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#316 : Chassés-croisés

Le clone de Loïs est alliée avec Lex Luthor et il kidnappe la vrai Loïs pour que son clone s'occupe de Superman. Le clone de Loïs n'aime pas les muscles de Clark et refuse de s'offrir à lui pour la nuit de noce et elle mange des grenouilles...et Clark finit par découvrir la vérité.

Mais en apprenant que Clark est Superman, le clone de Loïs refuse de le laisser et se met contre Lex pour le faire chanter, elle n'ira pas à la banque pour lui comme prévu car Lex avait placé 200 millions de Dollars sur un compte au nom de Loïs Lane. Pendant que Lex et le clone discutent, Loïs crie le nom de Superman mais Lex la rend muette grâce à une piqûre. Mais en voulant s'échapper, elle se cogne et perd la mémoire croyant qu'elle est Wanda Detroit alors on la retrouve dans un bar en train de chanter.

Jimmy arrive et dit à Clark où se trouve la vrai Loïs et il lui explique l'histoire du roman de Wanda mais quand il arrive sur les lieux, il lui dit que c'est Clark et elle le déteste mais Loïs lui dit qu'elle aime Lex et que le mariage était une erreur et elle s'enfuit avec Lex.

Note : 9.5/10

> Remarques :
C'est le retour de Lex Luthor


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Double Jeopardy

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Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

                              _LOIS & CLARK_

                      _The New Adventures of Superman_

                            "Double Jeopardy"

Written by Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming

Directed by Chris Long



















_INTERIORS_:                                     _EXTERIORS_:

Daily Planet                                     Daily Planet
  Perry's Office                                 Metropolis Bank

Clark's Apartment                                Tenement Street
  Living Room                                    Ace O' Clubs
  Kitchen        *

Lex's Underground Bunker                         Alley

Ace O' Clubs                                     Ledge

Lois' Car                                        Metropolis Street

Lex's Limousine

Red Dixon's Truck

Lex's Sedan


   1   FAST RECAP                                                                  1  

       Quick scenes from Episode 15: Lois frets that trouble's
       coming; happy toast at rehearsal dinner; Church Deacon shows
       Lois to a door; Lois comes down the aisle; the wedding kiss;
       Lois Clone eats the frog; Happy Clark watches Lois Clone
       enter bedroom.  DIP TO BLACK and we are:

   2   INT. CLARK'S BEDROOM - NIGHT #1                                             2  

       LOIS CLONE, breathtaking in her beautiful nightgown, stands
       watching Clark, who's in bed.  CLARK, all but panting,
       smiles and:

                        You know, I have... imagined this
                        moment... For so long.

       He pulls back covers to make a space for her.  She smiles,
       approaches. outside, a soft roll of THUNDER.

                                            CLARK (CONT'D)
                        Hello, Mrs. Kent.

       She gets into bed, he moves in close, kisses her.

                                            CLARK (CONT'D)
                        We've gone through so much to get
                        to this night, but none of that
                        matters.  It's perfect.

                        He starts to kiss her again.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Are you as tired as I am?


                                            LOIS CLONE
                        It's just the past few days... The
                        preparations... The wedding... I'm
                        just exhausted.

                        I'm... not that tired.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    2.    

   2   CONTINUED:                                                                  2  

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Clark... I'm really sorry... I just
                        don't think I can keep my eyes

       She rolls on her side, facing CAMERA.  A roll of THUNDER.

                        Uh... well... I guess tomorrow in
                        Hawaii could be just as perfect.
                        More... perfect.

       He snuggles in close, putting an arm around her.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Good night.

       He just stares down at her, astonished, covering how
       godawful this is.

                               (she's asleep)
                        Good night.


                                                                CUT TO:

   3   EXT. TENEMENT STREET - HIGH ANGLE - NIGHT                                   3  

       Pouring rain.  THUNDER.  LIGHTNING.  CAMERA CRANES DOWN as a
       limousine rolls up to an abandoned tenement.  The car's rear
       door opens, and the Church Deacon from last episode climbs
       out.  He looks inside the car, addresses someone we can't
       yet see.

                                            CHURCH DEACON
                        Welcome to your new home.  Oh, I
                        know it doesn't look like much, but
                        I'm sure you'll find it cozy.

   4   ANGLE - SIDE OF CAR                                                         4  

       We now reveal, inside the car, slumped in the seat and
       unconscious... LOIS LANE, wearing the clothes she arrived at
       the church in.

                                            CHURCH DEACON
                        I suppose I'll just have to carry
                        you across the threshold.

       He reaches inside for her.  THUNDER, LIGHTNING, we...

                                                                CUT TO:             (X)

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                     3.   

  4A   INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - NIGHT                                            4A(X)

       Creepy and damp.  Items are crated as if about to be moved.                  (X)
       We come to Lois, strapped to an ornate chair and gagged.
       The Church Deacon's body passes through FRAME, as:                           (X)

                                            CHURCH DEACON
                        The whole time I was away, I was                            (X)

  4B   ANGLE - MIRROR, SHELF WITH MAKE-UP                                         4B(X)

       The Church Deacon steps into FRAME, begins pulling off wig                   (X)
       and mask.

                                            CHURCH DEACON
                        ... by the memory of your beauty.
                        I can assure you, the memory                                (X)
                        didn't do you justice.

       The mask comes off to reveal... LEX LUTHOR.                                  (X)

  4C   LOIS                                                                       4C(X)

       She stares in horror, and                                                    (X)


                                 _END OF TEASE_

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                     4.   

                                   _ACT ONE_

       FADE IN:

   5   INT. CLARK'S LIVING ROOM - ON LOIS CLONE - MORNING - DAY #2                 5  

       Lois Clone, in robe, dabs at her mouth with a napkin,
       glances hungrily in her purse as if it were a candy box,
       selects another frog, pulls it out, prepared to munch, when:

                                            CLARK (O.S.)
                        Lois... you out there?

       She instantly stuffs the frog back in her purse, shuts it,
       and whips around, assuming an innocent pose as Clark,
       pulling on robe, comes out of the bedroom.

                                            CLARK (CONT'D)

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Hi.  Would you like coffee?
                               (crosses to kitchen)
                        I know you like coffee.  It's one
                        of the many, many things I know
                        about you.

                        Uh, great.  Could we talk about
                        last night?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Warmer than normal for this time of

                        Yeah well, depending on how you
                        define 'warm.'

                                            LOIS CLONE
                               (crossly; staring into
                        Where are the cups?  Where are the
                        cups?!  Where are they?!

                        To your right.  We changed 'em
                        around.  Two weeks ago.  Remember?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Of course I remember.  Why wouldn't
                        I?  To the right, you say?

       She flings open the cupboard.

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                     5.   

   5   CONTINUED:                                                                  5  

                                            LOIS CLONE (CONT'D)
                        Ah yes.  Right where I left them.

                        Lois... We've been waiting... And
                        _waiting_... For our honeymoon
                        night... For a long time.  Because
                        we wanted that night to be one of
                        the most special... meaningful...
                        moments of our lives.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        You're saying it wasn't?

                        You fell asleep!

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I was tired!

                        I understand that!  I just hope it
                        was... You know, nothing more than

       Lois Clone, remembering her mission, softens and scoots over
       to him with a cup of coffee.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Of course not.  Honey.  It was just
                        a big day for me.  Lots of

                        Well, okay...  You're right.
                        Things'll be better when we get to
                        Hawaii today.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Oh.  That's another thing.  I
                        canceled the hotel in Hawaii.                               (X)


                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Well, with Lex Luthor on the loose,
                        I thought it was a bad idea to
                        leave the paper!  I didn't think
                        you'd mind!

                        Lois, this is the kind of thing we
                        should _talk_ about first!


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                     6.   

   5   CONTINUED:  2                                                               5  

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Is it?  How would I know?  I've
                        never been married.  You have to
                        give me time!

                        We both need time!  That's why I
                        think Hawaii is a great idea.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                               (pouty; toying with his
                        Honey.  You don't want to make me
                        unhappy, do you?  This is a big
                        adjustment.  I'm feeling insecure.
                        I don't want to leave town.

