you know, simpler                             (X)

                              (a tense smile)
                        Oh.  Alright.  I wanted to make it                          (X)
                        perfect for you, of course, but                             (X)
                        it's not really my dreams that                              (X)
                        matter here, are they?                                      (X)

      Lois sits with frozen smile as CAMERA MOVES TO Clark.

                              (eyes fly open)

      They all stare as Clark lurches away from his chair, short                    (X)
      of breath, starting to sweat.                                                 (X)

                        Clark!  What's happening?                                   (X)

 63   INTERCUT QUICK CUT OF CLARK'S VISION                                        63  

      Once again, he is wedged into a cramped space.  There is a
      slight metallic glint coming off the walls of his "cell," as
      well as a rumbling NOISE and hushed, echoed VOICES.                           (X)


      Clark is in wild eyed panic, lurching toward the kitchen.                     (X)

 64   THE KITCHEN                                                                 64  

      INTERCUT FLASH CUTS of the vision as Clark sinks to the
      floor, trying to find a way out of his personal hell.  Lois                   (X)
      rushes in, kneels next to him.                                                (X)


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        28.    

 64   CONTINUED:                                                                  64  

                        Clark!  Come back to me!                                    (X)

                        Too tight.  Can't... breathe.                               (X)

      He's gasping for air as Lois opens his shirt.  She spots                      (X)
      the snake-shaped welt beginning to form on his chest.                         (X)

                        Oh no!  Come on, Clark.  Snap out                           (X)
                        of it _now_!

                                                                  FADE OUT

                           _END OF ACT TWO_

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   29.    

                             _ACT THREE_

      FADE IN:

 65   INT. LOIS'S BEDROOM -  DAY                                                  65  

      Clark lies on the bed, shirt open, groggily coming to.  Lois
      sits next to him.  Ellen and Beverly timidly appear.

                        Is he alright?

                        I think so.

                        I've seen pre-wedding stress
                        before, but this is taking it to a
                        new level.

                        Honey, we'll just... do this later.

      Lois nods as the two women hurry out through front door.
      Clark looks up at Lois, trying to focus.


      Lois sighs with relief and her fear and emotions suddenly
      come flooding to the forefront.  Tears well up in her eyes
      as they embrace.

                        Oh, Clark.  I thought I lost you.

                              (managing a smile)
                        You're not going to get rid of me
                        that easy.

                        When I saw that snake on your chest
                        I thought...

                        Snake?  Like the others?                                    (X)

      Clark looks down, but the welt is gone.

                        It was there.  I saw it.

      Clark shakily stands, as:


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   30.    

 65   CONTINUED:                                                                  65  

                        It's gone now.  Everything's fine.

                        Everything's _not_ fine.  You've
                        got to tell me what's going on.

      This is hard for Clark.

                        I've been having some weird


                        Maybe not experiences.  More like

                              (quiet; frightened)
                        Like those other men, Clark?
                        Before their hearts stopped?  Why                           (X)
                        didn't you tell me?

                        Because until now I didn't connect
                        it to the others...  I thought it'd
                        go away...
                        I've never been.... really scared.
                        Not like this.

                        What is it... you see?

                        It's like I'm being buried alive.
                        In some kind of coffin.  Look, I'm
                        not giving into this....

                        See, that's what you do!  Your
                        whole life is about _not_ showing
                        fear... Pushing it out of your
                        head.  But _this_ fear is part of
                        you.  It's something so terrible
                        you've pushed it way down, and it's
                        time to let it out, Clark.  Because
                        this thing could...

                        Scare me to death?


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        31.    

 65   CONTINUED:  2                                                               65  

                        Like the others.                                            (X)
                        What links you to them?  You                                (X)
                        only _know_ one of 'em.