                        Lois, are you okay?  You're not                             (X)
                        saying you're going in to work.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                               (crosses to bedroom)
                        No.  I'm going shopping.

       He stares, bewildered, we...                                                 (X)

                                                                CUT TO:

   6   INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - DAY                                               6  

       Lois struggles in the chair; furious mumbling from behind                    (X)
       the gag.  Lex enters FRAME, now carrying a large syringe
       filled with green serum.

                        Look, we'll make a deal.  I'll
                        lower the gag, but you so much as
                        _breathe_ the name 'Superman,' and
                        I'll paralyze your vocal cords.
                               (waves syringe)
                        Can't get fairer than that.
                               (lowers gag)
                        Let me hear that lilting voice.

                        You sick, twisted, disgusting

                        Oh, you finishing school girls.

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                     7.   

   6   CONTINUED:                                                                  6  

                        Lex, they're scouring the country
                        for you.  Your only hope is to turn
                        yourself in and finish your time.

                        'Finish my time?'  I was doing a
                        double life sentence.

                        You can catch up on your reading.

                        My Lois has turned cruel.  Life in
                        this ugly city can do that.  You'll
                        be more chipper in the Alps.

                        The Alps?!

                        I have a windowless fortress in a
                        mountain.  You can scream
                        'Superman' all day long, but it'll
                        get boring.

                        _Why_?!  Why would you want me?!
                        I'm marrying another man!

                        Yes, but you almost married _me_,
                        so obviously you're flexible.
                               (takes her chin)
                        Lois, some component in your brain
                        finds me irresistible.  Together
                        we'll find that little clump of
                        cells and awaken them.

       He kisses her.  She bites his lip, he leaps back.                            (X)

                        Don't _ever_ do that again.

                        Oh, things've changed while I was
                        away?  People tied to chairs have
                        room to negotiate?

                                            LOIS CLONE (O.S.)


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    8.    

   6   CONTINUED:  2                                                               6  

                        Oh my God.

                        What do _you_ want?

   7                                                                               7  
THRU   OMITTED                                                                  THRU  
   8                                                                               8  

   9   ANGLE                                                                       9  

       As Lois Clone flounces in.

                        Lex, what have you done?! Is this                           (X)
                        who Clark _married_?!                                       (X)

                                            LOIS CLONE
                               (ignoring her)                                       (X)
                        You didn't tell me about the cups!
                        They moved the cups!  They moved
                        the _cups_, Lex!

                        For this you deserted your post?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I might make other mistakes!

                        But you won't.  Because Clark isn't
                        going to suspect a thing until
                        _she's_ out of the country...
                               (nods to Lois)
                        Is he?
                               (closing in)
                        And you're going to find out
                        everything you can about Clark's                            (X)
                        friend _Superman_, aren't you?
                        Anything that might help me destroy

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Yes, Lex.

                        Now go make Clark happy.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                     9.   

   9   CONTINUED:                                                                  9  

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I don't like him.  All those
                        muscles.  He's not my type.

                        You don't have a type!  You've been
                        alive for nine days!
                               (grabs her shoulders)
                        Look.  I wrote the checks that got
                        you made.  I am God. And God can
                        smite you down.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        What's 'smite' mean?

                        Get out of here!!

       She dashes out.

  10   WITH LEX                                                                   10  

       as he returns to Lois.

                        They're like spoiled children.
                        It's such perfect revenge that
                        Clark Kent is married to... that.

       Now he notices Lois is crying softly.

                                            LEX (CONT'D)
                        Please don't do that. I can't bear

                        Clark... and I... thought this'd be
                        be the happiest time of our lives.

                        And you _can_ be happy, Lois.  You
                        just have to have an open mind.

                                                                CUT TO:

  11   EXT. DAILY PLANET - ESTABLISHING - DAY                                     11  

                                            PERRY (V.O.)
                        Jennings!  Get me every recent
                        photo we've got of Lax Luthor.

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    10.   

  12   INT. DAILY PLANET - WITH PERRY - DAY                                       12  

       Frenzied activity as PERRY strides swiftly through the
       troops, barking orders:

                        Connors!  They've frozen all of
                        Luthor's assets.  Dig up any other
                        places he might've stashed some

       He comes upon JIMMY, seated at Lois' computer, typing and

                                            PERRY (CONT'D)
                        Olsen, what're you doing with Lois'

                               (working away)
                        Lois is the expert on Lex Luthor,
                        Chief.  I'm pulling up all her Lex
                        files.  Maybe there's some clue to
                        where he's hidin' out.

                        Good idea.  Lord, do I envy Lois
                        and Clark right now.  Their wedding
                        was the most romantic shindig I
                        ever saw.  Kinda inspired me.  You
                        know, I've been puttin' off having
                        that first date, but I....

                        Whoa!  Look at this.

                               (squints at screen)
                        You're not snoopin' into anything
                        personal there, are you?

                               (reading, tickled)
                        Did you know Lois was writing a

                        'The True and Amazing Adventures of
                        Wanda Detroit.' Looks like she was
                        workin' on it a couple years back. 
                        She probably forgot it's here.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    11.   

  12   CONTINUED:                                                                 12  

                        Look, just get the Lex Luthor
                        stuff, and...

                               (staring at screen;
                                reads, cracking up)
                        'Wanda Detroit is my name.  I sing                          (X)
                        for drinks down at the docks.  But
                        it wasn't always like this....                              (X)

                        Jimmy!  Get the Luthor file and
                        shut that darn thing off.  Lois'
                        book is no concern of ours!

                        Sure, Chief.

       He's about to start typing, when Perry suddenly stops his
       hands.  Something on the screen's caught Perry's eye.

                        'I taunted him with my smoldering                           (X)
                        smile.  I knew Clark wanted me, but
                        I didn't care.'                                             (X)

                               (beside himself)
                        '_Clark_'?!  Aw man, this is _way_

                        This is none of our business.

                        I know.

       They look at each other, tempted to look back at the screen.
       Finally Perry gets a grip and clears the screen, charges
       off.  Jimmy looks disappointedly at the empty screen, we...

                                                                CUT TO:

  13   INT. CLARK'S LIVING ROOM - ON FRONT DOOR - NIGHT #2                        13  

       Clark enters with a bag of groceries.  The door hits some
       clothing and shoe boxes as it opens.  He stares, then comes
       inside, staring at a room piled with new clothes (with tags
       on), shopping bags, empty boxes.  A beat, then:


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    12.   

  13   CONTINUED:                                                                 13  


                                            LOIS CLONE (O.S.)
                        Hi!  I've had the best day!

       And she comes out of the bedroom.  Clark is startled to see
       she's dressed in a kind of trashy teen-age style, with
       incredibly short skirt, thigh-high stockings, tight top,
       tags flapping.

                                            LOIS CLONE (CONT'D)
                        What do you think?

                        Well, you know, it's... different. 
                        Nice.  It's very nice.  Lois... Can we
                        afford this?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Sure!  I opened charge accounts at
                        about twenty stores!
                               (as his mouth falls open)
                        Well, it wasn't _my_ idea.  _They_
                        asked _me_.  I am very well thought
                        of in this town.  Aw please don't
                        be a drag, I've spent all _day_
                        doing this!  It's hard work!

                               (taken aback)                                        (X)
                        Well.  Hey.  If it makes you                                (X)
                        happy, it makes me happy.

       He gives her a quick kiss, crosses to kitchen.  Behind his
       back, Lois Clone makes a bit of a face at having kissed him.

                                            CLARK (CONT'D)
                        I did some shopping, too.  I
                        thought I'd whip up some dinner...
                        Crack open a bottle-of wine... You
                        know, our first romantic evening at

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        But there's a whole big city out
                        there, Clark!
                               (looks out window)
                        All lit up... Clubs... music...
                        dancing... Sometimes I feel like I
                        was just born.

       Clark has come up behind her.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    13.   

  13   CONTINUED:  2                                                              13  

                        Me, too.  Is that what getting
                        married does to you?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                               (attempting sincerity)
                        I just want you to be happy.
                        That's my job, keeping you happy.
                        Are you happy?

                        Absolutely.  You know, I was a
                        little worried we'd gotten
                        off-track, but we're okay, right?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        What makes you ask that?  I'm
                        keeping you happy, right?  You
                        are happy.

                        Yes! Perfect.
                               (moving closer)                                      (X)
                        Tonight's gonna be perfect.

       He's very close; she feels trapped; he's about to kiss her;                  (X)
       she's flustered, and:                                                        (X)

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Uh... about Superman....                                    (X)


                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I was just thinking tonight'd be
                        even _more_ perfect if Superman                             (X)
                        were here.

       He looks at her, startled.

                        You... want.... Superman here.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I sure do.

       Clark considers this, figures it may be a turn-on he wasn't
       aware of.  What the hell.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    14.   

  13   CONTINUED:  3                                                              13  

                        Well... I just might be able to
                        arrange that.  If that's what you

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Oh, it really is.

                        I didn't know you felt that way
                        about him.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I'm crazy about him.

                        Well, then let's just see if I can
                        get hold of him.

       He gives her a jaunty little smile and suddenly SPINS into
       SUPERMAN.  He stands there with an expectant grin.  Her
       mouth falls open.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        You... You're... Superman!

                        Well... yeah, Lois.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                               (covering badly)
                        I mean, you're Superman.  Of
                        course, you're Superman.  Well!
                        How 'bout some dinner?

       She staggers off to the kitchen, Superman looks confused.

 13A   CLARK'S KITCHEN - LOIS CLONE                                              13A(X)

       Lois Clone has a frog close to her face, speaking to it                      (X)
       confidentially, trying to control her glee.                                  (X)

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I'm... Mrs. _Superman_!  I can have
                        anything I want!  Cool.


                                   _END OF ACT ONE_

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    15.   

                                     _ACT TWO_

       FADE IN:

  14                                                                              14   
THRU   OMITTED                                                                  THRU  
  15                                                                              15  

 15A   INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - DAY #3                                          15A(X)

       The room is now empty of crates.  Suitcases are piled up                     (X)
       Lex wears an overcoat, speaking to a closed door:                            (X)

                        I had this outfit made for you when
                        we planned our wedding.  It'll be
                        wonderful to see you wearing it.                            (X)

       Lois enters, wearing a lovely traveling suit.

                        You were threatening me with a
                        hypodermic needle; it seemed like
                        the thing to do.

                        Forgive me if I stare, but as 'twas
                        in our past, your restless beauty
                        stuns me.  The fire in your eyes.
                        the pallor in your cheek, the
                        sultry curl of your lip.

                        It's nausea.

                        Do you know why I suffer such
                        castigation at your hands?  Because
                        in a few hours we'll be sealed in
                        my fortress in the Alps.  You'd be
                        Surprised, Lois my love, at how
                        incarceration can change a person.
                        Look at me.

                        Yes, you're a regular poster boy
                        for rehabilitation.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    16.   

 15A   CONTINUED:                                                                15A  

                        Hardly.  You see, once my name and
                        character were branded criminal,
                        my outcast status allowed the true
                        Lex to blossom.  I was relieved of a
                        all pretense at respectability.  I
                        may be starting over, but on terms
                        far easier to stomach.  An empire
                        of pure evil.  Created solely for
                        the enrichment and glorification
                               (takes her chin)
                        ... us.

       She jerks away, trying hard to stay tough, but emotion is
       getting the better of her.

                        You're insane.

                        You're melting already.  And
                        eventually you'll acclimate
                        yourself to the seductive misuse of
                               (gazing hungrily into her
                        Every lord needs a lady.  Every
                        poet, a muse.  You'll be at my
                        side Lois, where you've always
                        belonged.  Forever.

                                                                CUT TO:

  16   INT. CLARK'S PLACE - MORNING                                               16  

       There's a rattling at the door and JONATHAN and MARTHA let
       themselves in.  They're carrying piles of gift-wrapped boxes
       which they stack in Clark's apartment.

                        Careful of your back, hon.  Those
                        boxes are heavy.

                        What do they give as wedding gifts
                        these days -- farm equipment?

                        Let's just get these gifts sorted
                        so the kids can return from their
                        honeymoon to an organized place.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    17.   

  16   CONTINUED:                                                                 16  

                        Ah Hawaii... Blue skies, blue
                        water, blue drinks.  I can see our
                        boy now.

       There's a WHOOSH, then Superman LANDS.  All three are                        (X)
       surprised to see one another.

                        Clark!  What are you doing here?

                        Here?  Oh, here here.  Now. 
                        Well... there was a tidal wave in
                        the Philippines that needed looking

       He passes into bedroom, instantly re-emerges as Clark, as:                   (X)

                        Wasn't that last week?

                        Well yeah, but I'm... very big on

                        And you just left Lois in Hawaii?

                        Not exactly.

                        What do you mean 'not exactly?'
                        Where _is_ she, exactly?

                        Metropolis, exactly.

                        You two had a fight.  Listen, don't
                        let it get you down.  Emotions run
                        high on honeymoons, both good and
                        bad.  That first awareness that the
                        two of you have become one is very
                        scary.  Sparks are gonna fly.

                        I wish.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    18.   

  16   CONTINUED:  2                                                              16  

                        Clark, you know you can tell us
                        anything, right?  What's on your

                               (looks off,
                        Christmas tree lights.


                        You know how the holidays come up,
                        and you're all excited about making
                        the house just explode with warmth
                        and love and you hang a box of
                        brand new lights on the tree,
                        waiting for that burst of warmth
                        and love, and you plug 'em in
                        and.... nothing happens.

                        Nothing happens?


                        No sparks?
                               (another head shake)
                        No flickering?
                               (another head shake)
                        No electricity at all?

                        The power is out.

       An awkward silence, then it dawns on the parents what he's
       saying and they look at each other with raised eyebrows.

                        Oh Clark, the power's not out, just
                        fiddle with your fuses.  The two of
                        you have more electricity than
                        anyone I ever saw.

                        That's what I thought.  I'm telling
                        you things are suddenly different
                        between us.

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    19.   

  16   CONTINUED:  3                                                              16  

                                            CLARK (CONT'D)
                        For a minute, it was like she
                        didn't even remember I'm Superman.

                        Son, there were times on our
                        honeymoon your mother didn't
                        think _I_ was Superman...

                               (to Clark)
                        And what does Lois say about this?

                        Well, lately, 'Let's go to the                              (X)


                        She really likes to shop.

                        That doesn't sound like Lois.

                        It's almost like she isn't the same
                               (a new thought)
                        You don't think ... ?

                        Clark!  You don't think you're                              (X)
                        living with... an impostor... !                             (X)

       He rushes to a cabinet, pulls out a trophy engraved "Best
       Local News Story, 1994 - Lois Lane/Clark Kent."  He now
       scoops up an orange juice glass, trains beams of MICRO                       (X)
       VISION on them.  He sighs.

                                            MARTHA (CONT'D)

                        Her fingerprints match.                                     (X)

                        You sound disappointed.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    20.   

  16   CONTINUED:  4                                                              16  

                        I was hoping for an explanation I

                        Sweetie, marriage is a transition
                        that different people handle in
                        different ways.  Don't show Lois
                        your anxiety or frustration.  Be
                        romantic... protective... all the
                        things she fell madly in love with.
                        Can you do that?

                        Sure he can.  He's Superman.

                                                                CUT TO:

  17                                                                              17  
THRU   OMITTED                                                                  THRU  
  18                                                                              18  

  19   EXT. METROPOLIS BANK - DAY                                                 19  

       Lex's Limousine pulls up in front of the bank.                               (X)

  20   INT. LIMOUSINE - DAY                                                       20  

       Lois sits opposite Lex in the passenger compartment.                         (X)

                        We have one quick stop to make
                        before we board the plane.

                        We're knocking over a bank?