                        Matt Young.                                                 (X)

                        Tell me what happened in Jamaica.                           (X)

                                                                  CUT TO:

 66   EXT. SUNDAY'S PLANE (ON GROUND) - ESTABLISHING - NIGHT #3                   66  

 67   INT. SUNDAY'S PLANE - NIGHT                                                 67  

      The cabin is empty, dimly lit.  Eerie metallic moaning sound
      echo softly as CAMERA GLIDES toward a doorway.  Ziggy
      cautiously comes in, looks anxiously around, moves slowly to
      the exit door, placing a hand on the door handle.

 68   BOTTOM OF INSIDE DOORWAY                                                    68  

      Low mist rushes in from another part of the plane.  TILT UP
      as Ziggy freezes, hearing:

                                            SUNDAY (V.O.)
                        Going somewhere, Ziggy?                                     (X)

                        No.                                                         (X)

                                            SUNDAY (V.O.)
                        Were you going to abandon me?  Are                          (X)
                        you that afraid of Clark Kent?  He                          (X)
                        _will_ die.  I'm getting closer.                            (X)
                        Maybe you'd like to warn him.                               (X)
                        Here's your chance.                                         (X)

      A SOFT KNOCK.  The mist rushes back under the inside door.                    (X)
      Ziggy opens the cabin door to reveal Lois and Clark on the                    (X)
      plane's stairway.  Ziggy is speechless with fear.                             (X)

                        Is... Baron Sunday here?                                    (X)

                                            SUNDAY (O.S.)
                        Yes.  He is.

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   32.    

 69   NEW ANGLE                                                                   69  

      Baron Sunday, resplendent in a long satin robe.

                        Mr. Kent.  Miss Lane.  You've met
                        my assistant, Ziggy.  Welcome to my
                        humble abode.

      Ziggy hurries off into the plane as Lois and Clark come
      inside.  Lois looks around, amazed.

                        I'd heard about this, but it's...

                        I love flying.  It gives me a sense
                        of freedom, soaring over the towns
                        below like a giant bird.  But I'm                           (X)
                        sure you know what I mean, Mr.                              (X)
                        Kent.                                                       (X)

      Sunday spins around and two glasses of champagne have
      appeared in his hands.

                        You must be very popular at

                        We needed to talk to someone with
                        your expertise.


                        We're looking for information on
                        hallucinations... A kind that might
                        be conjured up in a person's head
                        by someone else.

                        Can you tell us how you created
                        Jimmy's vision?


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   33.    

 69   CONTINUED:                                                                  69  

                        I looked into the depths of his
                        mind and triggered a memory that
                        was unique to. him.

                        Is it possible to trigger
                        hallucinations from far away?

                        Mr. Kent, I'm a firm believer that
                        anything is possible.

      Lois notices a thick, bent pin in the carpet by her feet.
      She lets her purse slide to the floor, bends to pick it up,
      scooping up the pin, too, during:

                        Two people in Metropolis have
                        experienced frightening                                     (X)
                        hallucinations;  one is dead and                            (X)
                        the other's in a coma.                                      (X)

                        I find most of life a frightening
                        hallucination.  If I believe I'm
                        hungry or frightened or sad, I am
                        all of these things.

                        Are you saying these people's                               (X)
                        bodies shut down because they                               (X)
                        _believed_ something was killing
                        them?                                                       (X)

                        Well, it's a fascinating theory.
                        When our belief in death overpowers
                        our belief in life... It's the end.

                        Did you happen to know two men
                        named Rod Clemens or Matt Young?

                        Ah, you see, I don't involve myself
                        with people, Miss Lane.  I just fly
                        over them.

                                                                  CUT TO:

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Yellow Rev       11/10/95                     34.    

 70   INT. DAILY PLANET - NEXT MORNING - DAY #4                                 70    

      Lois is at her desk, examining the bent silver needle.
      Clark comes by.

                        What do you have there?

                        I'm not sure.  It came from
                        Sunday's plane.
                              (she shrugs and puts the                              (X)
                               needle down)
                        I read that story you wrote about
                        gun runners in Jamaica.

                        Be kind.  It was the first big
                        story I ever covered.