                        Do you recall the bank account I
                        opened for you in honor of our
                        pending nuptials?


                        Well, I deposited a little mad
                        money in it.  About $200 million


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    21.   

  20   CONTINUED:                                                                 20  

                        I had $200 million dollars just
                        sitting around all this time and
                        never knew it?

                        I needed cash that was quickly
                        available and not traceable to me.

                        What if I refuse to go inside and
                        withdraw it?  Who'll get your blood
                        money then?

       The door opens and Lois Clone climbs in, sits in the seat
       opposite them.

                        She will.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        How long is this gonna take?  The
                        saleslady at the bikini boutique is
                        holding some stuff for me.

                        I guess this means you're enjoying
                        life as Mrs. Clark Kent.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I think it could maybe work out. 
                        He like gives me things.  Money...

                        You see, Lois, how quickly one can
                        adapt?  It's the key to a
                        successful marriage.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        And anyway, there are sides to
                        Clark I didn't know about before.

                        What're you talking about?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I've got a secret.  Actually it's
                        not _my_ secret, it's someone
                        else's.  But it's _super_ cool.
                               (a mischievous look to
                        Know what I mean?

       Lois stares, startled.  Lex looks from one to the other.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    22.   

  20   CONTINUED:  2                                                              20  

                        If there's some little game you're
                        playing here...

                               (jumping in)
                        Lex, is there really time for small
                        talk?  We have a plane to catch. 
                        Send in the clone.

       Lex hands papers to the Clone.

                        Here's the information.  You know
                        what to do.  Hurry.

       The Clone looks bored, hops out, slams door.  Lex looks over
       at Lois, frightening her with his obsessive gaze.

                                            LEX (CONT'D)
                        I'm so pleased you've had a change                          (X)
                        of heart.

                                                                CUT TO:

  21   EXT BANK - LIMOUSINE - HIGH ANGLE - DAY                                    21  

       CAMERA CRANES DOWN to the car.

  22   INT. LIMOUSINE - DAY                                                       22  

       Lex glances impatiently at his watch.

                        Where the hell is she?

                        Lex, listen.  You know I'm never
                        going to love you.  I thought I
                        did, once, but everything's
                        different now.  You don't need me.
                        You'll have your money... I
                        couldn't tell anyone how to find

                        Stop it!  We're never going to be
                        apart again, Lois.  Understand
                        that.  Accept it.



                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    23.   

  22   CONTINUED:                                                                 22  

                               (leaning near)
                        My single redeeming quality may in
                        fact be my love for you.
                        Accept it.

                        No... no...

                        Accept it.

       And something in her snaps.

                               (crying out)

       And in a flash, an enraged Lex plunges the hypodermic
       syringe into her arm.  She goes rigid for a moment, then
       clutches her throat.

                                            LOIS (CONT'D)
                               (a rasping whisper)

                        Loose lips sink ships.
                        It doesn't last long, but there's
                        more where that came from.

  23   EXT. BANK - DAY                                                            23  

       The Clone trots down the steps, approaches the Limo.  Lex's
       window slides down.                                                          (X)

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I've rethought this.

                        You don't think!  You obey.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I'm like totally and completely
                        bored with your controlling me. 
                        It's totally and completely unfair.



                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    24.   

  23   CONTINUED:                                                                 23  

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        So you get to go to Europe and have
                        fun and ski and have _her_... I
                        want something too.

                        You are in no position to...

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I want to be left alone. With
                        Clark.  No more spying for you.  No
                        more reporting in.  Oh and I want
                        all the different cable TV
                        channels.  That's the deal.

       Lex furiously jams on his dark glasses and hat and leaps                     (X)
       out.  The Clone marches off, Lex follows.

                        I don't cut deals with clones!

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Then I guess the money stays in the
                        bank!                                                       (X)

       He grabs her arm, she wrenches away.

                                            LOIS CLONE (CONT'D)
                        You don't wanna make a scene...
                        Do you?

       And she dashes off around the corner.  The Driver has jumped
       out and Lex turns furiously to him.

                        Follow that clone!

       The Driver runs off in the same direction as the Clone.

  24                                                                              24  
THRU   OMITTED                                                                  THRU  
  25                                                                              25  

  26   INT. REAR OF LIMO - ON DOORWAY                                             26  

       Lex starts to climb back in, muttering:

                        Wretched... wretched creature...

       Suddenly Lois' two feet kick up into FRAME, connecting with
       Lex's jaw.  He flies backwards onto the sidewalk.

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    25.   

  27   LOOSER                                                                     27  

       as Lois rolls out the opposite door, takes off running.

                                                                CUT TO:

  28   EXT. WINDOWS ABOVE DAILY PLANET - DAY                                      28(X)

       People in windows are staring down as wisps of smoke float
       upward.  We CRANE DOWN to find smoke pouring from the                        (X)
       subway station as terrified Passengers rush up the steps.
       Superman BLURS IN, blasts SUPER BREATH at the smoke, which                   (X)
       quickly dissipates.  The Clone hurries over to him.                          (X)

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Honey, can I have two dollars for a
                        frozen yogurt?

                        Lois, you know you can't call me
                        that.  And I'm kinda tied up right

       A choking PASSENGER has staggered up the steps.

                        Superman!...  Two people are
                        trapped in one of the subway

       The Clone looks impatient as Superman BLURS below and BACK,                  (X)
       floating down to a bus stop bench with two coughing                          (X)
       Passengers:  others from the crowd hurry up to help them.                    (X)
       The Clone impatiently taps Superman"s shoulder.                              (X)

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        You're ignoring me.  I hate that.

                               (trying not to be angry)
                        I'm not ignoring you.  I just had                           (X)
                        some lives to save.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        You never have time for me!  Maybe
                        I should just move to L.A. and
                        become a super model.

                        That's not true.  I always have
                        time for you...
                               (he hears a distant cry
                                for help)
                        Except now.

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    26.   

  29   A SIDE STREET                                                              29  

       Lois runs away from her captors.  She stops, staring up

  30   HER POV                                                                    30(X)

       Superman BLURS off.

  31   OMITTED                                                                    31  

  32   LOIS                                                                       32  

       sees the take-off, frantically starts running, waving her
       arms.  A SCREECH, and:

  33   INTERCUT CAR - VARIOUS ANGLES                                              33  

       A car careens toward her, Lois turns mouth open in fright,
       the car sideswipes her, she flies back onto the sidewalk.
       The car stops, the driver leaps out, rushes toward Lois.  A
       small crowd forms.

  34   THE CLONE                                                                  34  

       She notes the activity across the street, trots over.

  35   LOIS - CLONE - VARIOUS ANGLES                                              35  

       Lois is unconscious.  The Clone pushes through the crowd,
       sees her.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        That's my twin sister!  Someone
                        help me get her into my car.

       The crowd begins helping lift Lois.

                                                                CUT TO:

  35A  INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - ON LEX - DAY                                       35A

       Lex, livid, is on a cellular phone.                                          (X)

                        What do you _mean_ 'don't yell at                           (X)
                        you?'  I'm your creator!  I'm
                        entitled to yell at you!                                    (X)

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    27.   

  36   INTERCUT LOIS CLONE'S CAR - BACK SEAT - DAY                                36  

       The car is parked on a side street.  Lois groggily comes                     (X)
       to, clutches her aching head.  She hears Lois Clone talking                  (X)
       into the car phone, peers up over the seat, stares at the
       Clone, as:                                                                   (X)

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Oh, then maybe you aren't
                        interested that I have what you

                        You're lying.

  37   OMITTED                                                                    37  

  38   INTERCUT LOIS                                                              38  

       She listens with frightened eyes.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I _do_ have her, and even though
                        you don't deserve it, my offer
                        still stands.

                        You ridiculous child!  Do you
                        have any idea who you're dealing
                        with?!  Bring me Lois at once, do
                        you understand!  I am ordering
                        you to....

                                            LOIS CLONE
                               (screaming into phone)
                        You're really hurting my feelings!
                        You can't have her!  You never
                        will!  I'm gonna kill her!!  For                            (X)
                        Clark!                                                      (X)

       Lois reaches for the door handle, rolls out, as:                             (X)

                                            LOIS CLONE (CONT'D)
                        You think you can boss me around!
                        Well, I'm a human being, too!
                        Okay, maybe not exactly...  You're                          (X)
                        yelling again!...                                           (X)

  39   EXT. STREET                                                                39  

       Lois is running for dear life through traffic.  A battered                   (X)
       pick-up truck marked "Red's Dockside Plumbing" SCREECHES to
       a halt, nearly hitting her.  Lois rushes up, to the
       passenger door, yanks open the door, leaps in, the truck
       takes off.

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    28.   

  40   LOIS CLONE'S CAR                                                           40  

       The Clone jerks her head around to see:                                      (X)

  41   HER POV                                                                    41  

       Red's truck tears off around the corner.                                     (X)

  42   THE CLONE                                                                  42  

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        'Red's Dockside Plumbing.'

  43   INT. RED DIXON'S TRUCK - RED AND LOIS - ROLLING - DAY                      43  

       RED DIXON is big, scruffily handsome, in his 30's.  Lois                     (X)
       tries to speak, chokes, then rasps:

                        Sorry, I needed a lift.  It's life                          (X)
                        or death.

                        Are you okay?                                               (X)

                               (regaining voice)                                    (X)
                        Looks like.

                               (offers hand)
                        I'm Red Dixon.
                               (a pause)
                        And you're ... ?

       Lois stares at him, utterly blank.  She stares around,                       (X)
       clearly trying to recall who she is, touches her throbbing
       head.  Red doesn't get it.                                                   (X)

                                            RED (CONT'D)
                        C'mon, you got a name, don't you?                           (X)
                        Everyone's got a name                                       (X)
                               (off her blank look)                                 (X)
                        You from around here?  Me, I'm                              (X)
                        from New Jersey....                                         (X)

                               (concentrating hard)                                 (X)
                        Detroit.                                                    (X)

                        Oh.  Detroit. You're from
                        Detroit                                                     (X)


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    29.   

  43   CONTINUED:                                                                 43  

                        No....                                                      (X)

       Suddenly Lois turns into the hard-livin', hard lovin',

                        That's my name.  Detroit.  Wanda                            (X)
                        Detroit.  Pleased to meet ya,


                                 _END OF ACT TWO_

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    30.   

                                    _ACT THREE_

       FADE IN:

  44   INT. DAILY PLANET - PERRY'S OFFICE - DAY                                   44  

       Clark gazes idly at framed photos on Perry's shelves,
       troubled and preoccupied, as:

                        Clark, it's not that I don't
                        appreciate your comin' into work
                        and all...  But why the heck aren't
                        you two in Hawaii?

                        Lois... Didn't feel like Hawaii,

                               (taken aback)
                        Son, is there anything you wanna
                        talk about?

  45   INT. BULLPEN - LOIS' DESK - DAY                                            45  

       Jimmy sits perusing Lois' novel.

                               (reading screen)
                        'Clark had a secret he was hiding,                          (X)
                        I was sure of it.  He made me                               (X)
                        angry like no other man could.'                             (X)
                        Wow, she must've been steamed the
                        day she wrote _this_.

                                            LOIS CLONE (O.S.)
                        Hello, Jimmy.

       Jimmy jumps, startled, as we MOVE to REVEAL Lois Clone,
       loaded shopping bags.

                        Lois!  Listen, I can explain... I
                        accidentally found your...

                                            LOIS CLONE
                               (wearily dumping bags)
                        I have been shopping all _day_.
                        Clark doesn't understand what hard
                        work it is.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    31.   

  45   CONTINUED:                                                                 45  

                                            LOIS CLONE (CONT'D)
                               (stares at him)
                        Have I ever told you you're very

                        What?  No. You never have.

       She's leaning over him, dangerously close.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Well, you certainly are.  Free for
                        lunch?  We could go out for frog

       Clark comes out of Perry's office in b.g., watches, as:

                        I gotta get back to work.  And, uh,
                        I guess I should tell you... I read
                        your book.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        What book?  _Oh_.  Oh my book.
                        Want me to autograph it?

                        _No_, Lois.  It's on your
                        computer... You were writin' it
                        two years ago.

       Clark digests this, steps back into Perry's office.

  46   PERRY'S OFFICE                                                             46  

       Perry's editing copy at his desk.  Clark crosses over, picks
       up one of the framed photos.

                        Lois was writing a book two years

                        Yeah, we just sorta stumbled

                               (sorting it out)                                     (X)
                        She'd _remember_ a thing like that.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    32.   

  46   CONTINUED:                                                                 46  

                        Excuse me?

                        Chief, this company ski trip...

                               (back at work)
                        ... It was just before you started

                        Didn't Lois break her ankle?

                        Right.  Dragged her down off the
                        hill, myself.  The language that
                        woman used that day woulda...

                        When a break heals, isn't there a
                        scar left on the bone?

                        Yeah, uh-huh, and the bone is often
                        stronger than before the....

       He looks up to see he's alone.

  47   BULLPEN - LOIS'S DESK                                                      47  

       The Clone has a mirror set up on her desk, holding a new top
       up to herself and admiring the view.  Clark approaches, and,
       unnoticed by Lois, tips his glasses, X-RAYS her ankle.

  48   CLARK'S X-RAY POV                                                          48  

       Lois Clone's perfectly intact ankle bone.

  49   BACK TO SCENE                                                              49  

                        You never broke your ankle.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        So?  Boy, there's just no pleasing


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    33.   

  49   CONTINUED:                                                                 49  

                               (quiet but urgent)
                        I just x-rayed your ankle and you
                        never broke it.  Lois did.
                               (a long beat)
                        Where is she?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        What're you talking about?!

                               (now loud)
                        You are not my wife!

                                            LOIS CLONE
                               (noting people staring)
                        Honey!  Maybe I'm not the wife you
                        were hoping for, but I'm trying!

       She charges away, he's right behind her, grabs her arm.
       Jimmy's crossing toward them.

                        Who sent you?  Lex?!  What've you
                        done with Lois?!

                                            LOIS CLONE
                               (bursting into tears)
                        Stop it, Clark, you're scaring me!

                        C.K., are you alright?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Jimmy, I don't know what's gotten
                        into him!  He's lost his mind!

                               (shaking her)
                        You're not Lois!  Tell me where she

                                            LOIS CLONE

       Perry has arrived, takes Clark's arm.

                        Son, son... Take it easy...

                        Chief, this isn't Lois...!


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    34.   

  49   CONTINUED:  2                                                              49  

                        Now what would make you say a thing
                        like that?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Yes, Clark.  What _would_ make you
                        say a thing like that?

       Clark looks from one to the other, then wrenches away from
       Perry and dashes out the entry doors.  Lois Clone cries
       noisily as Perry comforts her.  A soft WHOOSH beyond the

                                            LOIS CLONE (CONT'D)
                        It's horrible.  I don't know why I
                        married him!

                                                                CUT TO:

  50   EXT. BIBBO'S ACE O' CLUBS - DAY                                            50  

       Distant ship HORNS; tug WHISTLES. A seedy street near the
       docks.  Red's plumbing truck is parked outside the bar.  We
       MOVE IN on a sign in the window reading "Singer Wanted."
       Inside, someone's singing.

  51   INT. ACE O' CLUBS - ON BIBBO AND RED - DAY                                 51  

       A colorful dive loaded with mementos of Bibbo's colorful
       life.  Tough ex-prizefighter and current bar owner BIBBO
       BIBOWSKI, late 40's, sits at a table with Red, watching the
       O.S. singer.  Chairs are atop tables; a few diehards drink
       at the bar; a busboy mops the floor.

                        That's some set of lungs.

                        I told you you'd like her.

  52   INTERCUT WANDA DETROIT                                                     52  

       Wanda belts out her song on a small, raised area of floor
       that serves as a stage, backed by a guy at an upright piano.
       Wanda finishes, sashays overland in her gravelly voice:

                        So do I get the gig or not?  Just
                        gimme a straight answer and don't
                        jerk me around.  Got any bourbon?