                        You sure nailed this guy John

                        He was the main man.  He was hired
                        by an anti-Castro faction to run
                        guns to a drop-off point in
                        Jamaica.  From there, they'd go to

                              (scanning story)
                        ... But the Nacionales found out
                        and busted in on the party.  You
                        don't mention Matt Young or the

                        They were only sent in to put a
                        happy face on the situation.  And
                        Young gave me the story with the
                        understanding he wouldn't be


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                  34A.    

 70   CONTINUED:                                                                  70  

                        Hendricks was killed in the raid.
                        It's not like he could argue with
                        anything Young said.

                        So you think there's more to this                           (X)
                        story?  Maybe some kind of                                  (X)
                        conspiracy?                                                 (X)

                              (pleasant smile)
                        I'm not sure, yet.

                              (pleasant smile)
                        I don't believe you.

 71   NEW ANGLE                                                                   71  

      Jimmy rushes up with a print-outs and a blown-up photo.

                        Here's the stuff you wanted,


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   35.    

 71   CONTINUED:                                                                  71  

                        Uh, Jimmy....

      Clark grabs the print-out from Jimmy.

                        You did a whole computer run on
                        John Hendricks?

                        Let's say I don't always trust news
                        flashes from the NIA.  I got to
                        wondering what this big bad gun
                        runner had in his past.

                              (re print-out)
                        Clean as a whistle.  Commercial
                        pilot and taxpayer.

                        Completely clean?  Not even a...                            (X)
                        traffic ticket?                                             (X)

                        One interesting thing, though....

      He pulls a photostat of a driver's license from the pile.

                        John Hendricks' driver's license.

                        I had the guys down in processing
                        do some work on his picture.  They
                        lightened it, blew it up, and...

      Jimmy turns to the next page to reveal an eight by ten shot
      of Hendricks.

                                            JIMMY (CONT'D)
                        Ring any bells?

                        Wow.  He's heavier and younger, but
                        there's a definite resemblance...


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   36.    

 71   CONTINUED:  2                                                               71  

                        ... To Baron Sunday.

                                                                  CUT TO:

 72   INT. SUNDAY'S PLANE - ON TAPESTRY - DAY                                     72  

      Crude folk stitchery of skulls and death masks.  CAMERA
      MOVES from here, through the darkened cabin swirling with a
      light mist, to elevated planking covered in dried grasses
      and herbs.  On this rests Baron Sunday, asleep, covered with
      a thin coverlet, bathed in blue light.  CAMERA MOVES to his
      face, menacing even in sleep, then TILTS UP to reveal the
      interior door opening.  Ziggy creeps out, casts a wary eye
      toward his master, and silently sneaks to the cabin door.
      He cracks it open, starts out, as CAMERA RETURNS to Baron
      Sunday.  As the door SOFTLY SHUTS, Sunday's eyes open.

                                                                  CUT TO:

 73   INT. LOIS'S LIVING ROOM - ON CLARK - DAY                                    73  

      Clark sits warily watching colored glass wands as they pass
      around his head, down his neck and shoulders.  PULL BACK to
      find STAR conducting the examination as Lois watches.

                        Well.  Congratulations, you are
                        definitely not possessed.

                        Thank you.

                              (to Lois)
                        Handy, having me downstairs, huh?
                        Clark... These visions you've been                          (X)
                        having...  There _is_ the
                        possibility you're just nuts.

                        He is not nuts.  We've gone through
                        all the logical explanations, and
                        we're starting to think maybe the
                        visions are linked to some kind
                        of... metaphysical...
                        supernatural... uh...


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        37.    

 73   CONTINUED:                                                                  73  

                        'Magic.'  It's okay.  You can say
                              (to Clark)
                        I knew one day she'd see things my                          (X)

                        The visions are getting clearer.                            (X)
                        I'm enclosed in something.  There                           (X)
                        are voices.  Colors... red...                               (X)
                        blue.... And loud noise.  Like                              (X)
                        thunder...  And it's terrifying.                            (X)

                        Maybe.  Make it come into                                   (X)
                        focus.  Sometimes you shine a                               (X)
                        light on things, they're not so                             (X)
                        scary after all.
                        Whoa!                                                       (X)

      As if pulled, the glass wands jerk upward, then rigidly                       (X)
      point at something.  Staring, Star slowly moves toward                        (X)
      Lois' purse on the table.                                                     (X)

                        What is it?

                        Your purse.  Lois, is there evil                            (X)
                        in your purse?!                                             (X)

                        Just my credit cards.                                       (X)

                        Dump it out.                                                (X)

      Lois turns the purse over.  In the jumble of wallet,                          (X)
      make-up, keys, etc., Star finds the silver needle.                            (X)

                                            STAR (CONT'D)
                        What're you doing with this?!                               (X)

                              (taken aback)
                        I just picked it up.                                        (X)
                              (sheepishly, to Clark)
                        On... Baron Sunday's plane.                                 (X)


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        38.    

 73   CONTINUED:  2                                                               73  

                        A Bokor would stick this needle                             (X)
                        into a doll to cast a spell on his                          (X)
                        enemy.                                                      (X)

                        A... Bokor?                                                 (X)

                        Voodoo, Lois.                                               (X)

                                                                  CUT TO:

 74   EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - WITH ZIGGY - DAY                                   74(X)

      DRUMS.  Glancing fearfully over his shoulder, Ziggy hurries                   (X)
      down the street.

 75   INTERCUT - INT. SUNDAY'S PLANE - CLOSE ON SUNDAY                            75(X)

      Lit by a single spot of light, Sunday's eyes open to reveal
      the reptile lenses.  CAMERA MOVES IN.                                         (X)

      Ziggy staggers, stumbles, as if hit by an unseen force.  He                   (X)
      keeps moving.  The eyes seem to glow, now SUPERIMPOSED over
      Ziggy as he dashes down the street.

 76   INT. LOIS' LIVING ROOM - ON NEEDLE - DAY                                    76(X)

      RACK FOCUS to reveal Clark staring at the silver needle.

                        Something like this could cause                             (X)
                        hallucinations?  Kill someone?                              (X)

                        I don't practice, myself, but                               (X)
                        that's what I'm told.                                       (X)

                        Star, if someone were to cast a
                        spell on you, how would you stop
                        it?                                                         (X)

                        It's not easy to ward off the                               (X)
                        black arts.  The magic has to come                          (X)
                        from within.


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   39.    

 76   CONTINUED:                                                                  76  

                                            STAR (CONT'D)
                        The evil's gotta be displaced.
                        You gotta get in touch with                                 (X)
                        something dear to you... more                               (X)
                        powerful than the spell.

                        How?                                                        (X)

                        Sometimes I hang onto a charm, a                            (X)
                        keepsake...                                                 (X)
                              (holds out necklace)                                  (X)
                        ... a family heirloom.                                      (X)

      Lois picks up John Hendricks' picture from the table,
      studies it.  As CAMERA MOVES IN ON IT:

 77   INT. LOIS' BUILDING - STAIRWAY - HALLWAY - DAY                              77  

      An exhausted, sweating Ziggy tears into the building,
      stumbles up the stairs.

 78   INTERCUT - BARON SUNDAY'S PLANE - CLOSE ON SUNDAY                           78  

      He picks up a crude doll of straw and mud. Ziggy rounds  a
      corner, staggers down the hall to Lois' door and raises his
      hand to bang on it.  Sunday, with a cruel smile, reaches for
      the doll's head.

 79   INT. LOIS' LIVING ROOM - DAY                                                79  

      Star, Lois, and Clark look up at the FRANTIC POUNDING on the
      door.  Clark yanks it open it to reveal a panicked Ziggy.

                              (very frightened)
                        Mr. Kent!  I come here to warn you!


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                  39A.     

 80   CLOSE ON SUNDAY                                                             80  

      In SLOW MOTION, Sunday violently rips the head from the
      doll, tears the doll to pieces.