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    35.   

  52   CONTINUED:                                                                 52  

                        Easy, it ain't even noon.  Pull
                        yourself together.  You look like
                        you got hit by a car.

                        Yeah.  A car called 'life.'  Think
                        I ain't played Vegas?  Think I
                        ain't played New York?  I dated a
                        _duke_, doggone it!  But one day                            (X)
                        the liquor and the cigarettes catch
                        up to you and you end up in joints
                        like this singin, for palookas like

                        That's the saddest story I ever

                        My life reads like a bad novel.

                        Well, you got a job if you want it.
                               (offers hand)
                        Bibbo Bibowski.  Put 'er there.

                        And uh... if you're not doin'
                        anything for dinner...

       Sadly amused, Wanda takes hold of his chin, looks at him.

                        You know, kid, I like you.  But I'm
                        poison.  Trouble sticks to me like
                        stink on old fish.  Do yourself a
                        favor and forget me.

                        Wanda, Wanda.  Life's a lonely road
                        to be travelin' solo.  You mean to
                        say you got _no_ one?

       Wanda glances over at the window, stares off,

                               (drifting to the window)
                        It's weird, Bibbo.  I got this
                        feeling there _is_ someone out
                        I just don't know who.

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    36.   

  53   OMITTED                                                                    53  

  54   EXT. ACE O' CLUBS WINDOW                                                   54  

       Wanda stares sadly out at the world as we PULL BACK and

                                                                CUT TO:

  55   EXT. DAILY PLANET - WITH LOIS CLONE - NIGHT #3                             55(X)

       Lois Clone hurries out of the building and down the street
       toward her car.  A man suddenly steps from the shadows, in
       overcoat and hat, his back to CAMERA.  The Clone looks
       shocked and a bit frightened; the man grabs her arm and
       hustles her into...

  56   EXT. GLOOMY ALLEY - NIGHT                                                  56(X)

       The man is Lex Luthor.

                        Where... is... she?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        My offer still stands.

                               (grabs her)
                        Don't make deals with me, Frog
                        Eater!  You think I won't snap your
                        traitorous little neck?  I am at
                        rock bottom.  The only thing I have
                        in this miserable existence is the
                        woman I love, and neither you nor
                        any force of nature is going to
                        keep me from her!

       The Clone defiantly wrenches away from him.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Let _go_ of me!!

                        What have you done with her?!

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        I've lost her!  Your Precious is                            (X)
                        out there somewhere!  But don't
                        worry, I'll find her.

                        You certainly will.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    37.   

  56   CONTINUED:                                                                 56  

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Find her and kill her!


       He charges at her; she whips a gun from her pocket, aims it,
       he freezes.

                                            LEX (CONT'D)
                        What are you doing?!

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Who do you think I am?  That wimp,
                        Lois Lane?  I'm a girl who gets
                        what she wants, and what I want is

                        You didn't before!

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Well, I do now!

                        He won't want you!

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Maybe he will if _she's_ outta the                          (X)
                        way!!  Can't you even encourage
                        me?!!  What kind of father _are_

                               (getting a grip)
                        This is absurd.  I am the master in
                        this relationship.  You are the
                        creature.  I _command_ you to give
                        me that gun.

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Don't be silly.  If I give you the
                        gun, I can't shoot Lois.  Duh.

                               (drawing near,
                        You aren't shooting Lois, and you
                        aren't shooting me.  Look into my
                        eyes.  Look into my eyes!

       She SHOOTS him in the shoulder.  He flies back against the
       wall, holding his shoulder, staring in disbelief.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    38.   

  56   CONTINUED:  2                                                              56  

                                            LEX (CONT'D)
                        You shot me!

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        These must be my rebellious years.

       She dashes off down the street as he slides down the wall.

                                                                CUT TO:

  57   EXT. METROPOLIS NIGHT SKY - NIGHT                                          57  

       A sad, SONG drifts in.  Then Superman flies into view,                       (X)
       scanning the city below for any sign of Lois.  MOVES
       IN on his face, frustrated and sad, then he soars off.  The
       SONG continues as we go to:

  58   INT. ACE O' CLUBS - NIGHT                                                  58  

       Wanda sits in a pool of light before a make-up mirror with
       three hinged mirrors.  CAMERA ARCS around as she applies
       make-up then lets her hand drop as she stares into the three
       images reflected back.  DISSOLVE TO:

  59   INT. LEX'S BUNKER - NIGHT                                                  59  

       Dark, but for.a pool of light in which Lex sits, alone and
       miserable, holding his bandaged arm, plotting.  DISSOLVE TO:

  60   INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - NIGHT                                             60  

       Lois clone sits poring through the yellow pages in a pool of
       light at the table.  She pops a frog in her mouth as she
       finds the page and CAMERA MOVES IN ON IT.  A small display
       ad features "Red's Dockside Plumbing."  DISSOLVE TO:

  61   EXT. BUILDING LEDGE - NIGHT                                                61  

       Superman sits on the ledge, staring down at the city below,                  (X)
       wrapping his cape around himself, turning sadly toward
       CAMERA as we MOVE IN CLOSE to find the beginnings of a tear
       trickling down one cheek.

 61A   MEMORY SHOTS                                                              61A(X)

       Clips from previous episodes.  Lois laughing.  Lois and                      (X)
       Clark sharing a warm moment.  Lois and Clark kissing.  Lois                  (X)
       in her window as CAMERA PULLS AWAY from her.                                 (X)

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    39.   

 61B   SUPERMAN - TIGHT CLOSE UP                                                 61B(X)

       He looks devastated at the memories.                                         (X)

                                                                MATCH DISSOLVE:

  62   INT. ACE O' CLUBS - TIGHT ON WANDA - NIGHT                                 62  

       Wanda, now with big hair and sleazy outfit, has just                         (X)
       finished singing and accepts the APPLAUSE which we begin to
       HEAR as CAMERA PULLS BACK.  She replaces the mike in its                     (X)
       stand as the follow spot irises down on her and she bows.
       Black, then lights come up as the APPLAUSE continues.  She                   (X)
       moves through the crowd of low-lifes to find Bibbo and Red
       APPLAUDING at a table.  The SONG ENDS.

                        Toots, these eyes ain't shed a tear
                        in thirty years, but you dam near
                        got me just now.

                               (going off)
                        Lemme get you a brew, Wanda.

                        Sure, what's one more nail in the

                        The kid there's dyin' to ask you
                        out.  Cut him a break.  You could
                        do worse than Red.

                        And have, believe me.  Look, if you
                        really like him, tell him to keep
                        his distance.  I got this crazy
                        chick lookin' to kill me, and I
                        can't even go to the cops 'cause
                        the cops are lookin' for me.

       Red has come up during this last, holding a mug of beer.

                        Wanda.  C'mon, not you.                                     (X)

                        I was stupid.  I made a fool of
                        myself over...
                        ... Him.

                        Him who?


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    40.   

  62   CONTINUED:                                                                 62  
                        His name's Clark.  I always thought
                        of men as paper napkins.  You pig
                        out, you clean up the mess, you
                        toss 'en.  This guy actually got to
                        me.  But Clark had a secret he was
                        hiding.  I was sure of it.  He                              (X)
                        made me angry like no other man
                        could.                                                      (X)

                        What kinda secret?                                          (X)

                        Whenever we were together, held
                        just take off.  No explanation.
                        I'd be right on the edge of pourin'
                        out my heart.  Ban.  He had
                        somethin' urgent to do.
                        Turns out he was knockin' over gas
                        stations.  Left me sittin' in his
                        car with a trunk full of cash and
                        thirty state troopers on my tail.

                        What's this 'Clark' look like?                              (X)
                        I'll be on the look out.                                    (X)

                               (confused)                                           (X)
                        'Look like?'  Funny, I can't
                        picture him.  All I see in my head                          (X)
                        is a buncha words.                                          (X)

                        Wanda, how can I help?                                      (X)

                        Keep me away from Clark!  I've had
                        enough of that life, I tell ya!  He
                        ain't gonna drag me back!
                               (beat; staring off)
                        I sing the sad songs, boys.  'Cause
                        sadness is what I know.  But it's a
                        sadness with no face.  Who is it
                        I'm lookin' for?