 81   BACK TO LOIS'S APARTMENT                                                    81  

      Ziggy suddenly SCREAMS, falls to the ground.  Clark tears
      open Ziggy's shirt to see the mark of the snake on his

                                                                  DISSOLVE TO:

 82   INT. LOIS' HALLWAY - CLOSE ON DOOR - A SHORT TIME LATER                     82  

      A hand reaches into FRAME, knocks on door.

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        40.    

 83   INT. LOIS'S LIVING ROOM -  ON DOOR                                          83  

      A shaken Lois opens the door to admit a Uniformed Cop and a
      DETECTIVE.  Clark looks up from the Hendricks file, Star
      stands nearby.

                        I'm Detective Lundren.  You're                              (X)
                        Miss Lane?
                              (as she nods)
                        Where's the body?                                           (X)

      The Detective crosses to Ziggy's sheet-covered body.

                        Over there.

                        The dispatcher said you knew him?                           (X)

                        His name's Ziggy.  He works, or
                        worked, for Baron Sunday, the
                        Magician.                                                   (X)

                        Oh, yes.  Took my boys to see the                           (X)
                        show last week.

      The Detective knees, raises up the sheet (blocking our view)
      and his face registers his shock.

                                            DETECTIVE (CONT' D)
                        _How_ long ago did you say he died?

                        Maybe thirty minutes.

                        He looks like he's been dead longer
                        than that.

                        Okay, I may be off by a few
                        minutes.                                                    (X)

                        You may be off by a few _years_.                            (X)

      The detective pulls back the sheet to show Ziggy's face,
      which has shriveled to a near skull with a few strands of
      hair.  Lois, Clark and Star are shocked.

                                                                  FADE OUT

                          _END OF ACT THREE_

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   41.    

                              _ACT FOUR_

      FADE IN:

 84   EXT. AIRPORT - ANGLE ON LOIS' - JEEP - DAY                                  84  

      The Jeep pulls up, Lois at the wheel, Clark on the phone.

                                            CLARK (O.S.)
                        Okay, Jimmy.  Thanks.

      He hangs up as Lois shuts off the engine.

                                            CLARK (CONT'D)
                        Jimmy says John Hendricks
                        definitely didn't have a brother.

      As they climb out:

                        Well, okay....
                        If we're in the world of the
                        walking dead, I vote Hendricks and
                        Baron Sunday are the same person.

                        That's pretty much where I went.

      They start walking across the tarmac.

                        Matt Young and Rod Clemens were
                        both NIA...

                        Hendricks and I are connected to
                        Young by the incident in Jamaica.

                        Hendricks' background check turned
                        up clean....

      Clark stops walking, putting it together, troubled.

                        Which means I helped frame an                               (X)
                        innocent man.


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   42.    

 84   CONTINUED:                                                                  84  

                        It makes sense, doesn't it?  Young
                        and Clemens were probably running
                        those guns to Jamaica.  Hendricks
                        was just some pilot they hired.
                        When the whole thing went sour,
                        Young fed information....

                        ... To a very green reporter.
                        And I wrote a story that ruined
                        Hendrick's life.

                        And now... he's taking his revenge
                        on everyone.

      CAMERA ARCS around behind them to reveal Baron Sunday's
      plane, looming ominously above them.

 85   LOIS AND CLARK                                                              85  

      Both nervously wondering what comes next.  CAMERA MOVES IN
      on Lois, looking worriedly at Clark, then MOVES IN TO her
      hand as she quietly slips of f her engagement ring.

 86   CLOSE ON THE RING                                                           86  

      Lois silently drops it in Clark's coat pocket.

 87   INT. SUNDAY'S PLANE - DAY                                                   87  

      Sunday opens the cabin door to reveal Lois and Clark.

                        Miss Lane.
                              (lips curling)
                        Mr. Kent.  And looking quite

                        Mr. Sunday, you said you didn't
                        know Matt Young or Rod Clemens....

                        How about John Hendricks?

      Sunday reacts.  Lois and Clark stare at him, waiting for a                    (X)
      response                                                                      (X)


                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   43.    

 87   CONTINUED:                                                                  87  

                        John Hendricks was a fool, who
                        trusted the wrong people.

                        Your assistant Ziggy came to warn
                        us about something, but before he
                        could, he dropped dead.

                        And you think he wanted to warn you
                        about me?

                        We'll never know, unless your
                        friendly bokor could bring him back
                        to life... again.

      Sunday reacts.                                                                (X)

                        Your secret's out, Hendricks.                               (X)

      Sunday looks at them for a beat, then shrugs.                                 (X)

                        Ziggy was a faithful servant.
                        Never complained.  Didn't eat much.

                        Were you raised from the dead,
                        too?  Like Ziggy?                                           (X)

                        I never quite passed over.  I was
                        found by practitioners of the
                        ancient arts...  Given certain
                        powers... But it didn't make up for
                        what had happened to me.

                        I know what you've been through...
                        And the part I played in it...  You
                        and I were both set up by pro's.

                        You have no _idea_ what I've been
                        through'  My life was _ruined_.
                        _And_ my family's'  The only
                        thought that kept me going was the
                        thought of revenge

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   44.    

 88   SUNDAY                                                                      88  

      His eyes suddenly transform into the yellow snake eyes.

                        It's time to finish the job.

      The voodoo doll resembling Clark suddenly appears in
      Sunday's hand.  Before Clark can make a move, Sunday slams a
      needle into the head of the doll.  Clark immediately doubles
      over, gasping for breath.


      Lois charges Sunday, who whirls on her, his eyes GLOWING
      white hot, a rasping HISS coming from his lips.  Lois is
      stunned by some invisible force and stops in her tracks,
      trying to shake it off. Clark is fighting his vision and
      trying to breathe.  He makes a grab for Sunday, who opens
      the cabin door, shoves Clark out with his foot.                               (X)

 89   EXT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS                                                     89  

      Clark rolls down the steps and comes to land hard on the

 90   INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS                                                     90  

      Sunday SLAMS the cabin door, closing the latch.  Lois is
      groggily coming out of her stunned state.  The ENGINES

                        Air Sunday is about to leave the
                        gate.  This is a non-smoking

      Lois starts toward him.

                                            SUNDAY (CONT'D)
                        ... unless I decide to have you
                        burst into flames.

      A FLAME suddenly appears in Sunday's palm, and Lois stops,
      wary of Sunday's power.  The flame vanishes.

 91   EXT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS                                                     91  

      Clark is on the ground, having trouble breathing.

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                        45.    

 92   PUSH IN TO HIS VISION                                                       92  

      which is clearer than before.  The enclosure appears to be
      some kind of small capsule.  The lid closes, the ROAR

 93   BACK TO SCENE                                                               93  

      As Clark struggles for breath, he tears at his coat and
      shirt, shredding them to reveal his Superman suit.  he air
      around him is suddenly filled with the SOUND of Sunday's
      plane taking off.

 94   THE RING                                                                    94(X)

      Lois' engagement ring flies from the coat and lands on the
      pavement.                                                                     (X)

 95   ANGLE ON SUNDAY'S PLANE LIFTING OFF (STOCK)                                 95  

 96   INT. SUNDAY'S PLANE - CONTINUOUS                                            96  

      Sunday has an intercom phone in his hand.                                     (X)

                              (into phone)
                        Take her down.
                              (hangs up; to Lois)
                        We'll be flying low over the ocean,
                        so you can discover the joys of
                        free falling.  I understand it's
                        quite invigorating.

                        What's happening to Clark?                                  (X)

                        His own fear is destroying him.                             (X)
                        He's resisted up 'til now, but he's
                        been weakened by each attack and                            (X)
                        is ready to surrender.                                      (X)

                        Young may have set you up, but
                        Clark is a good man.  The best man
                        I ever met.  He might've made a
                        mistake, but it's not fair that he
                        should die.

                        Life isn't fair.

                            --page break--
      "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                   46.    

 97   EXT. TARMAC - CONTINUOUS                                                    97  

      Clark's clothes have been shredded away to reveal Superman.
      He swings out his arm, trying to break out of the imaginary
      capsule, and hits a runway sign, shattering it into tiny
      pieces. Superman falls to one knee, blinking, trying to
      fight the powerful vision.