  63   EXT. ACE O' CLUBS - NIGHT                                                  63  

       Foggy and gloomy.  Lois' car pulls up to CAMERA.  At the
       wheel is Lois Clone.

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    41.   

  64   HER POV                                                                    64  

       The truck marked "Red's Dockside Plumbing."

  65   LOIS' CAR                                                                  65  

       Lois Clone gets out of the car, steps up to the truck, then
       glances over at the window of Bibbo's, goes over, pears in.

  66   HER POV - INSIDE BIBBO'S                                                   66  

       Wanda is talking to Bibbo and Red.

  67   LOIS CLONE                                                                 67  

       She digests this; her eyes narrow; we...

                                                                CUT TO:

  68   EXT. CITY SKYLINE - TO ESTABLISH DAWN (STOCK) - DAY #4                     68  

  69   INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - ON DOORS DAWN                                     69  

       We hear the lock UNLOCK, and the door opens. Clark, we
       from a night of searching, enters the din room, flipping on
       a light.  He looks up and his mouth falls open.

  70   WIDER - THE ROOM                                                           70  

       Every image of Lois has been trashed.  A large photo has a                   (X)
       meat cleaver in it.  Pictures of Lois and Clark are ripped                   (X)
       in half.  Framed Lois photos are smashed.  Scrawled on the                   (X)
       wall in huge letters:  "Lois dies!"  Then:

                                            LEX (O.S.)
                        It appears we both have our hands

  71   ANGLE                                                                      71  

       Clark spins and Lex Luthor, coat draped over his shoulders,
       steps from the shadowy bedroom area.  Clark's face contorts
       and he loses it, charging at Lex and slamming him up against
       a wall.

                               (dangerous; seething)
                        Do you know how easily I could kill


                            --page break--
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  71   CONTINUED:                                                                 71  


                        Probably not.

                        Unfortunately, we need each other.

                        What have you done with her?!
                        Where _is_ she?!!

                        I replaced her.  Just before the

                        And sent that 'thing' to be with
                        me!  Where's Lois?!

                        I lost her.

                        _Lost_ her?!

       Clark lightly tosses Lex, who hurtles across the room and
       lands on the couch, hurting his injured arm.

                        Ow!!  Easy.
                        Kent, you must hate me with more
                        hate than you thought possible. 
                        But there's a larger issue.  The
                        Clone's gotten it into her head to
                        destroy Lois.


                        Replicants are quite childish,
                        always throwing tantrums...
                               (nods to the room)
                        ... as you can see.  Well, she's
                        decided she wants you and has to
                        eliminate the competition.
                               (pulls down coat to
                                reveal his bloody sleeve)
                        I guarantee she means business.

       Clark grabs Lex by the shirt front, yanks him to his feet,
       grabs a phone, dials.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    43.   

  71   CONTINUED:  2                                                              71  

                                            LEX (CONT'D)
                        Calling the police?  Sending me
                        back to prison?  The clock is
                        ticking, Kent!  We need each other!
                        I know that Clone's every move. 
                        And you... You're the only man on
                        earth who wants to find Lois as
                        much as I.

       Clark slowly puts down the phone, and with his other hand,
       brings Lex very close to his own face as CAMERA MOVES IN:

                               (barely in control)
                        I.... swear to you.... If anything's
                        happened to Lois...

                        We're wasting time.  The creature
                        may have already found her.


                                 _END OF ACT THREE_

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    44.   

                                  _ACT FOUR_

  72   CLOSE ON DAILY PLANET HEADLINES -- SPINNING OUT AT US.                     72  

       The front page settles and reveals a photo of:  "Lois Lane:

                                                                MATCH CUT TO:

  73   INT. ACE O'CLUBS - ON NEWSPAPER - MORNING                                  73  

       Red and Wanda Detroit are sitting at the bar, staring at the

                        That's her.  The crazy woman who
                        looks just like me.

                        And you still can't figure out why
                        she wants to kill you?

                        Life's been tough.  Guess I ruffled
                        some feathers along the way.
                        Boys, it may be time for me to move

                                                                CUT TO:

   74  INT. CLARK'S LIVING ROOM - MORNING                                         74  

       Lex is there with Clark.

                        You gave her _what_?!

                        A simple injection to keep her from
                        speaking.  It's possibly why you
                        haven't heard from her.

       He slams Lex up against the wall.

                        Lois would move heaven and earth to
                        contact me.  Or Superman.  I know
                        Lois.                                                       (X)


                            --page break--
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  74   CONTINUED:                                                                 74  

                        Lest you forget, Kent, she was                              (X)
                        once my intended.  The fact that I                          (X)
                        knew some aspects of her and you                            (X)
                        others, can be an asset to our

       Clark roughly releases Lex, turns away.

                        Where'd you see her last?

                        Outside a bank.  She'd just kicked
                        me in the jaw.

       Clark grins in spite of himself.

                        That's Lois.

                        She's an amazing woman.  I've never
                        known anyone like her.


                               (looking off)
                        Stupidly so, at times.

                               (looking off)
                        I try to get her to take it easy,

                        ... She won't listen.  And yet,
                        when she's sad, and she cries...

                        You wanna die.

                        Tell me about it.

       They stop, glance uncomfortably at each other, Good and Evil
       met on common ground.  Then:

                                            LEX (CONT'D)
                        I'll help find her, Kent.  In this
                        one instance, you can trust me.

       He extends a hand to Clark to shake.  Clark glances warily
       at the hand, then a KNOCK at the door.  Both men spring

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    46.   

  75   THE DOOR                                                                   75  

       Lex has shrunk back to the bedroom area as Clark opens the
       door to reveal Jimmy.  Rapid fire:

                        C.K.!  This guy just showed up at
                        the Planet.

                        What guy?

                        Red something or other.  When you
                        told us last night Lois was
                        missing, we ran her picture on the
                        front page.  This 'Red' saw the
                        picture and says we need to know
                        something about Lois Lane.

                        And that would be..?

                        She's a murderer.  Or potential


                        But that's not the important part.

                        What _is_?!

                        Red says Lois is trying to kill his
                        new girlfriend.

                        And she would be..?

                        Wanda Detroit!!

                        Who is ... ?

                        The heroine of Lois's secret novel.

  76   ON LEX                                                                     76  

       He presses against the bedroom doorway, listening.


                            --page break--
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  76   CONTINUED:                                                                 76  

                                            CLARK (O.S.)
                        ... Lois is somewhere acting like                           (X)
                        the heroine of her secret novel?!

  77   BACK TO JIMMY AND CLARK                                                    77  

       Jimmy waves the print-out he made from her computer.

                        Wanda Detroit!  Wanda's got this                            (X)
                        jerk of a boyfriend named...                                (X)
                        'Clark.'  He's elusive and

                        She must've written that when she
                        was mad at me.

                        Then there's this other dude who
                        she seriously loves.  Her hero. 
                        The guy she'd do anything for. 
                        Only he won't give her the time
                        of day.  His name's Kent.  One
                        thing about Lois's brain, it sure
                        is filled with a lot of you.

                        Oh God...  Where can I find her?                            (X)

                        At the docks.  She sings at this
                        dive called The Ace-O'-Clubs.

                        Jimmy, thanks!

       He tosses the door closed as:

                        Wait, take me with...

       SLAM!  The door is closed.  Clark yanks it back open.


       He SLAMS the door again, dashes down to the bedroom.

                                            CLARK (CONT'D)
                        Luthor, I think I know where...

       But as he looks in the bedroom he finds no one.  Then he
       notices the window is wide open.  Lex has fled.

                                                                CUT TO:

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    48.   

  78   INT. ACE Of CLUBS - DAY                                                    78  

       Bibbo is watering the liquor.  Wanda comes rushing out of
       the back room carrying a brown paper bag.