 98   INTERCUT - FLASH CUTS - THE VISION                                          98  

      The lid closes.  A piece of red material flashes past,                        (X)
      covering the eyes.

      CAMERA MOVES IN ON Superman as he hears VOICES.

                                            LOIS (V.O.)
                        ... The fear is part of you.  It's
                        time to let it out.                                         (X)

      Superman is being driven lower to the ground by the vision.
      We hear a HEARTBEAT sound growing louder and faster.  Then
      his eyes fall on:

 99   INTERCUT - SUPERMAN'S POV                                                   99  

      Beyond the shredded clothing is Lois' engagement ring.
      Superman fights the vision, reaching, reaching for the ring.

                                            STAR (V.O.)
                        Displace the evil with something
                        more dear to you... More powerful
                        than the spell...

      The ring is nearly in his grasp.  He seizes the ring in                       (X)
      CLOSE UP.  He focuses mightily.

                                            LOIS (V.O.)
                        This fear is part of you.  It's
                        time to let it out.

100   SUPERMAN'S VISION - FLASH CUTS UNDER THE SOUND OF                          100  

      -A strong pair of hands reaching for him.
      -A man's face.
      -The hands lower him into the capsule.
      -A woman's face, starting to cry.
      And suddenly the sound of a BABY CRYING!

      -A blue and red blanket with a golden "S" tucked around him.
      -The lid of the capsule closing.

                            --page break--
       "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                  47.    

 101   BACK TO SUPERMAN                                                          101  

       The BABY'S CRIES echo and tears are in Superman's eyes as
       they blink open, the look of realization on his face.

101A   PUSH IN                                                                  101A  

       on Superman's eyes to see the image of Krypton exploding.                    (X)

101B   BACK TO SCENE                                                            101B  

       Superman looks down at the diamond ring in his hand and                      (X)
       slowly closes his fingers around it.

 102   EXT. PLANE - IN FLIGHT - STOCK                                            102  

       It is headed out over the ocean.

 103   INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS                                                   103  

                         It's at an end, Miss Lane.  I have
                         waited to be at peace for so long.
                         Only one bit of business remains.

       Sunday OPENS THE AIRPLANE DOOR and the plane shudders with
       the change of pressure and a WHOOSH of violent wind.

 104   BACK TO SCENE                                                             104  

       Sunday moves to grab Lois and she stuns him by lashing out
       with a well placed kick, knocking him back.  Before she can
       lash out again, he seizes the back of her head and glares
       furiously into her eyes.

 105   CLOSE ON SUNDAY                                                           105  

       His eyes are frightening.

 106   LOIS                                                                      106  

       She tries to fight it, but she is slipping into a trance.
       He releases her, and:

                            --page break--
       "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   Pink Revision       11/9/95                  48.    

 107   INTERCUT - HER POV                                                        107  

       A wall of fire springs up in front of her, separating her                    (X)
       from Sunday.

 108   BACK TO SCENE                                                             108  

       Sunday smiles nastily as Lois backs toward the open door.
       In her POV, the fire is moving toward her, forcing her                       (X)
       back.  Her feet near the open doorway, the WIND howling                      (X)
       around her.

 109   EXT. PLANE - FLYING - STOCK                                               109  

       Superman flies into FRAME, chasing the plane.

 110   INT. PLANE                                                                110  

       As Lois moves away from the flames, she falls back into the                  (X)
       wind.  Suddenly, a blur outside the door, and Lois and
       Superman blur into the cabin.  Sunday is stunned, recovers,
       starts to work another spell.

                         Mighty Danballah.  Meet my enemy...

       Superman seizes him by the throat, lifts him into the air,
       then tosses him.

 111   SEAT                                                                      111  

       Sunday flies backward into a seat, there is a BLUR of blue
       all around him, and he is buckled into place with several

                         Fasten your seat belts, Sunday.
                         We're beginning our descent.

                                                                  CUT TO:

 112   EXT. TARMAC - A SHORT TIME LATER                                          112  

       The plane is down.  A police car pulls up and a POLICEMAN
       and another Cop hop out as Superman and Lois come down the


                            --page break--
       "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                       49.    

 112   CONTINUED:                                                                112  

                         He's inside?

                         Tied up and ready for delivery to
                         the city jail.

       The Cops head into the plane.                                                (X)

                         So all along, your hallucination                           (X)
                         was based on a traumatic experience
                         you had when you were a baby.                              (X)

                         Once I faced it, I saw it wasn't                           (X)
                         a coffin I was seeing.  It was the                         (X)
                         capsule my parents sent me to
                         Earth in.                                                  (X)

                         Sunday couldn't kill you.  Your                            (X)
                         vision wasn't about death, it was                          (X)
                         about life.

                         As I was remembering, I could feel
                         the love and sadness of my parents,
                         sending their baby off into the
                         cold universe.

                         And into my life.

       He looks around, then takes her hand, slides the diamond                     (X)
       ring onto her finger, kisses her hand.                                       (X)

                         Thank you.                                                 (X)

                                             POLICEMAN (O.S.)

       Lois and Superman turn to see the policeman standing in the
       door of the plane holding the four seat belts.

                         There was no one there.

                         But that's impossible.


                            --page break--
       "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                       50.    

 112   CONTINUED:  2                                                             112  

       The policeman shrugs and Lois and Superman share a look of
       confusion.  As they turn away, a large snake slithers away
       from the plane and into the tall grass along the runway.

                                                                  CUT TO:

 113   INT. LOIS'S APARTMENT - NIGHT #4                                          113  

       Beverly and Ellen are sitting on the sofa, surrounded by                     (X)
       samples, pattern books, sketches.  Rapid fire:                               (X)

                         ... and I spoke to Ivan about the
                         catering.  As a special favor to
                         me, only a hundred and fifty
                         dollars per person.

       During this Lois crosses resignedly from the kitchen,                        (X)
       carrying a wine bottle and two glasses.  She waves her                       (X)
       fingers at the two women, but they don't even notice.  She                   (X)
       sighs, continues past them.                                                  (X)

                         I've definitely decided to go with
                         the tangerine.                                             (X)

                         I already ordered twenty bolts.                            (X)

                         And I can't decide... Tent? No                             (X)
                         tent?  I was up all night.                                 (X)



                         Tent.  Doves or Swiss Bell
                         Ringers?  With Bell Ringers it's                           (X)
                         four month's notice or forget it.

       During all this, Lois has calmly climbed out her window.

 114   EXT. LOIS WINDOW - FIRE ESCAPE - NIGHT                                    114(X)

       Clark sits there, legs hanging over the iron, a lit candle                   (X)
       near him. Lois sits next to him, pours wine.  They toast.                    (X)
       The women, visible through the sheers in the b.g., rattle                    (X)


                            --page break--
       "NEVER ON SUNDAY"  (#12)   FULL Blue      11/3/95                       51.    

 114   CONTINUED:                                                                114  

                         I don't think I've ever seen her                           (X)
                         have so much fun.  It's scary.                             (X)

                         To life.                                                   (X)

                         Life.                                                      (X)

                         Lois!  For heaven's sake, this
                         isn't _my_ wedding.  Are you going
                         to participate or not?

                         You're doing fine, Mom.  You                               (X)
                         just do what you do best, and so                           (X)
                         will we.

       And with that, Lois and Clark are kissing.  We PULL BACK
       from the fire escape with wedding plans being furiously made
       inside, and

                                                                  FADE OUT.



Kikavu ?

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30.06.2020 vers 10h

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stella, Avant-hier à 20:51

Nouveau design tout sur le quartier Malcolm! Tout avis est la bienvenue

choup37, Hier à 10:15

La chasse aux gobelins est en cours sur Doctor Who, venez (re)découvrir la série

choup37, Hier à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, Aujourd'hui à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

Viens chatter !