                        We're gonna miss you Wanda.  You're
                        really stacked, and you enchant the

                        Gotta keep movin'.  Honky-tonk bars
                        and blues guitars.  Story of my

                        What about Red?

                        Aw, he's better off without me. 
                        I'm like cheap booze, Bibbo: The
                        high ain't bad; the hangover's
                        murder.  I'm gonna kiss the cook

       She exits to the kitchen just as:

  79   ANGLE                                                                      79  

       The SUPER WHOOSH outside swings open the door, scattering
       napkins, and knocking over a bottle.  Then Clark enters.
       Inside, he notices an easel next to the piano. on it is a
       photo of Lois, under which is written "Tonight - Wanda
       Detroit."  He approaches the bar.

                        What can I offer you today?


                        The capital of Connecticut is

                        About Wanda Detroit.  Is she around

                        At Bibbo's, our artists have a 'no
                        autograph' policy.

                        I'm with the Daily Planet.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    49.   

  79   CONTINUED:                                                                 79  

                        The food critic.  At last.

                        I'm a reporter.  And a friend of
                        Lo... Wanda Detroit's.  Maybe you
                        could get a note to her.

  80   BEHIND THE DOOR BETWEEN KITCHEN AND BAR                                    80  

       Wanda listens in horror to:

                                            BIBBO (O.S.)
                        All right.  What's your name?

                                            CLARK (O.S.)

       Wanda cringes, frightened.


       Then she looks around, vanishes from FRAME.

  81   THE BAR                                                                    81  

                        Clark and Bibbo.

                                            RED (O.S.)
                        What'd ya say your name was, buddy?

       Clark spins as CAMERA ADJUSTS to find an angry-looking Red.

                        Bibbo, this is the creep who's                              (X)
                        hounding Wanda.
                               (to Clark)
                        I just got one thing to say to                              (X)
                        you, buster.


       And Red hauls off and slugs Clark.  Clark, stares,
       unaffected.  Then he catches himself and feigns hurt.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    50.   

  81   CONTINUED:                                                                 81  

                                            CLARK (CONT'D)
                        Uh. Ow.

                        Maybe this'll teach you to mess
                        with Wanda.

       And he slugs Clark who once again takes the punch.


  82   EXT. GLOOMY STREET - DAY                                                   82  

       Wanda has raced away from the club and is hustling down the
       street.  She turns a corner, and:


  83   NEW ANGLE                                                                  83  

       The Clone has a gun aimed at Wanda.

                                            LOIS CLONE

                        Who are you?                                                (X)

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Oh, like you don't know.  We both                           (X)
                        have the same boyfriend!

                        Kid.  I doubt we draw from the same
                        date pool.  Who's your boyfriend?

                                            LOIS CLONE
                        Like you don't know!  I've decided
                        being Mrs. Clark Kent is really
                        cool, and you being alive is a
                        drag.  So...

       She raises the gun and prepares to fire.

                        Now, wait a minute!!

       O.S., the sound of SQUEALING TIRES.  The Clone spins, and:

                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    51.   

  84   NEW ANGLE                                                                  84   

       A dark sedan is bearing down on the Clone.  It jumps the
       curb and ROARS down the sidewalk and she takes off running,
       finally diving over some trash barrels into an alley as the
       car ROARS past.  The gun has gone flying, Wanda grabs it.                    (X)

       Up ahead, the Car goes into a SCREECHING U-Turn and doubles
       back, skidding to a stop near Wanda, who aims the gun at the
       driver's door.  Lex pops out.                                                (X)

                        Angel!  It's me!  The man you love.
                               (off her blank stare)
                        Wanda... It's Kent!

                               (lowering gun)
                        You're... Kent?                                             (X)

                               (tossing gun in car)                                 (X)
                        The man you love and thought you                            (X)
                        couldn't have.  Well, good news.                            (X)
                        You can.

                        I sure hope this isn't a dream.                             (X)

                        A dream come true.                                          (X)

       Wanda melts in his arms, he kisses her.                                      (X)

                                            LEX (CONT'D)
                        Only one person stands in our way.                          (X)

                        I know, I know!  Clark!  He's
                        here!                                                       (X)

                        He's got it in his crazed brain                             (X)
                        that _I'm_ the one who's no good
                        for you.  But everything will be                            (X)
                        fine if you do _exactly_ as I say.                          (X)

  85   INT. ACE Of CLUBS - DAY                                                    85  

       Bibbo and Red, sweating and weary, stand before Clark, both
       slugging him in the gut with rhythmic punches, during:

                        Look.  I just need some
                        information.  Hello?  Please, I've
                        had enough.  I give.


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    52.   

  85   CONTINUED:                                                                 85  

       He finally sighs, tosses the two men lightly away from him,
       they hit the wall.  Clark strides off.                                       (X)

                               (breathing hard)
                        And if you come back, there's more
                        where that came from.

  86   OMITTED                                                                    86  

  87   INT. SEDAN - WANDA AND LEX                                                 87  

                        I'm not sure I can do what you
                        said...                                                     (X)

                        of course you can; you're a
                        thespian.                                                   (X)

       Lex puts the car in gear, it doesn't move.

  88   ACCELERATOR - INSERT                                                       88  

       He floors it.

  89   REAR TIRE                                                                  89  

       It spins and smokes; the car goes nowhere.

  90   EXT. CAR - LOOSER                                                          90  

       Superman stands holding the earls rear bumper.  The wheels
       stop turning and Superman gives the car a spin.  It spins
       around at HIGH SPEED and Superman BLURS behind a parked
       truck and comes out the other side as Clark.  The car
       abruptly stops spinning, facing Clark.  Clark yanks open the
       driver's door and grabs Lex, yanking him out of the car.
       Wanda jumps out of the passenger door.                                       (X)

                        Why did I trust you? Even for a

                        I'm only trying to protect her...                           (X)
                               (glances at Wanda)
                        ... _Clark_.                                                (X)


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    53.   

  90   CONTINUED:                                                                 90  

                               (hurrying over)                                      (X)
                        Clark...                                                    (X)

       Clark tosses Lex back against the car, turns to Wanda,
       palls her into an intense embrace.                                           (X)

                                            CLARK (CONT'D)
                        Oh God, I missed you!
                               (kissing all of her)
                        You're alright!  _Are_ you alright?

                        Clark, we have to talk.                                     (X)

                        Let's just get you safe.                                    (X)

                        I'm safe now.                                               (X)
                        With Lex.                                                   (X)

                        Lois, what're you talking about?                            (X)

                        Clark, we've been saved from a                              (X)
                        horrible mistake.                                           (X)

                        What mistake?                                               (X)

                        Getting married.                                            (X)

       Clark just stares in horror; Wanda goes on as if repeating                   (X)
       memorized lines.                                                             (X)

                                            WANDA (CONT'D)
                        I had doubts. I was afraid to                               (X)
                        disappoint you... our parents...                            (X)
                        I couldn't even face you.  That's                           (X)
                        why I hid out here... pretending to
                        be Wanda.  The truth is, I'm not                            (X)
                        made for marriage.  I need to go
                        away and sort things out.                                   (X)

                        Go... where?                                                (X)


                            --page break--
       "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" (#16)  FULL Blue Rev.        1/9/96                    54.   

  90   CONTINUED:  2                                                              90  

                        Wherever Lex takes me.  Seeing him                          (X)
                        again brought back all my old
                        feelings.                                                   (X)

                               (almost unable to ask)                               (X)
                        What old feelings?                                          (X)

                        I love him.                                                 (X)

                               (moving toward her)
                        Lois, you don't mean this. What                             (X)
                        about me?                                                   (X)

                        I _don't_ love you.                                         (X)
                        I'm leaving, Clark!  And if you                             (X)
                        love me as much as you say you do,
                        you'll let me go!                                           (X)

       He's stunned; she turns and heads back to the other side of                  (X)
       the car, as:

                        Tough break, old man. Well, I hope

Kikavu ?

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30.06.2020 vers 10h

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !